Grade 7 Course Outline

Grade 7 Course Outline

Grade 7 Course Outline

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newspaper each term. If the article can be removed from a newspaper, it should beattached to a sheet of paper in your journal and summarized.When adding clippings to your journal ensure to do so neatly:1. Indicate the source and date of the article or clipping. Cut Neatly. e.g. (CalgaryHerald, May 26,2003)2. Give a title or sub-heading to the clipping.3. Place your name, date and homeroom on the paper with the clipping.4. Write a 5-8-sentence summary of the article on the sheet of paper.(Summaries are half a page long.)G. JournalAs stated before science is happening all around us. Students are expecting to keep ascience journal. This is a place for students to reflect on what is happening in their worldand classroom in regards to the field of science. The students will be given the assessmentcriteria. Students will be assigned journal topics throughout the unit.H. HomeworkAnything that has been assigned in class that is not completed will be consideredhomework. You may use any reference material you want to successfully complete yourhomework assignments. Students may work together on homework but each student isrequired to provide their own answers with their own complete sentences. Students maynot pass around sheets for everyone to copy,. Sharing of homework answers will causeboth parties to receive a zero (0) on the assignment. An alternative assignment will bearranged and evaluated after parent contact has been made.I. AgendaAll students are required to use their agendas every class. Students should record allassignments and check them off to indicate completion.V. TEXTBOOKSEach student will be loaned at least one textbook. It is your responsibility to properlycover and protect your book during the year. Students and parents will sign a textbookdamage contract that will assess the current condition of the textbook. You will be chargedfor any new damages done to the book throughout the year. Any student not returning atextbook damage contract at the start of the year will assume responsibility of alldamages incurred to the textbook.VI. EXTRA HELPA. Often students find themselves having difficulty in certain areas of science. There areseveral different ways to approach a problem in science.

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