Ayurveda PG Entrance examination 2009 Test Paper - AYURVEDPG

Ayurveda PG Entrance examination 2009 Test Paper - AYURVEDPG

Ayurveda PG Entrance examination 2009 Test Paper - AYURVEDPG


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Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼1½ ^vFkkrks nh?kZ×thforh;e/;k;a O;k[;kL;ke%* & bl lw= esa fdrus in gS \¼v½ lIrin¼c½ v’Vin¼l½ n”kin¼n½ }kn”kin¼2½ pjd lafgrk ds v’V LFkkuksa esa 'yksd LFkku ,ao vkJ; LFkku dh Øe la[;k crk;saA¼v½ izFke ,ao prqFkZ¼c½ r`rh; ,ao iape~¼l½ prqFkZ ,ao ‘k’Be~¼n½ lIrEk~ ,ao v’Ve~¼3½ pjd lafgrk ds Lkw=LFkku v/;k; 2 esa dqy fdrus izdkj ds ;okxw dk mYys[k gS \¼v½ 28¼c½ 32¼l½ 12¼n½ 18¼4½ galksnd ty dk fdl _rq esa rS;kj gksrk gSa \¼v½ gsear _rq¼c½ c’kkZ _rq¼l½ f”kf”kj _rq¼n½ mi;qZä lHkh _rqvksa esa¼5½ **e/;s e/;cya RoUrs Js’Bexzs fofuZfnZ”ksr~** ;gkW pØikf.k vuqlkj ^vxzs* in dk mfpr vFkZ gS \ ¼p- lw- 6@8½¼v½ f'kf'kjs¼c½ iz/kkus¼l½ pS=s¼n½ o’kkZ;ke~¼6½ ^^lsfUæ;** dk D;k vFkZ gksrk gS \ ¼p- lw- 1@48½¼v½ bfUnz; ;qä¼c½ psruk ;qä¼l½ euks ;qä¼n½ cqf) ;qä¼7½ pjd ds er ls Lusg cfLr O;kin dh la[;k gS \ ¼p- fl- 4@25½¼v½ 10¼c½ 8¼l½ 6¼n½ 12¼8½ v/kksfyf[kr esa ls dkSu ,d cfLr O;kir ugha gS \ ¼p- fl- 7@6½¼v½ ifjlzko¼c½ izokfgdk¼l½ xzg.kh¼n½ Dye1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. CShyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 099939614271

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼9½ ân;a LrC/ka Hkkfjda lk”exHkZor~ & fdldk y{k.k gS \ ¼v- â- fu- 5@42½¼v½ dQt ân; jksx¼c½ dQt vcqZn¼l½ okfrd xzg.kh¼n½ dQt xzg.kh¼10½ pjd ds er LrU; dk izek.k fdrus vatfy gksrk gS \ ¼p- “kk- 7@15½¼v½ 1¼c½ 2¼l½ 3¼n½ 4¼11½ lqJqr ersu “kkjhfjeq[k ;a= dk dk;Z gS \ ¼lq- lw- 8@4½¼v½ lhou¼c½ Nsnu¼l½ ys[ku¼n½ folzko.k¼12½ lqJqrkuqlkj *mfRi’V* fdldk Hksn gS \ ¼lq- fu- 15@7½¼v½ laf/keqDr¼c½ dk.MHkXu¼l½ l|ksoz.k¼n½ miZ;qä esa dksbZ ugh \¼13½ vkpk;Z pjd ds er ls fdl ;ksfuO;kin esa ^^d.Mw** y{k.k feyrk gS \ ¼p fp- 30@18½¼v½ vpj.kk¼c½ izkDpkj.kk¼l½ vfrpj.kk¼n½ okryk¼14½ pjd lafgrk esa fHk’kd~ ijh{kk fo’k;d i`Pnkfof/k ds fdrus izdkj crk;s gaS \ ¼p lw- 30@30½¼v½ 4¼c½ 8¼l½ 10¼n½ 12¼15½ Sheobia Robastica is the botanical name of -¼v½ “kky¼c½ “kYydh¼l½ ljy¼n½ ltZ¼16½ ^^jkspfudk** fdldk i;kZ; gS \¼v½ lkfjok¼c½ dfEiYyd¼l½ nHkZ¼n½ fp=d9. C 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. BShyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 099939614272

