03-19-10 Peter Wagner Heaven's Gate - OPENING STARGATES

03-19-10 Peter Wagner Heaven's Gate - OPENING STARGATES

03-19-10 Peter Wagner Heaven's Gate - OPENING STARGATES


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"Opening the <strong>Gate</strong>"Opening the <strong>Gate</strong> ofChange to the Nations.<strong>Peter</strong> <strong>Wagner</strong> says,“This is a year to openthe gates. Most of usthink that the gate is aphysical place that willappear in front of you.However, the first gatewe must go through is<strong>Heaven's</strong> <strong>Gate</strong>! This iswhere we enter boldlyinto the Throne Roomand receive superaboundinggrace so wecan leap through theplace of the "new" inthe earth!”WHAT IS THE OLD?Jesus!Heb 4:16“Let us therefore comeboldly unto the throne ofgrace, that we mayobtain mercy, and findgrace to help in time ofneed.”KJVSELL OUT TO JESUS!wickedness in high places.” KJVThroughout the Old Testament we seewicked people going to the high placesworshipping pagan gods. They built a towerin Genesis 11:4; builders were to erect atemple to the host of heaven, gods of the sun,moon, planets, etc. They were seeking toreach the gods of heavens.Gen 11:4, --“And they said, Go to, let usbuild us a city and a tower, whose top mayreach unto heaven . . .” the tower of Babelwas built for idolatrous worship andascending to the gods of heaven.Gen 11:5, -- “And the Lord came down tosee the city and the tower, which thechildren of men builded.” God confusedtheir tongues and scattered them throughoutthe earth.SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY ~ HEAVENS GATE ~Stargate Wormhole <strong>Wagner</strong>’s teaching concerningopening gates and entering Heaven’s <strong>Gate</strong> is demonicand dangerous; through powerful deceptions, thesespiritual activities will steal souls.God is watching the wickedness of thesecurrent kingdom building men and womenwho have entered into forbidden realms ofstar-gate opening and He is exposing themas false believers. Run for your lives fromthese occulted religious people whose mindand eyes have been blinded by evilimaginations.<strong>Wagner</strong>’s teaching concerning opening gatesand entering Heaven’s <strong>Gate</strong> is demonic anddangerous; through powerful deceptions,http://www.miracleinternetchurch.com Page 3

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