dismissed their claims and their requests for injunctive relief

dismissed their claims and their requests for injunctive relief

dismissed their claims and their requests for injunctive relief


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Case 1:04-cv-08825-JFK-HBP Document 118 Filed 06/26/12 Page 44 of 56(noting that “New York courts disregard corporate <strong>for</strong>mreluctantly”). The concept of veil-piercing “is equitable innature <strong>and</strong> assumes that the corporation itself is liable <strong>for</strong> theobligation sought to be imposed. Thus, an attempt of a thirdparty to pierce the corporate veil does not constitute a causeof action independent of that against the corporation; rather itis an assertion of facts <strong>and</strong> circumstances which will persuadethe court to impose the corporate obligation on its owners.”Morris v. N.Y. State Dep’t of Taxation & Fin., 623 N.E.2d 1157,1160 (N.Y. 1993). Such facts <strong>and</strong> circumstances include the need“to prevent fraud or to achieve equity.” Billy v. Consol. Mach.Tool Corp., 412 N.E.2d 934, 941 (N.Y. 1980).Under New York law, plaintiff may pierce the corporate veilwhere there is evidence showing “(i) that the owner exercisedcomplete domination over the corporation with respect to thetransaction at issue; <strong>and</strong> (ii) that such domination was used tocommit a fraud or wrong that injured the party seeking to piercethe veil.” Am. Fuel Corp. v. Utah Energy Dev. Co., 122 F.3d130, 134 (2d Cir. 1997); see Thrift Drug, Inc. v. UniversalPrescription Adm’rs, 131 F.3d 95, 97 (2d Cir. 1997); cf. LifeIns. Corp. of India v. Escorts Ltd., A.I.R. 1986 S.C. 1370, 1418(India) (Indian courts will pierce the corporate veil to prevent“fraud or improper conduct”). Courts consider a number offactors in determining domination, including:44

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