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼17½ rkez HkLe esa fuEuksDr xq.k/keZ jgrs gSa \¼v½ ”kks/ku¼c½ “keu¼l½ càg.k¼n½ mi;Zqä lHkh esa¼18½ ^^eqLrkfn ;kiuk ofLr** dk iz;ksx v/kksfyf[kr esa ls fdl O;kf/k esa okXHkê us dgk gS \¼v½ cU/;Ro esa¼c½ vl`Xnj esa¼l½ vfrpj.kk ;ksfuO;kin esa¼n½ vfpj.kk ;ksfuO;kin esa¼19½ pjdkuqlkj loZdky ns;k cfLr dkSu lh gS \ ¼p- fl- 12@15½¼v½ ek=k¼c½ vuqoklu¼l½ mÙkj¼n½ ;kiuk¼20½ e”kZ uL; dh mÙke ek=k gksrh gS \ ¼v- â- lw- 20@10½¼v½ 12 cwWn¼c½ 10 cwWn¼l½ 8 cwWn¼n½ 6 cwWn¼21½ lHkh us= jksxksa esa okXHkê us izFkeksiØe D;k cryk;k gS \ ¼v- â- lw- 23@1½¼v½ riZ.k¼c½ fi.Mh¼l½ vk”P;ksru¼n½ foMkyd¼22½ ^rL;ks’e.kk nzoks /kkrq/kkZrks/kkZrks% izflP;rs* ;g dFku fdl O;kf/k ds lanHkZ esa pjd us dgk gS \ ¼p fp- 4@8½¼v½ foliZ¼c½ jkt;{ek¼l½ jDrfiÙk¼n½ jäkfrlkj¼23½ “kqØO;kin jksxksa esa fdl izns”k esa fljk os/ku djuk pkfg, \ ¼lq- “kk- 8@17½¼v½ o`’k.k¼c½ lhouh¼l½ es

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼25½ pjd ds vuqlkj LrU; nks"kksa dh la[;k gSa \ ¼p- lw- 19@3½¼v½ 5¼c½ 8¼l½ 7¼n½ 9¼26½ “kkjaX/kZZj ds vuqlkj ^;ean"Vªk dky* gSa \¼v½ dkfrZd ekl ds vafre vkB fnu¼c½ ekxZ “kh’kZ ekl izkjafHkd vkB fnu¼l½ v] c nksuksa¼n½ mi;qZä esa ls dksbZ ugh¼27½ ^d’kk; vkSj fu;wZg* fdlds i;kZ; gS \¼v½ dsoy Lojl ds¼c½ dsoy DokFk ds¼l½ Lojl vkSj DokFk nksuksa ds¼n½ DokFk vkSj Lojl ds¼28½ uo Toj esa fdldk fu’ks/k ugha gS \ ¼p- fp- 3@162½¼v½ d’kk; jl¼c½ izokr¼l½ d’kk; dYiuk¼n½ Luku¼29½ funZ”kkgefi KkRok dQksÙkjeyaf?kre~A u-----------------------d’kk;fl)eqipkj;sr~A ¼p- fp- 3@165½¼v½ nqX/ka¼c½ ?k`re~¼l½ oeua¼n½ fojspuEk~¼30½ ^xrjls’kq vkS’k/ks’kq LFkkyheorh;Z* & bl lw= dk iz;ksx fdl lanHkZ esa vk;k gS \ ¼p- fo- 7@17½¼v½ DokFk dYIkuk¼c½ Lusgikd dYIkuk¼l½ vklo dYIkuk¼n½ mi;qZä lHkh¼31½ *vikax* eeZ dk mYys[k fdl oxZ esa gS \ ¼lq- “kk- 6@13½¼v½ l|izk.kgj¼c½ dkykUrj izk.kgj¼l½ :tkdj¼n½ oSdY;dj¼32½ Luk;qfHk”p izfrPNkku~ lUrrk”p tjk;q.kkA “ys’e.kk osf’Vrka”pkfi ----------------------rku~ fonq%AA ¼lq- “kk- 4@7½¼v½ is”khHkkxLrq¼c½ dykHkkxkLrq¼l½ d.MjkHkkxLrq¼n½ laf/kHkkxLrq25. B 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. BShyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 099939614274

