Migrant_1961_3 - Knoxtos.org

Migrant_1961_3 - Knoxtos.org

Migrant_1961_3 - Knoxtos.org


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The many colored photographs and illustrations make this book mostattractive. The quality of photography is excellent as the work uf ~ ~ 1 1 -known photographers, Cy La Tour, T-Iclen Cru~ckshank, and othtrs, wasused. Thesc wcll-chosen photographs clrvcrly supplcnicnt some pointLlr>ught out in the led.As this guide covers many tupirs, one cannot expect ~t to develop anyone topic extensivrIy: however thr nuthclr has donc well, A list of a f?u7ol the twenty-twu chapters follow su that thc reader mlght gct an idea ofthe scopc of thls book: "Equipmc-nt fur Bird Watching," "How to IdenttlyBirds,'"'The Voices uf Birds," "Attracting B~rds Rhout Yuur Home," "PhotographingBirds," and '*Bnrd Banding."H. P. LANGRIDGE.BIRD SONGS IN YOUR GARDEN - Complete with high-fidelity33 1/3 rpm phonograph recurd. Full Color ' Full Song. A Corncll Laboi a-tory of Ornithology Buok album. Text and photographs by ARTHUR A.ALLEN, Phonugraph rrcerd by PETER PAUL KELLOGG. Co~~nell UnlvcrsityRecords, Corn~ll Univcrslty Press. 124 Roberts Plilce, Ithnra, N. Y.Price S5.95.The songs of twenty-fivc birds whlch arc frequently Iuund in andaround the garden have bccil faithlully recurdcd and reprocl~~ced. Oia onesidc the vocalist is announced while cm the rpversc side only tht= songs arcgiven. Colnr photographs of each kr~~rl cf b~rd arc presct:tcd in the booklc-tin thc same urdc-r as thr song which r~ill asslst the noviue In ldent~fy~ncthc bird by appearance as well as Irry .;r,ng. A brief sketch accompanieseach photograph, giving suine rharactr, istic features of thc bird, such as,characteristic ficld marks, habitats, nest and locations, eggs and young.Suggestions are given for attracting blrds by pruvidlng forid, water andnesting sites. Specifications are glven lor the conslrt~ctinn of a fcw bard11uusfs lor some of thc more common ho1t.-ntlsting sprclcs. A l~st ol" sclcctedreading scferenccs fur gard~n~1-s is fi,vcn. LRH.BINOCULARS AND SCOPES AND THEIR USE IN PHOTOGRAPTTY.By Robert J. and Elsa Rcichcrt. 128 pages. Chillon Con~pan~' - Boulr Lilvision.Paper covers. $1.95.Robert and Elsa Eelchert have assr~nblcd a ~vcalth of ~natt~ial, expressedin understandable language, rclaiive to opl~r.;~l cquip~n~nt. Varlvustypes of btnoct~lars, telcwopcs ar~d cameras ;1rt3 dt'scr~bcd, puintin: outEeati~res which dist~t~gu~sl~ qua11ty p:.r>ducl< from paorly cunsllut t d substitutcs.For thosc uniainiliar with optical cqu~prnent, :?Itention 1s c2lled tofeatures wh1r.h assist ii-t the sulcct~on of sultahle cur?;p~ncnt lot 111,- dc.s~r,b:lpurpose. AIen h~lpful sugges'tlo~ls arc givrn w~th reh,ard to s~lcctj:m, carcand use of binoculars and telesropc~. Thc three main dlv1sinn.i of t lc buukare: binoculars, scopes and binooul ar and sctip:. photngraphy. Soi!lu ok Ihctopics disctlssed are types of b~noc~tbar~: m~~:nific;itinn anrj. ~.cs:.'v ,:; p .wei.:relative brightness: relative 11ght eff~c~c~ncv: f~cld uf vlalv: for;, ,117,:: ,,llq!i-~nent; ~ncchan~cal d~slgn; c:ptlcal pei,for~nanu:: !.c.lul'ul h~ilt; ;I:I~ tli~ r :ma,-try of origin. Slrnllar information is g~ven iur tcle:ropes and acc:s:;.ul. , ,ncunjunctiun wlth various typcs ol photogl.apk:e L-qu.pmc~lt.The bnoklpt is illustrated wlth sl

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