Abruptio Placentae versus Placenta Previa as a risk factor for ...

Abruptio Placentae versus Placenta Previa as a risk factor for ...

Abruptio Placentae versus Placenta Previa as a risk factor for ...

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<strong>Abruptio</strong> <strong><strong>Placenta</strong>e</strong> <strong>versus</strong> <strong>Placenta</strong> <strong>Previa</strong> <strong>as</strong> a <strong>risk</strong> <strong>factor</strong> <strong>for</strong> Preterm Labourfrom: URL; http:/ www.emro.who.int / publications/emhj /0402 /16. htm.16. Sarwar I, Abb<strong>as</strong>i A, Islam A. <strong>Abruptio</strong> placenta and its complicationat Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad. J Ayub MedColl. 2006;18: 27-31.17. Ananth CV, Savitz DA, Williams MA. <strong>Placenta</strong>l abruption andits <strong>as</strong>sociation with hypertension and prolonged rupture ofmembranes; a methadologic review and meta-analysis. ObstetGynecol 1996; 88: 309-1818. Ananth CV, Oyelese Y, Yeol et al. <strong>Placenta</strong>l abruption in theUnited States. 1979 through 2001; temporal trend and potentialdeterminants. Am J Obstet Gynaecol 2005; 192: 191-98.19. Liquat NF, Shoaib T, Shuja S. A study of abruption placenta. JSurg Pak 2006; 11: 27-30.20. Ananth CV, Demissie K, Smulian JC, Vintzileos AM. Relationshipamong placenta previa, fetal growth restriction & pretermdelivery: A population b<strong>as</strong>ed study. ACOG. 2001; 98:168299-30521. Salihu HM, Li Q, Rouse DJ, Alexander GR. <strong>Placenta</strong> previa:neonatal death after live births in the United States. Am J ObstetGynaecol. 2003; 188:1305-922. Frederiksen M, Gl<strong>as</strong>senberg R, Stika C. <strong>Placenta</strong> previa: a 22year analysis. Am J Obstet Gynaecol 1999; 180:1432-723. Lam CM, Wong SF, Chow KM, Ho LC. Women with placentaprevia and antepartum haemorrhage have a worse outcomethan those who do not bleed be<strong>for</strong>e delivery. J Obstet Gynaecol2000; 20: 27-31.24. Dola CP, Garite TJ, Dowling DD, Friend D et al. <strong>Placenta</strong> previa:does its type affect pregnancy outcome? Am J Perinatol2003; 20: 353- 60.25. Ashraf R, B<strong>as</strong>hir A, Gul A, Noor R, Chohan A. Frequency ofplacenta previa with previous caesarean section. Ann KingEdward Med Coll. 2005; 11: 299-300.Pak J Surg. 2010; 26(2):163-168

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