Force Orders 3419A dated 2012-12-13[1].pdf

Force Orders 3419A dated 2012-12-13[1].pdf

Force Orders 3419A dated 2012-12-13[1].pdf


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2‘We Serve’‘We Protect’‘We Reassure’FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D)<strong>13</strong> TH DECEMBER, <strong>20<strong>12</strong></strong> SERIAL NO. <strong>3419A</strong>MENDMENT – CALL OUT PROCEDURE HOMICIDE ACTION TEAM (HAT) ANDSCENE OF CRIME (SOC), KINGSTON AND ST. ANDREWc. The first responder is to ensure that the scene is protected and not trampledupon by curious onlookers or any other personnel who may converge on thecrime scene.d. A Common Approach Path (CAP) should be adapted when entering all crimescenes by the relevant personnel.The respective MIT Taskforces will respond immediately after it comes to their notice thatthere is a homicide involving the use of firearm in their areas of operation in order to ensurethat:Crime scenes are properly processedVital evidence preserved; andDetails of potential witnesses obtained without delay.Sub. No. 3ROAD SAFETY AUDIT MANAGEMENT TRAININGApplications are invited from suitably qualified members to participate in the Road safetyAudit Management Audit.The Road Safety Audit Management Course is geared towards strengthening Jamaica’s abilityto fully enforce the engineering and traffic component of the National Road Safety Policy.The course will commence on January 14, 20<strong>13</strong> and will include the following components:Road safety policy and statisticsRoad safety engineering, collision prevention and reductionRoad safety auditRoad safety impact assessmentApplicants must have a bachelors degree in at least one of the following disciplines to qualifyfor the course:Physical and urban planningEngineeringStatisticsPsychologyMathematicsApplications are to reach the Senior Superintendent of Police, Traffic Headquarters, 16 LowerElletson Road, Kingston 16 by December 28, <strong>20<strong>12</strong></strong>.Sub. No. 4CO-OPERATION OF OFF-DUTY POLICE OFFICERS IN PRIVATE VEHICLES WITHPOLICE PERSONNEL DEPLOYED ON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT DUTIES ETC.A number of police personnel who are deployed on traffic management or anti-crime dutieshave complained about the attitude of some members of the JCF, to include gazetted officerswhen they are stopped during routine police operations.It is reported that some of these off-duty members have been very un-cooperative and displaydistasteful behavior towards the police personnel engaged in the operation to the point wherethey are abused and humiliated before members of the public. This is unacceptable.Off-duty members are therefore to note that when signalled by the police to stop anddocuments etc are requested, they must comply with the request and present their vehicledocuments etc. for inspection rather than declaring themselves with a view of avoiding thevehicle check./ It is anticipated…………………………Any citizen making a report at any police station must be issuedwith a receipt by the police officer taking the report.

3‘We Serve’‘We Protect’‘We Reassure’FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D)<strong>13</strong> TH DECEMBER, <strong>20<strong>12</strong></strong> SERIAL NO. 3419CO-OPERATION OF OFF-DUTY POLICE OFFICERS IN PRIVATE VEHICLES WITHPOLICE PERSONNEL DEPLOYED ON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT DUTIES ETC.It is anticipated that members of the <strong>Force</strong> are cognizant of the inherent problems/dangersassociated with trying to secure an automatic pass through a mere declaration and will givetheir full co-operation to the members on such front line duties.Sub. No. 5 STATUTORY DECLARATION OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND INCOME -CORRUPTION (PREVENTION)ACTThe Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, established under Section (1) of theaforementioned Act, established a database of all public servants including allmembers of the JCF and ISCF who are all specified in Part I of the schedule of theRegulations, who are required to furnish to the Commission a statutory declaration ofassets, liabilities and income.Declaration DateThe declaration date is 20<strong>13</strong>-01-31 but the declarant is allowed a period of three (3) months tofile the declaration. The declaration should include all assets, liabilities as at <strong>20<strong>12</strong></strong>-<strong>12</strong>-31.Income should cover the period of twelve (<strong>12</strong>) months prior to that date.Each successive declaration should cover year ending 31 st December and must be filed by 31 stMarch the following year.Declaration for Members Demitting OfficeA Statutory Declaration is also required whenever a member demits office. This is due at theend of twelve (<strong>12</strong>) months from the last day in office.Declaration FormsAn adequate number of declaration forms will be made available to all Commanding Officers,Areas, Branches and Divisions and the Commandant, ISCF. All must ensure that a form isdelivered to each member under their command and each member must sign a registerprovided for the purpose.Completed DeclarationEach completed declaration must be delivered by the declarant to the Office of theCommission for the Prevention of Corruption, 45 -47 Barbados Avenue, 2 nd Floor, NewKingston during normal working hours not later than 20<strong>13</strong>-03-31.Sub. No. 6JAMAICA CONSTABULARY FORCE (JCF) INTRANETThe JCF Intranet is now available for use. It will allow internal communication on matterswhich are not required to be in the public space.How to access the JCF Intranet Site1. Type the following address in the search bar - https://jcfworld.jcf.gov.jm/2. Read Security Warning then click "Proceed Anyway", this will take you to the Intranet'shome page called JCF World.3. Go to the User Login Section to the bottom right of the page and click on "Create newaccount"./ 4. Input…………………………………..Any citizen making a report at any police station must be issuedwith a receipt by the police officer taking the report.

