2012 Donors - Support Beth Israel Medical Center

2012 Donors - Support Beth Israel Medical Center

2012 Donors - Support Beth Israel Medical Center

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<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Advances Its DiversityInitiatives—Establishes Richard NetterDiversity Initiatives Endowment…page 1FALL <strong>2012</strong>

4 <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong><strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>5Ed Roos, <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>’sKing of CRATS, ContinuesExtraordinary History ofGiving with Planned GiftsYou’ve got to play a winning hand, and the cardsare winning for those who set up CRATS,” Mr.Roos said. “No question, it’s the best way to givemoney to charity—there’s no better way.”<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong> has been fortunate to benefit fromboth Mr. Roos’s generosity and his appreciation of CRATS—charitable remainder annuity trusts. Over the years, he hasmade <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> the eventual beneficiary of several CRATS,including two recent ones of $250,000 each.<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> and Mr. Roos share a long history, as both he andhis father received treatment at the hospital over the years.Now in his mid-80s and retired from the real estate business,Ed Roos, “King of CRATS”this World War II veteran lovesgiving back and helping people.“I’ve done CRATS for my children,my wife and my friends,” Mr. Roossaid, adding that he appreciatesthat the income beneficiaries geta steady stream of money, insteadof a one-time gift. “I like giving mymoney away while I’m still alive andseeing where it goes.”CRATS pay a fixed percentage of income to Mr. Roos’s friendsand loved ones for a 10-year term, and at the end of that term,the remaining principal is transferred to the hospital. WithCRATS, the donor gets a tax deduction. There is a gift tax if thebeneficiary isn’t a spouse; however, unlike an estate tax, thegift tax is based on present value.“I’m happy that my real estate business was successfulenough to allow me to give to charities through CRATS,” Mr.Roos said, adding that he’s created CRATS for several charitiesin the city and now calls himself the “King of CRATS.” “I’vedone this because I am a New Yorker, and these are New Yorkorganizations. As a person who lives in New York City and hasthe money to do so, I believe I should support the institutionsin the city.”Kurt Reinsberg RaisesFunds for Parkinson’sResearch“I have no doubt that this willbenefit our children, grandchildren,and future generations of AshkenaziJews at risk of developing thisdevastating disease.”The idea for the campaign grew from a conversation Mr. Reinsberghad several years ago with Susan B. Bressman, MD, Chairmanof the Mirken Department of Neurology. Dr. Bressman is aleading international authority on movement disorders and isthe principal investigator of the study. The Reinsberg Fund nowstands at more than $90,000.From House Calls toHealth Care Proxy—Bequest Honors Physician for40 Years of Exceptional CareSally Weber, the Frissells’ niece, says that Evelynand William Frissell “were sweethearts backfrom the 1940s. They met in California after WorldWar II and were together over 50 years.” For morethan 40 of those years, the Frissells shared aspecial relationship with their physician, Donald W.Hoskins, MD.In honor of that care, Mr. Frissell’s estate recently gave $100,000to support the Donald W. Hoskins, MD, Fellowship Program at<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>. The Frissells bequeathed a percentage of their estateto charity, leaving it up to executor Alan Altman to choose theorganizations.“After considering what would be important to Bill and Evelyn, Idecided to give a significant segment of the legacy in Don’s honorbecause of the exceptional service he provided to the Frissells,”Mr. Altman said.Dr. Hoskins, the former Chief <strong>Medical</strong> Officer at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>, madehouse calls to Mrs. Frissell’s mother, helped Mr. Frissell duringhis wife’s final illness, and even served as his health care proxyafter retiring as his physician.Established in 2006, the Hoskins Fellowship Program is dedicatedto training the next generation of physician executives with afocus on health care quality and patient safety. “I was so gratefulfor Alan’s decision to direct a portion of Bill Frissell’s estate tothis important program,” said Dr. Hoskins, who retired in 2006.“I always had great respect for Bill and his family.”The Hoskins Fellow identifies and studies critical leadershipissues facing hospitals, particularly in the areas of medical errorreduction and the enhancement of patient safety and quality ofcare. Hoskins Fellows have gone on to various roles involvingquality improvement.“We’re so very grateful for the Frissell gift because it allows usto train talented young people heading into careers as physicianexecutives,” said David Bernard, MD, Chief <strong>Medical</strong> Officer at<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>.Some of the other beneficiaries of the Frissell estate include aservice for battered women and a school of nursing. Noted Mr.Altman, “There’s a theme of care to the gifts, and the HoskinsFellowship Program fits that to a T.”Kurt Reinsberg andSusan B. Bressman, MDThe Mirken Department of Neurology at <strong>Beth</strong><strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong> is taking part in a groundbreakingstudy that examines the clinical presentationof Parkinson’s disease in Ashkenazi Jews.Determined to support this important research,<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> patient Kurt Reinsberg launched afundraising letter campaign—and kicked it off witha $36,000 gift of his own.“I write to you today as someone struggling every day withParkinson’s disease (PD) to ask for your financial supportfor an amazing research effort that is making inroads in apossible cure for Parkinson’s disease that afflicts more peopleevery year,” Mr. Reinsberg wrote in his letter. “I have nodoubt that this will benefit our children, grandchildren, andfuture generations of Ashkenazi Jews at risk of developingthis devastating disease.”“When I met Dr. Bressman, we talked about finding a cure, andI asked her, ‘What could speed it up?’ and she said, ‘Moreresearch,’” Mr. Reinsberg recalled. Then, on one of his monthlyvisits to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>, Mr. Reinsberg saw an article about the linkbetween Ashkenazi Jews and PD. “Given that I am an AshkenaziJew myself, I thought it was fitting for me to try and help speedup the research on why Ashkenazi Jews have a higher percentageof Parkinson’s.”In 2006, Dr. Bressman and her colleagues at Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine made the significant discovery that a specificmutation (G2019S) in the LRRK2 gene is a major causeof PD among Ashkenazi Jews. The group also has gone on tostudy another gene, GBA, and its role in Ashkenazi Jews. NowDr. Bressman’s team is committed to training more physicianresearchers devoted to studying Parkinson’s disease and itslink to the these genes.“More research by specially trained researchers will lead to abetter understanding of these genetic links, improve the potentialfor early detection and more focused treatment, and openavenues for identifying a cure for PD,” Dr. Bressman said. “I’mincredibly grateful to Kurt Reinsberg for his generosity and forhis initiative in leading this fundraising campaign.”

6 <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals 7Lifelong New YorkerHonors Her Hospitalwith Estate GiftGrateful Family <strong>Support</strong>sHematology-OncologyResearchShirley Schneierand Susan MitrovicShirley Schneier always appreciated the care sheand her husband, Louis, received at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong><strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong> over the years. So when the retiredaccountant passed away in 2011, her estate presented<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> with a gift of $10,000 to supportthe divisions of nephrology and vascular surgery inmemory of the Schneiers.Mrs. Schneier, who passed away last January at the age of92, was a lifelong resident of Manhattan. Born in WashingtonHeights, she moved to the Lower East Side with her husband andlived in their East River Coop apartment from the time it was builtin 1955 until her death.“My aunt was definitely a New Yorker—I’m not sure she evereven got her driver’s license. She took the bus and walked everywhere,”recalled her niece, Susan Mitrovic. Mrs. Schneier servedas an accountant for various companies over the years and“My aunt was very impressed withthe care at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>.”worked well into her 70s. “She was meticulous with numbers andmaintaining records her entire life.”When her husband passed away in 1996, Shirley Schneierbecame active with the Educational Alliance and took manyclasses at their facility on East Broadway.“Once she started taking these classes in her early 80s, shewas prolific. She created paintings, mosaics, beading, andpottery,” Ms. Mitrovic said, adding that her aunt was also anavid photographer. “She loved to take photos and share themwith everybody.”Mrs. Schneier started traveling more in her later years. Shebegan visiting Ms. Mitrovic in Colorado for three weeks everysummer.“I tried to show her everything that was different from what shewas used to. We went to the mountains and Western townsand farms, all of which she loved,” Ms. Mitrovic said. “She wasvery lively, and she loved being exposed to new things and newpeople.”“My aunt was very impressed with the care at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>, interms of her husband’s health and her own,” Mrs. Mitrovic said.“She appreciated the care and rehabilitation Louis received andalways felt well taken care of there herself.”Peter Wiernik, MD.Carole Ann Steiger first met Peter Wiernik, MD,when she was diagnosed with lymphoma in1993, and she credits him with saving her life duringher long and difficult struggle against the disease.“He and I agreed we weren’t going to give up,” she recalled. “I survivedagainst all odds thanks to Dr. Wiernik, God, and good luck.”Ms. Steiger and her family are so grateful to Dr. Wiernik thatthey have continued to support his research over the yearsthrough the A.L. Levine Family Foundation, which is named afterMs. Steiger’s father. Most recently, the Foundation gave a gift of$100,000 to support Dr. Wiernik’s familial hematological malignanciesresearch at St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals.“We are so grateful to Carole Ann andher family. Their gift will help us as wework to close in on the genes that mightbe responsible for these diseases.”Featuring both laboratory research and clinical studies, Dr.Wiernik’s research investigates families with two or more familymembers diagnosed with hematological (blood) malignancies.The goal of the research is to uncover the genetic factors thatinfluence the development of these cancers in members of thesame family.“We’ve already studied several hundred families where there ismore than one type of blood cancer in multiple generations, andwe’ve had more than a dozen papers published,” said Dr. Wiernik,who arrived at St. Luke’s and Roosevelt in 2011 as Director ofthe Leukemia Program in the Division of Hematology/Oncology.“We are so grateful to Carole Ann and her family. Their giftwill help us as we work to close in on the genes that might beresponsible for these diseases.”In honor of the care Dr. Wiernik gave her, Ms. Steiger and herhusband of 55 years, Joel, have vowed to continue to supporthis research. “I think you have to have a meeting of the mindsbetween patient and doctor. I was of the mind that if I was goingto die, I was going to die trying my best to get better—and Dr.Wiernik believed in the same approach,” the retired social workersaid. “He wouldn’t give up, and neither did I.”There’s another reason Ms. Steiger is eager to support thisresearch—her family. Her sister also had lymphoma, so researchinto the genetics of blood-related cancers could have a directimpact on her family.“We have eight grandchildren, and I hope that by the time theyare all grown, we’ll have a cure,” she said.A photograph takenby Shirley SchneierShirley Schneier duringone of her many travels

8 St. Luke’s and Roosevelt HospitalsSt. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals 9Generous Pledge BringsJoy to Others—Tom and Marilyn Reynolds Giveto the Helen Sawaya Fund“My wife and I thought that the therapieswere a wonderful thing. It moved bothof us to see the enjoyment they broughtto others and that’s why we made ourdonation.”Robert Lum <strong>Support</strong>sHospitals with CharitableGift AnnuitiesYou get to givesomething tothe hospital, and youget a better return thanyou’d get with a bank,”says longtime St. Luke’sand Roosevelt donorRobert LumRobert Lum. He recentlygave a generous Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) tosupport a variety of vital programs at the hospitals.“I stayed at the hospital a couple of times, and I received reallygood treatment there,” Mr. Lum says. “Since they did such agreat job, I thought I’d give them something back for that.”CGAs like Mr. Lum’s offer an ideal way to support an organizationwhile receiving both regular payments and tax advantages. A giftannuity makes lifetime payments to participants beginning immediatelyor on a future date. Immediate-payment gift annuities aregenerally established by individuals of retirement age. In eithercase, the donor will get an immediate tax deduction for a portionof the value of the gift.“I stayed at the hospital a couple oftimes, and I received really goodtreatment there.”Tom and Marilyn ReynoldsTom Reynolds’ history with Roosevelt Hospitalgoes back quite a few years—starting when hewas one of nine children growing up with his Irishimmigrant parents on West 64th Street.“I was baptized at St. Paul’s the Apostle Church, which standsbeside where Roosevelt Hospital is now located. Later on at 59thStreet and Ninth Avenue, there was what we called the ‘clinic.’Though it is no longer in operation, I can remember standing online there as a child waiting to go in there with my mother andbrother,” recalled Mr. Reynolds, who is now in his early 70s.Years later, Mr. Reynolds was back at Roosevelt Hospital, thistime to support his wife, Marilyn, during her treatment for leukemia.During a chemotherapy session they saw other patientsmaking arts and crafts or receiving hand massages—specialtherapies made possible by the Helen Sawaya Fund, which wasestablished by Fuad Sawaya in memory of his late wife, Helen.When Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds learned that these therapies werefully funded through philanthropy, they generously decided to give$100,000 to the Sawaya Fund over the next four years.“My wife and I thought that the therapies were a wonderful thing.It moved both of us to see the enjoyment they brought to others,and that’s why we made our donation,” Mr. Reynolds said. “We’refortunate because my wife’s infusion treatment takes about anhour, but there are people who have to be there all day—andthese therapies really make a difference for them.”“We are extremely touched by patients like Mr. and Mrs.Reynolds who are willing to become part of the program andallow it to go on. It motivates all of us to continue on with ourvision,” Gabriel Sara, MD, Executive Director of the PatientServices Initiative said. “Without their support, we wouldn’t beable to do this type of work.”The funds from the Reynolds gift will allow the hospital to expandthese programs—and explore developing new ones.Since 2005, the Sawaya Fund has served as the backbone to thePatients' Services Initiative, a program that provides patients witha variety of complementary therapies to increase their comfortand enhance their state of mind during cancer treatment. Theseinclude a music therapy program, in which patients express theirfeelings through music with the help of certified music therapists;an artist-in-residence program, in which patients create artprojects while receiving chemotherapy; and hand massages forpatients by a certified massage therapist.Retired from the insurance business, Mr. Lum has taken cruisesall over the world—“You name it, I’ve probably been there”—andnow enjoys watching baseball on television. He was impressedwith the care he’s received from St. Luke’s and Roosevelt overthe years and has given to the hospitals for the past forty years.Anonymous DonorAllows Doctors to Explorea New FrontierThe Division ofPulmonary, CriticalCare and Sleep Medicinereceived a generous gift of$50,000 from an anonymousdonor to purchaseEdward Eden, MDinnovative software. “Weare on the frontier of research into the use ofbiomarkers and radiography to stage pulmonarydisease and tailor therapy, “said Edward Eden, MD,Chief, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and SleepA gift annuity’s rate is based on age and the number of peoplereceiving income (not more than two). If participants use appreciatedsecurities, they also can avoid the payment of capital gainstax on the transfer and allow for the income stream to be basedon the full fair-market value of the gift. A significant part of theincome payments may be tax-free.Medicine, St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals. “Thisis a unique opportunity to bring revolutionary changeto the diagnosis and treatment of these conditionsthat afflict more than 20 million people in thiscountry alone.”Computer tomography (CT) is the benchmark for the diagnosisof emphysema. With this new software, doctors will be able toquantify lung shape and density. The procedure is simpler thancurrent CT technology and more efficient to monitor the changeof lung function over time.In this era of rapidly changing technologies, it can be difficultto keep pace with the latest advances, especially for thosehospitals dedicated to providing their patients with the moststate-of-the-art care available. “Additional reproducible measuresof changes in lung structure are vital for the future developmentof agents to treat obstructive and other lung diseases,” Dr. Edensaid. “We’re very fortunate that this donor saw the value of thisnew technology, and we’re incredibly grateful for this generosity.”

10 St. Luke’s and Roosevelt HospitalsSt. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals 11St. Luke’s Archives:Preserving the Past—Mrs. Helen Roosevelt ContinuesTradition of Honoring History“We receive requests for all sorts ofinformation, and we attempt toanswer every question, no matterhow big or small.”Generous Gift EstablishesAward in Honor ofDan William, MDThroughout his distinguishedcareer, longtimeRoosevelt Hospital attendingDan William, MD, showed anextraordinary dedication tohelping others—whether hewas counseling patients orDan William, MDmentoring residents. Nowan award has been created in Dr. William’s memory tocelebrate the values that he embodied.“Dan was one of the first people to put the pieces together aboutHIV,” said Mr. Freedman, who managed Dr. William’s office for 22years. “He worked with the New York City Department of Healthand the <strong>Center</strong>s for Disease Control to come up with preventionand treatment modalities, and he would speak about HIV to anyorganization that asked him.”“The award is not just to commemorateDan’s career, but is meant to inspire thekind of dedication to patients, dedicationto community, volunteerism, and teachingthat Dan was so well known for.”Helen Roosevelt and familyadmiring a piece fromthe Archives in the 1960sThanks to the generosity of donors, the Archives’collection of historical records, documents, photographs,and memorabilia will continue to thrive—and inspire future generations by allowing them tostudy our remarkable past.Former trustee Mrs. Helen Roosevelt began donating to theArchives in 1998, and her latest gift of $10,000 brings her totalto more than $56,000. Mrs. Roosevelt’s family members havebeen trustees since the founding of the hospital by James H.Roosevelt. Her son, Andrew, is currently a member of the hospital’sBoard of Overseers.“I think it’s important to know where the hospital came from—how it started, who started it, how it grew, why it’s still here,”she said. “It’s history—and history’s important.”others. “We receive requests for all sorts of information, and weattempt to answer every question, no matter how big or small,”said Nancy Panella, PhD, Librarian to the Archives. “Our requestscome not just from within the hospitals, but also from membersof the community, from across the country, and from other partsof the world.”The Archives have been used extensively. For example, for developmentof a timeline to celebrate the 150 th anniversary of St. Luke’sHospital’s opening, a corridor display was assembled featuringWorld War II Service Flags of the 2 nd Evacuation Hospital, alongwith an historical exhibit with photographs depicting scenes fromRoosevelt Hospital’s early years. The recently restored painting,“The Three Marys at the Sepulchre” is now hanging in the chapel—a gift from the famed portrait artist Daniel Huntington in 1858.“The Archives are an important resource with regard to thefounding, development, and contributions of St. Luke’s Hospital,Roosevelt Hospital and the Woman’s Hospital in the State of NewYork,” Dr. Panella said. “With all three hospitals starting in the mid-19 th century, they also offer a unique window into the progress ofhealth care in New York City—they’re a researcher’s delight.”The annual Dr. Dan William Award for <strong>Medical</strong> Excellence wasmade possible by a gift from Dr. William’s life partner of 33 years,Bob Freedman, who made St. Luke’s and Roosevelt hospitals thedesignated beneficiary of his IRA account. Intended for a Fellowwho has excelled in the <strong>Center</strong> for Comprehensive Care (CCC),the first award was given to Cesar Figueroa Ortiz, MD, at a luncheonin June.At the luncheon, Mr. Freedman told attendees that the award “isnot just to commemorate Dan’s career, but is meant to inspirethe kind of dedication to patients, dedication to community, volunteerism,and teaching that Dan was so well known for.”Dr. William, who died in 2008, was on the front lines of the HIVepidemic from the beginning. His private practice was predominantlyHIV patients, and he also worked closely with the CCC, St.Luke’s and Roosevelt’s renowned HIV program.Diagnosed in 1981 with the chronic myeloproliferative diseasepolycythemia vera, Dr. William retired in 2002. But he wasn’tdone helping yet: he volunteered at Roosevelt, where he taughtmedical students, performed rounds with interns and residents,and interviewed prospective interns, many of whom wrote tosay that Dr. William was one of the major reasons they acceptedthe internship.When Mr. Freedman wanted to find a way to honor Dr. William,he received help and encouragement from the DevelopmentDepartment and Victoria Sharp, MD, Director of the CCC.“I learned a lot about donating from speaking with theDevelopment Department—including that you can donate fora specific cause,” Mr. Freedman said. “I also learned you candonate IRA money and there’s no tax penalty on the recipient,which I think makes it a wonderful way to give.”George Dermksian, MD, a longtime physician at St. Luke’sand Roosevelt, serves as Chair of the Archives Committeeand recently spearheaded a campaign that raised morethan $20,000.“The institution has a tremendous historical importance thatshould be preserved,” Dr. Dermksian noted. “I’ve always enjoyedthe support and opportunities the hospitals offered physicians,and I wanted to return in some way the many good things St.Luke’s and Roosevelt have given me.”Located at St. Luke’s, the Archives are a valuable resource foracademic institutions, hospitals, researchers, physicians, andIn 1861, St. Luke’s devotes nearly half itscapacity —100 beds— to sick and wounded CivilWar soldiers. In 1877, it joins with three otherhospitals to establish the first ambulance servicefor emergency and critical care patients. In 1922,St. Luke’s institutes radio reception for patients—it is among the first in New York City to do so.Bob Freedman, Timothy Miller, CesarFigueroa Ortiz, MD, Larry William, JudyWilliam, Arlene William and Michael William.

12 ContinuumContinuum 13Needler’s FoundationBrings Smiles to OurYoung PatientsAlex Berenstein, MD,Jack Kampf, Mark Cohen,Chuck LeWinter andSami HailemariamIt was 1962. A group of guys who worked in therough-and-tumble garment business in Manhattanoften got together after work. They talked shop. Theyplayed cards. They kidded. And they quietly raisedmoney for folks who needed it.Business was good—and the men decided to give money,in a more formal way, to children’s charities. Their group grewfrom 22 to 100 members, becoming the Needlers Foundation—“needlers” referring both to the needle trade and to their humorous“needling” of one another. Over the years, the NeedlersFoundation has given $2.5 million to the hospitals of ContinuumHealth Partners, transforming the lives of very sick children.In the ’90s, Foundation members sought a good children’s causeto support, and scheduled interviews with leading pediatricspecialists. This led Jerry Fishman and Jack Kampf, co-foundersof the Foundation, to the late Dr. Fred Epstein, a renowned pediatricneurosurgeon then based at NYU <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>. Jerry recallsthe meeting: “We went up to his office on 34th Street. Weliked him. He was a real straight guy. We decided to work withhim.” In fact, the Needlers fell so in love with Dr. Epstein, theycancelled all of their other scheduled interviews.In 1996, Dr. Epstein and interventional neuroradiologist Dr.Alejandro Berenstein left NYU to establish the Hyman-NewmanInstitute for Neurology and Neurosurgery (INN) at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong><strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>, and the Needlers followed them there. In 2004,the INN moved to Roosevelt Hospital, where today it providesworld-class treatment of vascular tumors, vascular birthmarks,aneurysms and other blood vessel disorders of the head, neck,brain and spine. “We get requests from patients all over the“Over the years, the Needlers Foundationhas given $2.5 million to the hospitals ofContinuum Health Partners.”world with no means to pay,” Dr. Berenstein says. “The Needlershelp us with hospital costs, air fare, even money for the children’sfood. We doctors are very thankful.”The Foundation’s spectacular 2004 gift of $1 million named theNeedlers Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Roosevelt. Jack Kampfremembers, “Dr. Epstein said he and Dr. Berenstein wanted tobuild a pediatric ICU. We said, ‘GO!’”The Pediatric ICU is a unique universal bed unit, in which childrenstay in one room throughout their recovery, a room that comes tofeel comfortingly familiar, often with pictures of their pets tapedto its walls. “We did away with all the moving,” Dr. Berensteinsays with passion. “The Needlers saw that. They loved what theysaw.” Foundation gifts also pay for a full-time Child Life Specialist,whose toys and music, bedside chats and birthday parties makehospital stays bearable for children. And Needlers support sendsgiggles ricocheting down the ward when Adam the Clown visits.On January 30, <strong>2012</strong>, the INN had a special chance to recognizethe Needlers for their life-changing generosity. The event wasa send-off party for Samirawit “Sami” Hailemariam, a tiny andbeaming four-year-old patient from Ethiopia who, after eightsurgeries for a vascular birthmark that terribly disfigured herface and caused her to spend most of her young life in hiding,was about to return home to her village. Jerry Fishman says,“This adorable little girl’s face was all distorted. Dr. Berensteinand Dr. Waner (Milton Waner, MD, co-director with Dr. Berensteinof the Vascular Birthmark Institute of New York) did a tremendousjob. She was beautiful when she went home!” Dr. Berensteincontinues, “The Needlers helped us gain the smile of a littlegirl who couldn’t smile.”Perhaps Sami herself expressed it best in the framed note ofthanks she presented to Needler Board members Jack Kampf,Chuck LeWinter and Mark Cohen: Thank You Needlers.Golf OutingContinuum Cancer <strong>Center</strong>s ofNew York Golf ClassicMore than 120 golfers enjoyed a day of camaraderie and fun onthe links at the 8th annual Continuum Cancer <strong>Center</strong>s of NewYork Golf Classic at the Alpine Country Club in Demarest, NewJersey, on September 26, 2011. Presenting sponsor New YorkRadiology Partners generously donated $100,000 in support ofthe event, and the day raised more than $366,000 for cancerprograms. Since its inception in 2004, the Golf Classic hasMillion Dollar GiftEndows New FundJames Cox Chambers, a grateful patient of TheNew York Eye and Ear Infirmary, recently made agift in excess of $1 million to establish an endowedGlaucoma Research and Education Fund in honorof Jeffrey Liebmann, MD, Associate Director ofGlaucoma Services. This generosity represents asignificant tribute to Dr. Liebmann’s leadership inglaucoma research, education and treatment.The CCCNY 2011 Golf Classic Event Committee:Gary Levy, Jeffrey Lipsitz, Louis B. Harrison, MD,Daniel Rozzi, Michael Lagana and Munir Ghesani,MD (not pictured: Bruce Fabrikant, David Murphy,Thomas Murphy, Jr., and George Paxos)generated more than $2.6 million for cancer research, educationand patient care.In addition to playing on a Tillinghast designed course, guestswere treated to a terrific auction, great prizes, and a wonderfuldinner. Louis B. Harrison, MD, Clinical Director, ContinuumCancer <strong>Center</strong>s of New York, served as event chair, and sponsorsincluded Crestview Partners, The Diller-von Furstenberg FamilyFoundation, David B. Murphy, Thomas S. Murphy Sr., and U.S.Information Systems, Inc.The New York Eye and Ear InfirmaryThe purpose of the fund is to enhance glaucoma research andeducation through support of glaucoma fellowships, researchscientists, and/or specific research programs at New York Eyeand Ear. Individuals supported by the fund will be postdoctoralInfirmary fellows (MD or PhD) or scientists with a specialty orinterest in glaucoma, and they will serve as members of theDepartment of Ophthalmology at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary.Glaucoma is called “the sneak thief of sight.” It is the first orsecond leading cause of irreversible blindness in virtually everycountry. More than 75 million people have this progressive neurodegenerativedisorder of the visual system, and about 8 millionare blind. It is estimated that more than 3 million Americans haveglaucoma; however, only half of those are aware that they have it.In developing nations, up to 95% of persons with glaucoma areunaware of it. Dr. Jeffrey Liebmann has dedicated his career tobroadening our understanding of this dreaded disease includingits cause, diagnosis, and treatment. His work has placed TheNew York Eye and Ear Infirmary at the forefront of innovation indiagnostic and therapeutic advances that may one day help leadto a cure for glaucoma.

