October 2011 - Rye High School

October 2011 - Rye High School

October 2011 - Rye High School


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GARNET & BLACKTHE NEWSPAPER OF RYE HIGH SCHOOL OCTOBER <strong>2011</strong>Nine is SublimeBy Spencer SmithThe <strong>Rye</strong> Garnets football team has made history. The <strong>Rye</strong> Garnets defeated the Harrison Huskies for the ninth straight time, which breaks therecord for the longest streak by either team. Riding on the hard nosed rushing efforts of Joe Simolacaj and Jake Meyerson, the Garnets steadilymoved their way to victory with a dominant second half performance, and ultimately sealed the game with a 17-7 Victory. The underdog Garnetscontrolled the trenches throughout the game. The Garnets defense prevented the Harrison triple option attack from ripping off any huge plays.Freshmen quarterback Andrew Livingston hit Dylan Lynch for the two touchdowns. Livingston only needed to throw the ball a few times, but whenhe threw it , he made it count. In an interview with MSG Varsity, Livingston said, “I didn’t think about much and just played football”.Get Your Daily Dose ofMuench and HudsonHow the dynamic duo has reenergized theMorning AnnouncementsSeniors Alex Muench and Andrew Hudson don jackets and ties for their daily announcements.By Will FrolichEvery day at 8:43, teachers and students alike turntheir attention to the daily announcements, which provideseveryone with an incentive to head to homeroom.Giving students a much-needed lift, opening songscan be heard throughout the hallways. More importantly,though, the announcements update students on theschool’s daily happenings. As expressed by Ms. Chung,“Go to Homeroom every day to find out what’s going onaround campus through morning announcements!”Last year’s monotonous routines, however, didn’tseem to peak the student body’s interest. There seemed tobe something missing. The announcements needed a majorboost.That boost came from the comedic styling of AndrewHudson and Alex Muench. Recruited by advisor Mr.Limone, both Andrew and Alex have done an excellentjob in livening up our days. Mr. Limone knows he hit thejackpot with this pair, and praising their success, he commented,“They have reenergized the announcements!”While last year’s newscasters were often dull, thesetwo friends crack jokes and interact well with each other.Between the pseudo-serious backgrounds on the greenscreen, like the Capital building or an American flag, andthe boys’ outfits which often include jackets and ties,they have added a satirical note to the announcements.The staff of studio B is also working hard to producethese more exciting segments. Interesting camera anglesand lighting help create a more legitimate news set.But to only mention the humor of Hudson and Muenchwould be to say that is the only improvement. As JoeyViger, a junior who loves to watch the morning announcements,put it, “They’re great, they really give mesome solid information about what’s going on before Istart my day”.With help from the rest of the RCTV crew, the morningannouncements have become a huge hit. When askedabout their performance as <strong>Rye</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s residentnews anchors, Alex remarked, “It’s a calling!” GInside:Peter Adams Movie ReviewPage 4Teacher Profile of Mr. ValinotiPage 6The History of the <strong>Rye</strong> Harrison GamePage 7

2College StalkersAdmissions time is making many seniorsevaluate their portrayal on FacebookBy Ryan AckertIt’s safe to say that high school studentsacross the country would agree withEsteban, the music artist who sings aboutnot being bothered on Facebook. In thisage, technological innovations are both ablessing and a curse. Facebook epitomizesthis duality. The lives of all your friends,family, and eventotal strangers lieat your finger tips,waiting to beprobed.During the followingmonths,seniors from <strong>Rye</strong><strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> andother schoolsaround the nationare applying tocollege. However, as students research theins and outs of different schools, investigatingall aspects of the college experience,they also must consider that admissionsofficers are researching them.A New York Times article publishedover the summer called “Social MediaHistory Becomes a New Job Hurdle” focusedon an online investigative servicecalled Social Intelligence. Colleges paythis site to sift through massive amounts ofinformation in remote online locations toprofile prospective employees and students.Photos, comments, and blogs aredissected in search of any inappropriatematerial.Because some argue that this type