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PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

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New Nosema species from silkworms in Assam131Table I. Morphometric study of Nosema spp. collected from different silkwormsName ofSize of the sporesilkworm Length (µm) Breadth (µm) L/B ratio Volume(π/6 LB2)B. mori 4.10±0.05 2.78±0.05 1.49±0.03 16.64A. mylitta 4.41±0.04 2.83±0.03 1.56±0.01 18.53P. icini 3.78±0.05 2.63±0.02 1.44±0.02 13.69A. assamensis 4.37±0.05 2.68±0.02 1.64±0.02 16.45Table II. A comparative light and electron microscopic study of Nosema spp. from B. mori, A. mylitta, P. ricini and A.assamensisInternal morphology by TEMNo. Angle-of-tilt (degree)Name of Shape External Exospore Endo of No. Tilt Tilt inpathogens morphology spore coil in of in most most(collected from by SEM (nm) polar coils anterior posteriorsilkworms filament coil coil coilN. bombycis Oval Smooth and Smooth Tick 3-4 14 62 61(Mulberry distinct > 200 11-14silkworm) surface wall nm (Dimorphism)N. mylitta n. Oval but Prominent Corrugated Thin 12-14 11 90 90sp. (Tasar bigger distinct rough or < 200silkworm)wrinkled withfibrous coatinglike structureN. ricini Elliptical and Smooth Smooth Thin 10-12 12 42 43n. sp. (Eri tapering at concavity at < 200silkworm) both ends both ends with nmdouble wallexternal membraneN. assamensis Elongated and Rough fibrous Corrugated Thick 9-10 9 50 50n. sp. and slightly like hard > 200(Muga slikworm) bent at middle coating, slightconcavity atthe middleFurther, in addition to the number of coils, the angle- oryzaephili and N. whitei; both have been reportedof-tilt to the long axis of the spores were also observed similar in shape and size under light microscope, theto be different within the Nosema spp. collected from surface of spores is smooth in SEM, and the internalthe four types of silkworms (Fig. 3a–d). <strong>The</strong> angle-of- structure of the spore under TEM is also similar,tilt, in the present study, discriminated the four except <strong>for</strong> the number of coils (11 and 13,Nosema spp. clearly and that is very much accepted respectively) on the polar filament and the angle-of<strong>for</strong>the identification of Nosema spp. (Burges et al., tilt (31º and 41º, respectively; Burges et al., 1974).1974). <strong>The</strong> angle-of-tilt to the long axis of the spore Garcia and Becnel (1994) created eight new species ofdistinguished the two closely related species N. Microsporidia (Microspora) from Argentina

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