14 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2011 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201115<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong><strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong> Donor List 2011$1,000,000 and upThe Michael J. Fox Foundation forParkinson's ResearchGerald J. and Dorothy R. FriedmanNew York Foundation for <strong>Medical</strong>Research$250,000-$999,999AnonymousMarilyn and Jim Simons*The Herbert and Nell SingerFoundation$100,000-$249,999The ALS Association Greater New YorkChapterThe ALS AssociationAnonymousThe Y.C. Ho/Helen and Michael ChiangFoundationEstate of Sydelle L. CoeMary and Charles DeBare*Families and Friends <strong>Support</strong>ing CysticFibrosis CareSigmund Freedman Charitable TrustEstate of William D. FrissellIlene and Louis B. Harrison, MDChris and Morton P. Hyman*The Leir Charitable FoundationsThe Margaret & Daniel Loeb -ThirdPoint FoundationThe Mayday FundMr. Alan B. Mirken*The Needlers Foundation, Inc.New York Radiology Partners/Westside Radiology/ Union SquareDiagnosticsPicket Family Foundation/ David Picketand Joel I. PicketPurdue Pharma LPBeatrice and Dr. Barnard H. RobbinsFund of UJA-FederationMr. Michael SapersteinMr. Barry B. SiadatMr. and Mrs. Bernard SpitzerUJA-Federation of New YorkUrban Zen FoundationMarion E. C. Walls TrustMrs. Cynthia Zirinsky$50,000-$99,999Louis Armstrong EducationalFoundation, Inc.BIMC Department of OrthopaedicSurgeryBIMC Spine InstituteMr. Milton S. Cohn*The Leonard and Sophie DavisFoundationEstate of Sam FriedlanderEstate of Robert I. GoldmanGreenwich Breast Cancer Alliance Inc.Dolores and Merril M. Halpern*Suzanne Toor Karpas andIrving D. Karpas, Jr.+David B. Kriser Foundation, Inc.LCU FoundationMr. Peter B. LewisMr. Andrew MersonNational Parkinson Foundation, Inc.Ms. Ruth Nerken/ Jean & Albert NerkenFoundationMs. Mary Q. PedersenThe Price Family Foundation, Inc.Joseph H. and Carol F. ReichPhilanthropic Fund of New York of theJewish Communal FundThe Louis & Rachel RudinFoundation, Inc.$25,000-$49,999Bobbie Abrams/ Nathanson-AbramsFamily Foundation*Helen and Robert AppelAnonymousArchimedes Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Estate of Arthur B. BaerJane and Alan R. Batkin*Jane and Philip E. BerneyBIMC David B. Kriser Department ofEmergency MedicineBIMC Department of MedicineBIMC Department of OtolaryngologyBIMC Department of Pathology andLaboratory MedicineBIMC Department of SurgeryBIMC Hand Surgery <strong>Center</strong>Maureen and Howard N. Blitman*Boston Scientific CorporationMr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald CaputoCephalon, Inc.Chinatown Cardiology, PCMr. William M. CohenCovidien Imaging Solutions andPharmaceutical ProductsEllie and Michael J. Crames*The Diller-Von Furstenberg FamilyFoundationEndo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Fisher Brothers FoundationMs. Mary GiambelliGoldman Sachs & Co.Ms. Carol P. Green*Estate of Leon Hellman, MDMr. Steven Hochberg and Mrs. HillaryLane Hochberg*Caroline and Lawrence Huntington*Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Jones IIEstate of Sylvia KaplanMelissa and Andrew Komaroff*Mrs. Emily F. LandauEstate of Debra J. LezakThe Marcled FoundationNancy and Martin S. Marcus*Carol and Arthur Maslow*Medtronic, Inc.Mr. Eugene B. Mercy, Jr.*Marjorie and Morgan L. Miller*Mr. David B. MurphyMr. Thomas S. Murphy, Sr.Mr. Thomas S. Murphy, Jr.Rebecca and James C. Neary*Mrs. Alice NetterOppenheimer Funds Legacy ProgramIris and Ira S. Rimerman*Pat Collins and Bill SarnoffMr. and Mrs. Louis C. SchroederDonna and Marvin SchwartzFoundationEstate of Jane L. Searock, RNSenior Health PartnersPaul E. Singer Family FoundationMr. S. Donald Sussman*TD Charitable FoundationThe Sidney & Loretta TeichFoundation, Inc.Tokio Marine ManagementUnited Hospital Fund of New YorkBetty Yarmon*$10,000-$24,999Aaronson Rappaport Feinstein &Deutsch, LLPCarol Hill and Jerome AlbertAmerican Cancer SocietyAmericareAmerigroup CorporationAmetek FoundationAnonymousThe Artina GroupMs. Loreen Artz<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Heart InstituteThe Big Wood FoundationBIMC Blitman Department ofRadiation OncologyBIMC <strong>Medical</strong> BoardJosephine and Stan Brezenoff*Cablevision Systems CorporationSing Chan, MDThe Chasanoff Foundation, Inc.The Cowles Charitable TrustThe Edmond de Rothschild FoundationGail F. Donovan*Mr. Simon EckersleyMs. Brenda G. ElishisMr. Fred C. Farkouh/ Farkouh, Furman& Faccio LLPMrs. Lorna Appel Fuller*Globe Capital Partners LLCGNYHA Ventures, Inc.Herman Goldman FoundationLinda and Richard A. Goldstein*Phillips Green Foundation, Inc./Janet GreenMr. Avrom E. Greenberg and Ms.Valerie E. HarperMs. Terrie L. GresswellMr. Robert Halmi, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Halmi, Jr.The Irving A. Hansen MemorialFoundationHealthfirst, Inc.Lenore Hecht Foundation, Inc.Heidell, Pittoni, Murphy and Bach, LLPMs. Francie HellerMr. and Mrs. David D. Holbrook/Holbrook Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. James HoughtonHugoton FoundationImperial Parking Systems, Inc.The J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc.Karen Katen FoundationThe Michele Klipstein-CohenFoundation, Inc.Roz and Stanley Komaroff*Sundar D. Koppolu, MDMrs. Dorothy S. Kryger*Edwin A. Levy CharitableFoundation, Inc.Joseph and Ceil Mazer EndowmentFund of the Jewish Communal FundMcAloon & Friedman, PCPeter D. McCann, MDMetropolitan Jewish Health SystemMidwood Ambulance & OxygenService, Inc.Morgan Management, LLCNouveau Elevator Industries, Inc.NY MedscanGeorgia and Mark S. Persky, MD*Mr. Lawrence S. Phillips*Mr. and Mrs. Bernard PosnerProskauer Rose LLPMr. Jonathan RosenbergSalix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Estate of Jerome A. Schack, MDEstate of Shirley SchneierAbraham I. and Jean Sherr FoundationSLR Department of NeurosurgerySLR Department of SurgeryRobert Smith, MDEstate of William SolomonMr. Jeff SorefMaury L. Spanier, Esq.*Starlight Children's FoundationMs. Ruth A. UnterbergMr. and Mrs. Alex L. WallauMr. and Mrs. Alan C. WinickWinston Staffing ServicesThe Zankel Fund$5,000-$9,999AKF Group, LLCAllscriptsAlpha Logica, Inc.Ms. Teri AronovThe Audit GroupAlejandro Berenstein, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. BernsteinBIMC Department of Obstetrics andGynecologyBIMC Division of Plastic SurgeryBIMC Milton and Bernice SternDepartment of PediatricsMr. and Mrs. Frank BisignanoBrooklyn Kings HighwayAnesthesiologists, LLPCauldwell Wingate Company, LLCCollins Building Services, Inc.Cortec GroupMichael A. Cushner, MD*Derive TechnologiesEcosystem Energy ServicesMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. EdelmanEmblemHealthEmpire Blue Cross Blue ShieldFerriday FundFried, Frank, Harris, Shriver& Jacob, LLPDr. and Mrs. David J. FriedmanGenomic Health, Inc.The Gettinger Family FoundationMr. Robert J. GoldmanAlbin Gustafson CompanyJay and Sandra Harris FoundationMs. Ann HirthStephen A. Hochman, Esq.*HUB InternationalMrs. Elsie R. KearnsKPMG, LLPJerilyn Kronen, MDConnie and Harvey M. Krueger*I. Michael Leitman, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lerner*Carolyne and Edwin A. LevyThe Toni Lieberman FamilyCharitable TrustStanley Liebowitz, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Marshall LoebMr. and Mrs. Michael LoebJerry A. Lubliner, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. MillerMr. and Mrs. Kevin Molloy*Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyFreema and Harris M. Nagler, MD*Ms. Enid Nemy*Neurosurgical Associates, PCOffice DepotOtsuka Pharmaceutical Development& Commercialization, Inc.Paul M. Maintenance, Inc.Joan and Joel I. PicketPrecision Toyota of TucsonPrime, Buchholz & Associates, Inc.Primo ProduceProStrakan, Inc.Judith and Burton Resnick*Revival Home Health CareThe Risk Management PlanningGroup, Inc.Katten Muchin RosenmanFoundation, Inc.Leo Rosner Foundation, Inc.Joan and Arthur Sarnoff*Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. SharpMrs. Nadia ShihabiVladimir Shur, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Siegel*Jerome H. Siegel, MD*Mr. and Mrs. David SimkinsMr. Joseph W. SpadaJohn and Dorothy Sprague FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael SternMs. Arlene C. StrelitzSwitzer FoundationMr. and Mrs. Harry Tal*Team Pastore, Inc.Leo ThurmMr. and Mrs. Daniel D. ToscanoUnited States Integrated Systems, Inc.University Settlement Society of NYMark L. Urken, MDVisiting Nurse Service of New YorkSusan and Kenneth Weiller$2,500-$4,999Anonymous (2)Andrea and David ArchibaldAssociation of Chinese AmericanPhysiciansMr. and Mrs. Soly BawabehSteven Beldner, MDMrs. Rebecca Benavidez-LemmonBertram FoodsBIMC Kings Highway OrthopedicAssoc., PCBIMC Mirken Department of NeurologyBIMC Sol and Margaret BergerDepartment of UrologyThe Blumenkrantz Foundation, Inc.Susan K. Boolbol, MDBrooklyn Radiation OncologyMr. William A. Burton*Mr. John J. CaliCammack LaRhette ConsultingThe Paul Robert Carey FoundationThe Bonnie Cashin FundColumbia UniversityCliff P. Connery, MD*Bruce E. Culliney, MD*Frances Cuomo, MD*Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Mark DaltonDr. and Mrs. Don Des JarlaisMr. Alvin Deutsch*Estate of Jranger R. ErbyMartha E. Fedorko, MD*Fidelity InvestmentsMr. and Mrs. Steven FooteFoundation to Promote Open SocietyIra H. Friedman, MD*Garfunkel Wild, PCGenentechMs. Hilary GewantAlyssa Gillego, MDMr. and Mrs. Henry J. Glanternik*Mr. I. Michael GoodmanGotham Construction Company, LLCGrant Thornton LLPGreater Than OneThe Heller Family FoundationMr. Elie D. Hirschfeld*Horizon <strong>Medical</strong> Group, LLPHospitals Insurance Company, Inc.Image Processing SystemsThe Institute for Family HealthJ.H. Cohn LLPJohns Hopkins UniversityKathleen and Richard Kearns*The Morris and Jeanette Kessel FundLouise M. Klebanoff, MD*Paula Klein, MDThe Kleiner Family FoundationMs. Nancy Langsan*Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. LevyThe Litwin Foundation, Inc.Manhattan Orthopaedics, PCAllen H. Maniker, MD*The V&L Marx FoundationMr. Martin T. Maurice*McKesson Corporation<strong>Medical</strong> Liability Mutual Insurance Co.Charles P. Melone, Jr., MDMs. Betsy Miller*Christopher B. Mills, MD*MMS-A <strong>Medical</strong> Supply CompanyMs. Robyn MooreMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey MoskinMr. Van V. Muran*Lisa and Edward NemchekNew Sea Crest HCC, LCCSeiko and Robert G. Newman, MDThe Esmond Nissim Foundation, Inc.Mr. Frank J. Pedone, Jr.*Phillips <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> School of NursingNurses AlumniPhysicians' Reciprocal InsurersDaniel B. Polatsch, MDPolones Construction CorporationMr. Kurt E. ReinsbergCarol Rubiano*Robert F. Savage, Jr.*Sawtooth GroupSenior Care Emergency<strong>Medical</strong> ServicesSephardic Geriatric Home Foundationof New York, Inc.Shore View Nursing HomeSheldon R. Simon, MD*Skanska USA Building, Inc.Mark L. Smith, MDMs. Sharon Sylvester*Syska Hennessy Group, Inc.Milton Tenenbaum CharitableFoundationAndrew H. Turtel, MDTyll & Lavigne Inc.UnitedHealthMs. Nancy E. WeeksMr. and Mrs. George T. WendlerElizabeth and Bradley WhitmanJane and Richard ZenkerRobert J. Ziets, MD*$1,000-$2,499990 AvAmericas Associates LPA & A Maintenance Enterprise, Inc.Mrs. Virginia AaronMr. Robert E. AbramsA-Check America, Inc.Advanced Urology PCMs. Monica A. AlbanoAllied Urological Services, LLCAloysius Butler & ClarkMaurice Alwaya, MD*American Academy of NeurologyFoundationAmerican Urological Association, Inc.Amertex Textile ServicesAnixter Brothers, Inc.Anonymous (4)Mr. Marion H. AntoniniMr. and Mrs. Andrew ArnoArray Healthcare Facilities SolutionsMartin J. Arron, MD*AstraZenecaMr. and Mrs. Peter A. AtkinsAtlantis Rehabilitation & ResidentialHealthcare FacililtyMr. Jonathan N. Axelrod*The Arnold F. Baggins Foundation, Inc.Modestus Bauer FoundationMichela T. Catalano, MD andStephen G. Baum, MD*Mrs. Janine BehrmanBelkin Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLPAaron H. Berger, MD*Bernard Hodes Group, Inc.Mr. Allan H. BernardDavid B. Bernard, MD*Mr. Lewis W. BernardBrett B. Bernstein, MD*Chaim J. Bernstein, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Ken M. Bertaccini<strong>Beth</strong>el Gospel Tabernacle Church ofthe Apostolic FaithBIMC Asian Services <strong>Center</strong>BIMC <strong>Center</strong> for Health and HealingBIMC Yarmon Division ofNeurobehaviorMrs. Cynthia G. BiondiFabian Bitan, MD*Black Box Network ServicesJane and Mike BlumenfeldHenry C. Bodenheimer, Jr., MD*Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln A. BoehmSergey Bogdan, MD*B. Braun <strong>Medical</strong>, Inc.Susan B. Bressman, MD*British AirwaysBrooklyn Neurological Associates, PCMr. and Mrs. Michael BrunoAlfred P. Burger, MD*Cannon DesignCarenext, LLCW. P. Carey FoundationCarquest & Worldpac CharitableFoundation+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

16 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2011 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201117Francis Cauffman, Inc.Bryan Cave LLPCB Richard EllisCG Commercial FinanceManjeet Chadha, MDMr. and Mrs. James T. Chandler*Mr. and Mrs. Jay Chandler*Richard E. Charney, MD*Chinese American <strong>Medical</strong> SocietyChinese Freemasons Grand LodgeMr. and Mrs. William S. ChristopherMr. and Mrs. James F. ClarkeMr. and Mrs. Mark Clements*Mary and John Collura*Community Counselling ServiceCo., LLCCornick, Garber & Sandler, LLPCrown Nursing and Rehabilitation<strong>Center</strong>CTI Tecksource, LLCDr. and Mrs. Scott B. CutlerMs. Suzanne Cutler*Mr. Duncan N. DarrowMr. and Mrs. Christopher C. DavisJoseph Dayan, MDDermatology Associates of BI and SLRDilon Technologies, LLCEddys Disla, MD*Ms. Pearlie M. Dodson*Donald Blair ArchitectsM. D'Ottavio Produce, Inc.Mr. Michael J. DoughertyMr. George W. DownsDPV Consultants Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Mitchel R. Drucker*David J. D'Souza, MD*Mr. George T. DuncanEast 72nd Street Orthopaedic SurgerySpecialists, PCMs. Lee Ebs*Mr. Richard EmeryMr. and Mrs. Paul Emposimato*The Farmington CompanyMr. Stephen J. Feinberg*Martin M. Feuer, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Alvin FingerMr. Jacquin Philip FinkFire Code ServicesFirst American Equipment FinanceHarry D. Fischer, MD*David J. Fleiss, MD*Floor Logic Carpet Workshop, LLCMr. and Mrs. Joel FlorinFOJP Service CorporationFour Seasons Nursing andRehabilitation <strong>Center</strong>The William Fox Jr. FoundationFrank Crystal & Company, Inc.Richard H. Frankel, DPM*Frenkel Benefits, LLCMr. Richard Freundlich*Mr. Ruslan GalyanurovJosef J. Geldwert, DPM*Mr. and Mrs. Scott GewantGilbane Building CompanyMr. Richard GilmerPeter A. Godsick, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Goldstein<strong>Israel</strong> Goldstein, DPM*John G. Golfinos, MDRobert S. Gotlin, DO*Grand Ambulette Service, Inc.Mr. Jay M. GreenGreenburg-May FoundationMr. and Mrs. Terence GreeneMr. Robert GrosbergMichael L. Grossbard, MD*Grubb & EllisMs. Belle L. HalpernLeonard R. Harrison, Jr., MD*Mr. Bruce A. HausmanStephen P. Haveson, MD*Mr. Mark J. HeadleyMr. and Mrs. Melvin HellerMr. Richard B. Heller*Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Helpern*Hemoncare, PCMr. and Mrs. Gary HerbstMr. George J. Hiltzik*Mr. Alan Hirschfeld*Mr. Steven H. Hirth*Dr. and Mrs. Darryl M. Hoffman*Intercall of New York, Inc.Mrs. Ruthanne IselinJenna's Rainbow Foundation, Inc.Jerome and Delores ZuckermanGewirtz Charitable TrustMs. Jennifer L. JessupJones Lang La SalleKarpas Strategies, LLCAlex Katz, DPM*Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Katz*Diana Cohen Killip, MD and ThomasKillip, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Kleinberg*Dr. and Mrs. Yehuda E. Kleinman*Kenneth J. Knuckles, Esq.*Wilson Ko, MD*Mr. and Mrs. William B. KohnMichael and Shelia KoumasPeter S. Kozuch, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. KroonMr. Daniel KubinMs. Allison KunisDr. Bartley R. and Keri LabinerMr. Michael LaganaKin Y. Lam, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. LanierMr. David LansburyMr. and Mrs. Lee LasherMs. Louedda L. Lawrence*Ms. Gunilla LaxMr. Dale Everett Leach*Ms. Candace LeedsBenjamin Levy, MDLinmar ConstructionLoomis, Sayles & CompanyEisner Lubin LLPPatricia A. Luhan, PhD*Aye Moe Thu Ma, MDDaniel J.L. MacGowan, MD*Janet Mackin, EdD, RNJosiah Macy, Jr. FoundationMr. W. Brian Maillian*Stephen C. Malamud, MDJohn E. Mancuso, DPM*Mr. James F. MandlerMrs. Pat C. MannMann's Packing CompanyMr. and Mrs. James S. Marcus*Mr. Robinson Markel*Michele Martinho, MDMrs. Frances MartinsonMr. and Mrs. Michael McInerney*Ms. Elise MerhigeThe Messinger Foundation, Inc.Ms. Robyn MewshawMidtown Urological Associates, PCDonna Mildvan, MD*MimVista CorporationMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. MolenWalter J. Molofsky, MD*Mr. James E. MoltzMr. Michael A. MonteleoneHenry & Rose Moskowitz FamilyFoundationMr. and Mrs. Richard P. Myers, Jr.Mr. Thomas G. NagorskiNahom Family FoundationDavid T. Neuman, MD*Mr. Arthur B. Newman+Yair Jacob Nir, MD*Ronald Noy, MD*Oestreicher Construction Corp.Office Furniture ServiceMs. Lisa P. Orberg*Drs. Iris and Laurence Orbuch*Perkins Eastman Architects, PCMr. and Mrs. Norman Perkins*Physicians Endoscopy, LLCEdmund B. Piccolino, PhD*The Pittman Family FoundationKevin D. Plancher, MD*Mr. D. Eric Pogue*Russell K. Portenoy, MD and Susan M.Sussmann, PhD*Mr. Jonathan Posner*Private Advisors, LLCJonathan M. Raskin, MD*Renal Research Institute, Inc.John Rescigno, MDAngelo T. Reyes, MD*Mr. Eytan RibnerGreg and Melissa RiceMs. Susan J. RileyRiolo Transportation, Inc.Ms. Jane G. RittmasterZoe I. Rodriguez, MDMr. Mickey RolfeThe Frederick P. & Sandra P. RoseFoundationMr. and Mrs. Gabriel RosenfeldMrs. Doris S. RosenthalMrs. Blanche G. Ross*Ms. Toni L. RossMr. and Mrs. Eric M. RothRTech HealthcareRevenueTechnologies, Inc.Rubenstein Associates, Inc.Leslie and Mitchell RubinWilliam Samson, MDMr. Albert SarnoffStephen N. Scelsa, MD*Mr. Paul L. Schaye andMs. Gretchen PillerSylvia and Robert Scher CharitableFoundationDr. and Mrs. Alexander Schick*Mr. and Mrs. William SchoenfeldMr. Steven Schrader*Alan M. Schwimmer, DDS*Seald Sweet InternationalSelect Equity Group, Inc.Sheepshead Bay <strong>Medical</strong>Associates PCSheepshead Nursing HomeStacey L. Silvers, MDThe Warren J. and FlorenceSinsheimer Foundation, Inc.The Sokoloff Foundation Inc.Mr. Adam D. SokoloffMr. and Mrs. Arnold Spellun*The Spoon Sisters, Inc.Standard Textile Co., Inc.Paul Stelzer, MDMr. Richard SteplerBernice and Milton Stern FoundationMr. Bruce Kevin Sterns and Mr.Charles A. Skowron*Mark R. Sultan, MDArthur W. Sung, MD*Burton G. Surick, MD*Mrs. Linda A. SwallingSysmex America, Inc.Stephen Teitelbaum, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Temel*Judy and Warren Tenney FoundationTilden Midtown Democratic ClubRobert F. Tranbaugh, MD*Maxim Tyorkin, MD*U.S. FoodserviceMarjorie & Clarence E. UnterbergFoundation, Inc.Village Care of New York Inc.Village Park <strong>Medical</strong> Group, PCVisiting Nurse Regional HealthCare SystemWank Adams Slavin Associates, LLPMrs. Muriel WasherMr. and Mrs. Burton D. WassermanMs. Joyce-Marie WeinsteinNeil & Virginia Weiss FoundationWest Park <strong>Medical</strong> GroupJames F. Winchester, MD*H. Jay Wisnicki, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wolf*Steven M. Wolf, MD*Mae and Richard Wong, Esq.*Ms. Migs WoodsideYamaha Corporation of AmericaThe Eugene Zitwer Foundation, Inc.$250-$999Mr. and Mrs. Dore J. AbramsMr. Bruce E. AldiniMs. Nina AltschillerMr. Alex AlvarezMrs. Lourdes G. AmatoMr. and Mrs. Maurizio AmeriMs. Rachael V. AmeriAmerican Federation For<strong>Medical</strong> ResearchAmerican Society of Composers,Authors and PublishersJohn A. Andrilli, MDMrs. Jennie AngelMrs. Rita L. Antanir-PosinMrs. Nancy H. ArnoMr. and Mrs. Alvin L. ArnoldMr. Scott ArnoldMr. Shogo AsajiMr. and Mrs. Abraham AscherMr. Robert AstrowskyDr. Fadi F. and Leila AttiyehMs. Mary AtwoodAutomated LogicB.R. Fries & AssociatesMs. Beatrix BalatoniMs. Janice M. BallakMrs. Patricia A. BalsaminiBarclay Water Management, Inc.Ms. Christine BarkerMs. Elyse BarkinAmnon Barnea, DPMLisa M. Bartoli, DOMr. and Mrs. Richard J. BeckerMs. Sophie M. BeitlerMr. and Mrs. John T. Benjamin, IIIBenz's Food Products, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Edward BerdayRussell L. Berdoff, MDStefany & Simon Bergson FoundationMs. Ida BerkowitzMr. Ted BerkowitzMr. and Mrs. Martin BernsteinBest Global Alternative, Ltd.BIMC Cardiac Surgery DivisionDouglas R. Birns, MDMs. Deborah G. BlackMr. Douglas A. BlackburnMr. and Mrs. Steven D. BlecherMr. Paul H. BoehringerMr. Eulogio BonanoMr. and Mrs. Frederick J. BossongNancy A. Bourque, LCSWMs. Barbara BoveBracco Diagnostics, Inc.Ms. Carolyn BrodMr. and Mrs. Neil BrodyMrs. Rochelle BronsonProfessor Michael BrookesSteven T. Brower, MDMrs. Dana BuhlCabrini <strong>Center</strong> for Nursing& RehabilitationMr. and Mrs. Gerard CaccappoloMs. Mary J. CahillMr. Mendell CalabiaMr. and Mrs. John CanoniCardarelli Design & Architecture, PCMr. Jonathan CarmenRaymond G. Cavaliere, DPMMrs. Theresa A. CavanaughBrent I. Chabus, MDSamuel Chan, MDMr. and Mrs. Edward Y. ChangMrs. Kim Marie Charles-McMahonMs. Celeste M. ChauEileen T. Chen, MDEthan J. Ciment, DPMMrs. Blanche CirkerClaridan Contracting, Inc.Mr. Sean ClarkeMr. and Mrs. Joseph CodispotiMrs. Joann M. CoffinJean-Marc Cohen, MDMs. Sarah-Jane CohenMr. Stephen A. ConeMs. Nancy A. CookMrs. Betty CottonMr. Frank J. CracoliciMr. and Mrs. William R. CrawfordMs. Charlotte M. CulverD & L Ambulette, Inc.Ms. Eileen M. DaughtonMs. Danielle De MaioMr. John De Witt-GregoryMs. Pamela DedererMr. Charles DefantiMr. Stephen P. DegotMs. Mary DelucaMrs. and Mr. Suzanne DeVitoMs. Karen Joy DevriesDGA Partners, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Di DioDigestive Healthcare <strong>Center</strong>, PAMr. John L. DilanoMs. Madelyne DiMariaNady Dimitrov, DPMDiversified Benefit Services, Inc.John Dodan, DPMDrinker Biddle & Reath LLPS. Leonard Edelstein, MDMr. Stephen M. Egan+Dr. and Mrs. Marvin S. EigerMr. and Mrs. Christopher EpesSylvia H. Epstein, PhDMr. and Mrs. R. Stewart EwingMr. Bruce FabrikantMs. Patricia A. FalkenbergMrs. Rosalyn H. FeldmanMrs. Helaine FendelmanStanley J. & Doris FenvessyFoundationFerncliff Manor, Inc.First Response Ambulance, Inc.Mr. Christopher A. FitchettElla Fitzgerald Charitable FoundationStewart B. Fleishman, MDMs. Ionie FlemingForrest Solutions GroupMr. and Mrs. Martin FoxMr. and Mrs. Barry R. FreedmanFresh & Tasty Baked Products, LLCMrs. Carole H. FriedmanMr. Darryl FriedricksMr. and Mrs. Marc FrimetRabbi and Mrs. Moshe FuchsG.A.F. Seelig, Inc.G.I.G. ExpeditingMs. Mary Anne GallagherMs. Galina GarbarskayaMr. and Mrs. Edward L. GardnerLynn E. Gargano, DDSMrs. Jo Ann GaynorMs. Roberta GelbMrs. Gloria L. GelfandMr. Jack A. GentileMr. and Mrs. Sam GershowitzMrs. Susan A. GinsbergMrs. Edith GlaserDr. and Mrs. Monroe GliedmanMs. Lola GoldringMrs. Susan Gold-WagnerMr. John A. GoliebErik Goluboff, MDMr. William Gonzalez-GuillotMs. Mary GoodmanJoseph Grace Holdings, Inc.Mrs. Joan GrahamMs. Theron S. GrantGreater New York Hospital AssociationMrs. Nadine GrelsamerMrs. Pearl E. Griffith-EcclesMs. Catherine GrimesMr. and Mrs. Thomas T. GroosRobert J. Grossi, MDAaron Grotas, MDMr. Alvin GrubmanMrs. Jennifer M. GruenbergMr. Isaac HalpernMrs. Anita HarrisEstate of Rose M. Hauer, RNLional G. Hausman, DPMHaym Salomon HomeHEARxMs. Carolyn A. HellerMr. Michael J. HerkoHerndon AssociatesIvan Herstik, DPMJudith Hertanu, MDMs. Rhona HetsronyHewlett Packard Financial ServicesMr. Glenn J. HillMrs. Carole B. HochhauserMr. and Mrs. Jeroen R. HoeversMr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. HoffmanGabriella E. Hohn, PhDMr. Ken R. HoldenMrs. Linda Rothaman Howard-WeissmanMrs. Angela M. ImhofErnest Isaacson, DPMAlamgir Isani, MDJ & R Mechanical Services, Inc.Ms. Ina JabaraMs. Barbara Batya JacobMrs. Julie W. JacobsMrs. Mary A. JacobsonThe Peter and Ellen JakobsonFoundationMr. and Mrs. David JayMr. William JebailyMr. Stuart Jeffrey andMrs. Astrid JeffreySorelis Jimenez, DPMMr. and Mrs. J. Lyle JohnsonJP Morgan ChaseMr. Mark W. JustinBernard A. Kabakow, MDMs. Kimberly KakerbeckMr. Lewis A. KaplanMartin S. Karpeh, Jr., MD*Honorable and Mrs. Bentley KassalZafar Khan, MDMr. and Mrs. Joseph F. KingMr. and Mrs. Charles D. KleinGeorge Klein, MDLisa J. Kleist, RNCMs. Susan L. KohnMs. Randi KrapfMr. Gregory KubinMr. Edward J. KyneMs. Mei Siu Lai-TangDr. and Mrs. Norman LammMr. Steven Dove LandoBruce Lashley, DPMLecce EngineeringMs. Jin Hee LeeMs. Shuk-Yi LeeJoseph and Juanita LeffCharitable TrustMr. and Mrs. Carlos A. LemmeMs. Debra J. LennonMs. Judith H. LevickNachum Levin, MDMr. and Mrs. Ronald LeVineMr. Daniel Levinson+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

