indictment - Colorado Attorney General

indictment - Colorado Attorney General

indictment - Colorado Attorney General


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COUNT FIVE(Theft – Vectra Bank payments)Between November 1, 2004 and March 30, 2005, but discovered after June 17, 2008,DEREK R. KENT and ADAM KELEPOLO unlawfully, feloniously, and knowinglyobtained investor money, with a value of fifteen thousand dollars or more, withoutauthorization, or by threat or deception, and knowingly used, concealed, or abandoned thething of value in such manner as to permanently deprive Lion Gate Homes, Inc. investors ofits use or benefit, contrary to the form of the statutes in such case made and provided by§ 18-4-401(1)(b)(2)(d) C.R.S. and against the peace and dignity of the People of the State of<strong>Colorado</strong>. (Class 3 felony).COUNT SIX(Theft – Vectra Bank payments)Between May 3, 2005 and August 15, 2005, but discovered after June 17, 2008,DEREK R. KENT and ADAM KELEPOLO unlawfully, feloniously, and knowinglyobtained investor money, with a value of fifteen thousand dollars or more, withoutauthorization, or by threat or deception, and knowingly used, concealed, or abandoned thething of value in such manner as to permanently deprive Lion Gate Homes, Inc. investors ofits use or benefit, contrary to the form of the statutes in such case made and provided by§ 18-4-401(1)(b)(2)(d) C.R.S. and against the peace and dignity of the People of the State of<strong>Colorado</strong>. (Class 3 felony).COUNT SEVEN(Theft – Casino transactions)Between August 19, 2005 and January 5, 2006, but discovered after June 17, 2008,ADAM KELEPOLO unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly obtained investor money, witha value of fifteen thousand dollars or more, without authorization, or by threat or deception,and knowingly used, concealed, or abandoned the thing of value in such manner as topermanently deprive Lion Gate Homes, Inc. investors of its use or benefit, contrary to theform of the statutes in such case made and provided by § 18-4-401(1)(b)(2)(d) C.R.S. andagainst the peace and dignity of the People of the State of <strong>Colorado</strong>. (Class 3 felony).COUNT EIGHT(Theft – Casino transactions)Between February 10 and July 24, 2006, but discovered after June 17, 2008, ADAMKELEPOLO unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly obtained investor money, with a valueof fifteen thousand dollars or more, without authorization, or by threat or deception, and

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