ofinvestigation violates citizens’ privacyrights, the site was brought in front of theFederal Trade Commission. However,everything posted on the Internet is publicHPV gone PoliticalGardisil is surrounded by controversyBy Nina Koester“Facebookdestroys theidea of context”While the public is united in its oppositionto cancer, politicians are dividedover the best way to battle this insidiousdisease. Prior to 2006, 1.5 millionwomen were diagnosed with precancerousHPV each year. As this numbergrew, the country scrambled for an opportunityto save lives. So, five yearsago, the Food and Drug administrationapproved Gardasil as a vaccine for girlsbetween the ages of 9 and 26.Gardasil serves as prevention againstthe Human Pamplona virus, HPV,which can cause cervical cancer. However,the vaccine consists of only fourvariations of the virus, and therefore isnot entirely effective in preventingHPV. Still, as sophomore HannahBillingsley pointed out, “It’s a goodsafety precaution,” and many sharingthis sentiment have rapidly popularizedGardasil since 2006. Yet, as it has garneredmore publicity, the vaccine hasfostered a new air of controversy.Initially, the only reported sideeffectwas soreness at the spot of injection,but parents quickly began blamingGardasil for much more than sorearms. Doctors were swarmed withcomplaints regarding developing illnessesand, in one case, a mother reportedthat her daughter experiencedslow mental acuity after being administeredthe vaccine.Gardasil has also given politiciansNews & Featuresinformation, so the investigations arelegal. Senior Greg Pesty commented onthe matter that even when well-intended,“kids often create false personas for themselves,”contradicting the pictures that theircarefully crafted college applications paint.What measures can we take, then, toprevent the implication of shady actions?For one, many students at <strong>Rye</strong> have adoptedwitty pseudonymsin attempts to remainincognito. KimFrench--aka KimAginary--said that“it’s better to be safethan sorry” and that“what I do on theinternet shouldn’tmatter to a schoolthat’s consideringaccepting me.” Contrarily,fellow senior Marco Groenendaal,said that it is merely “a matter of keepingyour personal life off Facebook.” He alsosaid that if there isn’t anything inappropriatefor schools to look at, there is no reasonfor students to change their names.Students may doubt that Facebook canmisrepresent them, but the reality is thatthey can easily miss when friends uploadphotos or post on their walls. What’s more,Facebook destroys the idea of context.Interpretation can’t be blamed on the author,but we still need to be careful aboutour actions on the web.These are the facts. We might be dismayedthat our personal lives are at thedisposal of college reps and internet investigators,but student must learn not to post“secrets” on Facebook. Everything is publicnowadays--it is a reality we must learnto live with. Gyet another topic to argue about. InSeptember of 2008, the state of Texasdecided that the vaccination should bemandatory, as officials feared manygirls would not seek Gardasil of theirown volition. More recently, the argumentwas brought back into the politicalworld when Texas Governor RickPerry made a statement saying the vaccinationshould be mandatory throughoutthe nation. Though this belief hasprovoked many Republicans, MichelleBachmann in particular, to respond infury, it has apparently appealed to themasses at <strong>Rye</strong>.Senior Courtney Cypher agrees withPerry’s motion saying, “It probablyshould be made a law if it’s to the benefitof women across the country,” andfellow classmate Meghan Gormleyadds, “Maybe it should be mandatedwhen girls reach a certain age.” Harboringsimilar views, junior Katherine Livingstoninsisted that, “Making Gardasilrequired by federal law is a smart ideabecause it is a drug with very high successrates, making types of Cervicalcancer very easily preventable.”However, regardless of how the recipientsof these vaccinations feel, commotionis still flaring. It seems thatmuch of the public stubbornly refusesto accept the fact that Gardisil is safe.Unfortunately, the uproar will onlyheighten as people continue to denythese results. GAnother Blow forStudentsTough economic times are forcing collegesto tighten their budgets, leaving many studentsshortchangedBy Axel HuffordThe economic recession that began in2008 has taken a toll on every sector ofthe American economy, inflicting damageupon such areas as the real estate market,the auto industry and social welfare programs.While many Americans haveadapted to these setbacks, there is oneimpact of the recession that still loomsahead for many