CANTERBURY LAMB - UQ eSpace - University of Queensland

CANTERBURY LAMB - UQ eSpace - University of Queensland

CANTERBURY LAMB - UQ eSpace - University of Queensland


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:^d,atY, A?ifiM§; l^^^ SEMBER FLOREAT PageSeygii<br />

Athletic Ttll^<br />

^^Olfei^<br />

> -.•J.k-Sv<br />


l*TOg %jr w^l-9mu^ d^eat by S,^u^;. % "A" gi;ad^<br />

^j^f tg^k tlx^ 4i?Idi P^ S,ati]x4ay ^<br />

summing up <strong>of</strong> the previous shoot the<br />

wedk" before, any licw ndtices and<br />

I'^r th.e bMt <strong>of</strong> flrjst text's<br />

comment.';, and filially the' new<br />

Mprf; hi?'at toe albQye"!tl?siniti;^J5(i Junction;?' two tries came from bad showed no signs <strong>of</strong> the iniury which feature.<br />

3T"it^e')?r|?prtt,ea; ttoje; ^e, V de^ehsiye'' play by our ' forwards. kept him out <strong>of</strong> football last year. Last Saturday, the club started its<br />

tei^ij^e. you. i3fet yoii w/an't wpn't regreit res I^ore' obvio.us' still was the lack <strong>of</strong> Playuig as an ekcellent combina­ Saturday morning shooting for<br />

cpiiditioh df" niahy <strong>of</strong> the Vdrgity. tion, it was hard to' single out' indi­ members <strong>of</strong> the proposed and pfossible<br />

GonsiiJerable in^r^ea^aes have b,e,en players.' This wasthe'reasbn for the vidual players but Willi.aihson, Hirst shooters for the Inter-Varsity match.<br />

]f9,^,eiyed' dp '^ast' yea.rs' record ndm- defeat by'Souths and with'half the and McCJuire penetrated V/.eU' in<br />

ir^§.t\Qjis, Vt'^iiclti m,eans that ;?pec.tafdr5 first''rouhd''gdhe one would'' e^jpect attack.' Hirst scored three tries be­ The shooting commenced a little<br />

'will "w.i|l^e3s''sd^e hi^Ij class'V'^r.-'. hetter thliigs firoin th;e teaiii. HoVfore he W.as forced'to leave the* field late due to non-arrival <strong>of</strong> wind flags .<br />

foirin.gjj.c'iQs' a.ncl'' c.pmpetitipn.' J^ost eyer, aft§r" thfe ganxe uikny resolu­ with an iiijured ankle,"<br />

and so it was decided to shoot only<br />

a,&i,e.t)9,s have' displa^^^^ fine ioxijn tions wer.e. made as to hgy/ and ivhen was very souhd. His kicking was the over 300 and 500 yards.<br />

fn^training," ^.s,' 'no' doubt,' all' gird to'jget into top nick, •• • •<br />

Alan'Cohdn's game as fuU-back Conditions were fair, with bright<br />

]^eeh't.p \viri a 'pla'ce in 'tHe tearn 'to. The "ba^cjcs played sgundly, their longest seen on ' the Exhibition patches <strong>of</strong> sun and green ants to<br />

' g;9' t'o 'A

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