4‘We Serve’‘We Protect’‘We Reassure’FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D)<strong>13</strong> TH DECEMBER, <strong>20<strong>12</strong></strong> SERIAL NO. 3419JAMAICA CONSTABULARY FORCE (JCF) INTRANET (CONT’D)4. Input all requested information and submit your request for a new account.5. You will then receive a message from the website's administrators advising you that assoon as your information is verified, your request will be accepted. You will also receivea welcome message when accepted.6. You will then be able to log in using the username and password previously created.7. There is an email, chat and message feature which you can use to get furtherinformation if necessary.Our web administrator is Christine Bailey at CCN. Do not hesitate to contact her for any updatewhich you wish to post.It is a growing portal so we welcome your suggestions for what you want to see on it. In themeantime, please check it out and let us hear from you.Log on and enjoy!Sub. No. 7UPDATE – COMMUNICATION FORENSIC AND CYBERCRIME UNIT (CFCU)For every cybercrime investigation which involves an offender outside the Jamaicanjurisdiction, investigators must inform the CFCU which will liaise with international partnersto assist using established guidelines.Cyber Security TipCloud Computing is a new type of commercialized data storage business which is now offeredby enterprises outside the Jamaican jurisdiction. This form of practice is now being employedby many Jamaican businesses and individuals who capitalize on the opportunity to make morecost effective use of their local system storage.The issue of data storage SECURITY becomes an issue with Cloud Computing since users do nothave direct control over systems which resides in another jurisdiction.Be careful and do not store too much confidential information in the “cloud”, you run the risk of securitybreaches as well as delays in having immediate access to a system for investigative or other technicalissues that may arise.Organized Crime Investigation Division, 8-10 Ocean Boulevard. Tel. Nos. 967-5948, 922-3288,976-<strong>13</strong>89 Email cfcu@jcf.gov.jmSub. No. 8THE 2014/2015 FULBRIGHT GRADUATE STUDENT PROGRAMMEThe United States Embassy in Kingston is now accepting applications for the 2014/2015Fulbright Graduate Student Programme. The Fulbright Graduate Student Programmefellowships are awarded to qualified graduates with a first class or upper second class honoursbachelor’s degree who wish to continue their studies, for either a Masters or PhD degree in thehumanities, social sciences or other specified disciplines, in the United States of America.This very competitive programme will only consider Jamaican-citizen graduates of tertiaryinstitutions. Persons with ‘green cards’ (alien registration cards), or already pursuing studies ata U.S. university, or who are residents in the United States, are not eligible to apply for theseawards.Fulbright recipients must return to Jamaica on completion of their studies in the U.S. and mustspend at least two years in Jamaica before they can be eligible for consideration to emigrate tothe U.S./ To apply………………………………….Any citizen making a report at any police station must be issuedwith a receipt by the police officer taking the report.