18 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2011 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201119Brian K. Levy, DPMMs. Carol LevyMr. Martin R. LewisMs. Marianne LicareMrs. Margaret Lindo-DeFrancoMr. and Mrs. Robert G. LoewyMs. Tori LovelessLuthin Associates, Inc.M. Tucker Company, Inc.Mr. George MahoneyMamais Contracting Corp.Mr. Walter T. MandelHillel Y. Marans, MD, FACSMs. Marisa MarchettoDr. and Mrs. Donald S. MarksMrs. Mary C. MarliMarrus Family Foundation, Inc.Ms. Ximena MatamalaMs. Elizabeth Mc AndrewMcEvoy ConsultingMarvin A. McMillen, MDMs. Mary J. McNamaraMs. Iris McQuistionNavin C. Mehta, MDKenneth Meisler, DPMMs. Ellen MetzendorfMrs. Hermine R. MigdonMr. Helmut MiklauschinaMs. Joanne MilerMs. Helen MillerChris Minacapilli, DPMMr. and Mrs. Michael MironchikMr. Moishe MishkowitzMr. Sherwood G. MoeMr. Stephen M. MonezMr. Thomas A. MorleyMrs. Jane E. Moross+John Mwando, MDMyriad Genetics LaboratoriesMr. and Mrs. Michael E. NajjarMs. Rhonda NegrinMs. Sara NerkenThe Netter Foundation Inc.New York Eye and Ear InfirmaryMr. Matthew NewmanMs. Hang Chu NgRoland Nyein, MDO.R. Specialities, Inc.Mrs. Heleana O'Driscoll-RyanMr. and Mrs. Theodore OhlsteinMrs. Justine S. OndricekMs. Kirsten OppenheimerMr. and Mrs. John K. OrbergMichael P. Osborne, MDOssining Window CleaningCompany, Inc.William and Jane OvermanFoundation, Inc.Ovington Orthopedic MedicineAssoc., LLCPalm Gardens <strong>Center</strong>Sapna Pandya, DPMPark Avenue Podiatry Associates, PCMs. Lavern C. ParkerMrs. Doris L. PaysonMr. Frank PecorelliMs. Denise Pelle*Natalia O. Peters, DPMMs. Elizabeth PetruskaMs. Erin PettersenMs. Michelle Lay Poh PhanVirginia C. Phipps, MDEswar Dutt Pillalamarri, MDAreta Podhorodecki, MDMr. and Mrs. Marshall PolkMs. Helen P. PowellMr. Peter Irwin PowellMs. Virginia G. PowersMs. Leslie J. PriceMrs. Jessica Simon PrinceMr. John A. PritchardMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. ProfetaPromenade Rehabilitation & HealthCare <strong>Center</strong>Promptcare Home Infusion, LLCPropark America New York, LLCPTS Data <strong>Center</strong> Solutions, Inc.Ms. Patricia E. QuinlanMr. Joseph P. RachutaMs. Loida RamosRasco Graphics, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Sherman RaskinMs. Cherilyn ReMr. and Mrs. Mario B.+ RecchiaMr. Harold ReedMrs. Saundra M. ReichardRibakoff Family FoundationMr. Richard L. RichMr. Stanley RobinsonMs. Lispet N. RolandMr. and Mrs. Bill RossonAlan Rothberger, MDMr. and Mrs. Ronald RoxbyMrs. Kelli D. Royer-ZieglerRTR Financial ServicesDr. and Mrs. James M. RubinDr. and Mrs. Arthur L. RudermanMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. RussoSam Ash Music CorporationMrs. Helen K. SamuelsSanky Communications, Inc.Mrs. Susan S. Sarnoff-BramMr. and Mrs. Gisbert G. SchallMr. Jules ScharfMr. Barry L. SchlossbergCarmen D. Schmidt, RNMs. Emily R. SchwarzScott Precious Metal, Inc.David H. Sekons, MDMs. Thea SelbyMrs. Michelle K. ShaerSovrin Shah, MDMr. Raymond ShalleyMrs. Jean ShamrothShannon River Capital ManagementMs. Theresa ShaoIlan Shapira, MDMr. James SharpeMr. and Mrs. Stephen L. SheinfeldMs. Ellen SherryHiromi Shinya, MDMorris Shorofsky, MDAlfred Shtainer, MDFrederic D. Shulman, PhDStephen G. Silver, MDMs. Margaret D. SinclairMrs. Mary Ann SiskindMr. and Mrs. Mark SlotnickMr. and Mrs. Joshua A. SmithMrs. Patricia M. SmithMs. Martha E. SolingerMeyer Solny, MDSolomon Johnson AssociatesDorene Soo-Hoo, DPMMs. Elizabeth J. SoslandDr. William D. Spielfogel, DPMSpring Creek Rehabilitation & NursingCare <strong>Center</strong>Squad Security, Inc.Mark Stein, MDSidney K. Stein, MDDaniel I. Steinberg, MDMr. Richard P. SteinbergMr. and Mrs. Robert C. SteinmanMr. Nicholas J. StenSterling Ambulette, Inc.Ms. Andrea D. SternMr. and Mrs. Ronald SternMs. Margaret F. StrausMrs. Carol Kahn StraussMr. and Mrs. Henry M. StroussMs. Geraldine StuckeyMr. Roger StuverasMs. Carmen S. SuardyMs. Roselyn A. SummerfieldRajani K. Surapaneni, MDMs. Cathy SuttonMr. and Mrs. John SykesMs. Robin G. TabachnikMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. TaftTambetti, Inc.Tarter, Krinsky & Drogin LLPPaul I. Tartter, MDDr. and Mrs. Martin S. TesherThird Avenue Movement Co., Inc.Mr. William H. ThompsonMs. Rosemarie TichlerMrs. Lynn TobiasMr. Louis TratnerMr. and Mrs. Allan TreuhaftTrinity HomecareTriway Enterprise, IncMr. Bill TuckerTurner Construction CompanyMs. Rhoda UchitelUrological Consultants of NYand LI PLLCJoshua Verona, DDSMs. Michelle M. VieiraMs. Kalliopi VorvolakosMr. Jonathan S. VyorstMrs. Maureen Frances WaideMs. Marie WallsMary Walsh, RNDr. and Mrs. Daniel WalzmanMs. Belinda Jane WardMr. and Mrs. Jacob WassermanMr. Jordan WaxmanMr. Andrew J. WeinsteinMr. and Mrs. Ira WeissmanMrs. Joyce L. WestMr. and Mrs. Andrew C. WhiteMrs. Arline Merritt WhitmarshMrs. Judith D. WidmannMr. Jonathan L. WiesnerMs. Barbara J. WilliamsArnold Winston, MDMr. Kyle F. WoitelMr. Albert M. WojnilowerRichard X. Yan, MDDr. and Mrs. Stanley R. YancovitzJaime Yun, MDMr. Donald L. ZambaranoMr. and Mrs. Danny S. ZeidnerMs. Elaine ZeitlinZelda's Art WorldMs. Corinne A. ZinnMs. Debora ZucchiMs. Faith A. Zuckerman$100-$249A+ Letter Service, Inc.Ms. Adriana R. AbanoMr. Patrick AbouchalacheMr. Lewis AbramsMr. Anthony AdoranteMs. Paula AlbuMr. and Mrs. Herbert H. AlpertMr. and Mrs. Stanley AmbroseMrs. Lisa Amster-BlughMr. Edward J. AnnessAnonymousMs. Irene S. AptMr. Anthony AratoMr. Theodore Arno IIMr. Arnold L. AronsonDomingo D. Arroyo, Jr.Ms. Judith AtkinsMrs. Janet R. AxelrodMs. Paulette AzariaMs. Angela BabaevMs. Myrtle BachMrs. Elizabeth BaderMr. and Mrs. Jerome BailinMr. and Mrs. Martin S. BakerMr. Giovanni F. BalistreriMs. Bernice BarnesMr. and Mrs. Richard K. BaronMr. and Mrs. Robert R. BaronMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. BarrittMs. Doris P. BarryMr. and Mrs. Lester D. BassMs. Regina BattinoMr. and Mrs. Harry M. BaumanMr. Andrew BeckerMr. and Mrs. Rahmatollah BendjiMr. and Mrs. Robert B. BennettMs. Michelle A. BensonMr. and Mrs. Nathan J. BerenholzMs. Nancy BeresMs. Cherry BergerMs. Mary J. BergerMrs. Andrea L. BergmanAtara J. Berliner, PhDLaura Bernay, MDMs. Sybil BernsteinMr. and Mrs. Bryan BierBIMC Kings Highway NursingAdministrationCatherine J. Binck, RNMs. Teresita G. BinsolMs. Henrietta R. BittmanMs. Allison D. BlochDr. and Mrs. David L. BloomMrs. Lenore L. BlumerMr. Nick BolesMr. John W. BolzMarilyn Bookbinder, RNMr. George B. BookmanMs. Allyson BoolbolMr. and Mrs. Charles E. BoulbolMr. John A. K. BradleyMr. and Mrs. Moshe BrandMr. and Mrs. Lester Breidenbach, Jr.Hillary Brenner, DPMMs. <strong>Beth</strong>ann M. BrownMs. Joan BrownMr. Paul BrownMs. Crissena BryanMrs. Joan BuehlerRabbi and Mrs. Melvin I. BurgMr. and Mrs. Mitchell A. BurgessMs. Mary P. BurnsMr. and Mrs. William J. BurnsGoldie Burstein, RNMr. Cornelius CadiganMs. Carol L. CandianoMr. and Mrs. Irving CantorMr. and Mrs. Michael A. CardozoCaremore Realty, LLCElise Carper, RNMr. and Mrs. Patrick E. CassidyMs. Jessica S. CerulliAndrew Chan, MDMs. Ling ChangMs. Sumy H. ChangMs. Diane L. CharlapBarbara Chasen, PhDLolita Chatterjee, MDMr. Nathan CheraRakhshan Chida, MDMr. Yuk Yin ChinMr. Zheng Rong ChuiMr. Gordon ClickmanDr. and Mrs. Hillel CohenDr. and Mrs. Leonard CohenLisa Cohen, RNMr. Martin J. CohenMs. Ellen M. CoinMs. Linda D. CollinsMrs. Marie A. ConnollyMr. and Mrs. Barry CooperMr. Vasile L. CosmaMs. Vicki CowenMs. Ellen L. CoxMrs. Eileen P. CurranMr. and Mrs. Malvin J. CutlerMr. Robert DalessandroMr. Alvin DanielMr. and Mrs. Rudolph de WinterMr. John DeasMrs. Y. Dees-van AartrijkMs. Rebecca DehghanMr. and Mrs. Oscar B. DelacruzMr. Salvatore DelligattiMs. Gwen DeLucaMr. and Mrs. Morris DembinMs. Shui-Xiang DengMs. Susan DepelteauMs. Joan L. DerwinMr. and Mrs. James Di GabrieleMs. Robin Sue DiazMr. Frank J. DiBellaMs. Susan DietzGeorge V. DiGiacinto, MDDr. and Mrs. William J. DiscipioDr. and Mrs. Richard S. DolinsMr. Vincent DomingoMr. Michael J. DominickMr. and Mrs. Chaim DrebinDr. and Mrs. Howard M. DruceHonorable Tom DuaneMs. Vivian L. DubinMs. Marguerite J. DuffyMr. Kenneth DurfeeMr. George DuseboutMs. Else M. DuusMs. Priscilla Alexandre DwyerDr. and Mrs. Robert S. EagleMs. Kathryn J. EbeMs. Louise R. Eckersley-KimbleThe Edgartown InnMr. Blair W. EffronMr. Rudolf O. EgerEllen B. Eisenstadt, MDMr. Howard L. EisensteinMr. and Mrs. Larry ElkinMs. Estelle Ellis-RubinsteinElmwood Charity FundMrs. Norma B. ElserMr. and Mrs. Leonard ElsteinMr. James EngMs. Shui Ngor EngMr. and Mrs. Solomon EnglanderMs. Theresa A. Eng-LeeMr. Stewart H. EpsteinMr. Samuel I. EssesMr. Miguel A. EstevezNorma Estremera, RNMrs. Lauren Etess-SchwartzWilliam Etra, MDMs. Dinah A. EvanMr. and Mrs. John W. EvansExcelsior CollegeMr. and Mrs. Robert FabrikantFacility Wizard SoftwareMr. Fung C. FanMs. Mary-Ellen FargnoliMs. Melissa L. FarkouhMr. Joseph FatalMr. Norman J. FedderMr. and Mrs. Leonard A. FeigenbaumMr. and Mrs. Robert S. FeinbergMr. and Mrs. Howard M. FeintuchMr. and Mrs. Albert FennerMs. Mary Nancy Ferrante+Mrs. Kathy Ferrara-SpinelliMrs. Sherry Field-AlmarazMr. and Mrs. Harry FieldsMr. and Mrs. James J. FigueroaCarlo Filiaci, MDMr. and Mrs. Howard FinkelsteinMrs. Susan FinkelsteinMr. and Mrs. Glenn FischerMr. Barry A. FleckJoyce Fogel, MDMr. Vincent W. Foley, Jr.Ms. Gerry FrankelMr. John C. FraserMr. David M. Fratianne<strong>Beth</strong> C. Freedman, MDMr. and Mrs. Larry FreedmanMs. Juliana FreiMr. and Mrs. Haim Dov FriedMrs. Arline B. FrishMrs. Elizabeth H. FroelichMr. and Mrs. Richard GallenMs. Camilla GalluzoIgor I. Galynker, MD, PhDMr. and Mrs. Leonard GamssMs. <strong>Beth</strong> GandlerMr. Joseph GaramellaMs. Barbara GarciaHyacith B. Hamilton-Gayle, RNMs. Sara GeatrakasMr. Herbert S. GeismarMs. Sherry F. GelbMr. Myron A. GelbergMr. and Mrs. Leonard E. GerberMr. Fulgencio GerenaMr. and Mrs. Edward D. GewirtzDr. Munir V. GhesaniMrs. Rose GibertiMr. Gideon GiladiMs. Amy Plaut GinsburgMr. Warren G. GlassGlassybaby, LLCEmanuel Goldberg, MDMr. Eric S. GoldbergMs. Victoria L. GoldbergMs. Joyce GoldenSusan L. Goldfine, MDMr. and Mrs. Alfred I. GoldmanMs. Cheryl H. GoldsteinMs. Marilyn S. GolubStella Gordin, MDMs. Cynthia D. GordonMs. Elizabeth M. GoreDr. and Mrs. Marc D. GottliebMs. Rebecca M. GottliebMr. Robert S. GottliebMs. Ruth G. GoykasoshMr. and Mrs. Manfred Graf<strong>Beth</strong> I. Greenberg, MDTobi Greene, MDMrs. Carol A. Greene-VincentMr. and Mrs. Alvin GreengartMr. Frank J. GrodioMr. Seth S. GrossMr. and Mrs. Elliot A. GrossmanMs. Gertrude GrovemanMr. Leonard GrumbachMr. George H. GrunigMr. and Mrs. Vincenzo GuglielmiMarylin Guntzler, RNMr. and Mrs. Samuel GuttmanMr. Calvin C. HaddadMs. Sandra J. HakalaMs. Donna HallMs. Judith A. HalperinMs. Jennifer HalpernMs. Lisa E. HalpernMr. Samuel HalpernMrs. and Mr. Genevieve Hanusiak+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

20 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2011 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201121Ms. Mady HarmanJackie Harris & Associates, Inc.Rev. Msgr. Robert M. HarrisManju Harshan, MDMr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. HarveyUlla Kristiina Laakso-Harwin andSteven F. HarwinJohn G. Haverly, MDMargaret M. Amato-Hayes, RNMs. Gail HaynesMs. Bao-Lin HeMr. and Mrs. Richard W. HerlichMr. Brian HermanMr. and Mrs. Jack HerschkowitzMs. Susanne K. HessMs. Margaret HofbeckMr. and Mrs. Jack S. HoffingerMs. Magdalena HolcombE&A Holtzman FoundationMr. Mark W. HolznerMs. Kimberly HoneMr. Gabriel L. HonigMr. and Mrs. Fred A. HorowitzMr. and Mrs. James HowellMs. Alice C. HudsonMs. Deborah L. HughesMs. Myrna B. HurwitzMr. Allard N. InceMr. Wing Y. Ip+Mrs. Jackie <strong>Israel</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Malkie JacobMr. Gustave M. JacobsAlan S. Jaffe, Esq.Mrs. Janet S. JakubowitzMs. Kim Ile JohnsonMs. Gloria JonesJust About Building Associates, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KadinMrs. Carol F. KafinMr. and Mrs. Marc KallusMr. Scott M. KampMr. and Mrs. Danai KanchanagomMr. Shulamith T. KaneMr. Patrick KangMr. Frederic KantorMr. and Mrs. James F. KaplanMr. Jonathan C. KarpMs. Lita K. KarpMrs. Albina KarrollMrs. Judith G. KaseMrs. Roslyn Kase-BlumenthalMr. and Mrs. Albert KassinMr. and Mrs. Gary KayeDr. and Mrs. Samuel KayeMr. and Mrs. Richard KelinMs. Susan L. KersteinMr. and Mrs. Harold W. KestenbaumMr. and Mrs. Martin KimelmanMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey KimmelMr. and Mrs. Gershon KingsleyMs. Joan E. KirkKirkland & Ellis FoundationMr. Ethan H. KleinbergMrs. Judith KneeErnest Knight, MDMrs. Sara KoffmanMr. Benjamin N. KohnMr. Daniel KohnMs. Evelyn KohnMr. and Mrs. Justin Y. KohnMr. and Mrs. Marvin T. KohnBrian S. Koll, MDMr. Alan B. KoslinMs. Teddi-Anne KostkowiczMr. Pierre KouakouLane Krevitt, MDMr. Paul KronenbergMr. Joel KrupnikMrs. Claire E. KunzMr. Stanley KupersteinLester Kushner, Esq.Ms. Kathleen R. KwederFrances Labinger, RNMrs. Pamela L. LaBonne-MangraviteMr. Matthew E. LabouvieMs. Napasiri LadavalMr. John R. LaganaMs. Yiu Ming LaiMelinda S. Lantz, MDMaria R. Latrace, RNMs. <strong>Beth</strong> M. LauberMr. Gary J. LavineMs. Ruth LaymanMr. and Mrs. Chaim LazarMr. and Mrs. Oliver LazareMr. Edman H. LeeMr. Abraham LefkowitzMs. Jane LehrmanMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. LevineMrs. Leslie B. LevyMr. Robert A. LevyMr. Bruce A. LiebermanMs. Kerry G. LiebowitzMr. Donald W. LinkMrs. Eve S. LipmanMr. Efraim LipschutzMr. Jeffrey A. LipsitzMrs. Maria T. LisantiMr. and Mrs. Bernard P. ListwanMr. and Mrs. Charles G. LitowDr. Joanne LoewyMs. Sau Chee LokMr. Frank Joseph Loos, Jr.Mrs. Deborah K. Lowen-KleinMs. Roxanne LowitMs. Emma T. LozmanMr. Carl A. LundLuntz Family FoundationMs. Joy LupolettiMr. Ken LustbaderRosalinda Luy, RNMs. Veronica M. MacasaetMs. Maria Lourdes MachucaMr. Agripino MadridMrs. Pauline J. MaerovMs. Sandra MaioranoMs. Maia A. MakharadzeMrs. Janet MakhoulMrs. Mathilda MaliavskyMs. Frances MalloyMs. Cynthia MandelThe Honorable Robert J. MangumMs. Elizabeth MarescaMr. Michael MargoliesMs. Nicki MarshJennifer Marti, MDNancy Maruyama, MDMrs. Elizabeth Maslow-MontesanoMrs. Lisa G. MatthewsMattia Physical Therapy andRehabilitation, LLCMr. Kenneth P. MaykowMrs. Clarice Maykow-RichMrs. Mary M. MaynardMs. Guendalina MazzolaiMr. George McCarthyMs. Mary McCarthyMs. Colleen M. McDonoughMs. Marion E. McElroyMr. William McgraneMr. Jessie McNabMr. and Mrs. Ira MeislikMr. and Mrs. Manes M. MerritMr. and Mrs. Stanley J. MichaelsMr. Fred T. MiersMr. David G. MillerMr. Jack MillerMr. and Mrs. Robert E. MillerMrs. Toby L. MillerMr. and Mrs. Mark H. MinterMr. John S. MitchellMr. and Mrs. Elliott H. MittlerMs. Jie Yun MoRuth W. Mollod, MDMr. Andras MolnarMonroe Plan for <strong>Medical</strong> Care, Inc.Mr. Irving MontakMs. Nicola MontrucchioMs. Mary A. MoranMr. Bruce MorrowMr. Mark MoscaMs. Anne MosesMr. and Mrs. Robert J. MosesMrs. Lydia MossDr. and Mrs. Richard D. MossMr. and Mrs. Stanton A. MossArun Mulchandani, MDMr. and Mrs. Dennis J. MurphyThelma Myers-Navarro, RNMs. Mya Kyi MyintMr. Michael NajarMr. Michael S. NannizziMs. Lori Ann NataleMerle C. Nazares, RNMr. Adam A. NeffMrs. Joan NelsonMrs. Elizabeth D. Nemus-WoodsMs. Ellen B. NennerMs. Megan M. NevilleMr. Glenn T. NewkirkMrs. Betty K. NewmanMs. Mary K. NewmanMr. and Mrs. Sol NickelsMs. Leonarda NikcMrs. Margaret D. NitkaMs. Sue Ann NolanMs. Lisa NoratElizabeth S. Ochoa, PhDMs. Mary H. OdomirokMr. Walter OerlemansDevin Joseph Okay, DDSMs. Dorinda J. OliverMr. Mohammed OmarMr. Noah OppenheimMs. Sue L. OrrMr. Edward O'SheaMs. Elaine P. OstermanMr. Stephen G. OswaldOur Lady of Pompeii SchoolMs. Joyce OwsinskiMr. Harry OxenhornMrs. Lucy Pagan-JaraMs. Aida PantojaMr. and Mrs. Robert ParadisoMr. and Mrs. Andrew PariseGeorge H. Parker, Esq.Ms. Debra PascaleMrs. Bernice Pass-SternSuzanne Pastore, MDMs. Mercedes PazCharles Perkel, MDMs. Lucy PflugerMs. Mang Kim PhuMr. and Mrs. Eric L. PickensMichele Pignatello andDaniel CordascoMr. Neal H. PilsonMr. John R. PinoMr. and Mrs. Joseph PinskyMr. and Mrs. Baruch PlagmanMr. and Mrs. David PlautMr. and Mrs. Costache PlescaPodiatric Surgical AssociatesCarol A. Post, DMDMr. and Mrs. Roger PrigentMr. Cornelius PrioleauMrs. Sally PryorMr. and Mrs. Peter PsyllosMrs. Karen Purtell-FreitasMs. Ziomara B. QuevedoMr. James M. RaiteProfessor James B. RamseyMr. Marshall Raucci, Jr.Mrs. Angela M. RauchMr. Pat RaymondMs. Irene L. RedfordMr. Joe Regan, Jr.Ms. Sandy ReiburnMrs. Martha Reich-OrensteinMrs. Victoria J. ReimlingerMr. Lawrence ReinSeth Resnick, MDMs. Ellen S. RetterholtMr. and Mrs. Angel RexachMr. Robert E. RichardsonMr. Olin RiedmanMr. Arthur RieserMrs. Barbara RoamanDavid M. Roane, MDMs. Lore RobbinsMr. Mark RobertsMs. Mimi RobertsMr. and Mrs. William V. RobertsonMr. Christopher A. RobertsonBarbara J. Robinson, RNMs. Laura B. RobinsonMrs. Heidi E. Robinson-VargishZena Rommett Floor-Barre FoundationMr. and Mrs. Steven J. RosardMs. Gloria RoseMr. Keith Frome RosenMs. Betty RosenfeldMs. Karen L. RosettiMrs. Alice Ross-GreerMs. Debra RothbergerRabbi and Mrs. Joseph M. RothbergerMs. Sarah RozMs. Luigia RozzaMr. Daniel RozziMr. Charles RubensteinMrs. Lynn RubensteinMr. and Mrs. Richard L. RubinMs. Melissa C. RussoMs. Elizabeth H. RutledgeMrs. Toni R. SadowskyMs. Cindy SalzilloMr. James SantoraMs. Debra SantoroMs. Concetta SarantisMrs. Julie Satinover LeffDavid Scal, MDMr. Joe ScarboroughMs. Laurie S. SchetlickMr. and Mrs. Ronald J. SchickMs. Gloria SchindlerMs. Linda M. SchleicherMr. and Mrs. Robert SchlesingerMr. David L. SchnadigMrs. Diane SchneidermanMs. Mary SchoppikMr. and Mrs. Douglas SchultzMrs. Rona J. SchwartzMrs. Rorrie S. SchwartzProfessor and Mrs. William SchwartzLanny S. Schwartzfarb, MDMr. and Mrs. Douglas R. SedwickMr. and Mrs. Larry M. SegallMr. and Mrs. Douglass J. SeidmanMr. Arthur A. SeifMs. Judith A. Seif and Mr. David SternMr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. SeplowMichael J. Serby, MDMr. and Mrs. Salvatore SetolaLawrence Severt, MDSudip Shah, MDVijay P. Shah, MDMrs. Jean M. ShaneMs. Margaret T. ShanksMs. Jeffrey R. ShannonMr. and Mrs. Edward S. ShapiroMs. Monique SharonValerie D. Shaw, RNMr. Randi ShebitzMs. Anne Sherman+Mr. David B. ShermanMr. Jerome B. ShermanMrs. Arline R. ShiersMr. Tony M. ShogrenMs. Iris ShokoffMr. Robert J. Short, Jr.Ms. Helen Y. ShuldinerMr. and Mrs. Barry M. ShulmanMr. and Mrs. David A. ShulmanMs. Dorothy B. SiegelMr. and Mrs. Michael L. SiegelMs. Carmen SierraMr. and Mrs. Conford B. SilcottMs. Carol SilkMr. and Mrs. Joseph SilvermanMr. Moses SilvermanMr. Eglon SimonsMrs. Barbara SimpsonMr. and Mrs. Jack B. SingerDr. and Mrs. Henry S. SingmanMs. Bernice L. SlotnickMr. Abraham SmallMr. and Mrs. Irving SmithMs. Jacqueline SmithMs. Allison SnowMr. Bert P. SnyderMr. and Mrs. Leah SolomonMr. Edgar SonnenfeldMr. Camilo G. SorioIvicos S. Sotirakis, MDMrs. Penny SpeckterMr. Jesse W. SpectorMrs. Debra SpivakMrs. Laurie SprayregenMs. Eve Ellen StarkmanState Tower of SyracuseAssociates, LLCMr. Charles P. StathasMr. and Mrs. David StevensMr. Joseph P. StowaskyMr. Tom StrandMs. Sheila StudintCathy Sullivan, RNKevin M. Sullivan, MDMrs. Andrea SultanMr. Chao Ping SunMr. Morris SurickThe Swat Team Inc.Mr. John SweeneyMr. Bruce TallenMs. Amy R. TanenbaumMr. and Mrs. Jerome K. TankelMrs. Nina S. TaselaarMs. Mae-Mae R. TaylorMs. Leslie TepperMrs. Bessie R. TerryMr. and Mrs. Irwin M. ThropeMr. Lawrence TirellaMs. Sara TolchinMs. Nicole TomaMrs. Roberta M. TourishMr. Gregory TrimboliMr. Dominic VezzaMrs. Joelyn ViscardiArthur J. Vogelman, MDMs. Susanne H. VorsterJoel J. Wallack, MDMs. Cathrine P. WalshMs. Lorelei E. WardMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ward, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Henry WeidlerMr. and Mrs. Robert WeinerMr. and Mrs. Irwin J. WeinsteinMr. Andrew WeinstienMr. Max WeintraubMr. Darren WeisMrs. Carol A. WeiserMr. and Mrs. Howard A. WeiserMs. Carol WeissMs. Florence WeissMs. Terry WeissMr. Yuxiang WenJudith C. Wenger, MD, PCMs. Kristin WestbrookRichard B. White, MDDr. and Mrs. Robert D. WickhamMr. Samuel WienerMr. Steven WightmanMs. Harriett R. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Richard WilnerDr. and Mrs. Jonathan WinogradMr. Wayne D. WisbaumMs. Sheila WisotskyMr. David R. Wolcott andMs. Caroline E. LeisingMr. Henry F. Wolff, IIIRichard A. Wolff, MD+Mr. Alan WolfsonMs. Yuk Yee WongMr. Alling Woodruff, Jr.Mr. Robert WoodruffMr. Stephen C. WrightMr. and Mrs. Harry WrubleMr. and Mrs. Barry WurzelMr. Randolph A. WyattMr. Owe Wing YeeMr. Shaya YershovaMr. Thomas A. YeskoMr. and Mrs. Hsu Bing Chik YipMr. Satoshi YoshidaMrs. Helen YoungerMr. Che Kuang YuMs. Mu Qin YuMr. Kazimierz ZamoraMs. Elaine ZenkerMr. Hans-Bernd ZimmermannMr. and Mrs. Alan ZiskinManuela Pascolina Zisu, MDMs. Barbara ZittelMr. and Mrs. Samuel J. ZonaMr. and Mrs. Conrad ZurichMrs. Michele ZwimMs. Enid V. Zwirn<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> 2011Pledge Payments$1,000,000 and upThe Leonard and Sophie DavisFoundation$100,000-999,999American Cancer SocietyAnonymous (3)Sol and Margaret Berger FoundationThe Charles Evans FoundationFOJP Service CorporationGerald J. and Dorothy R. FriedmanNew York Foundation for <strong>Medical</strong>ResearchRita and Alex Hillman FamilyFoundation, Inc.UJA-Federation of New York$25,000-$99,999Mr. Remo D. BelliFamilies and Friends <strong>Support</strong>ing CysticFibrosis CareThe Harold and Isabel Feld FoundationMs. Stephanie Hope FeldThe Michael J. Fox Foundation forParkinson's ResearchMr. and Mrs. Alan LandisTeam Continuum, Inc.United Hospital Fund of New YorkMrs. Lois Zinman$10,000-$24,999Bobbie Abrams/ Nathanson-AbramsFamily FoundationMr. and Mrs. Douglas Freedman+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

22BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 20112323<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> GiftsIn Honor OfGifts were received in honor ofthe following individuals:Rick Abbott, MDBobbie AbramsMr. Jack Abrams-DyerMr. Joseph AlbanosMs. Rosa AmbroseMr. Owen AronovMr. Jake F. AronovSteven J. Arsht, MDJock A. Avolio, MD, PhDMs. Christina BagnoMrs. Patricia A. BalsaminiRobin Baradarian, MDMargaret Baran, MDMr. Lennie BarinMr. and Mrs. Robert B. BennettMr. and Mrs. Brad BennettAlejandro Berenstein, MDMarvin Berger, MDMr. Greg BerkowitzSteven M. Berman, MDChaim J. Bernstein, MDMr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Bernstein<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>BIMC Kings Highway DivisionBIMC PACC DivisionHenry C. Bodenheimer, Jr., MDSusan K. Boolbol, MDJerome S. Breslaw, MDSusan B. Bressman, MDEdward Brettholz, MDEugene Bulkin, MDMrs. Antionette CardinalDavid Carr-Locke, MDMs. Henrietta CarterAndrew M. Casden, MDBruce Champagne, MDMs. Audrey ChanDaniel Charnoff, MDSammy Chitayat, MDMs. Carole ClarkMs. Dana C. ColucciMrs. Elaine CramesRicardo Cruciani, MDFrances Cuomo, MDJoel Curtis, MDMorton I. Davidson, MDJoseph H. Dayan, MDMrs. Mary A. DeBareMr. Ron DickersonCaner Z. Dinlenc, MDMr. Michael W. DixonMs. Twilla DuncanMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. EdelsonWarren E. Enker, MDFred Epstein, MDJoseph Escovitz, PhDAlison Estabrook, MDDavid L. Feldman, MDMartin M. Feuer, MDDennis Finkelstein, MDProfessor Gabriele FischerHarry D. Fischer, MDDr. Joyce Fogel, MDJohn Fox, MD<strong>Beth</strong> C. Freedman, MDIgor I. Galynker, MD, PhDMs. Gardner GarntDr. Cesare Gaspari, DPMMs. Roberta GelbMr. Drew GorenAlina Gouller, MDRobert Grassi, MDMs. Janet A. GreenMs. Carol P. GreenMr. and Mrs. Harold GrillMichael L. Grossbard, MDDr. and Mrs. Will Grossman, MDMr. and Mrs. Vincenzo GuglielmiPeter R. Halper, MDMr. and Mrs. Merril M. HalpernSam Hanon, MDLouis B. Harrison, MDSteven F. Harwin, MD, FACSStephen P. Haveson, MDEsther Haynes, RNHubert Hecht, MDMs. Ann HirthDr. Darryl HoffmanKenneth Hu, MDChristopher E. Hubbard, MDMs. Magda M. HullMr. Lawrence S. HuntingtonMr. David HymanMs. Sarah HymanMr. Morton P. HymanMs. Jennifer L. JessupMurray Jonas, MDMr. Tom JoyceMr. and Mrs. Thomas W.E. Joyce IIIMs. Shigeko KajimaSuzanne Toor Karpas and Irving D.Karpas, Jr.+Martin S. Karpeh, Jr., MDDonald M. Kastenbaum, MDMs. Donna KennedyDr. and Mrs. Ralph KiriatLouise M. Klebanoff, MDMr. Paul KleinsteinWilson Ko, MDMs. Erna KohaneStanley Komaroff, Esq.Ms. Eve Hannah KostoJohn P. Koulos, MDHarvey M. Krueger, Esq.Mrs. Dorothy S. KrygerPaul L. Kuflik, MDMark J. Kupersmith, MDJeffrey Kuritsky, MDTak W. Kwan, MDMrs. Thongpoon LadavalMrs. Sydney Lambert-MoislAlexander J. Lee, MDAlzia Leiser, MDMs. Debra J. LennonMrs. Michelle LeoneMr. Edwin A. LevyMr. and Mrs. Gary P. LevyMs. Jackie LichtensteinMr. Jeffrey A. LipsitzDaniel J.L. MacGowan, MDStephen C. Malamud, MDMr. James F. MandlerAllen H. Maniker, MDMr. Martin S. MarcusJon Owen Marks, MDJoseph Martz, MDMrs. Carol R. MaslowAlice Mazella, RN, NPPeter D. McCann, MDCharles P. Melone, Jr., MDMs. Kathryn C. MeyerDr. MiasakaMr. and Mrs. Morgan L. MillerMr. Alan B. MirkenMr. Daniel MoscowMrs. Ruth R. MunsonHarris M. Nagler, MDMr. Thomas G. NagorskiMs. Ruth NerkenMrs. Alice NetterMs. Ann NouicliMoses H. Nussbaum, MDMichael P. Osborne, MDDino A. Paiusco, MDNicholas V. Papapietro, MDRahul Patel, MDMark S. Persky, MDMr. and Mrs. Joel I. PicketLeonid Poretsky, MDRussell K. Portenoy, MD and Susan M.Sussmann, PhDMrs. Gwendolyn E. PowellMr. Kurt E. ReinsbergAngelo T. Reyes, MDMs. Annabel RiceMs. Claire RichBernice Rosario, RNHugo O. Rosero, MDMs. Jamie RosnerMs. Stefan RosnerMr. Joseph RoyzmenLynn Rubenstein, MA, RN-BCMs. Lynn Rubinstein, RNMr. Arthur SarnoffDr. Rachel J. Saunders-PullmanStephen N. Scelsa, MDDr. and Mrs. Alexander SchickMr. and Mrs. Paul S. SchreiberPaul Schweitzer, MDDavid H. Sekons, MDMichael J. Serby, MDDiane Serra, RN, MSLawrence Severt, MDIlan Shapira, MDDaniel Shasha, MDMr. Lee ShortsteinDr. and Mrs. Mark SiegelWilliam Silver, MDMr. and Mrs. James H. SimonsBenjamin Singer, MDBen Singer, MDDr. and Mrs. Henry S. SingmanMr. Cooper SmallMs. Isabella J. SmallSidney K. Stein, MDDrs. Ilona and Burton G. SurickBasir U. Tareen, MDSteven I. Tay, MDRobert F. Tranbaugh, MDAndrew H. Turtel, MDMark L. Urken, MDMichael G. Wayne, DOMr. and Mrs. George T. WendlerMs. Julie WinslowMs. Sue WojnilowerSteven M. Wolf, MDMr. Hezkiah WrightDr. and Mrs. Stanley R. YancovitzPaul M. Yang, MDBetty YarmonVincent Yen, MD<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> GiftsIn Memory OfGifts were received in memoryof the following individuals:Mr. Charles AbramsTsilya Akselrod, MDMr. B. Jay ArnoMs. Arlene A. BalaskiMr. Michael BerkowitzMr. Edward BlauMrs. Marilyn BrodoffMr. <strong>Israel</strong> BrooksMrs. Mae BuchbinderMr. William T. Buckley, Sr.Mr. William CarmenMrs. Mercedes CastilloMr. Aaron ChaikenMrs. Eva ChaikenMr. Richard ChalkinMr. Richard John ClancyMs. Claire CohenMr. Seth Jonathan CohenMr. John J. ColemanMr. Philip CrandallMr. Timothy J. CurranMs. Beverly Davis-ReyesMrs. Virginia DilanoMr. Michael W. DixonMrs. Anne B. DobbsMs. Barbara Jean DonovanMs. Beverly DorrahMs. Rita M. DronneMs. Gwendolyn EdinboroughMs. Ellen ErdweinMr. and Mrs. Dimitrios ExamiliotisMr. Lawrence P. FabsikMr. Joseph FarraroMs. Mary Nancy FerranteMurry G. Fischer, MDMr. Murray FisherMr. Murray B. FrischerMr. George GaitanarosMs. Leonarda GaspersicMr. Eric R. GingoldMs. Arlene GoffnerMr. Richard M. GoldmanMs. Blanche GolubMs. Mary Louise GrahamMr. Patrick L. GreeneMr. and Mrs. Sidney GrossmanMr. Stanley HalperMs. Majorie HalpernMrs. Lillian E. HarrisonRose Muscatine Hauer, RNMr. and Mrs. Samuel HausmanMr. Robert HechtMs. Donna HershMr. and Mrs. Milton IppMr. Felix KalinMrs. Pearl KashmanMr. Thomas M. KearnsLeo Kesner, MDMr. Randy KleinerMs. Zenia KordubaMs. Janet KrouslisMs. Carol KummerMr. Frank La ReginaMr. Murray LefkowitzMr. Arthur LeistMs. Dani LeoneMr. Alan Leonard LevyMr. Hay Won LookMs. Anna MagerkoMr. Tom MangraviteMr. Robert J. MarliMr. Ronald L. MarliMr. Daniel Michael Maune, Sr.Mr. Leon MeigsProfessor Eileen MelnickSusan B. MercyMrs. Jane Miller-StaropoliThe Misasi FamilyMr. Isreal MontakMs. Betty NadlerRichard Netter, Esq.Pauline NickMrs. Ann NowickiMoses H. Nussbaum, MDMr. Richard O'LanderMr. Larry ParkanMr. Stephen P. Pascuzzi, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pedone, Sr.Mr. William L. PfeifferMr. Seymour J. PhillipsMs. Phyllis PollackMr. Mark PollackMr. and Mrs. Samuel PoplardoMs. Andrea PortenoyMr. Schep PullmanMrs. Natalie RomanoMrs. Sandra Sachs-KarneyMr. H. Reed SaundersMrs. Dora SchwarzMs. Anne SolieriMrs. Sasha StenMs. Madeleine SullivanMr. Mathew P. SwallingWilliam D. Tabachnik, MDMr. Chao H. TaoMs. Suraiya TarekMrs. Sara R. ThurmMs. Elilzabeth TrevisanMr. Thomas TrottMrs. Cindy TurkeltaubMs. Patricia S. VillacisMr. Martin WeinsteinMr. Steven WeissMr. Gary WinickWilliam I. Wolff, MDMs. Hay Won LookRalph Zalusky, MDMr. Alexander Zilberdrud<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>Planned GivingThe 1889 CircleMembers of the 1889 Circlehave made provisions in theirestate plans or have establishedcharitable gift annuities and/ortrusts for the benefit of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>Bobbie AbramsMrs. Patty K. AllenAnonymous (7)Helen and Robert AppelMs. Irene S. AptRoy H. Ashikari, MDJane and Alan R. BatkinMr. and Mrs. Ken M. BertacciniMaureen and Howard N. BlitmanMr. and Mrs. Mark ClementsMr. Joseph CohenMr. Milton S. CohnWard F. Cunningham-Rundles, MDMr. Irving DenbaumEstate of Joseph DjmalMs. Heather DubrowMr. Richard EisnerMs. Nina ErenselStephanie FeldMr. and Mrs. Joseph FinkelsteinRobert M. FreedmanMrs. Lorna Appel FullerMr. Robert H. FullerMs. Ruchama Gamiel, ACSWMr. Barry GellerMr. and Mrs. Henry J. GlanternikMs. Victoria L. GoldbergMr. and Mrs. Arthur GoldsteinMr. and Mrs. Werner GoldsteinMs. Carol P. GreenMs. Faith GrossmanMs. Frances HauerMrs. Gisela HaugenesMr. Bruce A. HausmanMrs. Julia HorngradChris and Morton P. HymanMr. Robert JacobowitzBernard A. Kabakow, MDEllen and Lewis KadenMs. Ulrike KlopferMrs. Blanche P. KoganMs. Laura KrellConnie and Harvey M. KruegerJudith K. Lauterstein, PhDMr. Armand H. LindenbaumJoyce H. Lowinson, MDJay Harris and Ann LozmanLuntz Family FoundationMr. Jacinto L. MarreroMr. and Mrs. David S. MartinCarol and Arthur MaslowMr. Eugene B. Mercy, Jr.Mrs. Mirette MignocchiDr. Hope Miller and Mr. Arthur MillerMr. Alan B. MirkenMs. Marilyn A. MitchellMr. Earle MuroffMs. Enid NemySeiko and Robert G. Newman, MDMs. Janet NixonMr. and Mrs. Theodore OhlsteinMs. Nevina PulidoIris and Ira S. RimermanMrs. Rachel W. RippyMr. Edwin G. RoosAsma Sadiq, MDMrs. Tibor SallayMr. Alexander C. SandsMr. and Mrs. Michael E. SchultzNathaniel Shafer, MDMrs. Jean ShamrothMr. Jerome B. ShermanMs. Klavdiya ShtraytMrs. Shirley C. SiglerMrs. May Dushkind-SofskyMaury L. Spanier, Esq.Mrs. Ruth SteelMrs. Arlene SternThe Dorothy Strelsin Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Ruth SussmanMr. Leopold SwergoldDr. Regina TaftMrs. Beatrice WeingartenE. D. Whitehead, MDMr. Jeffrey WynerBetty Yarmon<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>Matching GiftsMatching gifts were received fromthe following companiesBank of America Matching GiftProgramExxonMobil FoundationJP Morgan ChaseMerck & Co., Inc.Open Society InstituteSAP Matching Gift ProgramVerizon Foundation+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

