Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

Volume 41, Issue 3 - Moody High School

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TrojanRunnerFoy H. <strong>Moody</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Vol. <strong>41</strong>, <strong>Issue</strong> 3Science & Health CenterDecember 2009Magic is the word.Disney movie star Anika Noni Rose holds a <strong>Moody</strong> Magicsign at the ABC “Good Morning America” studio in NewYork City.See page 3 for story.Photo courtesy Tina Morales

2what’s inside?Golden Shield Yearbook2009 yearbooks are on clearance for$40 while supplies last.Trojan RunnerDecember 2009Order the 2010 limited copiesLike to compete? Check outpage 4 and select a team.$20 downTotal price: $70trojan runner staffWhatʼs on your wish list?See page 5EditorValerie GonzalezNews EditorRayleigh BustamanteOpinions EditorMichael FrancoFeatures EditorAudrey AguilarGirls SportsSmiley ZapataHealth EditorSunny SinghFoy H. <strong>Moody</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Science & Health Center1818 Trojan DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78<strong>41</strong>6(361) 878-4730 ext. 21239The Trojan Runner is published by journalismstudents and is intended to provide informationto the student body through newsarticles, features and editorials. The newspaperis published once a month.Gloria P. Mondragon, AdviserConrado Garcia, PrincipalScott Elliff, SuperintendentPage 12Movie Reviews

featuresTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 3Junior visits ʻGood Morning Americaʼ<strong>Moody</strong> Magic sign makes it to New York City showBy Rayleigh BustamanteNews EditorGoing to New York to visitfamily during the Thanksgivingholiday, junior Maria Rogers neverexpected to meet a co-host of “GoodMorning America” nor Anika NoniRose, star of the new movie, “ThePrincess and the Frog.”As part of her New York trip,Maria decided to take on what mosttourists do while in the city: Go andvisit popular hot spots. She and hermother, Tina Morales, an MHS secretary,went to ABCʼs “Good MorningAmerica” show.Mariaʼs support of the baseballteam was evident as she packedthe <strong>Moody</strong> Magic sign and took italong for the trip.“Everyone in South Texasknows who <strong>Moody</strong> Magic is andI wanted to support the team,” shesaid.While at the studio, Mariahad the opportunity to meet one ofthe showʼs hosts, Robin Roberts andwas able to take a picture with herholding the <strong>Moody</strong> Magic sign.“I was surprised, she is reallytall and really nice,” Maria said.The highlight of themorning show was to introduceAnika Noni Rose so she could talkabout her new movie on GMA.“She talked about it on airand how itʼs opposite from the original“The Princess and the Frog,”Maria said.Maria also had the opportunityto meet the Disney star and takea picture with her.“It was cool. I felt special.You donʼt expect something likethat to happen,” Maria said.Meeting new people is interestingbut meeting famous people isexciting, and Maria Rogers did justthat.While at the “Good Morning America” studio, MariaRogers gets co-host, Robin Roberts, to pose withthe <strong>Moody</strong> Magic sign.Maria was able to get Disney Studio movie star,Anika Noni Rose to take a picture while her visit at theGMA studio.