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼33½ pjd ds er ls fdl ekg esa xHkZ xHkkZ”k; esa fLFkjRo izkIr djrk gS \ ¼p- “kk- 4@20½¼v½ r`rh;¼c½ prqFkZ¼l½ iape~¼n½ ‘k’Ve~¼34½ ^vf/kekal* jksx esa dkSulk fpfdRlksiØi djrs gS \ ¼lq- lw- 25@4½¼v½ Nsnu¼c½ Hksnu¼l½ ys[ku¼n½ lhou¼35½ lqJqrkuqlkj vf{kxr iVyksa dh la[;k fdruh gS \ ¼lq- m- 1@17½¼v½ 4¼c½ 5¼l½ 6¼n½ 2¼36½ vkpk;Z lqJqr ds vuqlkj nwf’kr tynks’k ds fdrus izdkj gS \ ¼lq- lw- 45@11½¼v½ 5¼c½ 6¼l½ 7¼n½ 8¼37½ ikdks ukfLr fcuk oh;kZn oh;Z ukfLr fcuk jlkr~A jlks ukfLr fcuk æO;kr~ æO;a Js"Bre% Le`re~A &fdldk dFku gS \¼v½ pjd¼c½ 'kkajX/kZj¼l½ pØikf.k¼n½ LkqJqr¼38½ ^O;kgr* D;k gS \¼v½ ra=;qfDr¼c½ vFkkZJ;¼l½ rkPNhY;¼n½ mi;Zqä esa ls dksbZ ugh¼39½ fuEufyf[kr dYiksa dk iz/kku ?kVd ^fgaxqy* gS flok;&¼v½ fgaxqys'oj jl¼c½ vkuanHkSjo jl¼l½ f=HkqoudhfrZ jl¼n½ lwr”ks[kj jl¼40½ ^dnj* esa nkgdeZ lk/ku gS \ ¼lq- fp- 20@23½¼v½ {kkj¼c½ tEckS’B¼l½ Lusg¼n½ xqM33. B 34. A 35. A 36. B 37. D 38. D 39. D 40. CShyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 099939614275

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼41½ tyh;ok’is fu;kZrs fi/kkusu fi/kki;sr~ & dk funsZ”k fdldh fuekZ.k izfd;k ds lanHkZ esa gS \ ¼j- r- 6@71½¼v½ iksêyh & gsexHkZiksêyh¼c½ dwihiDo & jldiwZj¼l½ iiZVh & xxuiiZVh¼n½ bu lHkh dh¼42½ ^cLrxfU/kRo* & ;g fdl O;kf/k dk iwoZ:i gS \ ¼lq- fu- 3@5½¼v½ v'ejh¼c½ ew=d`PNª¼l½ ew=?kkr¼n½ izesg¼43½ ^rkezk l”kwyk* fdl fifMdk dk y{k.k gS \ ¼lq- m- 3@15½¼v½ fonkfjdk¼c½ vtyh¼l½ foLQksVd¼n½ elwfjdk¼44½ vkpk;Z lqJqr ds vuqlkj LFkkoj fo’k ds vf/k"Bku gksrs gS \ ¼lq- d- 2@4½¼v½ 5¼c½ 6¼l½ 10¼n½ 12¼45½ U;kf;d QkWlh esa izk;% dkSulh xzSOkd”ks:dk,Wa ¼Cervical Vertebrae½ {kfrxzLr gksrh gS \¼v½ 1&2¼c½ 2&3¼l½ 4&5¼n½ mi;Zqä esa ls dksbZ ugha¼46½ ^fo"dEHk* v/kksfyf[kr esa ls fdl jksx ls lacaf/kr gS \¼v½ xHkZO;kin~¼c½ xfHkZ.kh O;kin~¼l½ ew