24 ST. LUKE'S AND ROOSEVELT HOSPITALS DONOR LIST 2011 24ST. LUKE'S AND ROOSEVELT HOSPITALS DONOR LIST 201125St. Luke’s and RooseveltSt. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals Donor List 2011$250,000 and upSaint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue$100,000-$249,999AnonymousMr. Timothy R. BarakettEstate of Isabel L. BunkerMr. Peter LaventholEstate of Matilda G. McCurdyThe Ambrose Monell FoundationThe Reynolds Family FoundationEstate of Dudley RobertsSaudi Arabian Cultural MissionScaife Family Foundationvan Ameringen Foundation, Inc.Estate of Agnes Varis$50,000-$99,999Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. ArnowMr. and Mrs. Irwin EttingerEthel Kennedy FoundationEstate of Annette F. LevyMr. Lewis C. PellSawaya Segalas & Co., LLCHonorable Charles TremainMemorial TrustGeraldine S. Violett CharitableFoundation$25,000-$49,999Mr. and Mrs. Brian BrilleCorinthian <strong>Medical</strong>, IPAFirst Presbyterian Church TrustFoundation for Surgical FellowshipsGoldman Sachs & Co.The Goldstein Family FoundationGoldthwaite FoundationMr. Elie D. Hirschfeld*Adrian H. Jackson Charitable TrustThe David Kimmel FoundationThe Charles A. MastronardiFoundationNew York Radiology Partners/Westside Radiology/ Union SquareDiagnosticsThe Peri Family FoundationPicket Family Foundation/ David Picketand Joel I. PicketThe Prospect Hill Foundation, Inc.Mr. Donald Schnabel*Siemens <strong>Medical</strong> SolutionsMarilyn and Jim Simons*SLR <strong>Center</strong> for Comprehensive CareSLR Department of MedicineTD Charitable Foundation$10,000-$24,999Aaronson Rappaport Feinstein &Deutsch, LLPAction to Cure Kidney CancerAmerigroup CorporationAnonymous (4)BIMC Department of Pathologyand Laboratory MedicineEstate of George V. CoeCranshaw CorporationThe Raymond Debbane FamilyFoundationThe Fanwood FoundationMr. Issam Fares*Linda and Richard A. Goldstein*Mr. Carlos Gomez*Robert G. and Ellen S. GutensteinFoundation/ Mr. and Mrs.Robert G. GutensteinHealthfirst, Inc.Caroline and Lawrence Huntington*Hypertrophic CardiomyopathyResearch Foundation, Inc.Ms. Sharon B. KingRoz and Stanley KomaroffLeland Charitable TrustThe Albert A. & Bertram N. LinderFoundation, Inc.Mr. Eugene B. Mercy, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. MichaelsNouveau Elevator Industries, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel W. ReiserMrs. Helen D. RooseveltS L Green Management, LLCJoan and Arthur Sarnoff*SLR Department of NeurosurgerySLR Department of OrthopedicSurgerySLR Department of PediatricsSLR Department of PsychiatrySLR Department of SurgerySLR <strong>Medical</strong> Anesthesiology, PCEstate of Morton S. SternVisiting Nurse Service of New YorkWilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman &Dicker LLPWinston Staffing Services$5,000-$9,999AHEPA Fifth District Cancer ResearchFoundation, Inc.AKF Group, LLCAnonymous (3)Janet Jeppson Asimov, MD*AVM Find A Cure FoundationEstate of Lucie BlauEstate of Francis BlessingJosephine and Stan Brezenoff*The Brodsky Family FoundationEstate of Albert BrownLouis Brusco, Jr., MD*Caren Raine-Camche and Joel CamcheCauldwell Wingate Company, LLCCB Richard EllisMr. Frank J. Cracolici*Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.Dominican <strong>Medical</strong> Dental SocietyGail F. Donovan*Ecosystem Energy ServicesEmblemHealthFeil Family FoundationFootsteps GroupThe William Fox Jr. FoundationGNYHA Ventures, Inc.Mrs. Adelle GormanMrs. Bernice N. GotliebAlbin Gustafson CompanyMr. Sami HarawiIlene and Louis B. Harrison, MD*Lenore Hecht Foundation, Inc.Heidell, Pittoni, Murphy and Bach, LLPMr. Harvey R. Honig+HUB InternationalHyman-Newman Institute for Neurologyand NeurosurgeryIntegra LifeSciencesThe Interpublic GroupIsabella Geriatric <strong>Center</strong>, Inc.Melissa and Andrew KomaroffL.I. League to Abolish Cancer, Inc.Professors Robert and Bridget Lyons*Mr. Laurence W. LyttonMartin, Clearwater & BellMassey Knakal Realty ServicesMedac, Inc.Metropolitan Jewish Health SystemDr. Domingo and Sandra Nunez*Office DepotMr. and Mrs. George D. O'NeillProskauer Rose LLPSchiavetti, Corgan, Soscia, DiEdwards& Nicholson, LLPMr. Lawrence T. SilvestroThe Sidney, Milton and Leoma SimonFoundationSLR Department of Pulmonary andCritical Care MedicineSLR Department of UrologySLR Division of General MedicineSLR Division of NeurologySLRHC Division of Infectious DiseasesMr. Alexander E. Smith, Jr.Starlight Children's FoundationStrokos Gourmet Deli, Inc.Transcare AmbulanceMrs. Rowena H. TravisWellcare Health Plans, Inc.West End Collegiate ChurchWilliam F. Ryan CommunityHealth <strong>Center</strong>Ms. Elizabeth B. Wood$2,500-$4,9991199 SEIU New York's Health &Human Services UnionDr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Allendorf*Joseph and Claude Audi CharitableFoundation, Inc.Mr. Gerald S. BackmanMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Barritt*Phillip A. Bauman, MD*CSL Behring LLCDrs. Scott J. and Ksenija Belsley*Alejandro Berenstein, MDBroadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDSMs. Ann-Marie BuckleyMr. Corcoran H. Byrne and Mr. ErichK. FuchsCammack LaRhette ConsultingCliff P. Connery, MD*Mr. Jacques DejouxDeWitt Rehabilitation and Nursing<strong>Center</strong>, Inc.Peter Distler, MD*Donald Blair ArchitectsStrachan and Vivian DonnelleyFoundationEdwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, LLPEmpire Blue Cross Blue ShieldMr. and Mrs. John A. EricksonThe Eve Fenton Love-All FoundationFidelity InvestmentsJessica B. Gallina, MD, PCSteven Z. Glickel, MD*Lee Goldman, MD*Mr. Richard GongMs. Jane Gottlieb*Grant Thornton LLPGreater Than OneMr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Greenberg*Mr. Mikhail GrinbergGrubb & EllisMr. Arthur T. Hadley*Health PlusMr. Steven Hochberg andMrs. Hillary Lane Hochberg*Mr. and Mrs. David D. Holbrook/Holbrook Family FoundationMr. Stuart M. Kahan*Mr. Allen S. KaplanKateri ResidenceKathleen and Richard Kearns*Martin D. Keltz, MD*Littler Mendelson, PCMrs. Nancy LublinMrs. Roni MarksMCS Claim Services, Inc.<strong>Medical</strong> Liability Mutual Insurance Co.National Mah Jongg League, Inc.Farr R. Nezhat, MD*The Outsource GroupDepartment of Physical Medicineand RehabilitationPolones Construction CorporationContinuum Real Estate Facilities& EngineeringRevival Home Health CareMr. and Mrs. Charles Y. RoMs. Pasqualina Sacchetti*Gabriel A. Sara, MD*SLR Division of HepatobillaryPancreatic SurgeryDaniel Stein, MD*Jonathan R. Stieber, MD*Ms. Jane StuartTalecrisRamon Tallaj, MD*The Tobin Family FoundationWorkmen's Circle Multicare <strong>Center</strong>Betty Yarmon*$1,000-$2,499A-Check America, Inc.Acorn Hill Foundation, Inc.Action Enviromental Services, Inc.Jeanine B. Albu, MD*American Commercial EquipmentRepair Corp.Amgen, Inc.AnonymousAlbert L. Attia, MD*Dr. and Mrs. Morrell Michael Avram*Sandhya K. Balaram, MD*C. Redington Barrett, Jr., MDDrs. Alton and Carrie BarronJane and Alan R. Batkin*Arnold H. Belgraier, MDBelkin Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLPAlan I. Benvenisty, MD*Joyce & Stanley Berman FoundationBernard Hodes Group, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bernot*Srino Bharam, MD, PCFaiz Y. Bhora, MD*Drs. Norma and Carl Braun*Josyann N. Brogard, MDMr. Gregory Calliste*Cannon DesignMs. Yvonne T. CappelloMr. James G. Caradine*W. P. Carey FoundationLouis W. Catalano III, MDCathedral Church of St. JohnThe DivineClaridan Contracting, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clark*Coliseum Surgical & <strong>Medical</strong>, PCMary and John Collura*Combined Coordinating CouncilConMedCoram, Inc.Ms. Louis G. CornacchiaMs. Betsy CornwallMr. Timothy Day*Mr. Carlos De LeonMr. B. F. Deford IIIDr. and Mrs. Luciano Del Guzzo*Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Della Rocca*The Helen & Philip DelmanFoundation, Inc.Mr. Antonio DeoliveoraDermatology Associates of BI and SLRJeffrey V. Dermksian, MDMrs. Age B. Diedrick*DomaniTech, Inc.Carlos F. Driggs, MD*Eileen Fisher, Inc.David L. Emanuel, MD*Empire General ContractingEmpire Office FurnitureEpiscopal Charities of the Dioceseof New YorkMr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Faraci*The Farmington CompanyAlfred and Harriet Feinman FoundationMs. Lennin Fermin*Firecom, Inc.Daveed D. Frazier, MD*Frenkel Benefits, LLCFresh Meadow Chiller Services, LLCOscar Garfein, MD*Garfunkel Wild, PCGillbane Building CompanyDr. and Mrs. Stanley J. GoldsmithMr. Bernard J. Gorman*Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. GreenMichael L. Grossbard, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Sidney HandlerDr. Katherine Hawkins*HCE, LLCMr. Louis Hering*Paul B. Hobeika, MDMs. Dion A. Holt*Mr. Henry H. Hoyt, Jr.Hughes Enviromental Engineering, Inc.Allan E. Inglis, Jr., MDThe Institute for Family HealthMr. and Mrs. John N. Irwin III*Jean Carrau Decoration Inc.Marcial Jimenez, MD*Dr. Ram Kairam*Mr. Henry S. KanegsbergMr. Jeffrey S. KaplanAnnetta J. Kimball, MD*Mr. Richard W. Kimball*Lisa J. Kleist, RNC*KMR Group FoundationMark J. Kupersmith, MDThe Kurzman Trust FundMrs. Frances Lamer*John C. Lantis, II, MD*Ms. Nicole Lazaris*Drs. Arthur and Arlie Lennon*Linmar ConstructionMr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Loucas*Ms. Camille ManningTarek Mardam-Bey, MDCarol and Arthur Maslow*Ms. Heather J. McDonaldDr. and Mrs. Franz Messerli*MMS-A <strong>Medical</strong> Supply CompanyMr. and Mrs. Bill D. Moyers*Neighborhood Health Providers, LLCMrs. Asuncion Neri-Candelaria*Ms. Ruth Nerken/ Jean and AlbertNerken FoundationNewmark Knight FrankThe Norcross Wildlife Foundation, Inc.Mr. Edward G. Novotny IIIMr. Christopher O'ConnorMr. Norman Odlum*Oestreicher Construction Corp.Office Furniture ServiceOne Hundred Black Men, Inc.Estate of Anna OpolskaOppenheimer Funds Legacy ProgramOrthopaedic Research and EducationFoundationSapna Pandya, DPM*Mr. and Mrs. Evan D. ParnessMr. William D. ParnessMrs. and Mr. Patricia D. Patterson*Paul M. Maintenance, Inc.Mr. Samuel P. Peabody*Perkins Eastman Architects, PCDr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Phillips*Neal Polan, MD*Mr. Seth PriceMr. and Mrs. Karim RashidMr. Richard F. ReadGae Rodke, MD*Nicholas A. Romas, MD*Mr. Avinoam RonMs. Nancy S. RoskindMrs. Caroline H. Royster*RTech HealthcareRevenueTechnologies, Inc.Mr. Paul A. RubinsteinSavitt PartnersWilliam D. Schell, MDMr. Richard L. Seiden*Mr. Mark J. Shikowitz*SLR Alumnae Association Schoolof NursingSLR Department of AdministrationSLR Department of EmergencyMedicineSLR Division of NephrologySLR <strong>Medical</strong> BoardMr. Hans Smit*Smolin LupinMr. Steven Soll*Mr. Mario SoussouStericycle, Inc.Mr. Michael B. Stubbs*Mark R. Sultan, MD*Superior Sewing Machine & SupplyLLC<strong>Support</strong> One FamilyMr. and Mrs. John Swedelson*Dr. Alexander J. SwistelDaniel G. Swistel, MD*Marino Torres, MD*Towers WatsonMr. and Mrs. Shinjiro Tsutsui*+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

2627William M. Tucker, MDUniversity Place Orthopaedics LLPVisiting Nurse Regional HealthCare SystemMr. and Mrs. Alex L. WallauWank Adams Slavin Associates, LLPWaste Management of New YorkMr. Alva O. Way*+Ms. Joyce-Marie Weinstein*West Harlem Group Assistance, Inc.West Park <strong>Medical</strong> GroupMr. George W. Young*Zimmer$250-$999Sigurd H. Ackerman, MDMs. Geri AlbinAlcoholics Anonymous GroupMs. Elizabeth A. AllanAlternate Power, Inc.Richard P. Ames, MDAnonymous (5)Ms. Marcia AronowitzSusan M. Ascher, MDCyrus A. Assadi, MDDr. Fadi F. and Leila AttiyehAudubon Dental PCMr. George AvakianJeanne W. Baer, MDMr. Manuel I. BalbontinMr. Thomas Barr, IVMartin I. Baskin, MDDaniel J. Becker, MDMr. William S. BeineckeMr. Robert H. BerkleyMr. and Mrs. Mario BerraBest Global Alternative, Ltd.Mr. John BradenMr. Leonard S. BraunerBroadcast Med, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Michael BrunoDavid S. Bub, MD, FACSC.B.S. Midwifery, Inc.Armand G. Cacciarelli, MDMr. Anthony CaraballoCardarelli Design & Architecture, PCMr. Samuel P. CastellanoRobert A. Catalano, MDMr. and Mrs. George L. Childs, Jr.Frank S. Ciminello, MDCitiStorage, Inc.Edward Colt, MDCommercial Lock, Inc.Janice E. ConnollyJorge Cornielle, MDCowley Engineering, PCD & L Ambulette, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. DavidsonDB US Holding CorportationDr. and Mrs. George DermksianDiamond Reporting, Inc.Ms. Susan DietzDiversified Benefit Services, Inc.Ms. Alice W. DockstaderMr. Robert C. DohrenwendDPV Consultants, Inc.Drinker Biddle & Reath LLPDynamex, Inc.The Eckroth Planning Group, Inc.Mr.and Mrs. Fred EterginoMr. and Mrs. Bruce S. FentonMs. Heidi S. FiskeMr. and Mrs. Keith FleischmannFloor Logic Carpet Workshop, LLCMr. Duncan K. FoleyAnne Fontaine USA, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd FrankOlivier Frankenberger, MDMr. and Mrs. Edgar L. FreudMr. Melvin FullerMs. Elizabeth GabrielS. Raymond Gambino, MDMs. Amy GashMs. Karyn J. GattermannJoseph M. Ghassibi, MDMs. Manessha GhiyaGraziano D. Giglio, DDSMr. Peter J. GlantonMs. Susan Gold-WagnerMs. Patricia M. GoldenMr. and Mrs. Jerrold GoldsteinMs. Jill D. GolisMr. Charles GonzalezMr. David J. GoodmanDr. and Mrs. Kenneth GottesmanGreek Orthodox Church of theHoly ResurrectionPhillips Green Foundation, Inc./Janet GreenHenry Greenberg, MDAaron Grotas, MDMs. Laura GurunathanMr. Luis GutierrezMrs. Marie Jean GwertzmanDeborah L. Haller, MDSami A. Hashim, MDMs. Mary HavilandNancy and Daniel B. HebertMrs. Trinidad HidalgoMr. Thomas HoeringMr. James R. HoughtonMrs. Angela M. ImhofJ & R Mechanical Services, Inc.Gregory Janis, MDMr. Paul F. Jock IIMs. Eva H. JohanssonJSK Construction CorporationMs. Linda A. JungeMs. and Mr. Anita A. KahnMs. Gloria KargmanMr. and Mrs. Peter Van Oort KeersMs. Shigeo KidaMr. Paul C. KimballMr. and Mrs. Robert G. KinnallyMr. and Mrs. Lee KoenigsbergDavid B. Kriser Foundation, Inc.Mr. Phillip KuszelMr. and Mrs. Brett A. LarkinsMatthew Lederman, MDGary Lefer, MDMr. and Mrs. Ralph M. LeveneMr. and Mrs. Jack LevittPetros Levounis, MDMrs. John S. LewisMr. and Mrs. Marc LichtMs. Brigitte D. LinzMrs. Lucile LoiseauDanne Lorieo, MDMarcella R. LourdLuthin Associates, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore MagaliHenry J. Magliato, MDMs. Marjorie MagnerMs. Andrea M. MalonMr. and Mrs. Plin S. ManoniEli Marcovici, MDMr. David MasiniMr. and Mrs. Alex MassoudMs. Leonor MatesanzMr. and Mrs. Norman S. MatthewsMrs. Kathleen McCabe ChokelMrs. Norma McMillanHunter L. McQuistion, MDDaniel M. Medeiros, MDMedray Corp.Donna M. Mendes, MDWoodson C. Merrell, MDMs. Marsha B. MetrinkoMr. and Mrs. Clarence F. MichalisMr. Paul Z. MilesMs. Joanne MillerDr. and Mrs. Joel M. MoskowitzMr. Miosotis MunozDr. and Mrs. Gopal Narasimhan,National Association of Health ServiceExecutives NY ChapterMrs. Eileen D. NewmanMr. Donald A. Nicolas, Jr.Ms. Marie K. NortonHenry F. Novack, MDMs. Maria C. OcampoOlympic Torch Contracting Inc.Abby and George O'Neill TrustMr. and Mrs. Brian ParnessThe Peer Group For Plastic Surgery, PAMs. Denise PelleMr. John A. PenninoEdwin Perez, MDGeorgia and Mark S. Persky, MDMr. and Mrs. Mark W. PfaffSitaram Pillarisetty, MDDr. and Mrs. Marcel J. PinteaRicardo E. Pou, MDPraxair Distribution, Inc.Andrew E. Price, MDPrime, Buchholz & Associates, Inc.Propark America New York, LLCPTS Data <strong>Center</strong> Solutions, IncMs. Mary PuglieseMr. John Sloane PyneFlora R. Ramirez-Hojohn, MDMr. Carlos M. RamosRasco Graphics, Inc.Mr. Richard ReaganJaana Rehnstrom, MDMr. and Mrs. Barry ReichMalcolm D. Reid, MDFred J. Riehm, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James RinslerMr. Eric RoemerMr. Franklin D. Roosevelt IIIJonathan E. Rosenfeld, MD, PhDSanky Communications, Inc.Mrs. Virginia E. SchererMs. Debra J. SchindlerThe Schlanger Family FoundationScott Precious Metal, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Harold SeybertMr. and Mrs. David L. ShapiroMr. and Mrs. Theodore P. ShenMark V. Sherrid, MDMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey SiegelPrameet Singh, MDThe Warren J. and FlorenceSinsheimer Foundation, Inc.Ms. Estell SitzerMr. Randy SlifkaSLR Department of NursingLeadershipMr. and Mrs. Walter K. SmithMr. David W. SneddonSolomon Johnson AssociatesMr. Arthur SpanierMrs. Susan StoneSuperstructures Engineers& ArchitectsMr. and Mrs. Bertram SussmanMr. and Mrs. Philippe C. TagerMrs. Virginia TaverasTek Architects, PCMr. Franklin TewSara Stephens Thomas, RNTNT Transportation, Inc.Mr. Cho-Shun ToGeorge J. Todd, MDPeter B. Trevouledes, MDMr. John J. TripodoGerard M. Turino, MDUnited Way of Westchester andPutnam, Inc.Mr. Marc Louis ValleMr. Gregory M. Van KipnisVillage Care of New York, Inc.Mr. Jordan VinarubMs. Adriana M. VinkMr. Barry C. WaldorfMs. Wendy A. WalkerJoseph Noel Ward, MDRaymond V. Wedderburn, MDMs. Marilyn Ruth WellemeyerWestSide PulmonaryMs. Frances S. WhiteMichael C. Wolf, MDSteven M. Wolf, MDWonderwomen EnterprisesMr. David A. WymanElizabeth Youngewirth, DPMGeorge J. Zambetti, MDMs. Elayne S. Zinbarg$100-$2491st Enterprise BankMs. Betsy AaronMrs. Marian M. AbbottDr. and Mrs. Ronald C. AblowMs. Adela E. Abraham-EpsteinMr. Robert G. AdamsAl-Anon Group Uptown Saturday NightAlanon-Acoa Friday Night GroupMs. Fumiko AllinderMs. Lily AlpernMr. Herbert H. AlpertAnonymous (9)Ms. Eleanor S. ApplewhaiteMs. Patricia A. ArnoldMs. Andrea G. AxelrodMr. and Mrs. Leo BaerMr. and Mrs. Alfred P. BaldiniMs. Frances BarbarettiBarclay Water Management, Inc.The Martin and Rhoda Barr FoundationDavid Baskin, MDMs. Harriet BassMs. Ruth G. Bass+Mr. Warren A. BaumMr. Steven BaymeMr. and Mrs. Arthur R. BenceMr. Willie Mae BenjaminMs. Constance K. BermanMr. and Mrs. Michael B. BermanCorey Ian Bickoff, MDMr. Blake BierwithMr. and Mrs. Randy A. BinderMr. Alexander Bing IIIMr. and Mrs. Michael C. BiondiDr. Ronald BirnbaumMrs. Joan N. BluestoneBoard of Legend Yacht & Beach ClubMs. Shirley Bodtke+Mr. Robert C. BohoradMr. Gary BradfordMs. Pam BradfordJeffery L. Brande, MDMr. Boris BratulevichMr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. BrillMs. Dale M. BrownMs. Elizabeth A. BrownMr. Elliot BrownsteinMr. and Mrs. Harold F. BruenMr. Robert P. BrunetMr. and Mrs. Fausto BruzonMs. Eliane BukantzMr. Joseph S. BulgatzMs. Cara BuonoMrs. Alice BurnettMr. Lester BurnettMs. Jennifer ButlerWesley G. Byerly, MDMr. Carmello CalluroMr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Camp, Jr.Ms. Neva Rose Genova CapezzaCareFusion Respiratory Corp.Ms. Barbara S. Carlin-LeBowMr. and Mrs. Joseph CarltonMr. and Mrs. Don D. CarlucciNeville W. Carmical, MDMr. Patrick J. CarneyMr. James CarragherMr. Tsang ChanMr. Ping Nam Chow+Ms. Maurine ChristopherMr. Philip CioffariMr. and Mrs. John A. ClarkMr. Paul A. ClemmeyHerbert I. Cohen, MDMr. Carl ColemanMr. and Mrs. Terrance W. ConnollyMs. Marilyn F. CoopermanMs. Alain C. CorcosJohn W. Cornwall, MDMr. Francisco CosmeMr. Arturo A. CotoMr. Maxwell CoxMr. and Mrs. Ferdinand CozzolinoMrs. Anna E. CrouseMr. and Mrs. Sava CucuMr. Orville W. DaleMr. Samuel J. DanielMrs. Dorris A. Daniel-ParkesMr. Roger L. D'AquinoBarbara J. Davidson, CSWMs. Flora Sellers DavidsonThe Dr. E. Lawrence Deckinger FamilyFoundation, Inc.Francisco A. DeLara, MDDelkap Management, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. DemainMr. Frank DeMaioMr. Mark DembitzMr. Emanuel G. DemosMs. Doris DieterDr. and Mrs. Theodore C. DocuMr. Dennis E. DorschMr. and Mrs. Allan DreifussMs. Margaret DuboisMr. and Mrs. Alan D. EdelmanDr. Edward EdenMr. Robert EhrenbardEstate of Philip M. EisenbergMs. May EllisMr. Maximo EngAlison Estabrook, MDFacility Wizard SoftwareMs. Anne FarberMs. Donna M. FauerbachMr. and Mrs. Irvin FaustHanne E. Favelukes, MDMr. Norman B. FeinMr. and Mrs. John G. FernandezMr. Julio FernandezMartin Finkel, MDMs. Geraldine FiumanoMr. William E. FoleyMr. Serge F. FontaineMs. Rita J. FrankMr. Michael A. FreedMr. Harris FreierMs. Harriet L. FriedmanMr. Irving M. FriedmanFriends in Christ Lutheran ChurchMs. Sveltlana FrolovaDr. and Mrs. Ennio GallozziMr. and Mrs. George W. GerrishMr. Irwin N. GertzogMeyers Charitable Family FundAlyssa Gillego, MDMs. Nancy GlaserMs. Robin GlazerTerry J. Golash, MDGoldberg & Cohn, LLPMr. Robert GoldbergMr. Ormond J. Gouin, Jr.Ms. Miriam GraboisMs. Celestine C. GreeneMr. Ronald J. GreleMr. Robert P. GroesbeckMr. Joseph L. GronemanMr. Kenneth GroverMs. Edith C. HaradaMs. Marilyn HartensteinHead & Neck Surgical GroupMr. Dean HeffelfingerMs. Jean R. HeldMr. and Mrs. Larry B. HendersonMr. Brad HessMrs. Imogene HessMr. Jorge E. HoffmanMrs. Janice F. HohensteinPeter R. Holt, MDMrs. Frances K. HooblerMr. Stephen A. HopkinsPaul W. W. Hunter, PhD+IBM CorporationRene J. Jacques, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Erwin+ A. JaffeMr. Hugh V. JamesMs. Barbara A. JoczMr. and Mrs. Paul L. JohnsonMs. Theresa M. JohnsonMr. John JosephMarjorie A. Joseph, MDKanthimathi Jothianandan, MDJust About Building Associates, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Morton KaishDr. Bernee KapiliHonorable and Mrs. Bentley KassalMr. James KatzMrs. Shannon Bolin KayeRobin Kerner, PhDMaurice Khosh, MDMs. Marilyn KimMrs. Anglea C. KingWendie Klapper, PhDMs. Claire S. KleinMr. Allan KneeErnest Knight, MDMr. J. Richard KnightMr. Michael L. KoehnMr. and Mrs. Richard P. KralsteinMs. Ariadna KristinsMr. Warren N. LaffredoMr. Gilles P. LaheurteMr. Benjamin F. LambertMs. Claire A. LambkinMr. Lawrence S. LedererMr. Richard LeuttgenMrs. Tina H. LevyLeonard M. Liegner, MDMs. Stephen G. LilieMr. and Mrs. Bernard P. ListwanMr. and Mrs. Robert LlanesHae Hook Loo, PhDMr. and Mrs. Larry LowensteinArthur M. Lubitz, MDMs. Abby LublinMs. Adrienne LurieMrs. Lorraine A. LutzMrs. Imogene W. MacDonald, RNMr. and Mrs. Joel MarkowitzMr. and Mrs. John S. MartiniMr. John MasielloMr. and Mrs. Bill Matlack+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

