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Oscar ® Voters Unplugged:Letting Their Voices RoarOn Campaigns, Bloggers,Q&A’s and WhateverHappened to Margaret?By AnthonyD'AlessandromargaretOf all the penal offenses that could be committed by an Academy voter during thepost-nomination phase, exercising their rights to free speech about any contenderis grounds for getting expelled – more or less.14 The Awards Edition <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong> Issue 07While speaking positively about a nominee is frowned upon, anyOscar ® voter who publically criticizes a competitor’s campaignor film risks losing their Academy membership or at the very least,their voting rights. Rules notwithstanding, people in the middle ofthe awards game have opinions, and given the opportunity to sharethem anonymously, they will. Luckily we talked to these Oscar ®members – all of whom have personal experience with the awardsmarathon, one way or another – before noms were announced in themost subterranean of all parking garages (actually, we just spoke withthem over the phone). In essence, we asked them: What are you reallythinking this season? The prestigious participants on this panel –polled from the actors, producers, writers and public relations Academybranches – are fully protected, and their identities are completelyconfidential. The other ground rule was they could not campaign fortheir own projects. What they had to say might surprise you … ormight just confirm what you long suspected about the idiosyncraticgroup that makes up the Oscar ® voters.<strong>AWARDS</strong>LINE: Which contender or individual has had the most impressivecampaign?Producer 1: Bridesmaids. Clearly it refashioned itself intoa worthy comedy, which always gets disregarded.Publicist: You could say The Artist. It has been all overthe place. But I don’t think the movie is that great. TheWeinsteins got the support of the critics because they understandthe film.Actress: I loved the Q&A for Carnage with John C. Reillyand Christoph Waltz. I enjoyed the movie tremendously.Publicist 2: I loved what Paramount was doing with Rango.I went to one of their Q&A’s and they’re not overdoingit. The whole concept of Gore Verbinski doing a nonhumanmovie was fascinating.A|l: Which contender has waged the most ridiculouscounterproductive campaign?war horse

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