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼49½ pjd ds er ls ^_’;ftâok* dq’B esa fdu nks’kksa dk izk/kkU; gksrk gS \ ¼p- fu- 5@5½¼v½ okrfiÙkt¼c½ dQfiÙkt¼l½ okrdQt¼n½ f=nks’kt¼50½ d"kk; e/kqja ik.Mq :{ka esgfr ;ks uj%A & ;g y{k.k fdl O;kf/k ds gS \ ¼p- fu- 4@44½¼v½ fiÙkk”ejh¼c½ ew=d`PNª¼l½ e/kqesg¼n½ eTTkesg¼51½ pjd ds er ls f”o= esa vxz iz;ksT; fpfdRlk gS \ ¼p- fp- 7@69½¼v½ vuqykseue~¼c½ fojspu¼l½ lalzu¼n½ Hksnu¼52½ ^nhIr* jksx dk laca/k fdlls gS \¼v½ HkLed jksx¼c½ uklkxr jksx¼l½ mnj jksx¼n½ vfXunX/k¼53½ lqJqrkuqlkj fuEu esa ls fdu izkf.k;ksa esa liZfo’k dk vfrizorZu ugha gksrk gSa \ ¼lq- d- 4@45½¼v½ udqy¼c½ ektkZj¼l½ gkFkh¼n½ v] c nksukas¼54½ lqJqrkuqlkj ^^yx.k** fdl vo;oxr jksx gS \ ¼lq- m- 3@27½¼v½ d.kZ¼c½ d.B¼l½ us=oReZ¼n½ us= i{e¼55½ fdl vfXunX/k esa *LQksV* mRiUu gksrs gS \ ¼lq- lw- 12@16½¼v½ Iyq"V¼c½ nqnZX/k¼l½ lE;d~ nX/k¼n½ vfrnX/k¼56½ pjd er ls ^[kqMokrcykl] vk

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼57½ ^PNnZu* fpfdRlk fo”ks’k :i ls fdlesa iz”kLr ekuh x;h gS \ ¼p- fp- 17@121½¼v½ izesg¼c½ LojHkax¼l½ m/oxZ jäfiÙk¼n½ ew=k?kkr¼58½ fu'pydj us fuEuksDr fdl xzUFk ij *jRuizHkk* uked Vhdk fy[kh gS \¼v½ pjd lafgrk¼c½ lqJqr lafgrk¼l½ v’Vkax ân;¼n½ pØnÙk¼59½ fdl O;kf/k esa iapdeZ fpfdRlk izokHkh ugha gS ,oa oftZr Hkh gS \¼v½ x`/klh¼c½ m:LrEHk¼l½ laf/kokr¼n½ dkyk;[kTt¼60½ pjdkuqlkj v/kksfyf[kr esa ls fdls ^fu;ekfRedk* dgk x;k gS ¼p- 'kk- 1@100½¼v½ /kh¼c½ /k`fr¼l½ Le`fr¼n½ Jqfr¼61½ “kkjXZ/kj ds vuqlkj DokFk fl) Lusg ikd esa dYd % Lusg dk vuqikr gksrk gS \¼v½ 1 % 2¼c½ 4 % 1¼l½ 1 % ¼¼n½ ¼ % 1¼62½ *O;fFkrkL;xfr* fdl izd`fr ds iq:"k dk y{k.k gS \ ¼lq- “kk- 4@70½¼v½ okr izd`fr¼c½ fiÙk izd`fr¼l½ dQ izd`fr¼n½ le izd`fr¼63½ pjdkuqlkj e`xekal oxZ esa vfgrre gS \ ¼p- lw- 25@39½¼v½ ,s.k ekal¼c½ xksekal¼l½ vkfo ekal¼n½ vtk ekal¼64½ ^^mxzxa/kk** fdl nzO; dk i;kZ; gS \¼v½ opk¼c½ fgaxq¼l½ “kq.Bh¼n½ efjp57. B 58. D 59. B 60. A 61. D 62. B 63. B 64. AShyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 099939614278

