CV & Interview Guide from Hudson

CV & Interview Guide from Hudson

CV & Interview Guide from Hudson


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Where do you see yourself in five years time?You need to know where you are going. This demonstratesfocus and direction. Where will you be? Size of company,location, job title, responsibilities, management position and inwhich industry. Be clear on this before you go to interview.If I were to call your boss, how would they describe you?Compared to the friends question answered previously, thinkof more professional adjectives such as committed, hardworking, sociable, tenacious, team player, goes beyond thescope of duty, reliable, regularly exceeds expectations.Telephone <strong>Interview</strong>sIIAt the very minimum you should brush up on thecompany’s business structure, clients, products, industryterminology, or anything else that may relate to theposition you are applying for. Spending an hour or tworesearching these things before you do an interview canmake a great impression and possibly land you a secondinterview or even a job.IIIIKeep a glass of water handy.Smile. Smiling will project a positive image to the listenerand will change the tone of your voice.Be prepared to answer questions such as:IISpeak slowly and enunciate clearly.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIWhy did you choose this particular role?What do you really want to do in your next career move?Why would you like to work for this company specifically?What style of management brings out the best in you?What interests you about our products or services?What have you learned <strong>from</strong> some of the jobs you haveheld? Which did you enjoy most and why?Give an example of a difficult situation you experiencedat work and how you overcame it.IIIIIIIIIIKeep your <strong>CV</strong> in clear view, near the phone, so it’s at yourfingertips when you need to answer questions.Have a short list of your accomplishments available toreview.Have a pen and paper handy for note taking.Turn call-waiting off so your call isn’t interrupted.Make sure your phone is charged and you are in an areawith reception.Be prepared for different interview styles.IIIIIIIIGive an example of where you went out of your way tohelp a colleague.What does ‘teamwork’ mean to you?Are you willing to relocate?How do you spend your spare time? What are yourhobbies?IIIIIIIICompetency-basedPanelTechnicalFormal/informalIIWhat type of books do you read? What was the last one?IIWho else are you applying to/interviewing with?11

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