students.According to a recent study from theNew York Times that surveyed 462 admissionsdirectors from colleges around thecountry, over 50% of public universitiesand 33% of private colleges admit to recruitingstudents based on if they can payto attend. In essence, colleges and universitiesfrom around the country (with theexception of the top 1% of schools, manyof whom have become “need blind”) arebecoming more prone to accept “full pay”students at the expense of both those inneed of financial aid as well as academicquality.New York Times reporter Rebecca Ruizstate, “affordability for students was theprincipal worry of schools surveyed, mostof whom said that by recruiting more candidatesnot in need of financial aid, theyBy Alec HuffordThe iPhone and the iPad truly revolutionizedthe computer and smart phoneindustry. As Ms. Kaminer, the healthteacher at RHS and a self-professed“digital immigrant” says, they “put theworld at your fingertips.” And who wasmight better help those students who doneed assistance.” However, this comes at acost. In the survey released in Septemberof this year, nearly 20% of the privateliberal-arts institutions admitted that, onaverage, "full-pay students had lowergrades and test scores than other admittedapplicants."Clearly the recession has had an impacton both American citizens and Americancolleges. Unfortunately, this leaves familieswith financial need shortchanged byall but the best universities. While bothWestchester County and the town of <strong>Rye</strong>are economically prosperous communities,this does not mean their residentsescaped the recession. Thus, studentsmust be more mindful of economic restrictions—onboth ends of the spectrum—whilesearching for collegesSenior Ross Chumsky offers, “If youare worried about paying for college,make sure you apply to some ‘safety’schools, both safe in credentials and finances.In-state publics are great places tolook.” For this reason, applications to theSUNY schools have consistently increasedin the past few years. In-state publicschools are, after all, less expensive butstill quality academic institutions. GSteve JobsThe face of Apple dies of cancer at 56responsible for these innovations? Thebrain behind the inventions was SteveJobs -- a man who, in the words of BarackObama, was "brave enough to think differently,bold enough to believe he couldchange the world, and talented enough todo it."On <strong>October</strong> 5, <strong>2011</strong>, Steve Jobs diedfrom pancreatic cancer, at the age of 56.With his death, the world lost a true geniuswho changed the world. The founder ofApple Computer, the creator of the “Mac,”Jobs was driven to succeed, always focusingon what would provide the best experienceto the user. The pinnacle of his creativitycame with iPhone and the iPad,devices that you see almost anywhere yougo, whether at school, on the subway, orin a corporate headquarters. The mix ofentertainment value and business uses haschanged how we all live.With Jobs’ death the question remainswhether Apple can continue to thrive. Accordingto Global Equities Research analystTrip Chowdry, "You can teach peoplehow to be operationally efficient, you canhire consultants to tell you how to do that,but God creates innovation ... Apple withoutSteve Jobs is nothing." Only time willtell whether this proves to be true, orwhether Apple can continue to build onwhat Jobs started. Apparently Jobs leftbehind a four year blueprint for Apple thatmay help the company carry on. What isundisputed, however, is that the world is adifferent – and better – place because ofSteve Jobs. He will be remembered. GSteve Jobs lost his battle against pancreatic cancer in early <strong>October</strong>.

4Goodbye Charlie,Arts & EntertainmentHello AshtonTwo and a Half Men returns to TV with a new co-starMovieReview:DriveBy Peter AdamsNewcomer Ashton Kutcher poses with co-stars Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones at the premiereof the new season of Two and a Half Men.By Holly SeconWith the arrival of the new school year alsocomes the beginning of the new seasons of varioustelevision programs. Clearly, we have all been lookingforward to these new TV shows over the pressuresof school, and possibly the most anticipated ofthe fall lineup was the premiere of Two and a HalfMen.After lead actor Charlie Sheen’s embarrassingpublic meltdowns and drug problems last spring, theshow’s eighth season was put on hiatus. We all knowat least one person whose catchphrase became“Duh—winning!” Ultimately, Sheen was fired aftermore of his criticisms and alleged anti-semitic rantsagainst the show’s creator, Chuck Lorre. It was thisnotoriety that created such buzz for the