MinimaxTeacher_p86-9.. - Delta Publishing

MinimaxTeacher_p86-9.. - Delta Publishing

MinimaxTeacher_p86-9.. - Delta Publishing


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Chapter 6: Dealing with DiversityActivity 84Song AntonymsActivity 85Wordbuilding to MusicLevelAimsDurationMaterialsPreparationElementary onwardsPractising vocabulary; listening15-20 minutesA song on cassette; blank paper5 minutesLevelAimsDurationMaterialsPreparationElementary onwardsPractising listening; wordbuilding15 minutesBlank paperIt depends how well you know thesong you choose.Procedure1 Before class, study or recall the lyrics to a song. ProcedureChoose some key words and think of approximateantonyms (opposites) for these words.1Choose a song which is fairly rich in vocabulary, eg.nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.2345678Write them in a vertical list on the board.Arrange the class into teams, either pairs or smallgroups.Each team writes down one antonym for every wordin the list on the board.Tell them that they will hear something on thecassette. They get one point every time their wordsare mentioned, including all repetitions.Count up the points to see who the winners are.Elicit which words appeared in the song, pairingthem with your list of opposites on the board.Elicit as much of the song as you can.Variations123You can vary the antonyms, and the number of them,according to the students’ level.You can vary the number of opposites for each word,eg. light has dark, gloomy, heavy, etc., according tolevel and time.You might ask the students to put the words in theorder that they appear in the song.NotesIt is not necessary to have a copy of the lyrics for thisactivity. The song should be clear and preferably wellknown.I always use Yesterday by The Beatles, and mylist of antonyms includes tomorrow, near, there,gradually, woman, light, come, right, short, hate, work,show.2345678910Ask the students to draw a table of four columns andto label them Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs.Dictate some of the key words in the song, butchange the part of speech, eg. if it says beautiful inthe song, dictate beauty or beautifully.The students have to write the word in the correctcolumn.Group the students, so that they can compare andhelp each other. They then complete all the gaps inthe grid, using dictionaries if they like.Go over the answers, not forgetting pronunciation,and drill where appropriate.Play the song.The students tick any words they hear, in theappropriate column according to the part of speech.Ask the students to try to remember the line in whichtheir words appeared.They listen to the song again and again, until theycan reconstruct the lyrics.VariationYou can vary the number of words in the table, and alsothe number of parts of speech, eg. you might wish toinclude opposites of adjectives and adverbs, usingprefixes.NotesIt is not necessary to have a copy of the lyrics for thisactivity. The song should be clear and preferably wellknown.I always use The Logical Song by Supertramp.93

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