SURF Nature booklet on forest biodiversity

SURF Nature booklet on forest biodiversity

SURF Nature booklet on forest biodiversity

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Interregi<strong>on</strong>al focus <strong>on</strong>riparian <strong>forest</strong>s restorati<strong>on</strong>Operati<strong>on</strong>al Programme OP South West European Space (2007-2013)Communicati<strong>on</strong>Important efforts have been devoted to communicati<strong>on</strong> activities in the project. Preliminaryresults of the project have been announced in internati<strong>on</strong>al and regi<strong>on</strong>al c<strong>on</strong>ferences andworkshops addressed to specialized target groups: C<strong>on</strong>gress <strong>on</strong> “Land Stewardship”, C<strong>on</strong>gress <strong>on</strong>“Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Indicators <strong>on</strong> the Recovery of Rivers” etc. It is a comm<strong>on</strong> practice of the projectteam to organize partners meetings together with workshops <strong>on</strong> specific topics open to localstakeholders and the scientific community: Workshop <strong>on</strong> the restorati<strong>on</strong> of river banks (Flix),Workshop <strong>on</strong> invasive plant species (Faro) and Workshop <strong>on</strong> <strong>biodiversity</strong> indicators (Mérida).Background informati<strong>on</strong>Partners and actors involvedC<strong>on</strong>nectivity with key EUpolicies and regulati<strong>on</strong>sPriority 2: Improvement of sustainability for the protecti<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of the envir<strong>on</strong>mentand natural surroundings of the SUDOE space. The main objective is to define and implementcomm<strong>on</strong> methodologies and strategies to recover and improve the ecological status of riparian<strong>forest</strong>s in the Mediterranean rivers.Total cost: 1.798.182,64ERDF Funds: 1.348.636,98The project aims to define and implement (through pilot interventi<strong>on</strong>s) strategies andmethodologies of joint protecti<strong>on</strong> and c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of riparian <strong>forest</strong>s in the SUDOE area, takinginto account, inter alia, natural features and <strong>biodiversity</strong>, the preservati<strong>on</strong> of priority habitatsand Heritage of the Natura 2000 network, the importance of rivers as ecological corridors, theirc<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong> to the natural water cycle, the need for rich river and its ec<strong>on</strong>omic valueThe partners are: Instituto Superior de Agr<strong>on</strong>omia. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa; Águasdo Algarve, SA; Administraçao da Regiao Hidrogràfica do Algarve; Biodiversity and AnimalC<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> lab. Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya.Permanent dialogue with property owners, fishermen and other social actors has been necessaryto perform the duties of the project and obtain their support. Land stewardship agreementshave been accorded and implemented. Private owners have taken advantage of the habitatand landscape improvement works and in some cases they got wood from the clearing works.Dialogue with fishermen has been crucial to intervene in their fishing lots and areas respectingtheir interests and needs. Ongoing communicati<strong>on</strong> with local stakeholders has been carried outto explain the purpose of the project and to avoid c<strong>on</strong>flicts of interest./ It is in accordance with<str<strong>on</strong>g>Nature</str<strong>on</strong>g> 2000 management rules and regi<strong>on</strong>al developmentThe activities developed in the project are completely coherent and complementary with otherplans and projects, mainly the Water Framework Directive. It is focused <strong>on</strong> the achievement of agood ecological status of waters and river banks in 2015 according to the established in the WaterFramework Directive.It is in accordance too with <str<strong>on</strong>g>Nature</str<strong>on</strong>g> 2000 management rules and regi<strong>on</strong>al development plans thatspecifically exclude some types of development and foster nature c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> practices in theproject areas.Win-win situati<strong>on</strong>sFurther informati<strong>on</strong>Photos:Jordi Camprod<strong>on</strong> and David GuixéThe project brings forward potential benefits related to eco tourism/recreati<strong>on</strong> since it willincrease the attractiveness of riparian areas for tourists. The projects promotes that localcommunities get more engaged and become closer to the river, understanding its value, thefuncti<strong>on</strong>s and services that provides and its uniqueness. The project provides direct income andformati<strong>on</strong> hiring pers<strong>on</strong>nel with social exclusi<strong>on</strong> problems to work in the squads adding thus asocial dimensi<strong>on</strong> to the project.http://www.ricover.euKey factors for successThe already organized workshops and partner meetings have been used to present early successesof the project to boost c<strong>on</strong>victi<strong>on</strong> and motivati<strong>on</strong> of the partners and actors involved. Activitiesare carried out from the beginning of the project to motivate the squad members about theobjectives of their work and to transmit the value of what they are doing. One of the key factorsfor success of the project has been the double approach used to both carry <strong>on</strong> habitat restorati<strong>on</strong>activities and m<strong>on</strong>itor the impact of these activities through the applicati<strong>on</strong> of bioindicators.Photos:Jordi Camprod<strong>on</strong> and David Guixé26 27

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