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Regarding risk management, each of the committeesis developing systems that can effectively cope with risks.To deal with environmental issues, based on its “BasicEnvironmental Policy,” <strong>Toyobo</strong> is working to reduce theburden that its activities place on the natural environment,develop products that contribute to protecting the eco-ustainability/Nurturing Globalsphere, conduct environmental preservation activities inthe community, and respond affirmatively to biodiversity.Human ResourcesTo strengthen the capabilities of its personnel to work ininternational assignments in various countries and regions,the <strong>Toyobo</strong> Group is conducting education and trainingprograms for employees in Japan and the staff of its overseassubsidiaries.For personnel in Japan, <strong>Toyobo</strong> has created its “shorttermoverseas training program.” Under this program,Japanese employees are stationed for about a year at<strong>Toyobo</strong>’s overseas subsidiaries, other Group companies, oron the properties of business partner companies wherethey are given a specific mission that is directly related to<strong>Toyobo</strong>’s business.For staff employed by <strong>Toyobo</strong>’s overseas subsidiaries,arrangements are made for them to hold discussions withJapanese staff who are candidates for managerial positions.Through these opportunities for interchange andfriendly rivalry, <strong>Toyobo</strong> is working to raise their sense ofbelonging to the <strong>Toyobo</strong> organization and strengthen theirmotivation.Green Procurement<strong>Toyobo</strong> is taking initiatives to protect the natural environmentthrough its products and manufacturing activities.<strong>Toyobo</strong> places priority on procuring raw materials thathave a minimum impact on the environment and strives tocontribute to creating a sustainable society. As part ofthese activities, <strong>Toyobo</strong> pursues “green procurement” policies.<strong>Toyobo</strong> requests its business partners to supply informationon the chemical substance content of the rawmaterials they use to ensure: (1) that none of the substancesforbidden by <strong>Toyobo</strong> regulations are contained in theG Corporateproducts they supply and (2) that the amounts of harmfulsubstances specified by <strong>Toyobo</strong> are indicated.In addition, for other items in general, <strong>Toyobo</strong> promotesthe green procurement of products that bear the“Environment Label.”Initiatives to Reduce theBurden on the EnvironmentTo protect the air and water, the <strong>Toyobo</strong> Group promotesreduction in the volume of its emissions. To reduce theenvironmental burden of emissions into the atmosphere,<strong>Toyobo</strong> has made the transition from the use of heavy fueloil to LNG as the energy source in its boilers. In addition, tolower the environmental impact of effluent emissions intobodies of water, <strong>Toyobo</strong> has upgraded the capabilities of itswaste treatment facilities and promoted the treatment ofeffluence that may have a particularly significant adverseimpact on the environment as industrial waste.Trends in Incidence Ratios in the <strong>Toyobo</strong> Group(%)1.51.0Average for manufacturingin Japan<strong>Toyobo</strong> Group0.50FY’08’09’10<strong>Toyobo</strong>(nonconsolidated)’11’12’13Note: Incidence ratios are the number ofcases where employees had to takeleave due to accidents per one millionhours worked. Employees includethose working for the <strong>Toyobo</strong> Groupand its subcontractors. The incidenceratio is computed each year on acalendar-year basis.18 TOYOBO 2013 Annual Report

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