History Catalogue 2006.qxp - Blackwell Publishing

History Catalogue 2006.qxp - Blackwell Publishing

History Catalogue 2006.qxp - Blackwell Publishing


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AEgypt,oryofAncientBOJANA ,ascolNi , imal GrThe ncientNear East,AEast, theAncientNearAEast, aniontotheAncientNearcipheringtheDeadSeaScrol lsJONATHANG. CAMPBEL ,MARC EROP , VANDEMIANCIENT NEAR EASTERN HISTORY / EGYPTIAN HISTORY8NEWsiriOsirisOsDeath and Afterlife of a GodBOJANAMOJSOVMOJSOVIndependent EgyptologistOsiris, ruler of the netherworld, played a central part inthe religious life of the ancient Egyptians, and his cultgrew in popularity down the ages. This beautifullyillustrated book is the first to tell the story of the cult ofOsiris from beginning to end.Author Bojana Mojsov proves that the cult of Osiriswas the most popular and enduring in any ancientreligion and shows how it provided direct antecedentsfor many ideas, traits, and customs in Christianity.176 PAGES / 1-4051-1073-2 HB / 1-4051-3179-9 PB / OCTOBER 2005EgyptentnAnci iWarWar in Ancient EgyptThe New KingdomAnthony, ngeriSpalANTHONY J. SPALINGERUniversity of Auckland“For anyone interested in Egyptian militaryhistory, and wanting to learn more than thesimple dry facts and the well-know major battles,this book is an absolute must. The author is to becongratulated on this major contribution to ourknowledge of warfare in ancient Egypt, presentedin a very readable book, suitable for the beginneras well as the real enthusiast.”SERIES: ANCIENT WORLD AT WAR312 PAGES / 1-4051-1371-5 HB / 1-4051-1372-3 PB / 2004ALSO OF INTERESTA <strong>History</strong> of Ancient EgyptNICOLAS GRIMAL528 PAGES / 0-631-19396-0 PB / 1994ANCIENT EGYPTA <strong>History</strong> ofByzantium, AistoryofByzantiumTimothy ,TIMOTHYGregoryE. GREGORYOhio State UniversityThis book is a concise narrative ofByzantine history from the time ofConstantine the Great in AD 306 to thefall of Constantinople in 1453. The authorpresents Byzantium as a vital society,important in its own right, but also onethat served as a bridge between East andWest, and ancient and modern society.A HISTORY OF BYZANTIUM uses thechronological political history of theempire as a narrative frame, butbalances politics with a considerationof social and economic life and the richculture of Byzantium. Visual documents,such as photographs of art, architecture,and implements from daily life, are usedalongside the text to raise questionsabout life in the Byzantine Empire.SERIES: BLACKWELL HISTORY OF THE ANCIENTWORLD400 PAGES0-631-23512-4 HB0-631-23513-2 PB / JANUARY 2005NEW IN 2006The AncientNear EastHistorical Sources in TranslationMARKEditedCHAVALAS,by MARK W. CHAVALASUniversity of Wisconsin-la CrosseThis book provides the reader with theprimary sources for the history of theancient Near East. Covering the periodfrom the earliest historical and literarytexts (c.2700 BC) to the Hellenistichistorians who wrote on ancient NearEastern history (c.250 BC), it presentsnew translations of Mesopotamian andancient Near Eastern historiographictexts, and other related materials.SERIES: BLACKWELL SOURCEBOOKS IN ANCIENTHISTORY544 PAGES0-631-23580-9 HB0-631-23581-7 PB / MARCH 2006A Companionto the AncientNear EastelDani ,lSnelEdited by DANIEL C. SNELLUniversity of Oklahoma“Students will find stimulatingintroductions to a wide range ofsubjects, not treated inencyclopaedias or dryer standardworks... on which to hone theircritical faculties.”BRYN MAWR CLASSICAL REVIEWSERIES: BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO THEANCIENT WORLD528 PAGES / 0-631-23293-1 HB / 2004NOW AVAILABLE IN THE USDeciphering theDead Sea ScrollsSecond EditionJONATHAN G. CAMPBELLUniversity of BristolThis book explains the nature andsignificance of the Dead Sea Scrollsand the dramatic impact they havehad on our understanding of ancientPalestine. The second edition hasbeen thoroughly updated, with anew chapter and a survey of themanuscripts.240 PAGES0-631-22992-2 HB / 0-631-22993-0 PB / 2002ALSO OF INTERESTA <strong>History</strong> of the Ancient Near East:c. 3000 - 323 BCMARC VAN DE MIEROOPSERIES: BLACKWELL HISTORY OF THE ANCIENTWORLD336 PAGES / 0-631-22552-8 PB / 2003

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