next season,when it was announced Ashton Kutcher would bereplacing Sheen.Finally, on September 19th, the nail-biting waitwas over. But first, a quick recap of the first eightseasons: Charlie Sheen’s character was also namedCharlie, and the fictionalized Charlie was ironicallyalso a habitual womanizer and raging alcoholic.Sheen’s character lived in Malibu, in a beach house,where he took in his divorcee brother and son astemporary living companions. These two and a halfmen soon ran into conflicts with each other, and theshow basically became a more modern version of the1968 classic movie The Odd Couple.In this new episode, Sheen is killed off in the usualmanner (pushed in front of a subway by his stalker).Distraught and put in debt, his family and friends(like four people) mix grieving with auctioning offhis house to the highest bidder. By chance, AshtonKutcher is trying to kill himself in the very samebody of water next to Charlie’s house, and emergesfrom the water to swoop in and buy the house that hedecides he likes. All very convenient. Except thatAshton Kutcher is still depressed, and Jon Cryer isstill, after almost a decade, destitute and deeply disturbed(I miss Ducky, I really do).So where does this leave us? With two even morepathetic protagonists. Ashton Kutcher is reprising hisrole as Kelso from That 70’s Show. He’s older, richer,and maybe slightly smarter, but equally as obliviousas the infamous Michael Kelso. And yet, he’ssomehow not as lovable. He does take his pants offin public just as much, but I have not heard a “Youknow what your problem is? I’m too good-looking.”Positively, the rest of Two and a Half Men remainsthe same.As junior Chet Sternlicht, avid fan of the program,has said, “It’s gonna be hard to adjust and althoughthe first episode was pretty good, I’m not surehow long it will be able to hold up.”I hate to say this. I really do. But I am not sure ifthe show can go on without Charlie Sheen’s filthyjokes and innuendos. I guess we will just have waitsome more and find out. GThe Other Stars of the GameThe Band makes their annual appearance at <strong>Rye</strong>-HarrisonUnder the leadership of Director Mr. Brown, <strong>Rye</strong> <strong>High</strong>’s band packed up three buses and avan for the trek to Harrison, where they provided pep music for the entirety of the game.Drive is the first action movie of the year, possibly thefirst action movie in many years, that displays an immaculateattention to detail and a masterful control of style.The story at Drive’s core is simple; The Driver (RyanGosling), a Hollywood stunt man who moonlights as agetaway driver, becomes involved with the West Coastmob through his boss Shannon (Bryan Cranston), and endangersthe lives of his beautiful neighbor Irene (CareyMulligan) and her son Benicio. While not entirely original,the plot is clean and the film is brilliantly paced, balancingmoments of stoic meditation with scenes of escalating andintense graphic violence.And Drive is violent. Whereas most action movies desensitizeus to their acts of brutality through quick editingand redundancy to the point of becoming backgroundnoise, Drive presents its grotesque and grisly blood splattersin shocking fits and bursts. Drive, under the steadycontrol of Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn, is beautifullychoreographed and has an amazing sense of spaceand time. The almost dream-like atmosphere instilled fromscene to scene makes the sudden eruptions of ferocity andchaos nightmarish and all the more unsettling.But perhaps Drive’s greatest asset is Ryan Gosling.The Driver speaks very little, and yet Gosling’s mannerismsand idiosyncrasies bring a great depth to an otherwiseuncharacterized protagonist. Like the movie itself, Gosling’sperformance is measured, steely, and stoic, and yetis subject to swell into a furious intensity upon provocation.Gosling is magnetic to watch, and the company ofveteran actors like Ron Pearlman, Bryan Cranston, andAlbert Brooks (in a surprising turn as the villain) ensuresthat the acting in Drive never hits a false note.Drive is not a movie for everyone; it has already receivednegative backlash from the less patient action junkiecrowd. Those going into the theatre expecting to see thenext Transporter movie will be sorely disappointed. Thosewith a high tolerance for blood and an appreciation of artwill be pleasantly (or perhaps unpleasantly) surprised.[Rated R for strong brutal bloody violence, language, andsome nudity] Grade: AG