28 ST. LUKE'S AND ROOSEVELT HOSPITALS DONOR LIST 2011 ST. LUKE'S AND ROOSEVELT HOSPITALS DONOR LIST 20112929Ms. Judith MatsutaniMr. Burton MayersonMr. Vincent MazzolaMs. Jean M. McCarrollMs. Hannelore McDanielMcDonough CommunicationsMr. John S. McGeeneyMr. and Mrs. William C. McKevenyMs. K. Heather McRayMr. Frank N. MeccaMerck & Co., Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. MeyersMGP - Papier, Inc.Ms. Lusia MilchMr. Henry D. MillerMr. John C. MillerMr. Avik H. MittalMyat M. Mon, MDMs. Margaret E. MonginMr. Digna Z. MoralesRev. and Mrs. James Parks MortonMs. Roberta MoutalRobert J. Mulcare, MDMs. Theresa E. MurrellMr. Anthony NapoliMr. Ronald NelsonMs. Carol B. NemoDr. Robert S. NeuwirthThe New York Public LibraryThe Honorable Barbara F. Newman andMr. Bernard NathanMr. and Mrs. Richard NewmanJames E. Norris, MDMr. and Mrs. John J. O'BrienMr. John J. O'BrienMs. Wendy R. O'BrienOk HarrisMs. Elizabeth A. O'MaraMs. Kathleen O'NeillMr. John J. OrlandoMs. Christine PappasMs. Reshma PatelGil G. Perrone, DDSBarbara W. Pierce, MDMr. Cary H. PlotkinMr. Thomas PolitopoulosMr. Patrick W. PrendergastPyrametrics, Ltd.Ms. Kathleen M. QuinlanMs. Susan M. RafajMr. and Mrs. John RapoportMs. Nhora RestrepoMrs. Maryann ReynoldsMr. Harold L. RichmanMr. and Mrs. Albert RizzoMr. Marion RobbinsMs. Lizzy E. RobertsMs. Constance M. RobinsonMs. Geraldine Robson-CantyMordecai Rochlin, Esq.Ms. Lydia RodriguezMr. Wesley L. Rodstrom, Jr.Rogers McCarron & Habas, PCMs. Anibal RomeroMr. Benjamin RomneyMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. RosenMr. James A. RubinsMr. and Mrs. Achilles SacchiMr. Marc SacerdoteMs. Edith A. SagulMs. Linda SanfordMr. Kenneth E. SangerMr. Nicola A. SarnelliMr. and Mrs. David L. SchalkMr. Martin D. SchechterMs. Jeralyn ScherMs. Marian S. SchindlerMrs. Michaela Schwartz-BurridgeSeeds Orthopedics, Inc.Mr. Richard SextonMr. and Mrs. Richard P. ShafferMr. Ghanshyam P. ShahMr. Frank M. ShanbackerMs. Mary Anne ShannonJanet M. Shapiro, MDNathan Shapiro, DDSMr. Donald E. SharpLady Eleanor G. ShearingMr. and Mrs. Jim ShmerlingMr. Leonard J. SichelJane Simon, MDDr. and Mrs. Henry S. SingmanMr. and Mrs. Barry I. SlotnickSmart SourceMs. Margaret L. SnellingsMs. Dorothy M. SnokeMrs. Judith SommerMr. Kuo Yu SongMr. and Mrs. Otto SonntagMr. Roger SooMr. and Mrs. Peter F. SorterSpectrum on BroadwayMs. Sandra St. JamesS. S. Steiner, Inc.Robert L. Stigler, Jr. Memorial FundMr. Robert Stigler+Mr. and Mrs. Herman StraussMrs. Lotte F. StraussMr. and Mrs. Charles StrouseMr. and Mrs. Henry M. StroussMs. Stella StylianouMs. Claire R. SwanikMs. Barbara E. SwarthoutMs. Florence TanzmanMs. Carla S. ThomasMr. Charles ThurmanMr. and Mrs. Raymond TillmanMrs. and Mr. Kamping TomMs. Vilma T. TorresMr. Frank M. TothMs. Julia D. TurnerMr. Alex TytunUnited Way of New York CityMs. Michele UrvaterTheodore B. van Itallie, MDMr.+ and Mrs. William J. VealeMr. and Mrs. Paul Vetter IIMs. Ellen WaldmanMr. George W. WalshDr. and Mrs. Harvey J. WeissMs. Fredrica R. WellbornFather Edgar F. WellsMr. Kenneth W. WheelerWhitney Manor Cooperative, Inc.Ms. Margery WiesenthalMs. Mary Wilson+Stephen A. Wilson, MDMs. Gerda WinthropePaul E. Wiseman, MDMs. Brigitte WolfFather Edgar F. WellsMrs. Susan Zeckendorf-NicholsonMrs. Karen ZimmerFranklin H. Zimmerman, MDMr. Burton ZwiebachSt. Luke's andRoosevelt HospitalsPledge Payments$100,000 and upThe Carson Family Charitable Trust$25,000-$99,999C.R. Bard Foundation, Inc.The Neuberger Berman FoundationMrs. Mildred GoldenMrs. Sharon R. Golden-Quain$10,000-$24,999The Edward H. Butler FoundationMr. and Mrs. Richard T. NastiSt. Luke's andRoosevelt HospitalsGifts In Honor OfGifts were received in honor ofthe following individuals:Ms. Josephine AlmonteDr. Lisa AndersonMary AndersonMs. Carmen AndreakisAlbert L. Attia, MDFadi F. Attiyeh, MDDrs. O. Alton and Carrie BarronDavid Baskin, MDMr. Adam BazalduaMrs. Terri BenvenistyAlejandro Berenstein, MDDr. and Mrs. Robert BernotFaiz Y. Bhora, MDDrs. Carl W. and Norma BraunCarolyn D. Brockington, MDSusan Broner, MDMr. Craig ButlerJohn D. Cahill, MDLouis W. Catalano III, MDJi Chong, MDSeth M. Cohen, MDCliff P. Connery, MDPeter Constentine, MDJohn W. Cornwall, MDDavid Coven, MDMr. Frank J. CracoliciDr. and Mrs. Luciano Del GuzzoVincent A. DeLeo, MDJoseph DeMattia, MDBruce Derrick, MDMiss Sydney DiazDr. Edward EdenRonald D. Ennis, MDAlison Estabrook, MDAndrew J. Evans, MDMr. James FeinbergMartin M. Feuer, MDVincent G. Fietti, MDDonald R. Fishman, MDDr. Etta FrankelOlivier Frankenberger, MDJayne Galiguis, RNTed Gallagher, MDJessica Galllina, MDMrs. Linda Schechter-GioveStephen Glassberg, MDMr. and Mrs. Saul GoldbergMrs. Layla Sorella Valenti-GolisKarl R. Goodman, MDLester Gottesman, MDMs. Mary C. GouinMr. Michael GrassbardDr. Stewart GreismanMichael L. Grossbard, MDWilliam G. Hamilton, MDAnne Hardart, MDDr. Ronny Hertz, MDMr. Lawrence S. HuntingtonDr. Ronald InnisMr. Elihu InselbuchMr. Anthony JohnMr. and Mrs. Gordon JohnsonCarol Johnson, RNMarrick Kukin, MDMark J. Kupersmith, MDDaniel B. Kuriloff, MDMr. Richard LanardJohn C. Lantis, II, MDLeadership Directories, Inc.Dr. Robert S. LebovicsRichard Lee, MDMrs. Michelle LeoneFranklin C. Lowe, MDEdward Lung, MDMs. Stephanie MahalchickMichale Matarese, MDJames J. McGinty, MDGeorge F. McKinley, MDDr. John A. MiliciRuth Minkin, MDEric Davidson Moore, MDMs. Ella MusalekCarl H. Nacht, MDE. John Nasrallah, MDSusan Nathan, MDLawrence Newman, MDMs. June NezhatYasunari Nimi, MDDr. Craig NobertHenry F. Novack, MDJohn J. Olichney, MDDr. Mary O'Sullivan, MDMary M. O'Sullivan-Vantassel, MDMiss Nancy M. PanellaMr. and Mrs. Evan D. ParnessMr. and Mrs. Brian ParnessMr. PernelMr. Martin PobladorGeoffrey Pollack, MDMr. and Mrs. Bryan ReidAnthony Repe, MDMs. Niva Dora RinslerMs. Ellen W. RoffNicholas A. Romas, MDMrs. Serene K. RomasMrs. Minna RubinMr. Arthur SarnoffMr. Philippe SawayaMr. Alex SawayaMr. Fuad A. SawayaMs. Jane SeskinFarrokh Shahrivar, MDDr. Richard J. Shepard, MDMark V. Sherrid, MDJose V. Silva, MDSLR Division of NeurologyMr. Alex SmithMr. Chris SmithMr. Jason Sterling and Mrs. LaurenZenobiMs. Lauren SterlingMs. Lyra StetzerMark R. Sultan, MDDaniel G. Swistel, MDJacqueline E. Tamis-Holland, MDMs. Marion TaubeGeorge L. Unis, MDMr. Eric UntermanDr. Mala Varma, MDMr. Ashton WaltersRaymond V. Wedderburn, MDDavid M. Weiner, MDRichard L. Whelan, MDVaughn Whittaker, MDMichael Wiechowski, MDMr. Jordan WilliamsMs. Susan XenariosSt. Luke's andRoosevelt HospitalGifts In Memory OfGifts were received in honor ofthe following individuals:Mr. Adolf A. AbrahamsonMr. Murray AdamsMs. Ruth G. BassMr. Stanley M. BermanCharles R. Blair, MDMs. Laura BlinderMr. Robert M. BontempiMrs. Suzanne BowlesMr. and Mrs. Thomas BraconiMrs. Margarita CamcheMr. Eric CapellMs. Dolores G. CardoneMr. and Mrs. Richard B. CardwellJennifer Cargiano, RNMs. Kathy CrispMrs. Elsa Louise DeschampsMr. Gregory L. FalgoustElaine Finkel, MDMr. Dennis Brian FordeJames B. Gabriel, MDMs. Mary GallagherMr. Mel GebroeMr. Thomas Richard GibbonsMrs. Joyce GladsteinMaurice F. Goodbody, MDMs. Pauline GoretzkyMr. Desmond GormanMr. David L. GotliebMr. James C. HendersonB. S. Hopkins, MDMr. Louis E. Imhof, Jr.Mrs. Cynthia JacksonMrs. Marilyn L. JoachimMr. Guy LeBowMichael Lesch, MDJohn S. Lewis, MDMr. Eric S. LoebRichard A. Marks, MDMrs. Julia MartiniMr. Daniel Michael Maune, Sr.Ms. Emma J. McCauleyIdalia McCleanMalcom Moley, MDMr. Richard O'LanderMr. George E. OsgoodMs. Laura ParnessMr. Stephen P. Pascuzzi, Jr.Mr. Eugenie PavarsMr. Murray RaineMs. Bonnie RestaflarerHarold Reuner, MDMr. Donald RobinsonMs. Christina RuizMs. Helen SawayaMrs. Eileen SchnabelMr. and Mrs. Jeff SchulmanMac Scott, MDCraig Seiuth, MDMs. Paopi TengMs. Adele TinaroMr. Jo TylerEstate of Agnes VarisMr. and Mrs. David WaksteinMs. Dolores Olivera WashingtonMr. Alva O. WayMs. Pernavia WilliamsMr. David J. WillmottMs. Adele WitzlingMrs. Tracy YoungMs. Rene YoungewirthSt. Luke's andRoosevelt HospitalsPlanned GivingRoosevelt-Muhlenberg SocietyMembers of the Roosevelt-Muhlenberg Socierty have madeprovisions in their estate plansor have established charitable giftannuities and/or trusts for thebenefit of St. Luke's and RooseveltMrs. Joan G. AndersonAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Leo BaerPetra Banogon, MDMr. William S. BeineckeMs. Charlotte BennerMr. Samuel A. BowmanMs. Eliane BukantzCaren Raine-Camche and Joel CamcheMr. and Mrs. Kenneth K. ClarkeMs. Joan H. FerrinMrs. Jean W. FossMrs. Dorothy W. GometzMr. Louis HeringMr. Elie D. HirschfeldPeter R. Holt, MDMr. Nahum IsiasMr. and Mrs. Peter KramerEdith J. Langner, MDMs. and Mr. Lorraine Lee-MasiMr. David J. LevidowMr. Edward LevineMr. Robert A. LumMrs. Margaret P. MautnerMrs. Lorraine McKeeverMrs. Norma McMillanMr. and Mrs. Alfred H. MorrisMr. Peter A. NadosyMs. Jytte N. PalumboMs. Aurelia RicardoMrs. Helen D. RooseveltMs. Taeko SakamiMr. Arthur SarnoffJoan and Arthur SarnoffMr. Hermann C. SchwabDr. Arumbi P. SubramaniamDr. Shantha SubramaniamMr. Meyer TannenbaumMrs. Rowena H. TravisMrs. May Han YeeSt. Luke's andRoosevelt HospitalsMatching GiftsMatching gifts were receivedfrom the following companiesChevron Humankind ProgramFortune Brands Home & SecurityGoldman Sachs & Co.IBM CorporationInternational Business MachinesThe Interpublic GroupJohnson & JohnsonJosiah Macy, Jr. FoundationMerck & Co. Inc.Verisk AnalyticsVerizon FoundationThe Warburg Pincus Foundation+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

3031The New York Eye and Ear InfirmaryThe New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Donor List 2011$1,000,000 and upJames Cox Chambers$250,000-$999,999The Children's Hearing Institute, Inc.Marrus Family FoundationEstate Of Marcelle MyersEstate of Nellie Grant Smith$100,000-$249,999Joseph M. CohenSam Friedlander+William G. Green EstateThe Ambrose Monell Foundation$50,000 to $99,999The Achelis FoundationSarah K. de Coizart Article TENTHPerpetual Charitable TrustPeter and Gretchen CrowleyThe Good Will Institute S.A. (Safra)Sheldon S. GordonEstate of Cora MarksShow Chwan Health Care System$25,000 to $49,999Abbott <strong>Medical</strong> OpticsLouis V. Angioletti, MDAida DishmanDisney Corporate CitizenshipThe Goldstein Family FoundationSorrell and Barbara MathesRetina Consultants of New York$10,000 to $24,999Alcon Foundation, Inc.Empire General Contracting& Painting Corp.Dan N. Hu, MDMorton and Chris HymanThe Estate of Wallace KatzJames and Cynthia KempnerThomas and Katheryn KempnerBarry A. KonigBruce K. Moskowitz, MDOphthalmology Associates, PCDoris and Martin PaysonThomas Poole, MDJeanne L. Rosenthal, MDCharles and Mildred SchnurmacherFoundation, Inc.The Shaw Family Endowment FundTD Bank Charitable FoundationJoseph B. Walsh, MDThe Wise Family Charitable Foundation$5,000 to $9,999BIMC Department of RadiologyBrian N. Campolattaro, MDEast Manhattan Anesthesia Partners LLCRonald C. Gentile, MDHector R. Giancarlo, MDDavid A. GoldbergGregory Packaging, Inc.The Helping Hand Sales, Inc.Jeffrey M. Liebmann, MDNew York <strong>Medical</strong> CollegeThomas O. Muldoon, MDSimon C. Parisier, MDPavaline Group, LLCMark PitmanRBC Trust Company (Delaware) LimitedTTEE For the Gift FundPaul A. Sidoti, MDMartha Washington Straus & HarryH.Straus Foundation Inc.Lary StromfeldTrue Vision Systems, Inc.ZeaVision LLCJudith C. Zesiger Family Foundation$2,500 to $4,999Emily A. BlavatnikDouglas F. Buxton, MDThe Frelinghuysen FoundationEllen FriedmanCaroline and Lawrence HuntingtonLeo J. Levy UnitrustChristopher Linstrom, MDLocke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLPAl MaioloAmy L. NauiokasEdward J. NowakSusan and Alan PearcePerkins Eastman Architects, PCProfessional Claims BureauRobert Ritch, MDRichard SegalThe Margot Sundheimer FoundationZocDoc$1,000 to $2,499John M. Aljian, MDRalph AndrewThe Asbestos ContractorMargaret and Marshall BartlettFamily FounadtionMelvyn D. Bert, MDCarol L. Bohdan and Robb HighJoseph M. Capo, MDAnastassios CaraviasWei Yee ChanRichard E. CharneySu-Yeon ChoCobalt <strong>Medical</strong> Supply, Inc.Compass Group, North AmericaDarlene and Robert Della Rocca, MDMarilyn DolanGail F. DonovanWilliam N. DyeShelley and Steven EinhornArnold EisenbergDonald EpsteinEye Institute of New YorkRichard FeinerSeymour Fradin, MDPhyllis R. GalstGarfunkel, Wild & Travis, PCJohn M. GillenMark N. Goldstein, MDGilbert GonzalezMilton GumowitzThe Lenore Linsky Hecht Foundation, Inc.Gordon HeiserHospitals Insurance CompanyMargaret KohliAndrea T. KoveThe Kurzman FundRoger S. LashJoshua Levine, MDSusan LiebowitzRichard J. Mackool, MDAlex & Dudley Mason Family FundKenneth NewmanOphthalmic Consultants, PCThe Pannonia FoundationMelissa S. Pashcow, MDAlbert PekelneyPaul PravdaProskauer Rose LLPRTR Financial ServicesMartin RichardsHarvey S. RosenblumSabatine FoundationRoger M. SachsHelene SlocumMichael L. StraussSonja S. TennaroTitan Advisors LLCVCC, Inc. Cicero Consulting AssociatesVedder Price, PCVerapon Towannasut, MDMarc Wolfson$250 to $999Hermine F. AbornEtta AbramsonGreg AdlerAnonymousBank Leumi USAVincent BenintendeBerger & Solomon, Inc.Alessandra BertolucciPaul BorkNeil BotwinoffJayne BrookesConstance M. ChenDolph ChianchianoWarren T. CulverEdwin DaigWilliam H. DavidRichard D. DeLuca, MDDenver Investment Advisors, LLCMargaret M. DonovanAlan S. EpsteinElliott M. Feinman, MDCharles FigliozziAllan H. FinePaul T. Finger, MDRuth FrommHerbert E. GadeSebnem Giorgio, MDSidney GoldHalf Moon Bay (Social Ctee & Residents)Holie Donut III, Inc.Magdalin JamesPliny Jewell IVRoland N. Karlen FoundationJanet M. KatzMarilyn G. KinneyDarius Kohan, MDElena KonovalovaWally KopelowitzMatthew and Jodi KupersmithLaura C. LemleLaura Lemle Family FoundationMaria M. LoTempio, MDRoy MarshakSteven & Samantha MarvinPhoenix Medcom, Inc.Lisa A. MetcalfeRoger A. MichaelsLeonard MorrowKenneth F. MountcastleJosh NeedlemanDavid B. NelsonLouise O'ConnorW. O'Donnell Consulting, Inc.Mark Persky, MDSteven M. Plotycia, MDAryeh L. Pollack, MDPhilip H. PravdaRamaz School TzedakahKeith ReichFrank L. RiccobonoElsa Riess+Janet L. Roen, MDStephen H. RogersSteven E. Rosenberg, MDRumex International CorporationKenneth SankinRachelle SavittDaniel P. SchaeferPamela SchoenUri Shabto, MDBurton S. ShermanSteven ShermanSara ShippmanLisa H. ShulmanTimothy J. SiglockGlenn R. Silbert, MDIvicos Sotirakis, MDBrian SpenceSynergetics, Inc.Jean ThomasTritech Healthcare ManagementLouise TurenneUnited Way of New York CityJohn W. WanamakerAlan J. WeinschelLoren WeissRachel Wellner, MDAlan C. Weseley, MDBill WilliamsMorris YamnerBeverly YunichJeffrey Zauderer, MDGerald Zeidman, MD$100 to $249Seth B. AderMark J. AltschulerJoseph W. ArmbrustWalpert J. BernardBernice BesthoffDavid L. BlackmonLawrence BlatteSimeon BlitmanJoseph BoyleAnna BurrisJean J. CadetArnold CohnEmmet ConlonOscar H. DavsonVera DoddStephen J. FontanellaKarl GoldbergRoger H. GoodspeedWilliam B. GreeneLaurence C. GriesemerRobert GrossRobert J. GullicksonBerj HagopianMark E. HammerOlga HammerJolene V. HandyJian H. HuangDina HuebnerRalph ItalieMartin G. JohnsonFrank W. JonesMargaret JosephEdwin KahnD. McWilliams KesslerMadeleine K. KleinmanC. KlenschRobert J. KlimekAdam KolkerRichard S. KoplinKraft Foods Foundation MatchingGifts ProgramMarcia KucherLeigh J. LachmanAmy LebowitzMarjorie LessnerLockman, Inc.Aldona LongoNancy MackowCecil MannKen MarcusBarbara A. McDonaldHarriet MiersAdnan E. MouranyAugusto D. OngsiakoAnn Marie PalladinoKenneth R. PiercePhil PivnickSara RezlerAntoinette RinggoldRichard B. RosenAlice P. RossKenneth RubyCarolyn SanchezPamella E. Ho SangJo-Ann M. SantoroJohn SceppaPeter SchefferGerald R. SchillerRoger SchoeningJohn A. SeedorS. Irving SherrSusan SingerSusan W. StachelbergMark SteeleRobert StevensEdwin StritzlSunrise Charitable Foundation, Inc.Gordon SussmanMark ThomanJason VignaBruce J. WeinMarcia A. WeinfeldJeffrey WiesenfeldMadeline G.WilliamsPaul ZemanThe New York Eyeand Ear InfirmaryPledge Payments$100,000 and upThe Children's Hearing Institute, Inc.HPB Foundation$25,000-$99,999Joseph M. CohenDaniel I. Branovan, MDEast Manhattan Anesthesia Partners LLCJames L. KempnerSamuel C. Lo, MD$10,000-$24,999The Goldstein Family FoundationChris and Morton P. HymanSteven A. McCormick, MDNavin C. Mehta, MDOphthalmic Consultants, PCThe New York Eyeand Ear InfirmaryGifts In Honor OfGifts were received in honor of thefollowing individuals:Douglas Buxton, MDThomas Muldoon, MDRobert Ritch, MDRichard Rosen, MDStimson Schantz, MDJoseph B. Walsh, MDThe New York Eyeand Ear InfirmaryMatching GiftsMatching gifts were received fromthe following companies:Kraft Foods Foundation+ Deceased+ Deceased

32BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2010 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201033<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong><strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong> Donor List 2010$1,000,000 and upThe Leonard and Sophie DavisFoundationFOJP Service CorporationGerald J. and Dorothy R. FriedmanNew York Foundation for<strong>Medical</strong> ResearchThe Dorothy Strelsin Foundation, Inc./Enid Nemy, Trustee*$250,000-$999,999Anonymous (2)The Charles Evans FoundationStephanie FeldEstate of Lauren B. NaglerMrs. Alice Netter*Estate of Claire ShapiroMarilyn and Jim Simons*The Herbert and NellSinger FoundationUJA-Federation of New YorkE. Douglas Whitehead, MD$100,000-$249,999The ALS Association GreaterNew York ChapterAnonymous (2)Mr. Remo D. BelliMary and Charles DeBareEnhanced EducationFamilies & Friends <strong>Support</strong>ing CysticFibrosis CareKerianne and James E. FlynnFoundation to Promote Open SocietySigmund Freedman Charitable TrustChris and Morton P. Hyman*Mr. and Mrs. Alan LandisThe Leir Charitable FoundationsCarolyne and Edwin A. LevyMr. Alan B. Mirken*The Needlers Foundation, Inc.New York Radiology Partners/Westside Radiology/ Union SquareDiagnosticsThe Price Family Foundation, Inc.Joseph H. and Carol F. ReichPhilanthropic Fund of New York of theJewish Communal FundThe Louis & Rachel RudinFoundation, Inc.Beatrice and Dr. Barnard H.Robbins FundBarbara+ and Ira M. SalzmanTeam Continuum, Inc.United States Cancer Pain ReliefCommittee, Inc.Estate of Mrs. Marion E.C. WallsThe Y.C. Ho/Helen and MichaelChiang FoundationMrs. Cynthia Zirinsky$50,000-$99,999Bobbie Abrams/ Nathanson-AbramsFamily Foundation*Louis Armstrong EducationalFoundation, Inc.BIMC Department of Orthopaedic SurgeryBIMC Spine InstituteCephalon, Inc.Estate of Sam FriedlanderEstate of Robert I. GoldmanThe Good Dog FoundationGreenwich Breast Cancer Alliance, Inc.Heather On Earth MusicFoundation, Inc.Suzanne Toor Karpas and Irving D.Karpas, Jr.*+Connie and Harvey M. Krueger*Mrs. Dorothy S. KrygerLCU FoundationThe Margaret & Daniel Loeb -ThirdPoint FoundationMr. Eugene B. Mercy, Jr.*Mr. Andrew MersonNational Parkinson Foundation, Inc.Ortho-McNeil Janssen ScientificAffairs, LLCPfizer Inc.Joan and Joel I. PicketPat Collins and Bill SarnoffUnited Hospital Fund of New YorkThe Wayen Charitable Foundation$25,000-$49,999Helen and Robert AppelThe Aaron and Marjorie Aronov FamilyFoundationJane and Alan R. Batkin*<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Heart InstituteBIMC Department of OtolaryngologyBIMC Department of Pathology andLaboratory MedicineBIMC Department of SurgeryBIMC Hand Surgery <strong>Center</strong>Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BonnymanMr. Charles R. BorrockMr. Michael J. Chasanoff+Mr. William M. CohenLucille+ and Milton S. Cohn*Covidien/MallinckrodtEndo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Fisher Brothers FoundationMs. Mary Giambelli*Ms. Carol P. Green*Dolores and Merril M. Halpern*Mr. Steven Hochberg and Mrs. HillaryLane Hochberg*Caroline and Lawrence Huntington*Imperial Parking Systems, Inc.Mrs. Sheila C. JohnsonThe J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc.The Karan-Weiss FoundationMr. Bradford R. Klatt*Melissa and Andrew KomaroffDavid B. Kriser Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Emily Fisher LandauMr. Peter B. LewisEstate of Jane C. MagginThe Marcled FoundationNancy and Martin S. Marcus*Carol and Arthur Maslow*Medtronic, Inc.Metropolitan Jewish Health SystemMarjorie and Morgan L. Miller*The Donald R. Mullen FamilyFoundation, Inc.Mr. Thomas S. Murphy, Sr.Mr. Thomas S. Murphy, Jr.Ms. Ruth Nerken/ Jean & AlbertNerken Foundation*Ms. Mary Q. PedersenPfizer FoundationPicket Family Foundation/David Picketand Joel I. Picket*Mr. and Mrs. Lester PollackMr. Kurt E. ReinsbergIris and Ira S. Rimerman*The Louis & Rachel RudinFoundation, Inc.The Shelley & Donald RubinFoundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. RudinMr. and Mrs. Louis C. SchroederDonna and Marvin SchwartzFoundation*Mrs. Nadia ShihabiEstate of Clara and Arthur SobelThe Society for the Arts in HealthcareStarlight Children’s FoundationTD Charitable FoundationThe Sidney & Loretta TeichFoundation, Inc.Tokio Marine ManagementMs. Diane von FurstenbergBetty Yarmon*$10,000-$24,999Aaronson Rappaport Feinstein &Deutsch, LLPAbbottAcademy of Country MusicMrs. Carol Hill AlbertAllied Educational FoundationAmerican Heart AssociationAmericareAmerigroup CorporationHarriett Ames Charitable TrustAmetek FoundationAnonymousArchimedes Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Soly BawabehBIMC Department of MedicineBIMC Blitman Department ofRadiation OncologyBIMC Sol and Margaret BergerDepartment of UrologyMaureen and Howard N. Blitman*Josephine and Stan Brezenoff*Canyon Ranch LivingThe Cowles Charitable TrustEllie and Michael J. Crames*Gail F. Donovan*East 72nd Street Orthopaedic SurgerySpecialists, PCFederated Foundations, Inc.GNYHA Ventures, Inc.Mr. Avrom E. Greenberg and Ms.Valerie E. HarperGW Pharmaceuticals/OtsukaThe Irving A. Hansen MemorialFoundationHarvard Maintenance, Inc.Healthfirst, Inc.Heidell, Pittoni, Murphy and Bach, LLPHerman Goldman FoundationMr. and Mrs. George J. Hiltzik*Mr. and Mrs. David D. Holbrook/Holbrook Family FoundationHugoton FoundationMr. and Mrs. Paul T. Jones IICindie and Donald M.Kastenbaum, MD*The Michele Klipstein-CohenFoundation, Inc.Roz and Stanley Komaroff*Sundar D. Koppolu, MD*KPMG, LLPJerilyn Kronen, MDMr. Kuen Mok KwokEstate of Debra J. LezakAmbassador and Mrs. John L. Loeb, Jr.Joyce H. Lowinson, MDAnn Lozman and Jay HarrisLucius N. Littauer FoundationMr. and Mrs. Joel MallahRobert Mapplethorpe FoundationMcAloon & Friedman, PCPeter D. McCann, MD*Mr. John McLaughlinMeda PharmaceuticalsMidwood Ambulance & OxygenService, Inc.Mr. David B. MurphyRebecca and James C. Neary*Neurosurgical Associates, PCNouveau Elevator Industries, Inc.NY MedscanOffice DepotGeorgia and Mark S. Persky, MD*Janet Green/ Phillips GreenFoundationMr. Lawrence S. Phillips*Proskauer Rose LLPPurdue Pharma LPMs. Roni B. Rubenstein and Dr. BarryD. BersonEstate of Jerome A. Schack, MDSelect Equity Group, Inc.Seventh District Association, Inc.Mr. Ronald ShermanShoe Charitable FoundationMrs. Tobi Silberman+Maury L. Spanier, Esq.*The Tomorrow FoundationTranscare AmbulanceMs. Ruth A. UnterbergMr. David WeinbergMr. and Mrs. George W. Wellde, Jr.$5,000-$9,999Albin Gustafson CompanyAnonymousAramark Health CareSteven J. Arsht, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. AufzienB. Braun <strong>Medical</strong> Inc.Alejandro Berenstein, MD*The Sybiel B. Berkman FoundationBIMC Appel-Venet ComprehensiveBreast ServiceBIMC David B. Kriser Departmentof Emergency MedicineBIMC Department of Obstetrics andGynecologyBIMC Kings Highway OrthopedicAssociates, PCBIMC Milton and Bernice SternDepartment of PediatricsMs. Susan Black*Charlotte and Joseph BrodieBrooklyn Kings HighwayAnesthesiologists, LLPMr. Louis C. CamilleriMicheline Charpie, MD+Chinatown Cardiology, PCContinuum Cancer <strong>Center</strong>s ofNew YorkCortec GroupMichael A. Cushner, MD*The Edmond de RothschildFoundation*Mr. Anthony J. DenicolaDerive TechnologiesDeWitt Rehabilitation and Nursing<strong>Center</strong>, Inc.Diverse Printing & Graphics, Inc.Diversified Benefit Services, Inc.Mr. George W. DownsDr. Glenn Dubin and Dr. EvaAndersson-DubinEcosystem Energy ServicesCharles D. Farber MemorialFoundation, Inc.Fred Farkouh/ Farkouh, Furman& Faccio LLPThe Sheldon and Marilyn FiremanFamily FoundationMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. FrestonGenentechGenomic Health, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Scott GewantBarbara and Howard+ GoldsteinJonathan C. Gordon, MD*Ilene and Louis B. Harrison, MDStephen A. Hochman, Esq.*Mr. and Mrs. James HoughtonHUB InternationalMartin S. Karpeh, Jr., MD*Mr. and Mrs. Jack KassabMrs. Sydell KastenbaumMr. Lewis KatzKathleen and Richard Kearns*Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham KelmanMr. Richard W. KimballLouise M. Klebanoff, MD*Mrs. Susan B. KoubtiMs. Nicole KubinMr. Michael LaganaMr. and Mrs. Benjamin V. LambertI. Michael Leitman, MD*Jerry A. Lubliner, MD*Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyMr. and Mrs. Robert W. MurrayFreema and Harris M. Nagler, MD*The New York Community TrustOrthopedic Specialists of GreaterNew YorkPark South Imaging Holdings, LPPaul M. Maintenance, Inc.Phillips <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> School of NursingNurses AlumniRussell K. Portenoy, MD*Precision Toyota of TucsonMr. and Mrs. W. Russell RamseyReckitt BenckiserPharmaceuticals, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John ReinsbergMr. William M. Resk and Mrs. Marie J.ToulantisJudith and Burton Resnick*Revival Home Health CareThe Risk Management PlanningGroup, Inc.Leo Rosner Foundation, Inc.Mr. Steven G. RubensteinMr. and Mrs. Jack RudinJoan and Arthur Sarnoff*Charles & Lynn SchustermanFamily FoundationMr. M. David SherrillJerome H. Siegel, MD*SLR Department of SurgerySolvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Marc A. Somberg Memorial FoundationJohn and Dorothy Sprague FoundationMs. Arlene C. StrelitzSwitzer FoundationMilton Tenenbaum CharitableFoundationTorme LauricellaThe Florence Tyson FundUnited States Integrated Systems, Inc.Visiting Nurse Regional HealthCare SystemMr. and Mrs. Alex L. WallauMr. and Mrs. Gregg WasserMr. and Mrs. Burton D. WassermanMr. Paul WassermanWinston Staffing ServicesMae and Richard Wong, Esq.The Zacks Family FoundationRobert J. Ziets, MD*$2,500-$4,999Allergan <strong>Medical</strong>AllscriptsAnonymous (2)Aria FoundationChaim J. Bernstein, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey BibleMrs. Cynthia G. BiondiMr. Frank BisignanoMr. and Mrs. Howard J. BlattThe Blumenkrantz Foundation, Inc.Susan B. Bressman, MD*Cammack LaRhette ConsultingCatherine A. Compito, MD*The Continuum <strong>Center</strong> for Healthand HealingBruce E. Culliney, MD*Frances Cuomo, MD*Dr. and Mrs. Don Des JarlaisMr. Louis DiFrancescoDilon Technologies, LLCDuane Reade Charitable FoundationEmpire Blue Cross Blue ShieldFidelity InvestmentsConstance and Mitchel+ FlaumMr. Michael J. Fox and Ms.Tracy PollanDr. and Mrs. David J. FriedmanMrs. Lorna Appel FullerGarfunkel Wild, PCMr. Larry GluckSamuel Goldberg SonsFoundation, Inc.Gotham Construction Company, LLCEugene and Emily M. Grant FamilyFoundationGrant Thornton LLPMrs. Alice Green*Joyce Green Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Arnold GreenbergJay and Sandra Harris FoundationMr. and Mrs. Lev HerrensonMr. Elie D. HirschfeldHorizon <strong>Medical</strong> Group, LLPMrs. Julie HorngradHospitals Insurance Company, Inc.Christopher E. Hubbard, MD*The Institute for Family HealthMs. Nancy Langsan*Mr. Gary P. LevyLifeCell CorporationMr. Jeffrey A. LipsitzThe Litwin Foundation, Inc.MagnaCareMr. W. Brian Maillian*Manhattan Orthopaedics, PCMrs. Pat C. MannMichele Martinho-Pachetti, MDMcKesson Corporation<strong>Medical</strong> Liability Mutual Insurance Co.Shahid W. Mian, MD*Christopher B. Mills, MD*Kenji Miyasaka, MD*+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

