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TOPICSnot only in saudi Arabia, but also inthe other countries of the MiddleEast and North Africa.Operations in IndonesiaIn its sports apparel business,<strong>Toyobo</strong> makes use of high-value-added specialized materials.To differentiate itself from other5 6users. To respond to expanding56market needs, TKI and sTG areincreasing production capacity.Market Development for3D Fiber “BREATHAIR”in Europe“BREATHAIR” is a three-dimensionalspring-structured fiber created byuse of <strong>Toyobo</strong>’s “PELPRENE,” which iscompanies, <strong>Toyobo</strong> is producinga polyester elastomer. It is in widehigh-quality materials in Indonesia, use as a cushion material thatwhere operations are highly costreplaces urethane foam.competitive.Responding to the increasingAt present, <strong>Toyobo</strong>’s operationsmarket demand for this fiber inin Indonesia include two manufacturingsubsidiaries, P.T. TOYOBO(headquartered in Dusseldorf) willEurope, TOYOBO Europe GmbHKNITTING INDONEsIA (TKI), whichbegin the further development,is engaged in knitting and dyeingmanufacturing, and sales ofactivities, and P.T. sHINKO TOYOBO “BREATHAIR” in Europe. To do this,GIsTEX (sTG), which engages in<strong>Toyobo</strong> is making about ¥700 millionin capital investments insewing operations.TKI uses materials that it procures Germany to construct a manufacturingfacility with an annual capacitylocally and produces fabrics, whichare developed and planned inof 1,100 tons, which is scheduled toJapan, to Japanese quality standards.sTG uses the fabric manufac-Looking ahead, <strong>Toyobo</strong> will furthergo into operation in August 2013.tured by TKI to make sports apparel. increase the sales of “BREATHAIR” inThe sports apparel produced byEurope for such applications as furnitureas it also develops new usesTKI and sTG is sold not only in Japanbut around the world. since thesesuch as mattresses for medical useproduction arrangements offerand seats for boats, automobiles,advantages to customers, enabling and trains.them to purchase products that<strong>Toyobo</strong> began mass production ofmeet Japanese quality standards“BREATHAIR” in 1996. It has earned aat low prices, the products havestrong reputation as a superiorearned a high appraisal amongcushion material and has beenadopted for use in the seats oftrains, especially the N700 series ofshinkansen trains, motorcycles, andother applications.Continued Evolutionin the Bio-Businesses7During the 1990s, <strong>Toyobo</strong> has beenreinforcing its commitment in sMBG(self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose)business, offering material enzymesused for glucose sensors. Thereafter,through a few renewals in theenzyme properties using generecombinant technologies, <strong>Toyobo</strong>launched in 2009 “FAD-GDH,” thelatest version that enables evenmore-accurate glucose measurement.At present, <strong>Toyobo</strong> has the second-largestglobal market share inthe enzyme business for diagnosticuse.Making full advantage ofmicro-organism fermentation andpurification technologies it has beenaccumulating over the decades inenzyme business operations,<strong>Toyobo</strong> is expanding further intodiagnostic systems, materials forcosmetics, and other fields.714 TOYOBO 2013 Annual Report

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