The 18-page (approx) Synastry Report - Esoteric Technologies

The 18-page (approx) Synastry Report - Esoteric Technologies

The 18-page (approx) Synastry Report - Esoteric Technologies


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other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution to this union betweenHilary and Bill.Hilary's Neptune Sextile Bill's PlutoOrb 0°30' ApplyingThis planetary combination of Neptune and Pluto is not a significant one in relationshipastrology. It indicates common values, which can help form a basis for a relationship.However, many other combinations of planets will make a more significant contribution tothis union between Hilary and Bill.Hilary's Neptune Conjunction Bill's ChironOrb 7°31' Applying<strong>The</strong> healing powers of nature, music and the arts may play a significant role in this union.Hilary and Bill have a romantic and empathetic relationship, in which they both placeimportance on gentle and loving communication. As a result they are able to forgive andforget loved ones who have hurt them in the past, and move slowly towards a betterunderstanding of their innermost selves and each other. <strong>The</strong> artistic and spiritual side ofHilary's nature proves particularly healing for Bill. Under Hilary's gentle influence, Bill isable to heal past emotional wounds and better express himself. Together they may take part ina spiritual, healing or artistic project.Hilary's Neptune Conjunction Bill's AscendantOrb 5°50' SeparatingIt is significant in relationship astrology when one person's planet makes contact with theAscendant in another person's chart. In this case Hilary's Neptune is combining with Bill'sAscendant indicating that this is a significant relationship. Hilary and Bill feel strongly drawnto each other. Romance is in the air. Both Hilary and Bill are in love and floating on air, asthe saying goes. <strong>The</strong>y enjoy the first throes of romantic love and have a knack for re-creatingromance. It is possible that this relationship could falter under the demands of dailypracticalities. This combination can indicate an association based on mutual spiritual, artisticor philanthropic interests, but it is most likely in a romantic union.Hilary's Pluto Square Bill's MoonOrb 5°27' ApplyingThis is an intense and powerful relationship. Bill and Hilary feel a strong attraction to eachother, one that seems to unconsciously draw them together. Bill's and Hilary's deep feelingsfor each other need to be nurtured in a loving manner in order for the union to be long lasting.However, this can be quite difficult for Bill and Hilary to achieve. It's not that they don't loveeach other, because they do care very deeply. <strong>The</strong> problem is that at times their intenseemotions seem to erupt from nowhere. In fact the feelings have been simmering under thesurface ready to be expressed at any moment. <strong>The</strong> pressure builds up quickly between Billand Hilary and before they know it they are embroiled in an emotional drama. Of course thiscan vary, depending on how Bill and Hilary handle intense feelings. Some individuals thriveon intensity, while others feel threatened and powerless. Bill is likely to feel that his life hasbeen transformed in some way by Hilary. It's possible that Hilary has changed the way thatBill feels about the world, making him conscious of things that have been bubbling under thesurface for a long time. Life is not the same for Bill once he encounters Hilary. He may feelpowerless, overwhelmed by Hilary's volatile nature. <strong>The</strong> key is for Bill is able to see throughthe explosive behaviour to the true heart of Hilary and to nurture Hilary's goodness. As aresult Hilary will deeply appreciate the emotional support offered by Bill. If this does not

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