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427¼65½ *lokZax us=xkSjoe~* fdldk y{k.k gS \¼v½ eTtk{k;¼c½ eTtko`f)¼l½ ekalo`f)¼n½ vfLFko`f)¼66½ Which of the following drug is having ‘Datamine’ as one of its chemical constituent ? -¼v½ lIri.kZ¼c½ /kÙkwj¼l½ f”ka”kik¼n½ okjkghdUn(67) Auditory + Visual hallucinations are the symptoms of poisoning of which drurgs -(A) Datura Poisoning(B) Ergot Poisoning(C) Coccaine Poisoning(D) Aconite Poisoning(68) Which nerve injury causes droping of wrist joint ?(A) Ulnar nerve(B) Radial nerve(C) Median nerve(D) Musculocutaneous nerve(69) In which of the following Kupffer’s cells are found ?(A) Spleen(B) Liver(C) Bonemarrow(D) All of these(70) Crypt’s of liberkuhns is situated in the mucosa of ……(A) Nasal sinuses(B) Large Intestine(C) Small Intestine(D) Buccal cavity(71) In which of the following “Sertoli cells” are found ?(A) Thyroid(B) Tymus(C) <strong>Test</strong>is(D) Pancrease(72) Where does Maxillary sinus drain ?(A) Middle meatus(B) Inferior meatus(C) Superior meatus(D) Cavernous sinus65. A 66. A 67. A 68. B 69. B 70. C 71. C 72. AShyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 099939614279

Shyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)NIA + JAMNAGAR - <strong>2009</strong>By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 09993961427(73) Moro’s reflex in a child normally is not present after the age of -(A) 12 weeks(B) 16 weeks(C) 24 weeks(D) 36 weeks(74) In a newborn if the heart rate observed less than 100/ minite than Apgar score will be given -(A) 0(B) 1(C) 2(D) 10(75) In which disease “Ramstead’s operation is done ?(A) Congenital pyloric stenosis(B) Appendicitis(C) Peritonitis(D) Colitis(76) Pharmacopeal laboratary of Indian medicine (PLIM) responsible for standardization ofAyurvedic Medicine is situated at …..(A) Ghaziabad(B) Pune(C) Kolkata(D) Chennai(77) DSM - IV (Digonostic and Statistical Manual - IV) is related with(A) Mental Disorder(B) Health Policy(C) Health Statics(D) Classification of disease(78) What is the formula to know the Vital Capicity ?(A) IRV + TV(B) ERV + TV(C) IRV + ERV + TV(D) None(79) What will be the daily energy requirement value for a infant of 6 months age ?(A) 100-110 k.cal /Kg/day(B) 120 k.cal / Kg/day(C) 150 k.cal / Kg/day(D) 200 k.cal / Kg/day(80) Polyhydroaminiosis is caused by –(A) Renal Agenosis of fetus(B) Tracheo oesophageal fistula(C) Hydatid form of mole(D) Closed spina bifida73. A 74. B 75. A 76. A 77. A 78. C 79. A 80. AShyam -Vidya Ayurved P.G. <strong>Entrance</strong> Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)By - Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (MD) Mob. 09826438399, 0999396142710

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