NC Institutional Galleries - Carolina Arts

NC Institutional Galleries - Carolina Arts

NC Institutional Galleries - Carolina Arts

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<strong>NC</strong> Commercial <strong>Galleries</strong>continued from Page 53traditional paintings, and Michael Baker's largescaleabstract stainless-steel welded sculptures.“Friends of ESA” will also have their workon display, but that will be constantly changing.Hours: daily 10am-6pm. Contact: 704/798-0047or at (www.eastsquareartworks.com).Mark Stephenson Painting, Portraiture, andFine Art, 110 South Main Street, Suite A, Salisbury.Ongoing - Mark Stephenson is now acceptingcommissions in his new studio. Hours:Fri. & Sat., 10am-4pm or by appt. Contact: at(www.markstephensonpainting.com).Pottery 101, 101 S. Main St., from I-85, takeexit #76 (Innes St.) toward downtown - we areon the corner of Innes and Main, Salisbury.Ongoing - The destination for beautiful handcraftedpottery. Hours: Tue.-Fri., 10am-6pm &Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact: 704/209-1632 or visit(www.pottery-101.com).Rail Walk Studios & Gallery, 409 – 413 NLee St., in the Rail Walk <strong>Arts</strong> District, Salisbury.Ongoing - Featuring works on display by IngridErickson, Sharon Forthofer, Karen Frazer,James Haymaker, Elizabeth McAdams, andMarietta Foster Smith. Each of the artists has aunique style and body of work. Visitors will findoriginal art in oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, andother mediums, as well as sculpture, handmadejewelry, pottery, and digital photography,making Rail Walk a great place to purchase awide variety of original art in all price ranges.Hours: Thur.-Sat., 11am-4pm. Contact:704/431-8964 or at(www.railwalkgallery.com).Robert Crum Fine Art, 116 East Council St,,Salisbury. Ongoing - Offering oil paintings inthe classical realist tradition of landscapes, stilllifes, portraits and figurative work by Robert A.Crum. Mosaics and drawings are also available.The artist’s studio is in the back, so someone is at this location daily. Hours: by chanceor appt. Contact: 704/797-0364 or at (www.robertcrumfineart.com).Southern Spirit Gallery, 102 South Main St.,Salisbury. Ongoing - The shop offers a widearray of art and crafts from over 60 artists, mostfrom North <strong>Carolina</strong>. There is jewelry, paintings,glass and pottery. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5-pm. Contact: 704/633-0761.The Looking Glass Collective, Rail Walk <strong>Arts</strong>District, 405 N. Lee St., Salisbury. Ongoing- Featuring works by local artists in a varietyof mediums. Hours: Thur.-Sat., noon-4pm. Contact:704-633-2787 or at (www.salisburyartists.com).Saluda AreaHeartwood Contemporary Crafts Gallery, 21East Main Street, Saluda. Ongoing - Featuringcontemporary works of handmade wearables,jewelry, paper, paintings, fine porcelain, stoneware,glass, metal and wood. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm & Sun., noon-5pm. Contact:828/749-9365 or at (www.heartwoodsaluda.com).Saluda Fine <strong>Arts</strong>, 46 E. Main St., Saluda. Ongoing- Offering an eclectic collection of highquality paintings, prints, sculpture and photographyby regional artists. Artists represented inthe gallery include Beverly Buchanan, MargueriteHankins, Jean Hough, Bill Jameson, PaulKoenan, Jim Littell, Dale McEntire, CynthiaMoser, Verlie Murphy, Ray Pague, Beverly andCarey Pickard, David Prudhomme, Bill Robertson,Gloria Ross, Bob Rouse, Bill Ryan, JacquelynSchechter, David Vandre, John Waddilland Ken Weitzen. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 11am-5pm& Sun., 2-5pm. Contact: 828/749-3920 or at(www.saludafinearts.com).Saluda Mountain Crafts Gallery, 1487 OzoneDrive, Saluda. Ongoing - Featuring the craftworks of 320 artists, including: clay, enamel,fiber, glass, jewelry, metal, natural material -mineral, paper, man-made material, wood, andmixed media. Items range in price from $25-$300. Hours: Mon.-Thur., 10am-5pm; Fri.