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The Milford Review - Milford LIVE!

The Milford Review - Milford LIVE!


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<strong>The</strong> Year In<strong>Review</strong> <strong>The</strong> Year In<strong>Review</strong> <strong>The</strong> Year In<strong>Review</strong> <strong>The</strong> Year In<strong>Review</strong>Graduation Celebrates Class of 2012By Bryan Shupe, May 25, 2012On Thursday, May 24 the <strong>Milford</strong> Senior HighSchool class of 2012 proudly stood on the field atBriggs Stadium to celebrate the culmination of theirtwelve years of hard work and dedication. <strong>The</strong> stadiumwas filled with family and friends supportingthe accomplishments as the graduates took their firstglance at their futures. Some students will choosecollege, some will join the work force and some willchoose to serve our country by joining the militarybut all have moved one step closer to fulfilling theirdestiny.Click here for full slideshow.Valedictorian Lauren Mentzer spoke to the class of2012 urging them to remember all of the influentialpeople in their lives and the import role they haveplayed in their lives.“<strong>The</strong> grass is not in fact always greener on the otherside,” commented Ms. Mentzer referring to the traditionaladage. “<strong>The</strong> fact is that the grass is greenerwhere it has been watered. Each of us is here tonightbecause of someone that has nurtured us.”Lauren Mentzer also received the Donald Lee GibsonInstrumental Musical Award, and the <strong>Milford</strong>High School Foreign Language Award.Salutatorian Stephanie Clendaniel spoke to herclassmates about their future and the endless opportunitiesthat present themselves to each individuals.“What is amazing is that our journey has just begun,”commented Ms. Clendaniel. “<strong>The</strong> doors havenow opened to so many different possibilities.”Only the future will tell what is in store for the<strong>Milford</strong> High School graduating class of 2012. It isthe next few years of their lives that will determinewhat their next great step will be.

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