Arts & Entertainment5Hallway Decorating<strong>Rye</strong> <strong>High</strong>’s hallways were transformed by the annual spirit-week competition1st Place: The seniors won the competition with their Apocalypse 2012themed hallway featuring music and strobe lights.2nd Place: Although they were new to the competition, the freshmen’srecreation of Pandora, the mythical world from Avatar, wowed judges.3rd Place: The sophomore’s cheerful Candy Land hall was based off ofthe classic board game.4th Place: Last but not least, the juniors recreated the spooky world ofHarry Potter in their hallway.The Book of A LifetimeThe Book of Mormon, from the creators of South Park, is taking Broadway by stormBy Chet SternlichtOn March 24, <strong>2011</strong>, the highly anticipatedmusical, The Book of Mormon, madeits Broadway debut. This sensational musicalwas created by the writers of SouthPark, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, as wellas Robert Lopez, who wrote Avenue Q.One can certainly understand why TheBook of Mormon received so much hypeeven before opening night.It’s fair to say that this musical haslived up to all of the attention it has received.The Book of Mormon has receivednine Tony Awards, including Best Musical,Best Book of a Musical, and BestOriginal Score. Without question, TheBook of Mormon has revolutionized theater,and is about as controversial as it gets.If you know Parker and Stone’s work,you are familiar with their ability to enticeaudiences, and know that they are notafraid to push the envelope. The Book ofMormon is no exception. Parker andStone’s mock the Mormon faith, as well asall organized religions, and crack jokesabout poverty, famine, and disease in Africa.In addition, the musical parodies favoritessuch as the The Lion King, Star Wars,and Star Trek.The Book of Mormon is much like anextended episode of the show South Park,only with musical numbers and a lot ofamazing singing and dancing. My personalfavorite number was Hasa Diga Eebowai, aknock off of the Lion King’s HakunahMatatah.Here is a little background on the story:Elder Kevin Price (Andrew Rannels), agood looking and dedicated Mormon, hasbeen preparing for his Mission his wholelife, and has dreamed of fulfilling it in hisfavorite city in the world: Orlando. But,when he gets sent to Uganda with the overweight,undedicated, and nerdy Elder ArnoldCunningham (Josh Gad), Price startsto question his Holy Father, and everythingthat he has been taught. As they embark ontheir quest to spread the word of Jesus, theodd couple begins to learn more abouttheir religion and themselvesAs previously mentioned, The Book ofMormon has had huge success, more sothan Stone and Parker thought possible.The show is already sold out for the nextfive months, and there are no signs of itslowing down. If this success continues, sowill ticket opportunities and profits.All in all, The Book of Mormon, with itswit and political satire, is an amazing musicalthat will make you want to stand upand cheer,. Buy your tickets soon though,because this musical’s popularity comeswith long lines and a hefty price tag. GIn The Book of Mormon, Broadway’s newest runaway hit, two Mormonmissionaries are sent off to face the wilds of Africa.

6ProfilesStudent Spotlight:Cameron KinkerStudent Spotlight:Tori VirtueBy Kirsten ColwellAt an academically inclined schoollike <strong>Rye</strong> <strong>High</strong>, there is no shortage ofexcellent students. Senior CameronKinker, however, has undoubtedlymade his mark. In throwing his fullweight behind a number of extracurriculars,Cameron has proved himselfexceptional in more than one respect.Cameron’s efforts as president of theGay and Straight Alliance have beenenormously successful. Havinglaunched the “Stop Hate” campaign,Cameron hopes that this undertakingwill foster acceptance and unity.“My job as president,” says Cameron,“is to make sure that peopleknow that the club exists. We hopeto give people who may feel insecure,a place where they can feelsafe.” Having created this safe havenfor students of all sexual orientations,Cameron plays an essentialrole at the heart of the school community.Cameron’s leadership skills areequally evident in his role as theParson Street Player’s treasurer. Hehas been involved with PSP since hisfreshman year debut in Les Misreables.Cameron remembers histime with PSP as an “amazing experience,”ultimately teaching him“how hard work can really pay off.“[PSP] has made me a much moreaccepting person,” admits Cameron,“it has shaped me immensely overthese four years.” Fellow classmateGwedolyn Weigold comments,“Cameron is an extraordinarily dedicatedmember of Parson Street Players.His ability to merge leadershipin the GSA with drama activities isincredible." Stemming from his leadershipin GSA, Cameron brings to PSP aunique perspective.Clearly, Cameron has found balancebetween his school work and extracurriculars.