4campus newsFight song will not changeBy Rayleigh BustamanteNews EditorDonʼt mess with tradition,at least not at MHS.Tradition matters toeveryone including PrincipalConrado Garcia.“Traditions are veryimportant because its like acontinuation of what we standfor,” Garcia said.When the fight songwas brought to his attentionhe asked the music directors tochange it up.“They [band directors]did and the choir sang itfor me,” Garcia said.From there the nextpeople to hear the change of thesong was the student body.“The next step was totry it at the pep rally and theball game,” Garcia said.With any decision theopinion from others count.Members of the Seniorand Student Councils wereready to take a stand and meetwith the principal to discuss thechanges.“When I make a decisionI think and listen to whatthe people have to say,” Garciasaid.With everyone goingto see him, he understood howmuch the original fight songmeant.“That tradition is veryimportant, even though wecanʼt sing it, itʼs important,”Garcia said.Tradition is importantto students and parents, and Mr.Garcia knows that.“Iʼll never change itagain,” Garcia said.Trojan RunnerDecember 2009Interested in competition?UIL Academic team may be for youBy Rayleigh BustamanteNews EditorWhat is your favoritesubject? Frommath to writing--UIL hasit all, and there is a contestevent just for you.UIL coahces arelooking for students theycan depend on and who enjoylearning.“......A willingnessto work hard, must enjoylearning new ways towork math problems,”math teacher Chad Purdysaid about what he is lookingfor in a contestant.UIL is a steppingstone and can open updoors for the future.“If you plan topursue a career in science,engineering or health youneed as much science asyou can get. What betterway than to participate inUIL science competition,”Vinay Dulip, science teachersaid.If you are interestedin being part of the AcademicUIL team, contact aUIL coach. The followingare the UIL coaches andclassrooms.Accounting-Teri Samo,Academy Office; ComputerApplications-Lori DelBosque, 409; ComputerScience- Eric Greve, 405;Current <strong>Issue</strong>s and Events& Social Studies-MelodiNavarro, 919; Mathematics& Calculator-ChadPurdy, 404; Number Sense-Amanda Buentello, 602;Ready Writing & LiteraryCriticism- Krystal Watson,204; Spelling/Vocabulary-Mari Rivera-Roman, 916;Science- Vinay Dulip, 118;News Writing, FeatureWriting, Editorial Writingand Headline Writing-GloriaMondragon, 216; Prose,Poetry, Informative, Persuasiveand LD Debate-AileenElizondo, 102.Practice meets beginin January.The district meetwill be in Port Lavaca inMarch.Students will competewith other members ofthe district which include:G-P, Beeville, Miller, Ray,Port Lavaca and Rockport.If interested, contactone of the coaches formore information.Seekinghardworkingindividualsto take UILchallenge.

featuresTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 5Top 10 Christmas Gifts10. LCD TV9. Robot Dog8. Lamaze7. Hannah Montana Toys6. Universal Remote5. Apple iPhone4. Caster Board3. Apple iPod touch2. Nintendo Wii1. Digital CameraWhatʼs on your gift wish list?By Allisha McNelisStaff Writer“My Christmas wishlist is to go to Californiato visit my sisterwhose husband is in themilitary. I miss her alot.”Rita G. SilvaJunior“Iʼm already volunteeringin Houston forChristmas with mychurch, but I would likelots of money.”Cassandra GacetaFreshmanHoliday Tips1. Most burglars often look for boxes nearthe trash to give them an idea of what toexpect.Tip-breakdown boxes so they fit in thetrash can.2. Donʼt leave holiday lights on 24/7,donʼt hook one extension cord to another.3. Activate the home alarm, especiallyduring the day, daytime burglaries haveincreased by more than 6 percent in 2008.4. If your leaving town, leave the lightson, place timers on 2 or 3 lights so they gooff at different times.“For Christmas I want anew iPod, new clothes,and some money. Idonʼt have a big list.”Justin McMathSophomore“I want to go to the HolyLand for Christmas.”Briana RodriguezSenior

6OpinionsBetter to give than receiveDecember is not only a time for receiving butalso a time for giving.There are less fortunate families that cannotalways give, but the Salvation Army gets togetherevery year to help the families at least receive gifts.Volunteers buy, wrap, and send gifts to children andadults around the city to make their holidays be somethingto remember.The Marines also have a way to give back tothe community with their Toys For Tots campaign.Toys are collected around Nueces County, and thesegifts are given to the less fortunate.To join the gift giving spirit, one MHS organization,the FBLA Club, has teamed up together andadopted special children to help their Christmas wishlist come true. The members of the club have goneout and purchased gifts to wrap and give to the children.Being a volunteer can be a rewarding experience.Trojan RunnerDecember 2009If you had a chance tohelp someone out, whowould it be and why?“ I would help out the homelessbecause even thoughthey may have done somethingbad to be in the situationthey donʼt deserve to besleeping in the streets.”- Rebecca Puebla- 12“ I would help myyounger cousin becauseshe is really immatureand does the “follow theleader” routine and ismaking reckless choices.I love her very much so Iwould try to do whateverit takes.- Andrea Garcia- 12Teens volunteer their timein order to give back to thecommunity.“ Every little kid deserve awonderful Christmas.- Jessica Silvas- 11

viewpointsTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 7“Very important,when traditions start it shouldbe an unwritten rule that traditionscontinue.If youare nota former<strong>Moody</strong>Trojanitʼseasy forchange to occur. Changeaffects the “pride” of a real<strong>Moody</strong> Trojan.”-Teacher, Amanda BuentelloClass of 1998“It is very importantto preserve school traditionso thatgenerationsof <strong>Moody</strong>graduatescan sharea commonbond witheach other.Traditionsare what gives people prideabout where they come fromand part of who they are.”-Teacher, Carlos MontalvoClass of 2001“Although changecan be good when it comesto improving academics, Ipersonally believe in maintainingschooltraditions.Symbolssuch asthe schoolmascot, fightsong, andalma mater are what unite pastalumni with current students.It would be like changing thenational anthem- some thingsare better left unchanged.”-Teacher, Lori Del BosqueClass of 1999How important is it topreserve school tradition?“Traditions are whatmake school unique, differentthan all others. They arewhat binds students together,not only between grades, butacross time. Someone whograduatedtwo yearsago or 20years agorelivesmemoriesby theschoolʼstraditions,which should neverchange. Some things need tobe reinvented and continuouslyupdated to keep up with thetimes. <strong>School</strong> traditions is notone of them.”_Teacher, Daniel LongoriaClass of 1977By Michael FrancoOpinions Editor“I think it is extremelyimportant because traditionsare what connects the past tothe present and the future. Bypreserving school traditions,we honorstudentsand facultythat havehelped tomake theschool whatit is and wealso instillpride in our identify. Everyonewho ever walked these hallsfeels connected to this buildingbecause of our traditions.ʼ_ Teacher, Irene HinojosaClass of 1998“Tradition is importantto the school becauseit keeps the school pride instudents in school and formerstudents of the school. To mechanging tradition is unnecessary.Whychangesomethingthathas beenaroundsince theschoolopened?I just think we should stickwith school tradition and showschool pride.”Carissa FigueroaClass of 2010“It very importantto preserve school tradition,because I always hear storiesfrom my mom, aunts andcousins, of how they rememberdoing what we do today, backwhen they attended moody.Like theBurning ofthe T, andthe peprallies, andthey allrememberthe fightsong andalma mater word for word.Maria RogersClass of 2011FACT BOX:•The school was founded in1967.•Dr. Foy H. <strong>Moody</strong> wasthe president of the schoolboard during the 1950ʼs.Dr. <strong>Moody</strong> not only was aphysician but a communityleader, war hero, and welllovedman.

8featuresTrojan RunnerDecember 2009VolunteeringBy Valerie GonzalezEditorGiving back to the communityRichard ArellanoSey Club sponsorDuring rain, shine or even extremely cold weather, membersof the Key Club are ready to serve. Community service is the mainobjective for members of this organization.Heading the service club is Social Studies teacher RichardArellano. He has been the sponsor for the last four years.“I took over my second year here at <strong>Moody</strong>, and when I wasasked to be the sponsor, there were only five members signed up.Now for my fifth year here, we have 50 active members and 130paid.”And right under Mr. Arellano is senior president, Justin Martinez.“It is an honor to be president this year. I am always taking thetime to participate as much as I can, and I like the feeling of helpingpeople.”Ironically, Justin does not have the most volunteer hours collected.That would be junior Amanda Salinas.Being a member of Key Club is clearly voluntarily, but themembers also get rewarded not just by feeling good to help anotherperson in need, by having accumulated the most hours, the top 35members get to go to what is known as Weekend of a Lifetime. Thisis a large gathering in Maypearl, Texas, of Key Club organizationsfrom Oklahoma and across the state of Texas, with a turn out ofabout 350 students.“One activity that had the greatest turn out was feeding thehomeless at the Mother Teresa Shelter,” Justin said. “There wereabout 50 members and probably just as many at the three mile walkfor diabetes.”Over the past four months, Key Club members have been involvedin 14 activities and apparently there are more to come. Thelast volunteer service of 2009 will be this Saturday at the SunnyBrook Nursing Home to play bingo and Christmas Carol around thehalls.

featuresTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 9Key Club officers lead the wayPresident: Justin MartinezVice President: Sergio RamirezHistorian: Isabel CuadilloSee page 8 for story

10By Audrey AguilarFeatures EditorfeaturesTrojan RunnerDecember 2009PROFILEPersonal:Selena PerezBirthday:October 8, 1994Weslaco, TXActivities:Likes to sing playguitar and hangoutwith friends.Selena Perez, an aspiring singer.Friends. Selena Perez and EmilyFuentesFreshman aspires to be singerFavorite Quote:“It is, what it is,unless it isnʼt.”-Selena Perez-Have you everwanted to become asinger? Well, that is adream for 9th grader,Selena Perez. And sheis planning to make itbig.Selena has beenintrigued by musicsince elementary.“I was in my 3rdgrade talent show,” shesaid.Looking up tothe band, The Beatles,she is inspired by theirmusic.“I can listen tothem all day,” Selenasaid.She is planningto pursue singing asa career and hopes tobecome famous. “Becauseitʼs something Ireally like to do itsʼsmy passion,” Selenasaid.Seeing artiststhat she admires motivatesher to keep at it.“...Going toconcerts seeing themup there I wanna dothat,” Selena said.Even thoughSelenaʼs name is exactlyspelled like theformer Tejano singer,Selena QuintanillaPerez, it has no connectionwhat so ever.“My mom likedthe spelling of thename. She thought itwas unique,” Selenasaid.This 15-yearoldgirl has a lot to doif she wants to becomea famous singer, andhigh school is only thebeginning.

healthwatchTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 11Sunny’s Health GuideADHD may have linkto modern technologyDo you have problems concentrating?If you answered yes or have a phobiaof failing school, then you may be a victim ofADHD.ADHD is attention-deficit hyperactivitydisorder which affectssome teenagers and canlead to problems such aspeer pressure, low self-esteem,decreased concentration,and fear of failurein school.Today, with theever growing relianceupon technology, childrentend to utilize the Internet more than ever. Thereseems to be a connection between ADHD andtechnology.According to Mr. John Villarreal, MHSpsychologist, ADHD results in being easily distractedand blocks concentration. Teenagers experiencethis every time they visit the gaming orsocial networking sites. As a result, “they [Internetsites] withdraw you from the society and dailylife problems” and over time it becomes an addictionas teenagers become so accustomed to thislife-style.Although addiction to the Internet isnot the diagnosis for ADHD, signs of a potentialproblem include using the Internet for game playingor other purposes as it interferes with dailylife and decision making ability. According toCNN Health, 1.4 percent to 17.9 percent of adolescentsare addicted to the Internet, with percentageshigher in Eastern nations than in Westernnations.Dr. Meena Pathikonda, general doctorfor Spohn Hospital, believes that teenagersbecome addicted to the Internet if they are depressed,hostile, or have attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder or social phobia. And children withADHD are more likely than other children to engagein criminal activity when they grow older.Mr. Villarreal believes that the treatmentfor ADHD is that parents have to “step uptheir game by not isolating the Internet in the kidsrooms and limiting the use of technology.” Butthis is a hard task, “as our culture mandates timeonline, with Wi-Fi connections at every cornerand Blackberries and iPhones that allow internetaccess almost anywhere” according to CNN.com.State based ADHD cases- 2009•3%-7% of school-aged children suffer from ADHD.•Some studies have estimated higher rates in community samples.•17.8% of school-aged children were reported to have an ADHDWhat form of technology do you use and how manyhours on average do you use the internet daily? Whatdo your parents do to limit your internet usage?“I use the internetA LOT. I spendabout 3 hourson Myspace perday and checkmy Echalk formy homework.To get me offthe computer myparents screamand then takeaway the mousefor a few days.Internet is helpingme to meetother people inthe world.”Jonathan Ortegon,9th“I guess I geton the computerabout 2-3 hoursout of the day.My dad wonʼtlet us get onthe computerbecause he wantsus to chilloutside a lot. Sowe can stay inshape. ”Jamal Wyatt,10th“I use my cellphone daily. I usethe Internet about1 hour daily.Myspace is thehot spot. My parentsdonʼt reallycare how long Iuse the Internetphone as I donʼtget in trouble. It[technology] hasa positive rolein my life as itkeeps my touchwith old and newfriends.”Yvette Valdez,11th“I use my TV,Internet, my phone,my MP3 player andmy PS3. I watchTV for a good 2-3hours, the Internetfor maybe an hourif I even use it andI play my PS3 formaybe anotherhours. As for myphone and MP3, Ihave those with meat all times. WhenIʼm on the net I goto Myspace andshoe sites. My momdoesnʼt really limitmy entertainmentusage.” Jerry“J.R.” Hernandez,11th“I am constantly onthe internet, normallyon Facebookor my e-mail. However,Iʼm trying tostop using most typeof entertainment becauseitʼs AmusingOurselves to Death.People hardly everconverse face to faceor even go outsideand play. My parentsdonʼt usually limitmy usage, rather mysiblings do becausethe four of us shareeverything.”Amethyst Guerrero,12th

12entertainmentTrojan RunnerDecember 2009Rated: NotratedReleaseDate:March 5Rated: Notyet rated.ReleaseDate:Dec 11Rated: NotratedReleaseDate:Dec 23“Alice in Wonderland”You know Alice in Wonderlandas the cartoon well this has awhole new theme to this TimBurton movie.“The Princess and the Frog”The Princess and the Frog youknow it by the princess kissingthe Frog and he turns intoa Prince. Well this movie has abig twist in it.Movie Reviews“Alvin and the Chipmunks TheSqueakuel”The Chipmunks are back andin action their ready for whatthe world has for them. In theirnew movie.Site: themovieinsider.comWhat is your favorite Chirstmas movie?“Polar Express”AJ Garcia -9th“Fred Claus”Savannah Aguilar- 11th“How The Grinch StoleChristmas”Chris Villegas- 10th“Little Clay Figures Movie(Rudolf The Red NoseReindeer”)Joanna Pitman-12th

SPORTSTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 13Varsity cross country runners gather before a meet.STRONG START, SHORT FINISH FOR RUNNERSBy Valerie GonzalezEditorThe Cross Countryboys had an astonishingtake back when the finalrunner, Sophomore, StephenGonzalez collapsedin mid day.The regional qualifyingcross country boystraveled to San Antonio,Saturday November 7thto take on runners alongSouth Texas and, to comeout on top.The team tookseven athletes and onlythe top ten runners in the5K run advance to state.Freshman Steve Morales,took the place of Senior,Alex Trevino. Sophomore,Ryan Hinojosatook the place of Senior,Adrian Gallegos. And seniorAnthony Rodela tookthe place of Senior Jesus(Chewy) Lopez. Also takingFreshman ChristianSaenz, Sophomore StephenGonzalez, JuniorIsmael Sosa, and JuniorRuben Martinez.The boys werescheduled to run at 2 p.m.at UTSA landing base.300 hundred boys take offfor those three miles andonly the top ten continueon to state.Fortunately theTrojans had one of theirtop runners in fifth place,Stephen Gonzalez. Gonzalezmentioned before therace, that “they expect towin all the time and withno sacrifice there is no victory”so being so close tothe finish line was nothinghe wasnʼt prepared for.Finishing his twomiles in 10:10, Gonzalezwas coming up on his lastmile. As he made it threemore times around thetrack, he was less then 200meters away from stateand his body just gave out.“At first I felt dizzy, but Ithought I was just tired, soI didnʼt say anything, andkept running. When I fell,all I remember is someonehelping me on the trackand again waking up inthe ambulance.” Gonzalezstated.Finally he did notadvance to the State finals,but said “Iʼm not too worried,all my competitionwere seniors and they willbe gone, so Iʼll be backnext year, and the year after.”The season is overfor the boys, but there isno doubt about it that theywill continue their four tosix a.m. practices and 40minutes long run, to getexactly where they wantto be next year and accomplishevery goal they haveset for them as a team.

