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PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

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Historical review of piscine trypanosomiasis105Pleomorphism is expressed in the following features: Pleomorphism was observed in T. singhii Gupta and Size changesJairajpuri, 1981b; T. attii Gupta and Jairajpuri, 1982b(small, intermediate and large <strong>for</strong>ms); T. colisi Gupta, Changes in length / width ratio1986 (stumpy, intermediate and slender <strong>for</strong>ms), T.barielliana Gupta , Gupta and Yadav 1987 (slender, <strong>The</strong> number, width and depth of the waves of the intermediate and large <strong>for</strong>ms) and T. ticti (small,undulating membraneintermediate and large <strong>for</strong>ms) from Puntius ticto <strong>The</strong> presence or absence of a distinct karyosomein the nucleus(unpublished data of author; Fig. 2)EPresence and number of stainable cytoplasmicgranulesLength of the free end of the flagellumDistance of the kinetoplast from the posteriorendShifts in the position of the nucleus in the body Presence of pellicular striation (“ myonemes ”)in stained preparations.ADPleomorphism in Trypanosoma is well marked inhaving a markedly variegated shape and six differentstages in varying combinations at various periods ofthe digenetic life cycle (vertebrate and invertebratehosts) may occur (trypomastigote, amastigote,promastigote, sphaeromastigote and metacyclicstages). However, trypomastigotes are thepredominant stages reported from fish blood, but inthe vertebrate blood too, pleomorphism may bevisible. Pleomorphism has been reported by someauthors without assigning any names (Becker andOverstreet, 1979; Joshi, 1979) whereas others havegiven specific names to the various <strong>for</strong>ms.Laveran and Mesnil (1907) distinguished the 'large'and 'small' <strong>for</strong>ms of T. remarki; Tanabe (1925) Type I,II and III; Dutton et al. (1907) small, medium andlarge; Qadri (1955) small and large <strong>for</strong>ms of T. striati;Qadri (1962a) large and stumpy <strong>for</strong>ms of T. batrachi;Becker (1967) slender and broad <strong>for</strong>ms of T.occidentalis; Joshi (1982) short, elongated andstumpy <strong>for</strong>ms of T. aori.Pleomorphism in trypanosomes has also beenrecorded from the fishes of Rohilkhand region of UttarPradesh. Dimorphism with two distinguishable <strong>for</strong>mswas recorded in T. aligaricus; Gupta and Jairajpuri,1982a (small and large <strong>for</strong>ms); T. artii Gupta et al.,2002 (small and large <strong>for</strong>ms); T. saulii Gupta et al.,2006 (minuta and magna <strong>for</strong>ms) and T. heteropneustiiGupta et al., 2006 (small and large <strong>for</strong>ms).B10 µmFig. 2. A E. Diagrams showing pleomorphism in Trypanosomaticti from the blood of Puntius ticto. A and B, small <strong>for</strong>ms C andD, intermediate <strong>for</strong>ms; E, large <strong>for</strong>m.BLOOD COLLECTION AND STUDY OF LIVEPARASITESTrypanosomes can be visualized alive in fresh blood.Blood can be collected in several ways but a few dropscan easily be obtained by incising two or three rays atthe base of the caudal fin. <strong>The</strong> sample of blood can betaken from the heart using a thin Pasteur pipetteintroduced through the ventral body wall or below thepectoral fins (Lom and Dykova, 1992). <strong>The</strong> clottingtime <strong>for</strong> fish blood is much shorter than <strong>for</strong>mammalian blood and is to be thus handledaccordingly. A heparinized pipette or a pipettecontaining a droplet of a heparin-saline solution isgenerally recommended. For large fish, blood can betaken directly from the heart. <strong>The</strong> fresh preparation(ordinary or hanging drop) is immediately examined<strong>for</strong> the presence of parasites which can be seenC

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