ML Servomotor - Mavilor

ML Servomotor - Mavilor

ML Servomotor - Mavilor


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<strong>Mavilor</strong> Express - Núm. 28 - July 2005for accelerating and deceleratingbefore stopping for a new cut.In order to ensure 5 milisecondsfor the acceleration, the timeconstant of the motor must be ofaround 2 miliseconds, andtherefore, the maximum theoreticalacceleration 157.000 rad/s2.Let's take a usual AC brushlessservomotor around 750W or1.000W. In reality can be smallerof 200W or as big as 2,0 kW, sameapplies when comparing theMAVILOR servomotors to others.It is frequent that the MAVILORcompetitors' motors have timeconstants in the range of 10 ms,for what the approximate timerequired to achieve 100% value ofa set speed is at least 15miliseconds.speed(rpm)3.0001.3382.5 ms5 ms50 ms time (s)Would the label be shorter, insteadof 35 mm as per the aboveexample, the limitations due to poordynamic response motors are stillmore evident.For labels 35mm high, a linearspeed of 0,5 m/s requires a totaltransfer time of 10 ms, which is notachievable unless the servomotor'stime constant value is close to 2ms.D = label lengthSpeed 2.675 r.p.m.= 280 rad/s.D = (speed * time) / 2 = [280 rad/s* 0,01 s * 157,08 mm/ 2*pi rad]/2 = 35 mm.RECAPITULATION-The application requires a transfertime of 10ms for 35mm labels-A servomotor of 10ms responsetime would not achieve more than1.338 r.p.m. and the distance runin 10ms would be 8,75 mm < 35mm. Not suitable, in this case.FACTORS AFFECTING THE TIMECONSTANT VALUEThe mechanical time constant iscalculated followingInertia *RMechanical time constant =Kt*EMF constantWhere: R is the winding resistancein ohm, and Kt is the torqueconstant.Motors with a design such thatthey deliver the same outputtorque as other motors but witha smaller frame size, will offeran inertia lower than biggerframe size motors and a lowertime constant. Equally, motorswith a higher resistance valuewill result in a higher timeconstant.Motors with a higher resistancevalue, increase the losses due tovoltage drop, for what theeffective voltage is lower thanfor less resistive motors, andtherefore the EMF constantvalues must be kept low in orderto achieve speed values of 3.000r.p.m. or higher.This has a negative effect againon the mechanical time constant.SOME CONCLUSIONSThe resulting cycle time as transfertime + process time variesdepending on the transfer time,because the process time is fix.Necessary cycle time = 10 ms +60 ms = 70 ms.Production rate: 3.600 seconds/ 0,07 seconds = 51.428bottles/h > 50.000 (correct)Production rate with a poordynamic performance motor of20ms + 60 ms = 80 ms.600seconds / 0,08 seconds =45.000 bottles/h < 50.000 (notcorrect)A MAVILOR servomotor wouldhelp achieving the productionrate, with an additional 14%output compared with the longerresponse time motor.In our example, the potentialCustomer is confronted to thefollowing situation:-He has bought the motoraccording to what he foundavailable in the catalogue: 100W,200W, 400W, 750W, 1,0kWbrushless servomotors-The above powers are related toa rated speed of 3.000 r.p.m.However the motor reaches1.338 r.p.m., which means thatwith a similar rated torque thereal output power is 50%. Thesekind of applications are highdynamic response oriented.The MAVILOR servomotors 220VAC up to a rated power of 3,0kWat 3.000 r.p.m. have timeconstant values of less than 2,5miliseconds.The acceleration required toreach 3.000rpm in 10ms, forinstance, is 31.400 rad/s2,and for 2ms like the mentionedMAVILOR servomotors, inexcess of 150.000 rad/s2.7

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