“I’ve worked with Cameronat Coveleigh for three summers now.He works extremely hard and is a greatfriend,” says senior Kelly Bonaventura.A multitalented individual whoalways puts forth his best effort, CameronKinker is without a doubt a majorasset to this year’s senior class. GSenior Cameron Kinker is an activeleader and a talented actor.By Courtney ColwellSenior Tori Virtue can often be seenin the hallway with a huge smile on herface. She’s friendly, approachable, andhighly energetic. As fellow seniorSascha Oswald says, “Tori is so positiveand is a great friend. ” Consideringhow busy her schedule is, Tori’s highspirits are more than impressive.A three-season athlete, Virtue is onthe varsity field hockey, track, andlacrosse teams. In track, she holdsschool records in the 4x200 meterrelay, the distance medley, andhigh jump. This past year, Toriearned all section honorable mentionin field hockey and all leaguein lacrosse-- accomplishmentswhich made her an obvious choicefor captain of both teams. Toriworks hard as an athlete, but leadershipcomes to her naturally.Field hockey coach Emily Fitzgeraldcomments “Tori constantlyaccepts challenges and takes risks;She has no fears”Despite the enormous timecommitment of three varsitysports, Tori is an excellent student.Always upbeat, she comments, “Iwould need a break from workafter school regardless, and havingpractice before I do homework iskind of nice.”Between sports and her schoolwork,its hard to imagine that Torihas time to do anything else.Though Tori is involved in manyclubs, her main focus is InvisibleChildren, which she foundedalong with fellow senior OliviaSinger. Seeking to end conflict inUganda, Invisible Children, ledby president Tori Virtue, has undoubtedlymade its mark on the school community.These extraordinary accomplishmentsdon’t go unnoticed. Very recently,Tori was selected as a Con EdisonScholar-Athlete of the Week. The ConEdison award recognizes well-roundedindividuals: student-athletes who excelboth on the field and in the classroom.GSenior Tori Virtue is a star in school andon the field hockey field.Teacher Spotlight: Mr. ValinotiBy Grace LeishmanIt is always difficult to decide uponone teacher to interview when we aresurrounded by such a fantastic staff.This month, however, when one teacher’sname came up, there was unanimousagreement. Entering into his twentiethyear of teaching and his tenth yearhere at <strong>Rye</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Mr. Valinoti isa dynamic educator.Young Dominic Valinoti started outat St. Raymond <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, an allboys’ Catholic school in the Bronx. Hedescribed himself as a “nerd,” earningthe title of valedictorian and showing astrong interest in the field of mathematics.He was accepted into ManhattanCollege and studied engineering thereuntil the summer of his junior year whenhe took on an internship for MetroNorth and absolutely “hated it.”In search of a new potential profession,Mr. Valinoti continued his studiesat Manhattan, going on to the school’sgraduate program. Once he began teachingat the college’s summer school, heknew he’d found his calling. So he pursuedhis Masters at Lehman Collegeand, once certified, jumped right into“doing what he loves to do.”But Mr. Valinoti is much more than awell-qualified math teacher. Dr. Zungraved about him commenting, “He hasthe best subtle sense of humor of anybodythat I know.”Perhaps, if you’ve walked by hisclassroom, you’ve heard Val, as manylike to call him, shout, “Why are youtalking?” or “You’re gunna fail.” Theseare tidbits of the sense of humor that cancatch unfamiliar students off guard. But,this humor is one reason Val is so popularwith his students. Senior AxelHufford commented, “He’s always in agreat mood, which keeps the class excitedand attentive.”Of course, Mr. Valinoti isn’t all funand games. AP Calc BC student MaddyJunkins insisted, “He balances claritywith efficiency, so we can speedthrough a unit without anyone gettinglost or confused along the way.” Fellowclassmate Ben ‘Loeb’ Meyers agreedsaying, “He makes sure every single kidin the class understands before hemoves on.”Nerd, valedictorian, comedian, teacherextraordinaire, or however else you’dlike to describe him, Mr. Valinoti is akey member of <strong>Rye</strong>’s staff. He has andwill continue to inspire and excite mathstudents for countless years to come.Mr. Tuttle concluded, “He’s a great guy,both in the classroom and on the golfcourse.” GAlthough Mr. Valinoti’s x-period is always busy, he manages to help everyone,like senior Chris Faries (above), who had calculus questions.

