The Communicator October 2012 - Swan Housing Association

The Communicator October 2012 - Swan Housing Association

The Communicator October 2012 - Swan Housing Association

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Residents firstWestminster visit gives Foyerresidents a voice<strong>The</strong> group was invited toWestminster by Stephen Metcalfe,MP for South Basildon and EastThurrock. <strong>The</strong> invite prompted<strong>Swan</strong> House Foyer resident,Summer Downes, to ask for ameeting with the MP to discusshow the proposed reforms to thewelfare system could affectvulnerable young people in herposition.Summer wrote to Mr Metcalfe on her18th Birthday, the age at which UKcitizens are first entitled to vote.In her letter she wrote: “I am one of 40young people living in the two schemeswhich make up the Foyers in Basildonand I am writing on behalf of all of us.”On the day the young people enjoyeda tour of the Houses of Parliament,learning about the history of thebuilding and some of the traditions andceremonies carried out within its walls.Following this they met with Mr Metcalfeand spent time talking to him about howthe Foyers have helped them and howthey were concerned that the proposedreforms could impact on Foyers andyoung people who need them. <strong>The</strong>y<strong>The</strong> competition was organised to encourageyoung people to develop links with their localcommunity and the enthusiastic response to thisproject has led the Residents' <strong>Association</strong> tocommit to arranging similar events with otherlocal schools in the area.6Inside the Houses of Parliamentalso spoke about accessing collegeand education after the age of 19 andlearnt how Mr Metcalfe became an MP.After speaking to the young peopleMr Metcalfe said he would look intotheir concerns and the possible impactthe welfare reforms could have onyoung people living in Foyers and wouldcome back to them with his findings.Following the meeting with Mr Metcalfethe group visited Downing Streetwhere they were invited to takephotographs outside No.10.Summer and Leah discussingyoung people’s issues withStephen Metcalfe MPChurchview story writing competitionOn the 6th September, members ofChurchview Residents’ <strong>Association</strong> attendeda packed morning assembly at Janet Duke’sPrimary School in Basildon. <strong>The</strong>y presentedprizes of certificates and book tokens to thewinners of a story writing competitionorganised in partnership with <strong>Swan</strong> and theteaching staff in July. <strong>The</strong> whole schoolparticipated with over 270 entries receivedand 21 awards being presented.

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