5‘We Serve’‘We Protect’‘We Reassure’FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D)<strong>13</strong> TH DECEMBER, <strong>20<strong>12</strong></strong> SERIAL NO. 3419THE 2014/2015 FULBRIGHT GRADUATE STUDENT PROGRAMME (CONT’D)To apply, persons are required to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the GraduateManagement Admission Test (GMAT) dependent on the field of study. Applicants shouldcreate an account and electronically submit the application, GRE or GMAT scores and threeletters of recommendation to be considered for an interview no later than Friday, May 31, 20<strong>13</strong>.Interviews for short-listed candidates will take place in July 20<strong>13</strong>.Application website: https://apply.embark.com/student/fulbright/internationalGRE website: http://www.ets.org/greGMAT website: http://www.mba.com/the-gmat.aspxFor any queries re the application process please email: KingstonExchanges@state.govSub. No. 9APPLICANTS FOR OPERATIONS BRANCH (POLICE CONTROL CENTRE)Applications are invited from suitably qualified sub-officers and constables from the JamaicaConstabulary <strong>Force</strong> and the Island Special Constabulary to be part of the dynamic team atOperations Branch (Police Control)Applicants must possess the following:-• No less than two (2) years service• Good judgement and effective communication skills (both oral and written)• Have certification in or knowledge of Microsoft word and Microsoft excel. Knowledgeof powerpoint would be an asset.• Have good keyboarding skills• Must be willing to work in a highly technical environment• Have good knowledge of the geography of Jamaica• Possess good moral and ethical values• Has a record of good discipline and performanceApplications must be submitted through the Divisional Commanders to the Superintendent ofPolice in charge of Police Control Centre, 103 Old Hope Road, Kingston. Additionally,applicants may email their particulars along with a copy of their application tocontrolgenoffice@jcf.gov.jm no later than <strong>20<strong>12</strong></strong>-<strong>12</strong>-14.Sub. No. 10SUBSTANCE/DRUG USE – A WAY TO GET OFF THE TRACK (PART III), MEDICALSERVICES BRANCHAttached to these <strong>Orders</strong> as Appendix ‘B’ is an advisory on substance/drug use – a way to getoff the track (Part III) from the Medical Services Branch for general information.Sub. No. 11LETTERS OF APPRECIATIONAttached to these <strong>Orders</strong> as Appendices ‘C’ to ’H’ are letters of appreciation from the followingpersons:-‘C’Ms. Denise Lewis, Secretary/Manager, Portland Parish Council, 1 Gideon Avenue, PortAntonio, Portland.‘D’ Ms. Nilza Justiz-Smith, PhD, Associate Professor, 16 Phadrian Avenue, Kingston 6./ ‘E’……………………………………………Any citizen making a report at any police station must be issuedwith a receipt by the police officer taking the report.

6‘We Serve’‘We Protect’‘We Reassure’FORCE ORDERS (CONT’D)<strong>13</strong> TH DECEMBER, <strong>20<strong>12</strong></strong> SERIAL NO. 3419LETTERS OF APPRECIATION (CONT’D)‘E’‘F’‘G’‘H’Mr. Delroy Gordon, Acting Executive Director, Jamaica Cultural DevelopmentCorporation, 3-5 Phoenix Avenue, Kingston.Mrs. Lorna Ferguson, Lot 436 Belgrade Avenue, Greenwood, St. James.Ms. Ann-Marie Edwards, Secretary and Mr. Seymour Hutchinson, JP, Chairman,Richmond Community Consultative Committee, Richmond, St. Mary.Pastor Donald K. Stewart, Director, Creative Counter Culture Productions, 8 AcornPlace, Barbican, Kingston 8.Mr. Owen L. Ellington, CD, JP, M.Sc., B.Sc.CommissionerThe Jamaica Constabulary <strong>Force</strong>Per:Mr. Elbert W. Nelson, M.Sc., B.Sc.(Hons.)Assistant Commissioner of Police(ADMINISTRATION BRANCH)Any citizen making a report at any police station must be issuedwith a receipt by the police officer taking the report.

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