Sports7Once a Garnet,A Strong Team,Always a GarnetFor <strong>Rye</strong> alumni, the <strong>Rye</strong>-Harrisongame remains a cherished traditionBy Rebecca JordanThe <strong>Rye</strong> Garnets and Harrison Huskiesrivalry has been going to for 82years. During that time, traditions havedeveloped, memories have been made,and every person that was a part of the<strong>Rye</strong> team has kept a piece ofthe Garnets in their hearts.The annual game bringsexcitement not only to theplayers, but also to the alumni,whose calendars aremarked in anticipation. Onealum recalls the big game 27years ago was “not too differentfrom today, exciting, withthe intensity level prettyhigh.”Whether a player is gettingpumped up for their first Garnetsvs. Huskies game orcoming to watch from thestands as an alumni fan, beingpart of the Garnets and beingpart of this game, forms aconnection between thesepeople that is obvious in theexcitement all around us.For freshman TimDeGraw, “being part of somethingas old as <strong>Rye</strong> vs. Harrison”means a lot. Anotheryoung player, Andrew Livingstonhumbly stated that “It’san honor, especially being afreshman, to be part of thisteam.” Livingston was thequarterback during this year’svictory against Harrison.Garnet alumni also get psyched forthe Harrison game. Chris Duffy, class of1984, looks at the game as “a friendlyreunion” and a chance to “reconnectwith people he hasn’t seen in a while.”Duffy, who played fullback and linebackeras number 32 for the Garnets,has noticed a few changes in the excitingevent. When he played, the Harrisongame was always the last of theseason. “It was like how you look forwardto the last day of school. If youbeat Harrison, it was the ultimate goal.”Duffy has a great memory of beatingHarrison as a senior, ending the Huskies’eight-year winning streak.He notices that now after a game,everybody goes into the brook, whenyears ago it was just the coaches andplayers. There aren’t “as many mohawksand shaved heads before games,”Chris Duffy was a starting fullback andlinebacker for the 1984 Garnets.either. Also, the administration now“frowns on the chant ‘hang the huskies,’which was popular then.”Another thing he likes is “how allthe Garnets, not just the football teamget wound up when they play Harrison.”The other <strong>Rye</strong> Teams value their chanceto go against the Huskies, as well.Chris Duffy is a great example of theenduring spirit of the <strong>Rye</strong>-Harrisongame. “The older I get, it’s more aboutgoing to have a good time, not competing.That said, an exciting game andvictory for <strong>Rye</strong> can’t hurt!” GBoth On and Offthe Soccer FieldThe Boys Varsity Soccer SeasonBy Michael GarofaloAfter a grueling preseason starting inAugust, the boys varsity soccer team hasreached the pivotal point of its season- theplayoffs. Before the season started, therewere many questions about how the teamwould fare this year and whether therewould be a drop off in the level of playafter losing last year’s talented group. Butthe team disproved any doubts, and concludedthe regular season with 12 wins, 3losses, and 1 tie. The team is peaking atthe right time and finished strong despite achallenging schedule packed with difficultopponents such as Port Chester, Yonkersand Mamaroneck.The boy’s success can be traced tomore than raw talent. Coach Jared Smallruns demanding practices. The first weekof tryouts the players were asked to arriveat 6:30 am. Practices were difficult, yetenjoyable.Once the team was selected, the boysimmediately began to bond, especiallyafter traveling to Boston to competeagainst tough New England competition,as well as enjoy the city’s fine sightseeingand culinary delights. Coach Small playedtour guide in the city where he went tocollege. The bus ride was filled with loudteam dinners and mandatory charityevents throughout the season. Such charityevents included teams volunteering at theWestchester Triathlon. The boys alsospent this past Saturday from 8 AM- 6 PMrefereeing games for the <strong>Rye</strong> Youth SoccerLeague.