34 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2010 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201035MMS-A <strong>Medical</strong> Supply CompanyMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey MoskinMr. Richard P. Myers, Jr.Lisa and Edward NemchekEileen and Arthur B.+ Newman*Seiko and Robert G. Newman, MD*Esmond Nissim Foundation, Inc.*Debra M. Parisi, MD*Mr. Frank J. Pedone, Jr.*Physicians’ Reciprocal InsurersPolones Construction CorporationPricewaterhouseCoopers, LLPRiolo Transportation, Inc.The Beatrice and Samuel A. SeaverFoundation*Sephardic Geriatric Home Foundationof New York, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. SharpMr. and Mrs. Joel J. ShermanMark L. Smith, MDStandard Textile Co., Inc.Mr. Martin SteinErna & Isaac Stern Foundation, Inc.*Mark R. Sultan, MD*Mr. and Mrs. John SykesMr. and Mrs. Harry TalTeam Pastore, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. ToscanoTurner Construction CompanyUCB, Inc.The V&L Marx FoundationVisiting Nurse Service of New YorkMr. and Mrs. Jacob WassermanNeil & Virginia Weiss FoundationMs. Margaret WhittonWilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman& Dicker LLPJames F. Winchester, MD*Wolverine FoundationJane and Richard ZenkerJudith Carey Zesiger Family Foundation$1,000-$2,499990 AvAmericas Associates LPA & A Maintenance Enterprise, Inc.Mrs. Virginia AaronABC Carpet CompanyAdvanced Urology PCMs. Kathleen V. AlbertonAllied Urological Services, LLCAloysius Butler & ClarkMr. Robert S. AltmanMaurice Alwaya, MD*Ms. Rachael V. AmeriAmerican <strong>Medical</strong> Systems, Inc.American Storage & Transport, Inc.Amertex Textile ServicesAnonymous (2)Estate of Frances G. AntopolMr. James Howard ArcherMs. Teri AronovMartin J. Arron, MD*Arts & Letters Foundation, Inc.Asia Five Eight, LLCAstraZenecaAtlantis Rehabilitation & ResidentialHealthcare FacililtyAutomated LogicMr. Jonathan N. Axelrod*Drs. Alton and Carrie BarronMichela T. Catalano, MD and StephenG. Baum, MD*The Bayer FamilyMrs. Janine BehrmanRussell L. Berdoff, MD*Aaron H. Berger, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BerlandBernard Hodes Group, Inc.David B. Bernard, MD*Mr. and Mrs. John L. BernbachBrett B. Bernstein, MD*The Big Wood FoundationBIMC Department of Pain Medicineand Palliative CareBIMC Division of Digestive DiseasesBIMC Mirken Department of NeurologyBIMC Yarmon Division of Neurobehaviorand Alzheimer’s DiseaseFabian Bitan, MD*Henry C. Bodenheimer, Jr., MD*Mr. Joel D. BoffMr. and Mrs. Roberto BonettiSusan K. Boolbol, MDDr. Joseph Bottino, MDNelson G. Botwinick, MD*Mr. Joseph H. BrodoffMr. and Mrs. Avron I. BrogBrooklyn Neurological Associates, PCMrs. Margo H. BrundageBuckley Hall EventsAlfred P. Burger, MD*Byran Cave LLPCabrini <strong>Center</strong> for Nursing& RehabilitationCalvin Klein FoundationCannon DesignMr. James W. Cantor*Carquest & Worldpac CharitableFoundationMr. and Mrs. Arthur L. CarterAndrew M. Casden, MDCauldwell Wingate Company, LLCCB Richard EllisManjeet Chadha, MDRichard E. Charney, MD*Lola L. Chlupsa, RNMr. and Mrs. William S. ChristopherMr. Theodore ChuDavid J. Clain, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clements*Jeffrey Cohen, MD, PhD*Mr. Niles H. CohenColliers InternationalMary and John Collura*Cliff P. Connery, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Robert CostasMr. Frank J. CracoliciCrown Nursing andRehabilitation <strong>Center</strong>Ms. Suzanne Cutler*Mr. Duncan N. DarrowMr. and Mrs. Christopher C. DavisMr. Robert V. DelaneyThe Helen & Philip DelmanFoundation, Inc.*Mr. Irving DenbaumDermatology Associates of BI and SLRMr. and Mrs. Alvin Deutsch*Mr. Jordan DicksteinEddys Disla, MD*Donna Karan InternationalDrinker Biddle & Reath LLPDr. and Mrs. Mitchel R. Drucker*David J. D’Souza, MD*East Manhattan Diagnostic ImagingMs. Lee Ebs*Everlast General ContractingMr. Stephen J. Feinberg*Mr. Geoffrey J. FelderMr. and Mrs. Marshall FelensteinMr. and Mrs. Alvin FingerMr. Jacquin Philip FinkHarry D. Fischer, MD*David J. Fleiss, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Joel FlorinFour Seasons Nursing andRehabilitation <strong>Center</strong>Francis CauffmanMr. and Mrs. William FrankRichard H. Frankel, DPM*Frenkel Benefits, LLCMr. Richard FreundlichMr. Bernard FriedmanIra H. Friedman, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Carl FrischlingMr. Charles GibsonAlyssa Gillego, MDMr. and Mrs. Carlos GimbelThe Jacob Ginsburg FoundationMr. and Mrs. Henry J. Glanternik*Mr. Lewis Scott GodlisPeter A. Godsick, MD*Mr. I. Michael GoodmanRobert S. Gotlin, DO*Marc D. Gottlieb, MDGramercy Surgery <strong>Center</strong>, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Terence GreeneMichael L. Grossbard, MD*Robert J. Grossi, MD*Mr. Adam GrossmanGrubb & EllisMr. Paul R. HaldemanThe Handler FoundationMr. and Mrs. Warren HarbartLeonard R. Harrison, Jr., MD*Stephen P. Haveson, MDMr. Mark J. HeadleyDr. and Mrs. Hubert Hecht+Mr. and Mrs. Alex Heisman*Mr. and Mrs. Melvin HellerMr. and Mrs. Robert E. Helpern*Hemoncare, PCHerndon AssociatesMr. Alan Hirschfeld*Ms. Caroline HirshDr. and Mrs. Darryl M. Hoffman*David Hom, MDMr. and Mrs. Craig M. Horowitz*Richard I. Horowitz, MDMr. and Mrs. John D. HowardDaniel Hsu, MDMr. Fang HuangIntercall of New York, Inc.Alamgir Isani, MD*J.H. Cohn LLPMr. Benjamin R. JacobsonJSK Construction CorporationJzanus, Ltd.Franklin E. Kasmin, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Katz*Elsie and Thomas M.+ KearnsBarney J. Kenet, MDMr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Kern*Diana Cohen Killip, MD and ThomasKillip, MD*Mr. Todd KipnesLaurie J. Kirstein, MDMr. and Mrs. Charles D. Klein*Daniel P. Klein, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. KleinbergDr. and Mrs. Yehuda Kleinman*KNG Construction Co., Inc.Kenneth J. Knuckles, Esq.Ms. Allison KunisMark J. Kupersmith, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. LanierMr. and Mrs. Lee LasherMs. Louedda L. Lawrence*Mr. and Mrs. Laurence C. Leeds, Jr.Ms. Nanette LeporeMr. Paul G. LevyMr. Martin R. LewisLinmar ConstructionLoomis, Sayles & CompanyMs. Margaret Loeb-MunzerPatricia A. Luhan, PhD*Ms. Loretta J. LutfyM. D’Ottavio Produce, Inc.M. Tucker Company, Inc.Aye Moe Thu Ma, MDDaniel J.L. MacGowan, MD*Stephen C. Malamud, MDJohn E. Mancuso, DPM*Mr. James F. Mandler*Allen H. Maniker, MD*Mr. Robinson MarkelMrs. Frances MartinsonDr. and Mrs. Alexander MauskopPeter D. McCann, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Michael McInerney*Marvin A. McMillen, MDMr. Angelo Merola*The Messinger Foundation, Inc.Ms. Kathryn C. MeyerMr. and Mrs. Richard M. MichaelsonMidtown Urolgical Associates, PCDonna Mildvan, MDMimVista CorporationMineral King Produce, LLCMr. James MintzerMr. and Mrs. Mitchell ModellModestus Bauer FoundationWalter J. Molofsky, MD*Mr. James E. Moltz*Mr. Michael A. MonteleoneMorgan Construction Enterprises, Inc.Ms. Mary Elizabeth Moritz*Mr. Van V. Muran*Nahom Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. James L. NederlanderMr. Adam NeffMs. Sara NerkenMr. Adam NeumannNew York Water ManagementYair J. Nir, MD*North Star <strong>Medical</strong> PCMr. Richie NotarRonald Noy, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn S. OberlanderMohan R. Obilisundar, MD*Oestreicher Construction Corp.Office Furniture ServiceOld Oaks Foundation, Inc.Nicholas V. Papapietro, MD*Partners TransportationMr. and Mrs. Nicholas B. PaumgartenMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pelosky, Jr.Physicians Endoscopy, LLCEdmund B. Piccolino, MDThe Pittman Family Foundation*Plancher Orthopaedics & SportsMedicine, PLLCMr. Marc B. PorterMr. and Mrs. Bernard Posner*Primo ProducePrivate Advisors, LLCProMed Properties, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. ProperJacob Rakhman, MDJonathan M. Raskin, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Mario B.+ RecchiaMs. Deborah ReichRenal Research Institute, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. William S. ResnickAngelo T. Reyes, MDMr. Eytan RibnerRidgeway Country Club CharitableFoundation, Inc.Ms. Susan J. RileyMs. Ditah M. RimerMs. Jane G. Rittmaster*Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. RizzoMr. and Mrs. A. Stanley RobinsonZoe Rodriguez, MDMr. Melvin RokeachMs. Janet M. RoselMrs. Elaine L. Rosenberg*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel RosenblumMr. and Mrs. Arnold RosensheinMrs. Doris S. RosenthalThe Eric and Laurie RothCharitable FundMs. Frances Rothenberg-ItkinRTech HealthcareRevenueTechnologies, Inc.Rubenstein Associates, Inc.Mr. Donald RubinDr. and Mrs. James M. Rubin*Leslie and Mitchell RubinLady Dawn RussellWilliam Samson, MDMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Sauerhoff*Mr. Fuad A. SawayaStephen N. Scelsa, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Harold ScharfMr. Paul L. SchayeMr. Leo SchenkerSylvia and Robert Scher CharitableFoundationDr. and Mrs. Alexander Schick*Robert M. Schiller, MDMr. and Mrs. Bennett SchlengerMs. and Mrs. Lee SchneiderMr. John B. SchorschMr. Steven Schrader*Alan M. Schwimmer, DDS*Scott FowlerMr. Doug ScottMr. and Mrs. Mark ShankerDennis Shavelson, DPMSheepshead Bay <strong>Medical</strong>Associates, PCAbraham I. and Jean Sherr FoundationShore View Nursing HomeAlfred Shtainer, MDMr. Frederick B. SimonSkanska USA Building, Inc.Ms. Barbara SmithThe Sokoloff Foundation Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen SokolowMr. and Mrs. John H. SolerMr. and Mrs. Martin SolomonMr. and Mrs. Paul SorosBetty Sue Spellman, RNMr. and Mrs. Jon SpendrupThe Spoon Sisters, Inc.Bernice and Milton Stern Foundation*Mr. Ricki A. SternMr. Bruce Kevin Sterns and Mr.Charles A. Skowron*Barbra Streisand Foundation, Inc.Studio at ArchitectsEdward Sulzberger Foundation, Inc.Mr. Arthur Sung*Burton G. Surick, MD*Mrs. Linda SwallingMs. Sharon SylvesterSyska Hennessy Group, Inc.Sysmex America, Inc.Mr. Steven B. TangerPaul I. Tartter, MDMr. Saul TawilTilden Midtown Democratic ClubMs. Peggy TomasiTSIG Consulting, Inc.Tyll & Lavigne, Inc.Max Tyorkin, MD*U.S. FoodserviceUnion Square Gastroenterology, PCUnitedHealthMark L. Urken, MD*Veolia Energy North AmericaMr. and Mrs. Julio E. VializVillage Care of New York Inc.Laura B. Vogler FoundationMr. Alex Von BidderMrs. Michelle Vrebalovich-EdelmanMrs. Muriel WasherMr. Jeffrey WassermanWaterside Plaza, LLCMr. and Mrs. Douglas M. WeillMr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. WeillerMs. Joyce-Marie WeinsteinMr. Neil Weiss*Wellcare Health Plans, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. George T. WendlerMr. and Mrs. Richard WilponMr. and Mrs. David S. WinterH. Jay Wisnicki, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wolf*Steven M. Wolf, MD*Mr. and Mrs. David WongXoft, Inc.Richard X. Yan, MD*The Harry and Rose S. ZaifertFoundationThe Eugene Zitwer Foundation, Inc.$250-$999Ms. Pamela Y. AbnerMr. and Mrs. Richard N. AbrahamsMr. and Mrs. Dore J. AbramsMrs. Wesley C. Adams+L’Absinthe RestaurantAdvanced Surgical Urology, PCJoanne Ahola, MDMrs. Priscilla AlbrechtAlternate Power, Inc.Mr. Alex AlvarezMr. and Mrs. Maurizio AmeriFrank C. Andolino, MDAnonymous (2)Mrs. Nancy H. ArnoMr. and Mrs. Alvin L. ArnoldAlvin Kenneth Aronoff, DDS, MSMr. and Mrs. Abraham AscherMr. Mark AsofskyDr. Fadi F. and Leila AttiyehMrs. Janet R. AxelrodMr. and Mrs. Mike AzzopardiMr. and Mrs. Martin S. BakerMs. Janice M. BallakRobin Baradarian, MDBarclay Water Management, Inc.Ms. Elyse BarkinKathleen M. Barrett, DPMLisa M. Bartoli, DOBaum Textile Mills, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Richard BeckmanBelkin Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLPMr. Albert C. BellasBencom, LLCMr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Bennett, Jr.Terri and Alan BenvenistyBenz’s Food Products, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Edward BerdayMs. Nancy BeresMr. Eric N. BergBernstein & Associates,Architects, PLLC+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

38BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2010 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201039Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. SolenderMs. Martha E. SolingerSolomon Johnson AssociatesMr. and Mrs. Olugbenga O. SongonugaDorene Soo-Hoo, DPMMs. Elizabeth J. SoslandMr. Donovan Otto SpamerMr. and Mrs. Franklin C. SpeyerMrs. Laurie SprayregenMs. Marlene M. StaffordMr. John StarkMr. Steven StarkMr. Joseph D. StecherMs. Stefanie SteelMs. Betty G. SteinbergDaniel I. Steinberg, MDMr. and Mrs. Robert C. SteinmanMr. Richard SteplerSterling Ambulette, Inc.Ms. Andrea D. SternMr. and Mrs. Howard SternJordan C. Stern, MDMr. and Mrs. Ronald SternMrs. Carol Kahn StraussMr. William Scott SymonsMs. Robin G. TabachnikMs. Arline B. TarteMr. and Mrs. Fred B. TarterMr. and Mrs. Ronald S. TauberMs. Mae-Mae R. TaylorMs. Margaretta TaylorThe David and Sylvia TeitelbaumFund, Inc.Third Avenue Movement Co., Inc.Mr. and Ms. David M. ThomasMr. William H. ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Robert TillisMrs. Lynn TobiasMr.+ and Mrs. Roger TolinsTribeca Skin <strong>Center</strong>Trinity HomecareMs. Judith TuchmanDr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. TuretskyVanity FairVarquin EnterprisesMs. Lisa E. VartoloMs. and Mr. Lorraine VasiosJoshua Verona, DDSMs. Kalliopi VorvolakosMs. Elisa WagnerMrs. Maureen Frances WaideMs. Marie WallsMs. Lisa J. WalshMary Walsh, RNMrs. Renee Warshofsky-AltholzMr. Michael WedlickMr. Bruce WeinerMr. Robert WeinerMr. Emanuel WeintraubMr. Max WeintraubMr. Roger WeisbergWeitzner Family Charitable FoundationMs. Lorna J. WendtMrs. Judith D. WidmannMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. WiesenfeldMr. David WilshinMs. Norma G. WilsonJeff WinickArnold Winston, MDMr. Kyle F. WoitelWoo Family Charitable FoundationStanley R. Yancovitz, MDJaime Yun, MD*Francisco P. Yuvienco, MDRamin Zaghi, DPMMrs. Beverly Zagor+Mr. Donald L. ZambaranoZelda’s Art WorldMr. and Mrs. Bruce ZenkelMr. Roger D. ZieglerMr. Laurence ZiffMs. Barbara R. ZimetMr. Richard E. ZimmermanMs. Anita J. ZitisMs. Debora Zucchi$100-$249Mrs. Gail Abbott-FassMr. Simon N. AbrahamsMs. Lorraine AbramsonSandra and Robert L. AcernoMr. and Mrs. William AdlerMs. Paula AlbuMr. and Mrs. Roy AlexanderMr. and Mrs. Herbert H. AlpertMr. Mark AltmanAmtech Clinical EquipmentServices, Inc.John A. Andrilli, MDMr. Edward J. AnnessAnonymous (2)Ms. Irene S. AptMr. Anthony AratoMr. Theodore Arno IIMs. Marie ArpanteDomingo D. Arroyo, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. AshMs. Marylin D. AttinsonMs. Mary AtwoodMs. Paulette AzariaMs. Claudine BacherMrs. Elizabeth BaderMr. and Mrs. Art BaileyMr. and Mrs. Jerome BailinMr. Howard Baker+Ballon Stoll Bader & Nadler, PCMrs. Patricia A. BalsaminiMs. Phyllis BarchasMrs. Nancy A. BardMs. Bernice BarnesMs. Jennifer BarnettMr. Kenneth A. BarrittMs. Giandomenica BecchioMs. Debbie BeeberMrs. Bessie Betty Beltz-SturmMr. and Mrs. Arthur R. BenceMr. and Mrs. John T. Benjamin IIIMs. Cherylann A. BennMs. Pauline BennettMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BergerMs. Miriam BergmanAtara J. Berliner, PhDMr. Tobias J. BermantLaura Bernay, MDMr. Asher BernsteinDr. and Mrs. Gerald BernsteinMs. Sybil BernsteinCatherine J. Binck, RNMr. and Mrs. George BissellMr. Stanley BittermanMs. Henrietta R. BittmanMr. Douglas A. BlackburnMs. Judith BlauMs. Flora K. BloomMs. Lisa BlughMr. Leonard BlumMr. Michael W. BlumsteinMr. John W. BolzMr. Eulogio BonanoMarilyn Bookbinder, RNMs. Lena BootheMs. Laurette S. BouchardMs. Mig BoyleMs. Patricia A. BradleyMs. Beverly BrinMs. Miriam BrownMr. Paul BrownMr. and Mrs. Jay K. BrunnMr. Anthony BrunoMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. BrunoMs. Lori BuchbinderMrs. Joan BuehlerMrs. Madeline BullaroMs. Yessina BurgosMr. Edward BuroMr. Cornelius CadiganMs. Mary J. CahillMs. Sandra CahnMr. John V. CalcagnoMs. Joan CalcavecchioMs. Carol L. CandianoMr. Anthony F. CarbonaroCardarelli Design & Architecture, PCMr. and Mrs. James E. CarewMr. and Mrs. David K. CarlsonElise Carper, RNMr. Stephen J. CasarellaMr. Ramon Castillo, Sr.Mr. Joseph M. CatalanoCentral Yeshiva <strong>Beth</strong> JosephMs. Sheila ChaifetzDr. and Mrs. Andrew ChanMs. Iris Suk Yee ChangLolita Chatterjee, MDJean M. Chin, MDMs. Bik Ching DwanMr. Eugene ChisolmChristopher Chow, MDMr. Zheng Rong ChuiMr. Jonathan CinguinaMr. Michael ClarkMr. Sean ClarkMr. Frederick A. ClarkeRichard J. Coburn, MDDr. and Mrs. Leonard CohenLisa Cohen, RNMr. Martin J. CohenMr. Neal S. CohenMr. and Mrs. Nicholas H. ColaMr. Jeremiah P. CollinsMr. Alan ColnerMr. Dominic ColuccioMs. Myrna ConnollyEdward E. Conway, Jr., MDMs. Ana CortesMr. Vasile L. CosmaMs. Ellen L. CoxThe Credential Researchers, Ltd.Ms. Virginia CrisoninoMr. Cornelius CrowleyMs. Frances M. CunninghamMrs. Eileen P. CurranMr. Alvin DanielMr. Alan G. DavisMr. and Mrs. Jon De LiseMr. and Mrs. Rudolph de WinterMs. Katherine A. DeatsMs. Pamela DedrerMr. and Mrs. Oscar B. DelacruzMr. Louis DeMariaMr. Robert K. Deveer IIIMs. Robin Sue DiazMr. Jerald M. DickMs. Reba H. DickerMr. Louis DiFranciscoMr. John L. DilanoMr. Aurelian DinuMr. Vito DiomedeDr. and Mrs. William J. DiscipioMr. and Mrs. Alex DmitrievDr. and Mrs. Herbert C. DobrinskyThe Dobson Foundation, Inc.Mr. John T. DolanDr. and Mrs. Richard S. DolinsMr. Vincent DomingoMr. Michael J. DominickSenator Thomas K. DuaneMr. and Mrs. John J. DuffyMs. Julia T. DunkelMr. John DunsmoreMs. Joanne S. DurneyMr. George DuseboutMr. Eric J. EckholdtMr. David EderMr. Rudolf O. EgerMr. Bernard EisenbergEllen B. Eisenstadt, MDElmwood Charity FundMrs. Norma B. ElserMr. Richard EmeryMr. Jerrold I. EngberMr. and Mrs. Mark F. EngelMs. Theresa A. Eng-LeeMr. Stewart H. EpsteinMr. and Mrs. Armando EspositoMr. and Mrs. William W. EsseksNorma Estremera, RNWilliam Etra, MDMs. Dinah A. EvanMiss Sheila C. EwallMr. and Mrs. Robert FabrikantMr. Robert FalkMs. Sheila FalkMr. William FalkMs. Vicenta H. FandialanMr. Leonard X. FarbmanMs. Mary-Ellen FargnoliMs. Catherine FarrellMartha E. Fedorko, MDMr. Warren FeiersteinMr. and Mrs. Allan B. FellerMr. and Mrs. Albert FennerMrs. Cathy Ferrara-SpinelliMs. Rita FieberMrs. Susan FinkelsteinMr. Michael T. FitzgeraldMs. Sharon A. FitzsimonsMr. Jake FlahertyMr. and Barry Allen FleckMr. and Mrs. Dennis C. FleischmannMs. Ionie FlemingMrs. Maxine A. Fletcher-BarnesMs. Kim C. FlodinMariles Flordeliza, RNMrs. Jacquelyn L. FlorsheimMr. and Mrs. George FormanMs. Gerry FrankelMs. Pamela C. FrascaMrs. Joan H. FrederickMr. Howard W. FriedmanMrs. Karen S. W. FriedmanMrs. Norma FriedmanMr. and Mrs. David FriedmannMrs. Arline B. FrishMs. Camilla GalluzzoIgor I. Galynker, MD, PhDMr. and Mrs. Keith+ GanzerMr. and Mrs. Jerrold Joseph GanzfriedMr. Lisandro Garcia-MarchiMs. Ann M. GavinMrs. Lisa K. GaynorMs. Sherry F. GelbMrs. Debra GellerShirley F. and Bernard GenchMr. Sousaniki T. GeorgopoulosMrs. Rose GibertiMr. Gideon GiladiMr. and Mrs. Laurence GilbertMs. Amy Plaut GinsburgMr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. GlanvilleMr. Warren G. GlassMs. Eleanor GlickGloria & Jesse GottliebFamily FoundationMs. Joyce GoldenMs. Marla GoldenMr. and Mrs. Alfred I. GoldmanMs. Lola GoldringMs. Marcia GoldsteinMs. Marilyn S. GolubMs. Carmen GomezMr. Victor A. GonzalezStella Gordin, MDMs. Dana J. GordonMr. and Mrs. Larry GordonMrs. Helen GottliebMr. Robert S. GottliebErica Grabscheid, MDMr. and Mrs. Manfred GrafMs. Theron S. GrantMs. Elisa GreenbaumMs. Myrna H. GreeneTobi Greene, MDMr. Harold GreenspanMr. J. M. GreenstadtMr. and Mrs. Mel GreifingerMr. Donald GriecoMr. Frank J. GrodioMs. Barbara GrossMr. Seth S. GrossMr. and Mrs. Herbert GrossmanMs. Gertrude GrovemanMrs. Marjorie GrunebaumGSEP Realty Corp.Marylin Guntzler, RNMr. Gerald A. GuthenbergMr. Robert GuttenbergDr. Deborah and James E. HabermanMr. Calvin C. HaddadMs. Andrea HalkiasMs. Judith A. HalperinHyacith B. Hamilton-Gayle, RNMr. and Mrs. Alan HanauMr. Peter Michael HansenMs. Michelle HarmanRev. Msgr. Robert M. HarrisS. J. Harrison & Co.Manju Harshan, MDMrs. Ruth K. Hausen-BlochMr. Victor F. HazanMr. and Mrs. Richard W. HerlichMs. Susanne K. HessMrs. Edythe F. HeymanMr. Jacob HiluMs. and Mr. Barbara E. HinesMr. and Mrs. Jack S. HoffingerMs. Phyllis HoftMs. Mary Kate HorbacMr. Alfred J. Horton IIIMrs. Alice W. HowardAnn L. Hunt, DOMs. Cheryl R. HurwitzMr. Anthony P. IannuzziMr. and Mrs. Nicholas+ InfantinoMrs. Jackie <strong>Israel</strong>Mr. Hideko IyodaMs. Cynthia JacintheMs. Iris Y. JacksonMs. Jeanne M. JacksonMr. Gustave M. JacobsMrs. Julie W. JacobsMrs. Janet S. JakubowitzMr. Warren W. JarrettMr. Fred G. JarvisMs. Helene JeanneyMs. Jane JenkinsMrs. Sarah F. JenningsMs. Marilyn JessourianMs. Mildred Z. JimenezMr. and Mrs. Thomas W.E. Joyce IIIMr. Stephen KagannMarietta and Felix+ KalinMr. and Mrs. Mark L. KalishMs. Sheryl S. KalvinMr. and Mrs. Lee KamletMr. George KanMr. and Mrs. Danai KanchanagomMs. Lina KanevskayaMs. Esther KaplanMrs. Penny KaplanMr. and Mrs. Robert KaplanMs. Deborah A. KarmozynMs. Lita K. KarpMrs. Judith G. KaseMrs. Roslyn Kase-BlumenthalMr. and Mrs. Albert KassinMs. Linda KastnerMr. and Mrs. Gary KayeThe Harvey & Gloria KaylieFoundation, Inc.Ms. Carol A. KeaneMr. and Mrs. Edward KearneyMs. Heather M. KellyMs. Dorothy KennerMr. Nik A. KhakkeMs. Mezaan S. KhanAzita S. Khorsandi, MDMr. and Mrs. Martin KimelmanMr. Gershon KingsleyMr. Robert M. KirbyMr. Benjamin KlebanerMr. Morton KleinerMrs. Judith KneeErnest Knight, MDMs. Barbara B. KobreMr. Michael R. KoenigMr. and Mrs. Joel KoppMr. and Mrs. David L. Kornblau+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

40BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2010 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201041Ms. Margo KornfeldMr. Alan B. KoslinMr. and Mrs. Ronald M. KostelnyMr. Richmond KotcherMs. Margaret C. KotulaJohn P. Koulos, MDMr. and Mrs. Herbert KrasnowMr. David KrausJamie Krauter, MDMs. Gaby KresslyMr. Paul KronenbergMs. Cynthia KrupatSteven Kuchuck, LCSWMr. Stanley KupersteinMs. Kathleen R. KwederMs. Napasiri LadavalMs. Pui Yu LamMr. Sebastian N. La MicelaMr. Bruce LanderCarmela Landes, MDMr. Floyd LandorfMelinda S. Lantz, MDMr. Richard LanzaroneMrs. Michelle LarkinMaria R. Latrace, RNMr. and Mrs. Francis A. LawlessMs. Lois A. LawsonMr. and Mrs. Oliver LazareMrs. Clara LeeMr. Sze Cheuk LeeHonorable Joan <strong>Beth</strong> LefkowitzMs. Jane LehrmanMs. Donna E. LeipzigMr. and Mrs. Carlos A. LemmeMs. Debra J. LennonMr. and Mrs. Alfred LeporeMs. Patricia LeroyMr. Anthony LeteriMr. Bruce A. LevMrs. Lisa D. LevinNathan W. Levin, MDMr. and Mrs. Elliot LevineMr. Larry LevineMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. LevineMr. and Mrs. Laurence LevyMrs. Stacey LevyMrs. Constance LewinMr. Dhondup LhamoMs. Luksana LimMrs. Margaret Lindo-DeFrancoMr. Donald W. LinkMr. Lawrence LippmanMrs. Roberta J. LipsitzMrs. Maria T. LisantiMr. and Mrs. Charles G. LitowMr. and Mrs. Aurel M. LitttmanMs. Yi LiuMs. Nancy J. LlewellynMs. Cecilia LopezMrs. Felice M. LorberMr. and Mrs. Herbert A. LovitMs. Jean B. LowingerMs. Joy LupolettiMr. Ken LustbaderLinda Luy, RNMs. Maria L. MachucaMrs. Pauline J. MaerovMr. David MaitMr. and Mrs. Angelo MallozziMrs. Laurie L. MalmanJeffrey I. Manasse, MDThe Honorable Robert J. MangumMr. and Mrs. Max MarcoMr. Marc MarinoffMr. Theodore MarksonNancy Maruyama, MDMr. Gerald MasoudiMr. and Mrs. Peter J. MastaglioMr. Matthew MathraniMattia Physical Therapy andRehabilitation, LLCMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. MaurerMr. and Mrs. Hamish MaxwellCarolyn Mayer-Drennan, RNMr. and Mrs. Vincent A. MazzaroMs. Guendalina MazzolaiMr. George McCarthyMcCormick & O’Brien, LLPMr. William McGraneMr. Ronald MeltsnerMr. Tommie G. MemmingerMs. Karen MenderMs. Lillyan MenderMs. Susan MenderMr. James G. MennenMr. Edmundo MercadoMr. Charles MerchantMr. and Mrs. Manes M. MerritMs. Rhonda J. MetzgerMr. and Mrs. Stanley J. MichaelsMr. Fred T. MiersMr. and Mrs. Lester C. MigdalMs. Elena MilanesiMs. Dragisa D. MileticMr. David G. MillerMs. Judi L. MillerMrs. Toby L. MillerMs. Annette I. MinkalisMs. Margaret M. MinneforMr. and Mrs. Reginald A. MinorMs. Marilyn A. MitchellMr. Joseph E. Mohbat+Ruth W. Mollod, MDMs. Nicola MontrucchioMrs. Lydia MossMr. Paraskevi MourkakosThelma Myers-Navarro, RNMr. and Mrs. Michael G. NashakMs. Cassandra S. NaylorMerle C. Nazares, RNMs. Rhonda NegrinMrs. Joan NelsonMs. Leonarda NikcThe Elsa and Irving NusblattFoundationElizabeth S. Ochoa, PhDMs. Debra M. O’HehirMs. Cynthia A. OhlingerMs. Margaret A. O’LearyMs. Dorinda J. OliverMrs. Justine S. OndricekMs. Sue L. OrrMr. Robert OrtizMr. Edward O’SheaMs. Elaine P. OstermanMr. Stephen G. OswaldMs. Tracey A. OwensMr. Harry OxenhornMr. and Mrs. Andrew PariseKathleen and Stephen P.+ Pascuzzi, Jr.Mr. Roy Passley+Patsy’s Italian Restaurant, Inc.Mr. Avraham PavlovichMr. Jose R. PayasMs. Mercedes PazCharles Perkel, MDMs. Elizabeth PetruskaPHCG/CortexEswar Dutt Pillalamarri, MDMr. Neal H. PilsonMs. Kalyani PindiproluMr. Marvin H. PinilesMrs. Svetlana Pistrak-NodelmanMr. and Mrs. Jerry PollakMr. Thomas M. PooleMr. Yat Sun PoonDr. and Mrs. Paul PossickMr. and Mrs. Andrew W. PotashPower-Flo Technologies, Inc.Ms. Laura J. PrahMs. Denise PratesiPriscilla C. and Michael PressMr. Paul R. PrindleMr. Cornelius PrioleauMrs. Linda S. ProfusekMs. Giovanna PuleoMrs. Karen Purtell-FreitasMs. Ziomara B. QuevedoMs. Patricia E. QuinlanPaula J. Rackoff, MDMs. Alexis RaimondiMs. Leslie RainerProfessor James B. RamseyMr. Walter F. RaubicheckMr. Harold ReedMs. Sandy ReiburnMs. Dorothy Lee ReidMrs. Victoria J. ReimlingerMark Reiss, MDMr. and Mrs. Angel RexachMr. Richard L. RichMs. Grace E. RichardsonMr. Robert E. RichardsonMs. Susan L. RichterMr. Arthur RieserMs. Anne Heather RimmMrs. Renee RimskyMr. Victor RitzDahlia F. Rizk, DOMs. Barbara G. RoamanDavid M. Roane, MDMs. Lore RobbinsMr. George RobertsLeonard M. Roberts, MD+Ms. Faymarie RobertsonMs. Susan A. RobichekBarbara J. Robinson, RNMrs. Heidi E. Robinson-VargishThe Rock ClubMrs. Nesta Rodd-WoodleyMr. and Mrs. Richard J. RodriguezMr. Frederick S. RoffmanMr. and Mrs. Howard F. RoherMr. and Mrs. Djaudat J. RojasMs. Lispet N. RolandMrs. Terry RosenMr. Stuart B. RosenbergMr. and Mrs. Richard RosensteinMr. Larry RosenthalMs. Karen L. RosettiMrs. Carol S. RosnerMr. and Mrs. Bill RossonMr. and Ms. Kenneth RothMs. Marilyn RothMr. Gary RothbartMs. Susan A. RoussinMs. Corina A. RoyMrs. Elaine RubensteinMrs. Lynn RubensteinMr. William RubensteinMr. and Mrs. Brian RuderMr. Kyle R. SabatinoMs. Jane SabesanRivka Sachdev, MDMr. and Mrs. Richard L. SalzerMs. Cindy SalzilloSame Day CleaningMr. Robert SanchezMs. Ernestine SanquicheMrs. Carol M. SantoraMs. Concetta SarantisMs. Helen M. SarubbiMrs. Julie SatinoverMr. Sheldon SatlinAnil K. Saxena, MDDr. and Mrs. William J. ScarpaMr. and Mrs. Gennaro A. ScarpatiMr. and Mrs. Benno SchachterMr. and Mrs. Gisbert G. SchallMs. Deanna ScharfMr. and Mrs. Ronald J. SchickMr. and Mrs. Robert SchlesingerMr. Barry L. SchlossbergMrs. Diane SchneidermanMs. Ellen P. SchoenfeldMr. and Mrs. Douglas SchultzMr. Ronald SchwartzLanny S. Schwartzfarb, MDMrs. Maxine R. SchweitzerMs. Vivian SchwimmerMr. and Mrs. Brendon B. ScottMr. and Mrs. John J. SeewaldMrs. Edith B. SegallMr. and Mrs. Larry M. SegallMr. and Mrs. Douglass J. SeidmanMr. Ronald SemariaMichael J. Serby, MDVijay P. Shah, MDMrs. Jean M. ShaneMs. Francine ShapiroMs. Merryl J. ShapiroValerie D. Shaw, RNMs. Maryann ShegelskiMs. Patricia SherwinMs. Arline R. ShiersMr. Tony M. ShogrenMr. Robert A. ShtulmanMr. Robert P. ShulmanDr. Elizabeth Siderides andMr. Stelios TheofanidisMs. Margaret SideridesElizabeth M. Sieczka, MDDr. and Mrs. Andrew L. SiegelMr. Charles L. SiegelMs. Dorothy B. SiegelMr. and Mrs. Michael L. SiegelRabbi Reuven Siegel+Mr. Fred SilbermanMs. Alison J. SilcoffStephen G. Silver, MDMs. Arlene R. SilvermanMr. and Mrs. Lee M. SilvermanMr. Moses SilvermanMr. Steven SilversteinMr. and Mrs. Harold E. SimonMrs. Jessica Simon-PrinceMrs. Barbara SimpsonMs. Margaret D. SinclairMr. and Mrs. Eugene SingerMaryna Skliut, MDMs. Patricia T. Smalley+Mr. and Mrs. Irving SmithMrs. Patricia M. SmithMr. Richard SmollenMrs. Carol N. SokolMs. Lesley Ann SorensonMs. Alisa SorkinIvicos S. Sotirakis, MDMrs. Penny SpeckterMs. April SpicerMr. and Mrs. Richard L. SpitzMs. Eve Ellen StarkmanMr. Charles P. StathasMrs. Annette Stauber-CohnThe Stecher Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael SteinMs. Barbara A. SteinerMr. and Mrs. David StevensMr. Barry StewartMs. Beatrice SteyerMr. Joseph P. StowaskyMs. Betty StreimMr. Edward StrumMs. Sheila StudintCathy Sullivan, RNSurvivors in SobrietyMr. Edward B. SussmanMs. Cathy SuttonMs. Barbara E. SwarthoutTambetti, Inc.Ms. Amy TanenbaumMr. and Mrs. Jerome K. TankelMs. Larissa K.F. TempleLawrence B. Tena, MDMs. Rosemarie TichlerMs. Debra ToiaMs. Sara TolchinMs. Elizabeth B. TomlinsonMr. and Mrs. Eusebio TorresMr. Frank M. TotiTraderfield Securities, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TresserMr. Gregory TrimboliMrs. Joan TuckerMs. Joanne P. TuoheyMr. and Mrs. Gabriel TuskMrs. Elaine UllianMs. Carmela UzzoMr. and Mrs. Antonio ValdezMr. Alan VictorMs. Sally N. VirziMrs. Joelyn ViscardiMr. Richard L. WagonheimWalk NYC Podiatry, PCJoel J. Wallack, MDMs. Arlene B. WalzerMs. Lorelei E. WardMs. Roxanne WarrenMr. and Mrs. Henry WeidlerMs. Bonnie WeinhoffMr. and Mrs. Irwin J. WeinsteinMs. Marie P. WeinsteinMs. Elisse G. WeissMs. Florence WeissMr. Samuel WienerMs. Johnnie L. WigginsMr. Steven WightmanMs. Renee-Lea WillemsMs. Harriett R. WilliamsMr. Paul M. WilligMr. and Mrs. Richard WilnerMs. Patsy F. WinklerMr. Wayne D. WisbaumMr. David R. WolcottMr. and Mrs. Mark L. WoltinMr. Randolph A. WyattMr. Satoshi YoshidaMr. and Mrs. Daniel ZenkelMr. and Mrs. Ron ZimmermanMr. Hans-Bernd ZimmermannMr. Michael H. ZisserManuela Pascolina Zisu, MDMs. Barbara ZuckerMs. Faith A. ZuckermanMs. Joan M. Zuckerman<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> 2010Pledge Payments$100,000+American Cancer SocietyThe Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia &Parkinson Foundation, Inc.Sol and Margaret Berger FoundationThe Sanna and Victor BorgeMemorial FundRita and Alex Hillman FamilyFoundation, Inc.Barry Kaye Associates, Inc.$25,000-$99,999American Academy of NeurologyFoundationMr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald CaputoSigmund Freedman Charitable TrustThe Michael J. Fox Foundation forParkinson’s ResearchThe Jacob & Valeria LangelothFoundationOrtho-McNeil Janssen ScientificAffairs, LLCNew York State Health FoundationThe Louis & Rachel RudinFoundation, Inc.Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Mrs. Lois Zinman$10,000-$24,999The Fan Fox & Leslie R. SamuelsFoundationLauri and Douglas FreedmanMedtronic, Inc.<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> GiftsIn Honor OfGifts were received in honor of thefollowing individuals:Dr. and Mrs. Ira R. Abbott IIIJoseph Albanes, RNHoward J. Antosofsky, MDHelen and Robert AppelMr. Owen AtkinsMr. Lennie BarinC. Redington Barrett, Jr., MDJane and Alan R. BatkinMs. Bridget BennettMr. Greg BerkowitzMs. Sara BerkowitzSteven M. Berman, MDMr. Frank BisignanoMr. John M. BlackmanHenry C. Bodenheimer, Jr., MDSusan K. Boolbol, MDJerome S. Breslaw, MDSusan B. Bressman, MDMs. Henrietta CarterAndrew M. Casden, MDMs. Carole ClarkIra B. Cohen, MDMr. David CollinsPeter D. Costantino, MDEllie and Michael J. CramesCrown Nursing andRehabilitation <strong>Center</strong>Ricardo Cruciani, MDBruce E. Culliney, MDFrances Cuomo, MDMaurizio Daliana, MDDr. and Mrs. Morton I. Davidson+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

42BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 2010 BETH ISRAEL MEDICAL CENTER DONOR LIST 201043Mr. Lewis D’AzzaraAlbert De Fabritus, MDMrs. Mary A. DeBareGeorge V. DiGiacinto, MDCaner Z. Dinlenc, MDMs. Cailan DougallMr. Jared DougallMs. Celina DubinAsher and Michelle EdelmanMr. Gary EderAlison Estabrook, MDWilliam Etra, MDMarc Felberbaum, MDMrs. Marian A. FensterMartin M. Feuer, MDMatthew E. Fink, MDHarry D. Fischer, MDStewart B. Fleishman, MDMs. Carrie D. FoxJohn Fox, MDMs. Frieda FreedmanHal Freiman, MDMs. Roberta GelbCharles M. Geller, MDMs. Ann GerritseEmanuel Goldberg, MDMr. Oliver GolubMarguerita E. Gonzales, MDMs. Carol P. GreenMs. Janet A. GreenDr. and Mrs. Will GrossmanMark Groves, MDPeter R. Halper, MDLouis B. Harrison, MDMr. Alan HeblackMichael B. Heller, MDMs. Alana HerrnsonMr. Jesse HerrnsonChristine Hinke, MDDr. and Mrs. Darryl M. HoffmanSteven F. Horowitz, MDKenneth Hu, MDMr. Lawrence S. HuntingtonChris and Morton P. HymanMs. Keiko IIyamaMs. Donna KaranSuzanne Toor Karpas and Irving D.Karpas, Jr.+Martin S. Karpeh, Jr., MDCindie and Donald M.Kastenbaum, MDAlex Katz, DPMCatherine Kearney, RNLouise M. Klebanoff, MDRoz and Stanley KomaroffMs. Maria KosovskyJohn P. Koulos, MDMs. Kinga KozyraMr. Sebastian KozyraJeri Kronen, MDPaul L. Kuflik, MDMr. Edward J. KyneMs. Judith L. La SorsaRoberta A. Lee, MDMrs. Michelle LeoneMr. and Mrs. Edwin A. LevyNathan Lieberman, MDMr. Jeffrey A. LipsitzMr. Huang LiuAndrew Y. Lo, MDDaniel J.L. MacGowan, MDStephen C. Malamud, MDWilliam Mandell, MDNancy D. and Martin S. MarcusMrs. Carol R. MaslowPeter D. McCann, MDMr. William McDermottPatty McGoldrick, NPMarvin A. McMillen, MDMr. Edward MeiselCharles P. Melone, Jr., MDWoodson C. Merrell, MDMr. Andrew MersonMarjorie and Morgan L. MillerChristopher B. Mills, MDMr. Alan B. MirkenMr. Daniel MoscowHarris M. Nagler, MDMr. Thomas G. NagorskiMs. Ruth NerkenMs. Sara NerkenMrs. Alice NetterMichael G. Neuwirth, MDMs. Carolina OrtizMichael P. Osborne, MDMr. Angel PaganAugusto D. Paiusco, MDNicholas V. Papapietro, MDJayson Park, MDAaron Pearlman, MDMark S. Persky, MDJoan and Joel I. PicketRussell K. Portenoy, MDDr. and Mrs. Michael C. ProperMs. Lillian RauchMr. Richard RauchMs. Susanne RauchMrs. Joyce RegalbutoMr. Joseph H. ReichMr. Kurt E. ReinsbergMs. Ditah M. RimerMs. Nikki RosardStephen Rubenstein, MDNadim Salomon, MDPaul Schweitzer, MDMichael J. Serby, MDWilliam L. Severt, MD, PhDElan Shapira, MDIlan Shapira, MDDaniel Shasha, MDMr. and Mrs. Joel J. ShermanLee Shomstein, CSWMr. and Mrs. James H. SimonsBen Singer, MDMs. Isabella J. SmallCardinnale Smith, MDMark L. Smith, MDMs. Nadin SolamonMs. Ann M. SorrentoSidney Stein, MDPaul Stelzer, MDMr. Kong TaoBasir U. Tareen, MDRobert F. Tranbaugh, MDMs. Elizabeth TremaineMark L. Urken, MDVillage Park <strong>Medical</strong> GroupMr. Donald WaldmanMr. and Mrs. George WalshMr. Henry WashkowitzKevin Weiner, MDMr. Brian WilliamsSteven M. Wolf, MDVincent Yen, MDRalph Zalusky, MDMarc S. Zimbler, MDMs. Debora Zucchi<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> GiftsIn Memory OfGifts were received in memoryof the following individuals:Mr. Charles AbramsMr. Robert A. AkstMrs. Jane AlexanderMrs. Vivian AltmanMr. Marty AmentMs. Ruth AmesMs. Phyllis AndrianiMr. Paul AnishMr. B. Jay ArnoMs. Sylvia AxelrodMrs. Robin Backer-KlapperMr. Morton BaradMr. Harold BernsteinMr. Irwin R. BernsteinMr. Gerald BokowMrs. Marilyn BrodoffMs. Marilyn BrodskyMr. <strong>Israel</strong> BrooksMr. William BurrosMr. Frank ByrneMr. Ralph J. CalcavecchioMrs. Mercedes CastilloMicheline Charpie, MDMs. Susan CheffoMs. Jean CipollaIra B. Cohen, MDMs. Pauline CohenMr. Seth Jonathan CohenMr. John J. ColemanMrs. Stella CorleyMr. Leeroy W. CroswellMs. Margarita CuevasMr. Timothy J. CurranMr. Alex DaalMr. Gerald DaltonMr. Dan DeaconMr. and Mrs. Philip DelmanMs. Susanne E. DemosMrs. Virginia DilanoMs. Barbara Jean DonovanE.J. EcockMr. Win Yim EngFred J. Epstein, MDMr. Robert FagenMs. Roslyn Frieband-MarcusMs. Leonarda GaspersicMs. Dorothy GilbertMr. Jamie GillisMrs. Hortense GinsbergMr. Danny GoldsteinMs. Anna GreenblattMs. Miriam GreeneMr. Patrick L. GreeneMr. Fortunato GuarinoMs. Josephine HangoneRose Muscatine Hauer, RNMrs. Lisa HerrnsonMs. Angela Howell-JonesMr. Tom JacksonMs. Charlotte JacobsMr. Barnet JankowitzMs. Janice JonesMr. Stanley JoselsonMs. Marcia KahanMr. and Mrs. Alan KahnMartin Karpeh, MD, Sr.Sidney and Sydell KastenbaumMr. Thomas M. KearnsMr. Braden KeilMrs. Gina KernkrautMr. Mohammed KhanMr. James G. KingsleyMr. William M. KleinMr. Ronald KlinkowskiMrs. Frances La BarberaMr. Richard LanardMs. Jacqui LefkowitzMr. Arthur LevineMr. Marvin LipmanMs. Ellen LuzterGertrude F. Manasse, RNMr. Mark M. MayersMr. William F. McGartyProfessor Eileen MelnickMs. Georgina MercadoSue B. MercyMrs. Angelina MerolaHoward A. MichaelsonMs. Rose MoskowitzMs. Elizabeth MottramMr. Noel NathansonMr. Brian Anthony NelsonRichard Netter, Esq.Mr. and Mrs. Robert NicholsPauline NickMrs. Ann NowickiMr. Richard O’NeilMr. Stephen P. Pascuzzi, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pedone, Sr.Mr. Seymour PerlsteinMr. Seymour J. PhillipsMs. Elizabeth Woolridge PooleMrs. Elaine PostalMr. Benjamin RiegerMs. Eva RiegerMs. Martha RobbinsDr. Leonard RobertsMs. Alicia RoblesMr. Sylvester RonessiMr. Bud RosnerMs. Marjorie RothRuth RothbartMrs. Sandra Sachs-KarneyMr. Calvin H. SamuelsMr. Emilio SanchezMr. Sidney SchnurMs. Ester SchreiberMrs. Bea SchusterMr. Stanley SchwartzMr. Stanley A. SchwartzMs. Dina Schwartz-FellerMr. William SecundaMs. Doris SeidlerMr. Jerry SheikMr. Jack ShevackMs. Lillian ShevackBen Singer, MDMs. Anne SolieriStanley Spellman, MDMr. Jerry SpitzMr. Christopher StaackmannMr. Art StalderJudith S. Stecher, EdDJulius J. Stein, MDMr. Lemuel A. StewartMr. Mathew P. SwallingWilliam D. Tabachnik, MDMs. Suraiya TarekMs. Teri ThomasMr. William TrachtenbergMs. Elilzabeth TrevisanDr. Sydney WandermanMs. Patricia Weiland-HahnMr. Martin WeinsteinGodfrey Westcott, MDMr. Morton YarmonRalph Zalusky, MD<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>Planned GivingThe 1889 CircleMembers of the 1889 Circlehave made provisions in theirestate plans or have establishedcharitable gift annuities and/ortrusts for the benefit of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>Bobbie AbramsMrs. Patty K. AllenMr. and Mrs. Kenneth AlpertHelen and Robert AppelMs. Irene S. AptRoy H. Ashikari, MDJane and Alan R. BatkinMrs. Carolyn BauerMr. and Mrs. Ken M. BertacciniMaureen and Howard N. BlitmanMr. and Mrs. Leonard N. BlockMr. and Mrs. Mark ClementsMrs. S. L. CoeMr. Joseph CohenMilton S. CohnWard F. Cunningham-Rundles, MDMr. Irving DenbaumJoseph DjmalDavid A. Dorfman, Esq.Ms. Heather DubrowMrs. May Dushkind-SofskyMr. Richard EisnerNina ErenselStephanie FeldMr. and Mrs. Joseph FinkelsteinMr. Richard FlenderMs. Ethel FriedmanMrs. Lorna Appel FullerMr. Robert H. FullerMs. Ruchama Gamiel, ACSWMr. Barry GellerMr. and Mrs. Henry J. GlanternikMs. Victoria L. GoldbergMr. and Mrs. Arthur GoldsteinMr. and Mrs. Werner GoldsteinMs. Carol P. GreenMs. Faith GrossmanMs. Frances HauerMrs. Gisela HaugenesMr. Bruce A. HausmanMr. Edward J. HolmesChris and Morton P. HymanMr. Robert JacobowitzBernard A. Kabakow, MDEllen and Lewis KadenMs. Ulrike KlopferMrs. Blanche P. KoganMs. Laura KrellConnie and Harvey M. KruegerJudith K. Lauterstein, PhDMr. Armand H. LindenbaumJoyce H. Lowinson, MDMrs. Ann LozmanLuntz Family FoundationMs. Beatrice D. MarcusMr. Jacinto L. MarreroMr. and Mrs. David S. MartinCarol and Arthur MaslowMr. Eugene B. Mercy, Jr.Mrs. Mirette MignocchiDr. Hope Miller and Mr. Arthur MillerMr. Alan B. MirkenMs. Marilyn A. MitchellMs. Enid NemySeiko and Robert G. Newman, MDMs. Janet NixonMr. and Mrs. Theodore OhlsteinMs. Nevina PulidoIris and Ira S. RimermanMrs. Rachel W. RippyMr. and Ms. Edwin G. RoosMrs. Dorothy RothgesserAsma Sadiq, MDMrs. Tibor SallayMr. Alexander C. SandsMrs. Shirley Schneier+Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. SchultzNathaniel Shafer, MDMrs. Jean ShamrothMr. Jerome B. ShermanMs. Klavdiya ShtraytMrs. Shirley C. SiglerMaury L. Spanier, Esq.Mrs. Ruth SteelMrs. Arlene SternMrs. Ruth SussmanMr. Leopold SwergoldDr. Regina TaftMrs. Jutta TannhauserDorothy Strelsin Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Beatrice WeingartenE. D. Whitehead, MDWilliam I. Wolff, MDMr. Jeffrey WynerBetty Yarmon<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>Matching GiftsMatching gifts were received fromthe following companies:EisaiIBM CorporationJohnson & JohnsonJosiah Macy, Jr. FoundationMacy’s, Inc.Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyOpen Society InstituteOppenheimer FundsPolk Bros. FoundationSelect Equity Group, Inc.The Warburg Pincus Foundation+ Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support) + Deceased * Member of the Moses Phillips Society (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

