Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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1 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>Table 1-5NameELLIPSEELLIPSE_WGETARCINFOGETCURRENTPOSITIONGETCURRENTPOSITION_WGRSTATUSLINETOLINETO_WLINETOARLINETOAREXMOVETOMOVETO_WSummary of Graphics Routines (W*32, W*64)DescriptionPIEPIE_WPOLYBEZIERPOLYBEZIER_WPOLYBEZIERTOPOLYBEZIERTO_WPOLYGONPOLYGON_WPOLYLINEQQRECTANGLERECTANGLE_WCharacter-Based Text Display:DISPLAYCURSORGETTEXTPOSITIONDraws an ellipse or circle using viewport coordinates.Draws an ellipse or circle using window coordinates.Returns the endpoints of the most recently drawn arc or pie.Returns the viewport coordinates of the current graphics-outputposition.Returns the window coordinates of the current graphics-output position.Returns the status (success or failure) of the most recently calledgraphics routine.Draws a line from the current graphics-output position to a specifiedpoint using viewport coordinates.Draws a line from the current graphics-output position to a specifiedpoint using window coordinates.Draws a line between points in one array and corresponding points inanother array.Similar to LINETOAR, but also lets you specify color and line style.Moves the current graphics-output position to a specified point usingviewport coordinates.Moves the current graphics-output position to a specified point usingwindow coordinates.Draws a pie-slice-shaped figure using viewport coordinates.Draws a pie-slice-shaped figure using window coordinates.Draws a Bezier curve using viewport coordinates.Draws a Bezier curve using window coordinates.Draws a Bezier curve using viewport coordinates.Draws a Bezier curve using window coordinates.Draws a polygon using viewport coordinates.Draws a polygon using window coordinates.Draws a line between successive points in an array.Draws a rectangle using viewport coordinates.Draws a rectangle using window coordinates.Sets the cursor on or off.Returns the current text-output position.1-20

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