<strong>Rye</strong> had key victories over HoraceGreeley, Mamaroneck, and the previouslyundefeated Yonkers team. The team onlylost to Port Chester twice and Byram Hillsonce.The team has displayed a thrilling styleof play, mainly due to Senior MatheusGomes. Matheus grew up in the city ofPocos de Caldas in Brazil. When askedwhat his soccer aspirations were for after<strong>Rye</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Matheus said, “I wouldlove to play professionally in Europe, becauseever since I was a little kid, Idreamed of playing for a living. I realizethat I have to work very hard to accomplishmy tough goals”. Matheus promisesthat if <strong>Rye</strong> plays Port Chester again thegame will go in <strong>Rye</strong>’s favor, because hebelieves that everyone is now playingtheir best soccer of the season, saying “Wehave figured out how to find holes inteams’ defenses.”Another player who has carried theoffensive load for the boys team is SeniorTennis SuccessBy Molly JordanSeniors and doubles partners Jessica Jahnkeand Claire Pfister were dubbed “The Terminators”by Coach Campbell.After winning a tightmatch against Byram-Hills, girls varsity tennisplaced first in their league.This victory allowed theteam to send eight girls toconferences, includingdoubles teams: ClairePfister & Jessica Jahnke,Molly Jordan & OliviaSinger, Emma Jennings &Paola Peraza, and twosingles players: Ali Simsand Casey Berger. Claire,Jessica, and Ali all made itto the semi-finals in conferences,sending them onto sectionals. GSenior Matheus Gomes dribbles the ball as Coaches Jared Small andJudd Rothstein, as well as the rest of the team, look on.music and random dance-offs. Additionally,a side trip to the beach allowed forsome pleasant cross-training. There wasnever a dull moment on that trip!The fun spirit fostered during preseasoncarried over to the regular season.Coach Small put his boys varsity playerson the spot by giving them each a secondpink breast cancer awareness jersey andinstructing them to give the jersey tosomeone “special”. Most players on theboys varsity team chose to give their extrajersey to a member of the girls team, leavingmany moms disappointed, except forMrs. Reed.The team bond only grew stronger withKamal Logue. Kamal had considered notplaying soccer this year and but now admitsthat “I couldn’t even imagine notplaying this year because of all the greattimes I have had so far. I would’ve criedeveryday if I hadn’t played and I am sohappy with my decision”.When questioned why the team gotalong so well this year Kamal responded,“We have spent so much time togetherthrough outside events and volunteer workthat we all know each other very well andsupport what each other on the field. Ourteam was expected to have its best year,but ended up doing very well, which hasraised our spirits.” G

8SportsGarnet Fall SportsWhile the season is over for some of <strong>Rye</strong>’s Fall teams, many more teams arejust beginning their post-seasons1 42 53GARNET&BLACKTHE NEWSPAPER OF RYE HIGH SCHOOLEditor-in-ChiefManaging EditorMolly JordanCelia PalmerPage EditorsNews & FeaturesMary-Bailey FrankRyan Ackert<strong>School</strong> and Local NewsAxel HuffordSpencer SmithArts & EntertainmentPeter AdamsHolly SeconBy Molly Jordan1) Crew: (Above) Junior Connor Antico and seniors Dan Sundarum and Harry Cohan,row as part of a four at practice. On <strong>October</strong> 30th, the team competed in “The Headof the Schulykill’ regatta in Philadelphia. Captain Brian Cronin said that “the teamhas been rowing hard at practice and is looking forward to a strong post-season. “2) Football: Thanks to a win over Lakeland in the final game of the season, the Garnetsclinched a spot in the class A playoffs and will be playing at Pearl River in thefirst round.3) Girls Soccer: Despite having graduated a class of 14 seniors last year, Lady V-Socis still looking great on the soccer pitch. The team did not get off to a great start, butever since Junior Vania Ludman (above) was moved from center midfield to forwardthe team has won all its games. Senior Kirsten Colwell said, “We’ve really pulled ittogether in recent weeks and are looking forward to a fresh start in play-offs.”4) Cross Country: Ali Mackay and Ellie Friedmann (pictured above) are the onlytwo female runners still competing from the cross country squad, but the entire teamis still going strong and attended Counties last weekend.5) Field Hockey: Led by a group of a talented seniors, including Annie Van-Wagenen (above) the team has had a great season, and were crowned leaguechamps. The team won their <strong>October</strong> 26th game against Harrison handily, 6-1. GSportsProfilesHealth & ScienceOp-EdPhotography EditorsAdvisorContributorsDon TiceMichael GilbertKirsten ColwellBrandon LaBellaGrace LeishmanAlec HuffordJames MackenzieAudrey LoveKelly BonaventuraCatherine HedgeJane Citron

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