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<strong>The</strong> Year In<strong>Review</strong> <strong>The</strong> Year In<strong>Review</strong> <strong>The</strong> Year In<strong>Review</strong> <strong>The</strong> Year In<strong>Review</strong>Phalen Wins Henlopen TitleBy Jalyn Powell, MHS Student Reporter, November 6, 2012This week’s Athlete of the Week displays what beinga student athlete is all about. Fresh off an individualtitle at the Henlopen Conference Championshipat Killens Pond State Park Saturday and alsoin the running as this year’s valedictorian, <strong>Milford</strong>High Varsity Cross Country runner Henry Phalenhas proven himself on the course as well as in theclassroom.Passionate about running, Phalen realizes he’s astudent first. “[Coach Czar] Bloom always tells uswe are a student first, and I know I can’t get anywhereon just running,” said Phalen.Phalen lives by this outlook as a student athleteand leads by example. His 16:42 career best he ranto win Saturday’s Henlopen crown ranks him as thefourth fastest MHS male in a five-kilometer race.“Henry is probably the most disciplined athleteI`ve ever coached,” said MHS head Cross Countrycoach Czar Bloom. Phalen hopes to attend a DivisionI or II college and major in engineering.Some of his teachers have already recognized hisphenomenal efforts in his studies. “Henry is very intelligent,precocious, but not pretentious, and he’s avery humble individual,” said MHS English teacherSeth Buford. Mr. Buford wasn’t the only one whonoticed Phalen`s academic ability, though. AP Calculusteacher, David Watson stated, “Henry is oneof the top academic students in the most difficultmath class at <strong>Milford</strong> High.”Despite the books, Phalen is a player who is passionateabout what he does and gives his all doingit. Phalen has shown massive team leadership andkindness, according to his teammates. He also faceda minor setback when diagnosed with mononucleosismidway through the race season, but after a shortweek-long absence, he was determined to keep running.“Henry seems to come out on top no matter whathis obstacles are,” said senior co-captain teammateTrevor Maloney. <strong>The</strong> MHS boys’ cross country teamfinished 10-2 during the regular season and finishedthird at Saturday’s Henlopen Conference meet. <strong>The</strong>Bucs competed in the Kent County ChampionshipMonday, and they will conclude the 2012 season inthe DIAA state championship on Nov. 10th at BrandywineCreek State Park.“You have to push yourself beyond your limit anddo things you never thought you could,” said Phalenas he anticipates his final race as a MHS cross countryrunner.

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