&Sat.,10am-6pm & Sun., 11am-5pm. Contact: 828-749-4341 or (www.saludamtncrafts.com).SaxapahawThe SaxArt Gallery of Fine Art, 1616 JordanDrive, located in the Sellers Building, next toSaxapahaw Post Office, Saxapahaw. Ongoing- The gallery represents over 75 artists fromboth the Triangle and Triad Regions, including:pottery, fiber art, paintings, wood working,sculpture, and fine jewelry. Hours: Fri., noon-8-pm; Sat., 11am-9pm; & Sun., 1-5pm. Contact:336/525-2394, at (www.saxapahawartists.com)Page 54 - <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>, July 2013or (www.facebook.com/saxapahawartists/).Seagrove AreaA. Teague Pottery/EJ King Pottery, 2132Hwy. 705, Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuringworks by several potters form the "village" withtheir traditional shapes of the Seagrove area.Contemporary, electric fired stoneware. Traditionalglazes and melted glass glaze. Hours:Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact: 910/464-5400.A.R. Britt Pottery, 5650 Hwy, 220 S., Seagrove.Ongoing - Hand-turned/handmadetraditional Seagrove style pottery, originalformulated glazes, and functional stoneware inthe tradition of Nell Cole Graves style by AaronR. Britt. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 9am-5pm & Sun.,noon-6pm. Contact: 336/873-7736 or at (www.seagrovepottery.net).Albright Pottery, 6597 New Center ChurchRd., Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring traditional,salt glaze and red functional pottery by Arlie G.Albright. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 9am-5pm. Contact:336/879-4209.Anita's Pottery & Dogwood Gallery, 2513Hwy. 705, Seagrove. Ongoing - Turning since1987, Anita Morgan is best known for herminiature pottery, but also has many functionaland decorative items. Glazes include cobaltblue, burgundy, hunter green, shiny black,yellow, rose pink, earthy brown, lime green andpurple. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact:336/879-3040 or at(www.anitaspottery.com).Avery Pottery and Tileworks, 636 PottersWay, Seagrove. Ongoing - Finely craftedceramic forms by Blaine Avery. Extrordinaryvessels, unique hand-painted titles. Hours:Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact: 336/873-7923or at (www.averypotteryandtileworks.com).Ben Owen Pottery, 2199 S. Hwy. 705, Seagrove.Ongoing - Wood-fired, traditional andcontemporary works using local clay by BenOwen III. Colors ranging from Chinese red toChinese blue. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm(closed in Jan.). Contact: 910/464-2261 or at(www.benowenpottery.com).Blue Stone Pottery, 2215 Fork Creek Mill Rd.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring traditional,functional stoneware pottery. Hours: Tue.-Fri.,10am-4pm & Sat., 9am-5pm. Contact: 336/879-2615 or e-mail at (audreyvalone@bellsouth.net).Bulldog Pottery, 3306 Alt. 220, Seagrove.Ongoing - Bruce Gholson and SamanthaHenneke collaborate to make graceful forms,and develop their own unique glazes. Expectdistinctively unusual work at Bulldog Pottery.Hours: Tue.-Sat., 9:30am-5pm; Sun. or Mon. bychance or call. Contact: 910/428-9728 or at(www.bulldogpottery.com).Cady Clay Works, 3883 Busbee Rd., Seagrove.Ongoing - Johannes "John" Mellageand Beth Gore work with a variety of clays andglazes to create functional and decorative warewith richly layered surfaces. Hours: Tue.-Sat.,10am-5pm or by appt. Contact: 910/464-5661or at (www.cadyclayworks.com).Cagle Road Pottery, 603 Cagle Rd., Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring dinnerware and awide variety of glazes. Electric, gas and woodfiredsalt and ash glazes. Hours: Mon.-Sat.,8am-5pm. Contact: 336/879-2802 or e-mail at(caglerdpottery@yahoo.com).Caldwell Hohl Artworks, 155 Cabin Trail,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring contemporarystoneware, sculptures, large garden urnsand contemporary fiber art. Hours: Mon.-Sat.,10am-5pm (call first). Contact: 336/879-9090 orat (www.caldwellhohl.com).Callicutt Pottery, 5137 Seagrove Plank Rd.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring a good selectionof functional stoneware in many colorsincluding brown, black and white, green andburgundy, green and gold, black and burgundyand yellow by Gary Callicutt. Hours: Mon.-Sat.,10am-5pm. Contact: 336/873-7898 or e-mail at(gary51@rtelco.net).Chad Brown Pottery, 2719 US 220 N.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring high firedstoneware, decorative and functional with ashand alkaline glazes, by Chad Brown. Hours:Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact: 910/571-1691or e-mail at (chadcameronbrown@yahoo.com).Table of ContentsChris Luther Pottery, 4823 Busbee Rd.