14SPORTSLady Trojan Golfers Start The Year Off GreatTrojan RunnerDecember 2009By Smiley ZapataSports EditorG e t t i n goff to a good startis the Lady Trojangolf team who isexpected to makean impression thisyear after capturingtheir first districttitle last year.“ W e ʼ r egonna do greatthis year. Weʼregoing to go farand hopefullymake it to state,”said coach AudreyFarahani.The ladygolf team placed2nd in the CarrollTournament. Theywere tied withCarroll but at thevery end lost byone stroke.Playersinclude KelsieCanales, AllisonFlores, AmberFlores and MariahSilvas.“If youʼdlike to find outmore about theteam, go to ourschool athleticpage to find outupcoming infoand tournamentsfor the rest of theseason to come,”said Farahani.Cross Country RecapSophomores HannahGreses and Kim Wardcompeted in regionals onNovember 14th in San Antonio.Kim placed 15th andHannah placed 74th out of108 girls.Having to runagainst a great deal of girls,both Hannah and Kim putin their best effort to tryto represent <strong>Moody</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> and the Cross Countryteam.Leading the golf team to a great start are freshman Kelsie Canales, andsophomores Allison Flores, Amber Flores, and Mariah Silvas.SophomoreHannah GresesTime: 13:21mins.SpohomoreKim WardTime:12:21mins

SPORTSTrojan RunnerDecember 2009 15By Valerie GonzalezEditorSeven wins, four loses, and three ties. That waslast yearʼs varsity boyʼs soccer record.In hopes of perfecting that record this year, headcoach Leo Gonzalez said, “We lost seven seniors thispast year, but were replaced with good talent this year.We have nine seniors total and with positive chemistryand positive mental attitude, that is what is going to getus where we want to be.”Four year letterman, Devin DeLoa, mentioned“GP was our biggest competition, and they also lostseniors, so we have a good chance of winning districtthis year.” “We work together as a team, and we all getalong.”Having 23 total players on the team this 2009-2010 season, former varsity players claim, “Itʼs goingto be aharder process to get your spot, and you have towork everyday to earn the position you really want.”Soccer season for the boys has officially startedfor themalready, but game wise, the team wonʼt playuntil early January. Their first games will be a series ofscrimmages, taking place in Brownsville. Followed byanotherseries of scrimmages two days later in Laredo.The teamencourages everybody to attend any homegame possible and show some <strong>Moody</strong> pride.Opp: Date: Location:Miller Jan. 26th MultipurposeF. Bluff Jan. 29th F. BluffG.P Feb. 2nd CabanissCalallen Feb. 5th CabanissT.M Feb. 9th MultipurposeR. Port Feb. 12th CabanissRay Feb. 16th CabnissMiller Feb. 19th CabanissF. Bluff Feb. 23rd CabanissG.P Feb. 26th G.PCalallen Mar. 3rd CalallenT.M Mar. 5th T.MR. Port Mar. 9th R. PortRay Mar. 12th Cabaniss

16Picture thisStudents from the Fine ArtsDepartment perform during theWinter Wonderland Concert heldDec. 8 in the school cafeteria.Trojan RunnerDecember 2009

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