44ST. LUKE'S AND ROOSEVELT HOSPITALS DONOR LIST 2010 ST. LUKE'S AND ROOSEVELT HOSPITALS DONOR LIST 201045St. Luke’s and RooseveltSt. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals Donor List 2010$250,000 and upEdna Poole TrustSaint Thomas Church Fifth AvenueMr. Fuad A. Sawaya/ Sawaya Segalas& Co., LLC$100,000-$249,999Badr A. Al-Rabiah, MDMr. Timothy R. BarakettEstate of Armand L. GreenhallThe A.L. Levine FamilyFoundation, Inc.Estate of Matilda G. McCurdyMr. and Mrs. George D. O’NeillScaife Family FoundationAgnes Varis, PhD+$50,000-$99,999C.R. Bard Foundation, Inc.Judith M. and Russell L. Carson*Estate of James CitrangloMr. and Mrs. Irwin EttingerGoldthwaite FoundationAnnesta R. Gardner Charitable TrustMr. Elie D. Hirschfeld*The Charles A. MastronardiFoundationThe Ambrose Monell FoundationThe NY Society For The Relief ofWidows & Orphans of <strong>Medical</strong> MenMr. Lewis C. PellJoan and Arthur Sarnoff*Siemens <strong>Medical</strong> SolutionsSt. Jude <strong>Medical</strong> FoundationHonorable Charles TremainMemorial TrustEstate of Adalbert VagoGeraldine S. Violett CharitableFoundation$25,000-$49,999Aaronson Rappaport Feinstein &Deutsch, LLPAllianceBernstein FoundationAtrium <strong>Medical</strong> CorporationThe Avis and Clifford Barrus<strong>Medical</strong> FoundationJane and Philip E. Berney*BIMC Department of Pathology andLaboratory MedicineBiotronikBoston Scientific FoundationThe Edward H. Butler FoundationMr. and Mrs. Leon ConstantinerMarjorie Dowell Charitable TrustFirst Presbyterian Church TrustJerome R. Goldstein/The GoldsteinFamily Foundation*Caroline and Lawrence Huntington*Hypertrophic CardiomyopathyResearch Foundation, Inc.Adrian H. Jackson Charitable TrustThe David Kimmel FoundationLeland Charitable TrustMr. and Mrs. Louis MazzellaMedtronic, Inc.Mr. Eugene B. Mercy, Jr.*Estate of Judith Anne PeabodyShare, Inc.Marilyn and Jim Simons*SLR Department of Obstetrics andGynecologySLR Department of NeurosurgerySLR Department of SurgeryTD Charitable FoundationWest Side Radiology Associates, PCWilliam E. Simon Foundation$10,000-$24,999Anonymous (4)Dr. Fadi F. and Leila Attiyeh*Best <strong>Medical</strong> International, Inc.Estate of Lucie BlauMr. and Mrs. Arthur W. BrillLouis Brusco, Jr., MD*Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. CarnahanMr. John W. ChildsEstate of George V. CoeMs. Joan G. CooneyCranshaw CorporationThe Edmond de Rothschild FoundationEn-Tech CorpThe Fanwood FoundationGerald J. and Dorothy R. FriedmanNew York Foundation For <strong>Medical</strong>ResearchLinda and Richard A. Goldstein*Mr. Roger Hertog*Mr. and Mrs. David D. Holbrook/Holbrook Family Foundation*Chris and Morton P. HymanMrs. Linda B. James*Mr. Paul F. Jock IIJohn R. Kennedy Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. MichaelsMr. Jeffrey S. MorrisH. Herbert Myers Memorial FoundationNouveau Elevator Industries, Inc.Picket Family Foundation/David Picketand Joel I. Picket*Proskauer Rose LLPThe Reynolds Family FoundationMrs. Helen D. Roosevelt*Mr. Donald Schnabel*The Seidler Foundation, Inc.SLR <strong>Center</strong> for Comprehensive CareSLR Department of MedicineSLR Department of Orthopedic SurgerySLR Division of Infectious DiseasesSLR <strong>Medical</strong> Anesthesiology, PCMrs. Janet P. Soyer+The Judith Dana Thorne FundRowena and Howard A.+ TravisGerard M. Turino, MDUnited Soybean BoardMr. Lawrence N. Van ValkenburghWilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman &Dicker LLP$5,000-$9,999AKF Group, LLCRAlbin Gustafson CompanyAramark Health CareMr. George D. BakerAlejandro Berenstein, MD*BIMC Blitman Department ofRadiation OncologyEstate of Henry W. BornJosephine and Stan Brezenoff*The Broadlane GroupThe Brodsky Family FoundationThe Peter and Carmen Lucia BuckFoundationCaren Raine-Camche and Joel CamcheCorinthian <strong>Medical</strong>, IPAMs. Elizabeth CornwallMr. Frank J. Cracolici*Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.DomaniTech, Inc.Ms. Gail F. Donovan*Ecosystem Energy ServicesEstate of Philip M. EisenbergEmblemHealthMr. Bruce J. FergusonFidelity InvestmentsFerriday FundFootstepsMs. Jane GladsteinMrs. Bernice N. GotliebDolores and Merril M. Halpern*Head & Neck Surgical GroupHealthfirst, Inc.Lenore HechtHeidell, Pittoni, Murphy and Bach, LLPHUB InternationalIsabella Geriatric <strong>Center</strong>, Inc.Estate of Barbara S. JanosRita J. and Stanley H. KaplanFamily FoundationMr. and Mrs. Peter KramerProfessors Robert and Bridget Lyons*Medac, Inc.Metropolitan Jewish Health SystemMorgan Stanley Smith BarneyOffice DepotMs. Helen OrceDr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pierson, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel W. ReiserRosenberg Family Fund at FJCWilliam F. Ryan Community Health<strong>Center</strong>Ms. Mildred Samuels+*Schiavetti, Corgan, Soscia, DiEdwards& Nicholson LLPMr. and Mrs. Theodore P. ShenThe Sidney, Milton and Leoma SimonFoundation*Mr. Lawrence T. SilvestroSLR Department of EmergencyMedicineSLR Department of PediatricsSLR Department of PsychiatrySLR Department of Pulmonary andCritical Care MedicineSLR Department of UrologySLR Division of General MedicineSLR Division of NeurologyStrachan and Vivian DonnelleyFoundation*Ms. Deirdra A. SzarmachTowers WatsonTranscare AmbulanceWellcare Health Plans, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wickham*Winston Staffing Services$2,500-$4,9991199 SEIU New York’s Health &Human Services UnionDr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Allendorf*Alpha-1 FoundationAVM Find A Cure FoundationMr. Kenneth A. Barritt*Jane and Alan R. BatkinTeri and Alan I. Benvenisty, MD*Cammack LaRhette ConsultingMary and John Collura*Columbus Cardiology AssociatesCliff P. Connery, MD*Continuum Real Estate Facilities &EngineeringMrs. Age B. Diedrick andPeter F. Zalud*Empire Blue Cross Blue ShieldMr. and Mrs. John A. EricksonJoseph H. Flom, Esq.+*Estate of Sam FriedlanderMr. and Mrs. Gary L. Fuhrman*Steven Z. Glickel, MD*Mr. Richard Karl GoeltzMs. Jane Gottlieb*Grant Thornton LLPMr. and Mrs. Stephen D. GreenbergMr. Arthur T. Hadley*Louis B. Harrison, MD*Ms. Dorothy N. Hidalgo*Kathleen and Richard Kearns*Martin D. Keltz, MD*Lisa J. Kleist, RNC*John C. Lantis II, MD*Estate of Martha J. LoewensteinMr. Kevin J. McGillMCS Claim Services, Inc.<strong>Medical</strong> Liability Mutual Insurance Co.Morgan Construction Enterprises, Inc.Domingo C. Nunez, MD*Orthopaedic Research andEducation FoundationMr. Richard ReaganS L Green Management, LLCMs. Pasqualina Sacchetti*Mr. and Mrs. Craig SegorSLR Department of AdministrationSt. Luke’s Hospital School Of NursingAlumnae AssociationMr. Larry Stack*Daniel Stein, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Steinman*Stryker <strong>Medical</strong>Mr. Seiji SuzukiDaniel G. Swistel, MD*The Tobin Family Foundation*Mr. Peter M. TurinoVisiting Nurse Service of New YorkMr. George VraneshMr. Barrye WallRaymond V. Wedderburn, MD*West End Collegiate ChurchMs. Elizabeth B. WoodWorkmen’s Circle Multicare <strong>Center</strong>Betty Yarmon*$1,000-$2,499ABMAC FoundationA-Check AmericaJeanine B. Albu, MD*American Commercial EquipmentRepair Corp.AnonymousDarrick E. Antell, MD*William C. Arkell Jr. CharitableTrustMs. Marcia AronowitzAlbert L. Attia, MD*Mr. Joseph G. AudiAutomated LogicBarnett, Edelstein, Gross,Kass & Lieber, PCMs. Jeanne W. BarrC. Redington Barrett, Jr., MDDrs. Alton and Carrie BarronBernard Hodes Group, Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Robert BernotMitchell Bernstein, MD*Mrs. Renee H. Bigler+*Drs. Norma and Carl Braun*Ms. Natalie W. Grace DejouxBrinckerhoff Charitable TrustDaniel Burkhoff, MDMr. James M. Canino*Ms. Yvonne T. CappelloMr. James G. Caradine*Gerald and Janet Carrus FoundationCartier, Inc.Elizabeth and Louis W.Catalano III, MDRobert A. Catalano, MDElizabeth I. and David C. ClarkDouglas S. Cohen, MD*Columbia UniversityCombined Coordinating CouncilMr. and Mrs. Steve Cookson*John W. Cornwall, MD*Cosentini, A Tetra Tech CompanyMr. and Mrs. Michael de Havenon*Mr. Carlos De LeonLuciano Del Guzzo, MD*The Helen & Philip DelmanFoundation, Inc.*Dermatology Associates of BI and SLRJeffrey V. Dermksian, MD*DeWitt Rehabilitation and Nursing<strong>Center</strong>, Inc.Diamond Reporting, Inc.George V. DiGiacinto, MDMr. Mary DowneDrinker Biddle & Reath LLPEdwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, LLPEileen Fisher, Inc.Mrs. Rindala El KhouryDavid L. Emanuel, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Larry Epstein*Ethel Kennedy Foundation*Mr. Silvio FalconMr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Faraci*The Farmington CompanyMr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Fenton*Fiduciary Trust Company InternationalVincent G. Fietti, Jr., MDMr. Melvin FinkelsteinFirecom, Inc.Daveed D. Frazier, MD*Mrs. Nadine R. FreimanFrenkel Benefits, LLCFresh Meadow Chiller Services, LLCMr. and Mrs. Robert GalJessica Blair Gallina, MDOscar Garfein, MD*Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Garrett*Mr. Bernard J. GormanGrand Manor Nursing FacilityGreater Than OneMs. Laureine GreenbaumMr. Marvin S. Greenberg*Grubb & EllisMr. Sidney HandlerKatherine Hawrylow, RNHCE LLCMr. and Mrs. Anthony Hendra*Ms. Patricia A. Hennelly*Mr. Louis Hering*Mrs. and Mr. Trinidad Hidalgo*Mrs. Alice W. Hill*Mr. Steven Hochberg and Mrs. HillaryLane Hochberg*Ms. Dion A. Holt*Mr. Kenn HomDrs. Mun Kyung and Laura Hong*Mr. Henry H. Hoyt, Jr.Hughes Enviromental Engineering, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John N. Irwin III*Mr. Stuart M. Kahan*Mr. Jeffrey S. KaplanMr. and Mrs. Peter Van Oort Keers*Ms. Renee N. KhatamiAnnetta J. Kimball, MD*Mr. Richard W. Kimball*Mr. William P. KlingensteinMark J. Kupersmith, MD*Mrs. Frances Lamer*Mrs. Lois LautenbergArthur J. Lennon, Jr., MD*Mrs. Michelle LeoneLinmar ConstructionMr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Loucas*+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

48ST. LUKE'S AND ROOSEVELT HOSPITALS DONOR LIST 2010 ST. LUKE'S AND ROOSEVELT HOSPITALS DONOR LIST 201049Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Camp, Jr.Ms. Tensie M. CampbellKatherine E. Cantrill, RNMs. Dolores G. Cardone+Ms. Barbara S. Carlin-LebowMr. Don D. CarlucciDr. Neville W. CarmicalMr. Patrick J. CarneyJose L. Castro, MDDr. and Mrs. Edward ChanMr. Donald ChiodaMr. and Mrs. Donald L. ChiodoMr. Ping Nam Chow+Nicholas P. Christy, MDMr. and Mrs. Mario CiampiMr. and Mrs. John A. ClarkMs. Janet F. CooneyMs. Patricia CooneyMr. Arturo A. CotoMr. and Mrs. Ralph CottiersMr. Wayne L. CottonMr. and Mrs. Philip J. CouchMs. Edie CowanMr. Maxwell CoxMr. Kevin A. CoyneMr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Cromack IIMrs. Anna E. CrouseMr. and Mrs. Sava CucuBeverly and Gaston G. Da CostaMr. Orville W. DaleMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey DamonMr. Harry DavisMr. Joseph J. DavisMr. Frank De Maio+Ms. Donna de MatteoE. Lawrence Deckinger FamilyFoundationMr. Patrick T. DelucaRoger F. Delwiche, MDMs. Christiane L. DeschampsMs. Doris DieterMr. Dennis E. DorschMr. and Mrs. Allan DreifussMrs. Suleika C. DrinaneMr. and Mrs. Richard S. DunnMr. and Mrs. John W. EasterMr. and Mrs. Alan D. EdelmanMr. Martin D. EdelmanMr. Robert EhrenbardChaim B. Eliav, MDMr. Maximo EngMs. Renee FarmerMr. and Mrs. Salameh FarrajHanne E. Favelukes, MDMr. and Mrs. Howard J. FeinMr. Norman B. FeinMr. and Mrs. Norman FeinsteinMrs. Lois F. FeldhendlerMr. and Mrs. Hugo G. FernandezMr. Julio FernandezMr. and Mrs. Harry FieldsMr. Joseph FilsMartin Finkel, MDMs. Susan H. FisherMr. Jose FlorezMr. and Mrs. Joseph FrancoMs. Marsha W. FrankMr. and Mrs. Peter FriedesFriedlander Sewing Machine Co., Inc.Ms. Harriet L. FriedmanDr. Jerome T. FriedmanMr. and Mrs. Jack FruchtmanMs. Hana L. FuchsMr. Melvin FullerMs. Ki Ye GallagherDr. and Mrs. Ennio GallozziMrs. George Ann GarrisonDr. Joel R. Gavriele-GoldMr. Gerald P. GehmanMs. Cecily W. GemmellMr. and Mrs. Dennis P. GeoghanKenneth Gerdes, MDMr. Irwin N. GertzogMs. Nancy GlaserMr. Gilbert W. GlassTerry J. Golash, MDMs. Ann G. GoldmanMrs. Susan Gold-WagnerGood Enough To Eat Uptown, Ltd.Mr. Desmond Gorman+Ms. Marth GournelosMs. Miriam GraboisDr. George E. GreenMr. William R. Greene+Mr. and Mrs. William H. GreilsheimerMs. Melanie F. GriffithMr. Matthew A. GrobGrowth Transitions, Inc.Jacques Agop Gulekjian, MDMr. Antholus GustaveMs. Edith C. HaradaAntoine C. Harovas, MDMs. Marilyn HartensteinMrs. Lorraine HazanMr. Vernold L. HeathMs. Jean R. HeldMs. Vicenta J. HeramiaMr. and Mrs. Alberto HerasMr. and Mrs. Robert HerzMs. Frances W. HillZaharia Hillel, MDEda Louise Hochgelerent, MDMs. Judith S. HochmanMr. Ronald HoffmanMr. Will HoltMr. Luiz S. Homem De MelloMrs. Frances K. HooblerMr. Stephen A. HopkinsMr. and Mrs. John J. A. Hossenlopp IIMs. Alice C. HudsonPaul W. W. Hunter, PhD+IBM CorporationGabriel Ionescu, MDMr. Brian H. IpMuhammad Z. Iqbal, MDDr. Ivan JacobsonMr. and Mrs. Erwin A. JaffeMr. and Mrs. Everett L. JassyMr. and Mrs. Paul L. JohnsonMr. Peter H. JuddMs. Linda A. JungeMrs. <strong>Beth</strong> Kara-TumminiaHonorable and Mrs. Bentley KassalMarc Katz, MDMrs. Shannon Bolin KayeMrs. Olga C. KeeMs. Geraldine K. KehoeDr. and Mrs. Jesse B. KellumMr. Christopher R. KellyMr. Thomas H. KennedyRobin Kerner, PhDMs. Cynthia M. KesselMs. Marilyn KimMrs. Anglea C. KingMr. Emil KlipsteinMs. Edith R. KloseMr. Allan KneeMr. J. Richard KnightMr. Daniel KoMr. Lee KoeningbergDonald P. Kotler, MDMr. Perry KourembanasMr. Stephen J. KudlessMr. Warren N. LaffredoDr. and Mrs. Robert G. LahitaMr. Benjamin F. LambertMs. Claire A. LambkinMs. Lois M. LandinMr. and Mrs. Robert J. LandyMr. John J. LangsdorfLatest Products Corp.Mrs. Muriel B. LawryMr. and Mrs. Kenneth LazarDr.+ and Mrs. Bozidar LazarevicMr. Lawrence S. LedererMr. William LedermanMr. Po On LeeMs. Tatyana L. LeifmanMs. Brenda H. LeonardRev. and Richard D. LeonardMr. and Mrs. Howard LesserMr. and Mrs. Leonard J. LevensonMs. Gloria LevinsonElliot J. Levitch, PhDMs. Elsi LevyMrs. Tina H. LevyMrs. John S. LewisMrs. Nancy Lewis-SayreMrs. Amilia LibermanLeonard M. Liegner, MDMs. Stephen G. LilieMs. Helga P. LoringMs. Eileen LovettMr. Percival L. LunaMrs. Lorraine A. LutzMorelly L. Maayan, MDMr. and Mrs. Jerome E. MaiselMr. Robert MaksudianMs. Jessica Manookian+Mrs. Virginia MarchutDr. and Mrs. Anthony V. MarescaMrs. Claudia E. MarksMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. MartucciMr. David MasiniMr. and Mrs. Stephen A. MatthewsMrs. Kathleen McCabe ChokelRobert E. McCabe, MDMs. Jean M. McCarrollMcDonough CommunicationsMrs. Barbara B. McGhieMr. and Mrs. William C. McKevenyGeorge F. McKinley, MDMrs. Barbara K. McLaughlinMr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McMillanMr. John E. MeadMs. Jeanne E. MedfordMrs. Claire M. MerritMs. Harriet MillerMr. Henry D. MillerMr. and Mrs. John C. MillerMr. and Mrs. Rossco MollanoMs. Susan J. MonathMonroe CollegeMr. Bruce MontgomeryRev. and Mrs. James P. MortonHamid Y. Mouallem, MDMrs. Regina MulcahyRobert J. Mulcare, MDMr. and Mrs. Aron E. MullerSandra M. Munoz, Esq.Mr. Dennis J. MurtaghMs. Linda J. NardiLaurie Nardinelli, MDMr. Ronald NelsonThe Honorable Barbara F. Newman andMr. Bernard NathanMr. John J. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. John J. O’BrienMr. William O’BrienAslan Oktay, MDMs. Kathleen O’NeillMr. Michael H. OrensteinDr. and Mrs. Ralph G. OriscelloMr. John J. OrlandoORLive, Inc.Mr. Freddy OssoBasilio Pace, DC, PCMr. Nicholas PaganoMr. Evan D. ParnessMs. Reshma PatelDr. and Mrs. David PatonMr. and Mrs. Andrew I. PedvisDrs. Anthony J. and Diane E. PepeArthur M. Perlman, MDMr. and Mrs. Seymour PestronkBarbara W. Pierce, MDMs. Hermance C. PigottMr. Cary H. PlotkinSteven M. Plotycia, MDMs. Celeste A. PolakCol. and Mrs. John H. ProkopwiczMr. Edward ProstakMs. Mary PuglieseMs. Susan PuzoMr. and Mrs. Robert W. RanieriMr. and Mrs. John RapoportMr. Benjamin B. RauchMs. Maria ReedMr. Owen ReidMr. Jose ReyMs. Leslie M. RhoneMr. Harold L. RichmanMr. Stefan H. RobockMordecai Rochlin, Esq.Rockefeller Financial Services, Inc.Ms. Lydia RodriguezMr. Wesley L. Rodstrom, Jr.Mr. Nicholas J. RomanelliMr. and Mrs. Robert SaengerSanky Communications, Inc.Ms. Ana M. Santos+Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. SchachterMr. and Mrs. David L. SchalkMr. Martin D. SchechterMrs. Virginia E. SchererMr. Bernard SchieberMs. Lisa R. SchillingMrs. Willys Schneider-KalsMr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. SchwartzEstate of Hans J. SchwerdtfegerMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. ScottMs. Veronica ScutaroMr. John G. SelepecMrs. Flora Sellers-DavidsonMr. Frank M. ShanbackerMs. Mary Anne ShannonJanet M. Shapiro, MDNathan Shapiro, DDSMr. Donald E. SharpMs. Elza R. SharpeSheila Rogers & AssociatesMs. Aileen ShieuMr. and Mrs. Jim ShmerlingMr. Dave ShoveMr. and Mrs. Eric SiegelDr. Albert G. Simms IIMr. Jeffrey R. SingermanMr. Goodlyn SkerrettMr. and Mrs. Barry I. SlotnickMr. and Mrs. Walter K. SmithMs. Naomi L. SnowMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. SoehnleinMrs. Judith SommerMrs. Robin G. SommerMr. and Mrs. Peter F. SorterMs. Suzanne J. SpearsMr. and Mrs. William D. SquiresMr. Gerald StanowickiMr. and Mrs. John R. StarkeyChristine F. Stavropoulos, MDDeborah Stein, MDMs. Deena SteinfeldMs. Joan SterlingRobert L. Stigler, Jr. Memorial FundChristo G. Stojanoff, MDMr. Scott StovekenMr. Otto A. StrassburgRaphael Stricker, MDMr. Mark E. StroockMs. Suzanne StrossMr. and Mrs. Henry M. StroussMs. Stella StylianouMs. Claire SwanickMr. Stephen C. SwansonMrs. Miriam TauberMs. Carla S. ThomasMr. Edward ThomasDr. Kurian ThomasMr. Charles ThurmanDaniel M. Thys, MDMs. Leonora M. TintMrs. Virginia M. ToedterMs. Debra ToiaMr. and Mrs. Michael TsimenoglouMs. Barbara TulliverMs. Michele UrvaterMr. Michele M. VandellVaroscak,Tesser and Toffler, PCMr. Max VegaMr. David VerlenMs. Mindy K. WagmanMs. Sydney WagmanMs. Marion F. WalkerMr. James P. Walsh+Mr. Tony WaltonMr. Richard WalukanisJoseph N. Ward, MDWarehamMr. Wisner M. WashamJohn D. Wasnick, MD+Ms. Mary E. WatkinsKenneth N. Weinstein, MDDr. and Mrs. Gerald WeintraubMs. Tamara L. WeintraubMr. Mitchell WeisenbergDr. and Mrs. Harvey J. WeissMs. Fredrica R. WellbornMr. Kenneth W. Wheeler+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)+ Deceased * Member of The Society for St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals (those who contributed $1,000 or more unrestricted cumulative annual support)

5253The New York Eye and Ear InfirmaryThe New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Donor List 2010$250,000+The William Randolph Hearst FoundationEstate of Marcelle Meyers$100,000–$249,999Peter and Gretchen CrowleyWilliam G. Green EstateJames and Cynthia Kempner$50,000–$99,999Joseph M. CohenThe Goldstein Family FoundationSheldon and Judith GordonLydia C. HellerAndrew Jacono, MDSamuel C. Lo, MDThe Ambrose Monell FoundationNYEE Department of OtolaryngologyOphthalmic Consultants, PC: JohnSeedor, MD; Richard Koplin, MD; DavidRitterband, MDThe Show Chwan Health Care System$25,000 to $49,999Abbott <strong>Medical</strong> OpticsThe Walt Disney CompanyEast Manhattan Anesthesia PartnershipEstate of Wallace KatzJudith and D. McWilliams KesslerBarbara and Sorrell MathesSteven A. McCormick, MDDoris and Martin PaysonAnthony P. Sclafani, MD$10,000 to $24,999The Alcon Foundation, Inc.Ametek, Inc.Louis V. Angioletti, MDAnonymousNicholas J. BarnaDaniel Branovan, MDBen Z. Cohen, MDShelley and Steven EinhornThe Ettinger FoundationSam Friedlander+Hector R. Giancarlo, MDWalter H. HaydockRonald A. Hoffman, MDChris and Morton P. HymanBarry A. KonigLeigh J. Lachman, MDChun Lun James Li, MDRichard LipsmanNavin C. Mehta, MDBruce Moskowitz, MDOphthalmology Associates, PCOphthalmology Faculty PracticeSusan and Alan PearceRobert Ritch, MDEdmond J. Safra PhilanthropicFoundationStimson Schantz, MDCharles and Mildred SchnurmacherFoundation, Inc.The Stephen Sherrill FoundationJoseph B. Walsh, MDThe Wise Family Charitable FoundationThe Zesiger Foundation$5,000 to $9,999Ralph AndrewBausch & LombBIMC Department of RadiologyDouglas F. Buxton, MDThe Jorge Buxton, MD MicrosurgicalEducation FoundationJoseph M. Capo, MDCarl Zeiss MeditecSandra ChurginNancy H. Coles, MDErnesto CruzAida DishmanElliot Feinman, MDPaul T. Finger, MDJeffrey Ginsburg, MDThe Goodnow FundGordon & Silber, PCMark Jofe, MDThe Helping HandCaroline and Lawrence HuntingtonJohn Khadem, MDSteven P. Koenig, MDJoshua Levine, MDJ. Levy UnitrustLitwin FoundationRichard James Mackool, MD and RichardJonathan Mackool, MDAl MaioloJeremiah Milbank FoundationMusiCares Foundation, Inc.New York <strong>Medical</strong> CollegeOptyx by GruenAlexander Ovchinsky, MDSimon C. Parisier, MDHope PremingerRetina Specialists, PCMary Lea Richards Charitable TrustRichard Rosen, MDStarlight Children’s FoundationMichael L. StraussThe Margot Sundheimer FoundationRumei Yuan, MDJeffrey Zauderer, MD$2,500 to $4,999Carol L. BohdanBuxton Eye Surgical, PCGil CaffrayHiram ChodoshMelba ChodoshYoung Bin Choo, MDDarlene and Robert Della Rocca, MDEmpire General Contracting &Painting Corp.The Frelinghuysen FoundationGlaucoma Associates of New YorkSusan and Solomon LiebowitzLeonard Litwin FoundationRodney M. MillerThomas O. Muldoon, MDEdward J. NowakPerkins Eastman Architects, PCRamaz SchoolRetina Associates of New York, PCRetinal Ambulatory Surgery <strong>Center</strong> ofNew York, Inc.Margot Sundheimer Foundation$1,000 to $2,499A&Z PharmaceuticalJohn M. Aljian, MDAimee BadnerBrian N. Campolattaro, MDRichard E. Charney, MDEdwin DaigWilliam H. DavidHester K. DiamondGail F. DonovanClaude Douge, MDEditha EsquieresCharles FigliozziAllan H. FineSeymour Fradin, MDPhyllis R. GalstGarfunkel, Wild & Travis, PCJohn GillenHamilton Cavanaugh & Associates, Inc.Jane Hardesty-PooleErnest T. HarperHealthcare Professionals InsuranceCompany, Inc.The Lenore Linsky Hecht Foundation, Inc.William H. HerrmanThe Arthur N. Hershaft FoundationStephen A. Hochman, Esq.Pliny Jewell IVAnastasios KaraviasRoland N. Karlen FoundationAndrea T. KoveLanita KreilingMark J. Kupersmith, MDThe Kurzman FundCurtis LaneDaniel LarocheRoger S. LashCarlene R. LawrencePaul LeeJeffrey M. Liebmann, MDFan-Ming LinLocke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLPMichael LubinMark MorrisLawrence V. NajarianDavid NelsonNew York Otolaryngology Group, PCKenneth NewmanThe Pannonia FoundationPaul, Hastings, Janofsky &Walker LLPGeorgia and Mark S. Persky, MDNorman H. PessinPhoenix Medcom, Inc.Physician Associates of NYEEI, LLCPaul PravdaSteven E. Rosenberg, MDHarvey S. Rosenblum, MDBernardine W. RosenthalJ. Robert Rosenthal, MDJeanne L. Rosenthal, MDRTR Financial ServicesRoger M. Sacks, MDDaniel P. SchaeferRichard SegalLeonard V. Settembrini, MDGlenn R. SilbertMarc SirotaHelene SlocumNeil SquillanteMartha Washington Strauss FoundationSonja S. Tennaro, PhDPasqual TerracianoAvi TiomkinFrank P. TortoriciTritech Healthcare ManagementVedder Price, PCDonna WelenskyBetty Yarmon$500 to $999Hermine F. AbornDavid H. AbramsonGreg AdlerAnonymousNina BalgarEdward H. BedrossianVincent BenintendeCharles G. BerryAlessandra BertolucciJames BlakemorePaul BorkDiana Butler-BuxtonCanaliLucien M. CesianoCitistorage, LLCChristopher T. CoadStuart CohenJoseph P. CorcoranWarren T. CulverMarc DahanTodd DavisDavid A. Della Rocca, MDDenver Investment Advisors, LLCJames J. DiPietroGerald EinauglerENT and Allergy Associates, LLPKenneth S. Felder, MDJudith FinkKaryn GattermannLili GoldbergMark N. GoldsteinDavid GrahamBrent GuntsNancy and Daniel B. HebertHewitt Wolensky, LLPH.I.M. On Call, Inc.Eliot B. HoffHospitals Insurance CompanyDina HuebnerInterfaith <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>Into the Fray, Inc.Kapco Industries, Inc.Janet M. KatzDebra Kroll, MDMatthew and Jodi KupersmithLance LeenerBarbara LevyYao LiEric LichtensteinClyde R. LockeFrank E. LucenteAstrid MarzovillaCarol and Arthur MaslowRoger A. MichaelsMidcrest Optical CorporationDavid MimranFrank MirandiLeonard MorrowKenneth F. MountcastleWarren NachlisAmy NanavatiKiyoshi NasuJoan NelsonMichael Newton, MDJeffrey D. NightingaleJoseph OdinJung OhPediatric Ophthalmology of NY, PCPhilip A. PiroMichael Pitman, MDSteven M. PlotyciaAryeh L. PollackProfessional Claims BureauRene Rodriguez-Sains, MDJohn B. RichterJanet L. Roen, MDStephen H. RogersThomas Romo, MDJohn J. SaadeKenneth SankinGeminiano SanzMark SeidenBurton ShermanShinda Management CorporationPaul A. Sidoti, MDMillicent W. SimonSusan SingerIvicos Sotirakis, MDMark G. SpeakerThomas C. SpoorSterling Infosystems, Inc.Joshua SwidlerThomas TaorminaDenis TauraFran TepperJean ThomasTitan Advisors LLCLinda TomaselloGennady Ukrainsky, MDVMG HealthJohn W. WanamakerRuth WeichselAlan C. Weseley, MDZhenquing Brett Wu, MDGerald W. Zaidman$100-$249Cynthia AderEllen G. Al-SarrafMark J. AltschulerMorris J. AnnunziatoAztec <strong>Medical</strong> ProductsMichele BastinMatilda BelleyRichard BensonJeffrey BergerWalpert J. BernardHoward B. BernsteinBernice BesthoffE.D. BishopLawrence K. BradyMargaret BradyHoward R. BrarenRenier Brent JensRita BrizelRonald M. CaroniaBertram W. Charap, MDLing ChenKit-Ling ChewKenneth R. CohenGregory W. ConwayNorma CruzVera DoddMargaret M. DonovanLawrence H. EhrlichJudith H. FaginThe Family SchoolMartha FarruggioIan FeliceDouglas G. Finn, MDTeresa FlanaganSean FoleyRuth FrommRobert FugowskiGladys GendelRonald C. Gentile, MDDennis GesumariaSidney GoldKarl GoldbergBarry GoldmanMerrill GoodmanJoshua F. GreenbergWilliam B. GreeneMilton GumowitzLesley Nan HabermanJoseph HahnJulia B. HallOlga HammerJolene V. HandyGordon HeiserJerald HermanRoy A. Holliday, MDJian H. HuangHai Huang-LiMelissa IpLeslie IrionRalph ItalieAna H. Kim, MDC. KlenschTheodore P. KlingosCarl R. KruglakRuth I. KuninRichard M. KushnerRaymond LamRoger LangAaron LangmanCarolyn F. LearyAmy LebowitzYuk T. LeeGeorge LeosQuan H. LiChristopher Linstrom, MDKathy LongAliendo LopezHarry MajeskeCecil MannRoy MarshakPatricia MawBarbara A. McDonaldMargaret H. MillerRoger MillerGeorge MinayaTammy Moore-ZarubaAraselys MoralesAnn T. NicholsFrank NobileIrwin NovinsFrancis OfsharickAugusto D. OngsiakoMaria E. OrtiKudret OztapAnn Marie PalladinoMelissa S. Pashcow, MDPediatric Ophthalmology, PCGadi PelegGerald PorricelliJudy RaffFrank L. RiccobonoRobert W. RosenstockMarcia J. RubinJohn C. SabettaMichael SancilioJo-Ann M. SantoroPeter SchefferGerald R. SchillerPeter SchlegerHarvey SchneierPamela SchoenSchoenheimer FoundationLinda SchoenheimerSusan SeibelSamuel I. SherrStanley SilversteinFrancis SorinDouglas SpalterNicholas SpilotroHenry M. SpinelliSusan W. StachelbergGregory SwiftMark ThomanMichael TraynorRita J. TungJoseph ValenzaAnn VineyCatherine WallaceJoanne WardMartin WeinbergMarcia A. WeinfeldBill WilliamsSamuel D. WilliamsJacob M. YellinNancy N. ZhaoPeggy M. ZuckerThe New York Eyeand Ear InfirmaryPledge Payments$100,000+The Children’s Hearing InstituteHPB FoundationChris and Morton P. HymanThe New York Eyeand Ear InfirmaryGifts In Honor OfGifts were received in honor of thefollowing individuals:Jorge N. Buxton, MDThomas O. Muldoon, MDRobert Ritch, MDPaul Sidoti, MDJoseph B. Walsh, MDThe New York Eyeand Ear InfirmaryGifts In Memory OfGifts were received in memory ofthe following individuals:Judith CorcoranArthur EhrhardtMary Ann KesslerThe New York Eyeand Ear InfirmaryMatching GiftsMatching gifts were received fromthe following companies:EisaiIBM CorporationJohnson & JohnsonJosiah Macy, Jr. FoundationMacy’s, Inc.Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyOpen Society InstituteOppenheimer FundsPolk Bros. FoundationSelect Equity Group, Inc.The Warburg Pincus Foundation+ Deceased+ Deceased

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