NC Institutional Galleries - Carolina Arts

NC Institutional Galleries - Carolina Arts

NC Institutional Galleries - Carolina Arts

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<strong>Arts</strong>pace in Raleigh, <strong>NC</strong>continued from Page 38in 2010. Recently, Greenberg exhibitedher work at Raleigh’s Block Gallery inthe exhibit Metamorphoses. She willhave a solo exhibit with the Hillsborough<strong>Arts</strong> Council in Hillsborough, <strong>NC</strong>, fromSept. 27 through Oct. 19, 2013. Currently,Greenberg teaches at Wake TechnicalCommunity College.Sarah West received a BFA in MetalDesign, Magna Cum Laude, from East<strong>Carolina</strong> University and a certificate inJewelry Making and Repair from NorthBennet Street School, Boston, MA.West has shown in numerous exhibitionsincluding Ferrous at Velvet Da Vinci;Splurge at Equinox Gallery; and Metalat Light Art and Design. Her work willbe featured in the upcoming books NewEarrings and Behind the Brooch. In 2011,West was honored with a Niche StudentAward in the Conceptual Jewelry/Art toWear category. West was an <strong>Arts</strong>pace RegionalEmerging Artist-in-Residence fromJanuary-July 2012. She is a past recipientof the North <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Council FellowshipGrant. Currently, she maintainsstudio space 103 at <strong>Arts</strong>pace and teachesclasses at Pullen <strong>Arts</strong> Center.<strong>Arts</strong>pace is a nonprofit visual art centerdedicated to providing arts education andcommunity outreach programs, creatingan environment of more than 100 professionalartists and presenting nationallyacclaimed exhibitions. Located in downtownRaleigh in the historic Sanders Fordbuilding, <strong>Arts</strong>pace has been providing theENO Gallery in Hillsborough, <strong>NC</strong>,is presenting in dreams, featuring a soloexhibition of new oil paintings by JenniferMiller, on view through Aug. 26, 2013.Miller, a native North Carolinian, hasestablished her reputation by interpretingthe state’s Piedmont and coastal landscapefor over 20 years.Miller has turned inward for this newwork, reaching for special moments andrevisiting her favorite landscape themes.Many of the paintings are amalgams ofmemories from years spent painting outdoorsalong the Eno River, Duke Forest,Jordan Lake and Bogue Sound.Sparkling water, shimmering light, andvibrant color are the result.ENO Gallery represents exceptionalcontemporary emerging and establishedartists for both first time buyers and discerningcollectors. The gallery is a uniqueand intimate exhibition space. We offerwork from artists of exceptional qualityand dedication. Representing some of themost creative individuals from regionaland national communities.Work by Maureem Cumminscommunity with the opportunity to interactwith working artists and to participatein hands-on arts education since 1986. Formore information about <strong>Arts</strong>pace, exhibitions,programs, or membership, pleasevisit (www.artspacenc.org).For further information check our<strong>NC</strong> <strong>Institutional</strong> Gallery listings, call thecenter at 919/821-2787 or visit (www.artspacenc.org).ENO Gallery in Hillsborough, <strong>NC</strong>,Features Works by Jennifer MillerThe Hillsborough Gallery of <strong>Arts</strong> inHillsborough, <strong>NC</strong>, will present the exhibit,3, featuring paintings by Linda Carmel andMarcy Lansman, pottery by Garry Childs,on view from July 26 through Aug. 25,2013. A reception will be held on July 26,from 6-9pm.Linda Carmel was born and raisedin England. For eight years she lived inreligious communities where she came tounderstand that every task is an opportunityfor meditation and every task done withtotal awareness is a work of art. “In mypaintings I am concerned with surface. Isculpt and burnish texture onto my canvasesso that they become both visually and tactuallyexciting.”Carmel adds, “I take my inspirationfrom the world around me; from patterns innature and my observations on the humancondition.”Carmel lives in Chapel Hill, <strong>NC</strong>, andWork by Jennifer MillerFor further information check our <strong>NC</strong>Commercial Gallery listings, call the galleryat 919/883-1415 or visit(www.enogallery.net).Hillsborough Gallery of <strong>Arts</strong> inHillsborough, <strong>NC</strong>, Offers Works by LindaCarmel, Marcy Lansman & Garry ChildsWork by Marcy Lansmanis a member of the Orange County ArtistsGuild, The Durham Art Guild and theVisual Art Exchange in Raleigh. She is alsoa docent at the Ackland Art Museum inChapel Hill.In 2003, Marcy Lansman made a miraculousdiscovery, “I love to paint. Sincethen, my life has been consumed with thatcontinued above on next column to the rightTable of ContentsContemporary fine art in the heart of historic Hillsborough100 S. Churton St. Hillsborough <strong>NC</strong>919 - 883 - 1415 www.enogallery.net100 S. Churton St. Hillsborough <strong>NC</strong> 27278www.facebook.com/enogallery919 - 883 - 1415 www.enogallery.netwww.facebook.com/enogalleryactivity.”“I like to get up close to the things I paint.I usually begin by photographing them witha digital camera. I paint from photographs,striving to capture the vitality and light ofthe original scene. Perhaps because I loveto garden, I particularly enjoy painting flowers.”“As for process, I do much of my paintingvery early in the morning,” explainsLansman. “I have always been an extrememorning person, waking up at what mostpeople would call the middle of the night.Before I began to paint, this was a nuisance.Now early morning is the most satisfyingpart of my day.”“My discovery of painting was all themore miraculous because so much of myearlier life was taken up with words. Itaught cognitive psychology at the Universityof North <strong>Carolina</strong> at Chapel Hilland then spent several years working on amemoir about my father.”Garry Childs has been committed to clayever since first touching it in a high schoolArt class over 35 years ago. “While I havelearned many things from many differentpeople over the years, I am primarilyself-taught. I have been a studio potterproducing functional Terra Cotta in northernOrange County since 1982 and began workingfrom my home/studio in the woods nearCaldwell, <strong>NC</strong>, in 1988.”Childs continues, “All of my pots aremade from red clay on a potter’s wheel.Some are ‘coil and throw’, a techniquewhere a coil of clay is joined to the lipof a form on the wheel and thrown to anadditional height. Very large pieces can beconstructed by using several coils in thismanner.”‘in dreams’Jennifer E. MillerJune 28 to August 26, 2013Work by Gary ChildsFounded in 2006, the gallery is ownedand operated by 22 artists and featurespainting, sculpture, photography, glass art,jewelry, turned wood, handcrafted furniture,pottery, mosaics and fiber art.For further information check our <strong>NC</strong>Commercial Gallery listings, call the galleryat 919/732-5001 or visit(www.hillsboroughgallery.com).<strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> is now onTwitter!Sign up to followTom’s Tweets, click below!twitter.com/carolinaarts<strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>, July 2013 - Page 39

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