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring contemporaryand functional pottery by Chris Luther, a4th generation potter of Seagrove’s Chriscoepottery family. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm.Contact: 336/301-3254 or at (www.chrislutherpottery.com).Chrisco Pottery, 1360 Hwy. 705, Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring functional pottery includingtableware, vases, and large platters. Hours:Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm (Sept.-Dec.) & Tue.-Sat.,10am-5pm (Jan.-Aug.). Contact: 336/879-5272.Co-op of Seagrove Potters, 129 E. MainStreet, corner of North Street, downtownSeagrove. Ongoing - Featuring works fromthe following potteries: Bonnie Burns Pottery,Bulldog Pottery, Dover Pottery, Kate WaltmanPottery, Latham’s Pottery, Levi Mahan Pottery,Lufkin Pottery, Michelle Hastings & Jeff BrownPottery, Nelda French Pottery, Old Gap Pottery,Ole Fish House Pottery, Seagrove Stoneware,Tom Gray Pottery, and Whynot Pottery. Hours:Mon.-Fri., 10am-5pm; Sat., 10am-5pm; & Sun.,noon-4pm. Contact: 336/873-7713.Cross Creek Pottery, 481 King. Rd., Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring decorative andfunctional pottery by Terry and Vivian Hunt.Hours: Mon.-Sat., 8am-5pm & Sun., 1-5pm.Contact: 336/873-8425 or at (www.crosscreekpottery.com).Crystal King Pottery, 2475 Hwy. 705, Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring functional anddecorative stoneware by Seagrove native andfamily-taught potter Crystal King. Face jugs,salt glazes, and folk art. Hours: Tue.-Sat.,10am-5pm. Contact: 336/879-6990 or at (www.CrystalKingPottery.net).David Stuempfle Pottery, 1224 Dover ChurchRd., Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring potterywith expressive shapes and natural surfacesby David Stuempfle. Hours: during kiln openingsand by appt. Contact: 910/464-2689 or at(www.stuempflepottery.com).Dean and Martin Pottery, 7739 NathanLane, Seagrove. Ongoing - Jeff Dean andStephanie Martin make contemporary, vibrantlyglazed stoneware vessels, sculpture, and wallpieces. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm & Mon.by chance. Contact: 336/879-0683 or at (www.deanandmartinpottery.com).Dirt Works Pottery, 1226 Hwy. 705, Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring contemporary, sculpturaland functional pottery; Raku, stoneware, woodfiredand salt glazed by Dan Triece. Hours:Mon.-Sat., 9:30am-5pm. Contact: 336/873-8979 or at (www.dirtworkspottery.com).Dixieland Pottery, 1162 Cagle Loop Rd.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Hand-turned functionalstoneware, colorful glazes to plain earth tones.Specialize in dinnerware, face jugs, etc. Hours:Mon.-Sat., 9:30am-5pm. Contact: 336/873-8463.Donna Craven Pottery, 2616 Old Cox Rd.,Asheboro. June 1, 9am-5pm - "Spring KilnOpening". Ongoing - Featuring wood-fired saltglazed,mostly traditional with some decorativeand contemporary forms by Donna Craven.Hours: by appt. only. Contact: 336/629-8173.Dover Pottery, 321 Dover Pottery Dr., Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring a variety of coloredcrystalline ware, freehand-decorated majolicaand wood-fired salt functional forms. Hours:Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact: 910/464-3586or at (www.doverpots.com).Down To Earth Pottery, 11792 Hwy. 24/27,Carthage. Ongoing - Featuring utilitarianand decorative pieces by Jim, Nick & MaryHavner. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact:910/948-2619.Works by Eck McCanlessEck McCanless Pottery, 6077 Old US Hwy.220, Seagrove. July 20, 10am-4pm - “2nd AnniversaryCelebration.” Eck is offering hands-ondemonstrations. Visitors are invited to try turningon the wheel or carving agateware. Snackswill be served and a door prize will be offered.At 4pm, Eck will put down the clay and pick uphis guitar to play some of his favorite songs.Ongoing - The pottery will sell crystalline worksmade by this second-generation Seagrovepotter but, the main focus will be on agateware,which is made by turning several different colorsof clay at one time. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm or by appt. and open all Mon. Holidays.Contact: 336/964-4206 or at(www.EckMcCanless.webs.com).The English Potter, 825 Hwy. 705 S., Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring hand thrown porcelainand stoneware pottery by Robert Saxby.Fine stoneware glazes range from copper redto tenmoku. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10a-5pm & Sun.,noon-4pm. Contact: 336/879-1352 or at (www.english-potter.com).Fat Beagle Pottery, 719 Potter’s Way Rd.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring wheel-turned,gas-fired, functional and contemporary stoneware.Also features uniquely stunning, pit-firedvases. Hours: Tue., Thur. Fri., Sat., 9:30am-5-pm. Contact: 336/953-0608 or e-mail at (fatbeaglepottery@hughes.net).Fireshadow Pottery, 244 Falls Dr., EagleSprings. Ongoing - Featuring one-of-a-kind"primitive elegant" ceramic art. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact: 910/673-8317 or at(www.fireshadow.com).Freeman Pottery, 1147 McDuffie Rd., EagleSprings. Ongoing - Featuring hand-turned miniatures1/2 to 2 inches, functional ware decoratedwith farm scenes and vessel puzzles. Hours:Tue.-Sat., 9am-5pm. Contact: 910/673-2044 ore-mail at (bfoushee@triad.rr.com).From The Ground Up Pottery, 172 CrestwoodRd., Robbins. Ongoing - Featuring handmadepottery by Michael Mahan. Tree platters,meditation bells, dinnerware, and southwesternglaze. Contemporary and traditional forms.Hours: Mon.-Sat., 9am-5pm (call ahead). Contact:910/464-6228 or at (www.fromthegrounduppots.com).Graham Chriscoe Pottery, 2719 220 N.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Functional hand-thrownpottery using glazes of white, brown, burgundy,cobalt blue, teal blue, red and Christmas green.Hours: Mon.-Sat., 9am-5pm. Contact: 910/428-4536.Great White Oak Gallery, 437 N. Broad St.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring functionalthrown forms and hand-built pottery by BenjaminBurns and Bonnie Burns. Exquisitelyglazed and hand decorated with rare unusualglazes and hand-painted motifs. Hours: daily9am-5pm. Contact: 336/873-8066 or at (www.greatwhiteoakgallery.com).Hatfield Pottery, 187 Atkinson Farm Rd.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring functional andwhimsical art deco, as well as folk styles ofhand turned pottery by Morgan Hatfield. Hours:Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact: 336/879-8458.Hickory Hill Pottery, 4539 Busbee Rd., Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring traditional shapesof the area, stoneware that is functional andbeautiful. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 9am-5pm. Contact:910/464-3166.His Hands Pottery, 7029 New Center ChurchRd., Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring functional,decorative, folk art, and Biblical pieces by JeanetteLowdermilk. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm(closed Jan.-Mar.). Contact: 336/879-5866 ore-mail at (rlowdermilk@rtmc.net).Humble Mill Pottery, 121 N Broad St.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuring classical andtraditional stoneware influenced by 2 years ofwork in Japan by Charlotte Wooten. Hours:Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm. Contact: 336/873-7145or at (www.humblemillpottery.com).JLK Jewelry at Jugtown, 330 Jugtown Rd.,Seagrove. Ongoing - Jennie Lorette Keattstakes clay to a different level! She hand makespottery cabochons and sets them in sterlingsilver or 14K and 18K gold, copper, brassand semi-precious stones. Hours: Tue.-Sat.,8:30am-5pm. Contact: 910/464-2653 or at(www.jlkjewelry.com).Johnston and Gentithes Art Pottery, 249East Main St., Seagrove. Ongoing - Featuringtraditional and contemporary museum-qualitypottery and sculpture by Fred Johnston andCarol Gentithes. Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10am-5pm& Sun., 1-5pm (call first). Contact: 336/873-9176 or at (www.johnstonandgentithes.com).Jugtown Pottery, 330 Jugtown Rd., Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring handmade wood andgas-fired dinnerware, vases and jars by VernonOwens, Pam Owens and Travis Owens. Hours:Tue.-Sat., 8:30am-5pm. Contact: 910/464-3266or at (www.jugtownware.com).Keith Martindale Pottery, Boyd Dr., Seagrove.Ongoing - Featuring functional and decorativepottery with a new red glaze and an oceanglaze by Keith Martindale. Hours: Mon.-Sat.,continued on Page 55

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