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Chapter Six: Innovative Approaches to Developmentand Cross-cutting IssuesInnovative partnershipsDuring 2010, WVU continued to put emphasis on increasing partnerships and externalengagement as a way of implementing programmes at the field level and strategicpartnerships at the national level.17Annual Report 2010Some of the notable partnerships in place during 2010include: Newspapers in Education (NiE) with TheMonitor <strong>Publication</strong>s Ltd. that providesnewspapers for primary school children in 10districts. A Memorandum of Understanding withMakerere University Department of PublicHealth that resulted into the incorporation ofthe Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Groups(IPT-G), a depression intervention model usedby <strong>World</strong> <strong>Vision</strong> in Masaka and Rakai, into thecurriculum of the Bachelor of CommunityPsychology programme at the university. In partnership with the Economic PolicyResearch Centre at Makerere University, thequality of primary education in Kiboga, Hoima,and Apac districts is being monitored andthe findings being shared with the DistrictEducation Officers for future planning. WVU sub-granted over Ug. Shs 634 million(equivalent of US$ 244,000) to 80 localpartners to implement activities focusingon the well-being of children and theircommunities.Giving Citizens a VoiceWVU continued to strengthen citizens’ voices toinfluence the quality of services delivered to them bythe Government through the Citizen Voice and Actioncampaign. This has made the local government to bemore responsive and accountable.A good example is in Nakasongola District where ahealth worker at Kawaka Health Centre II had notbeen paid her salary for six months. However, this wassorted out when the issue came to the attention ofthe local Citizen Voice and Action team that wroteto the District Medical Officer and copied the ChiefAdministrative Officer, who is the accounting officerfor the district. From then, the community learnt tolisten to the challenges that face service providersand seek solutions to them so that together they canserve one another better.Gifts in Kind compliment development effortsDuring 2010, WVU received Gifts-in-Kind that wereintegrated into the ADP plans and interventions foreducation, health, HIV/AIDS and emergency relief.WVU received 31 consignments of products thatranged from medical examination tables, medicaldrugs, textbooks and caretaker kits for those takingcare of HIV/AIDS patients.

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