Migrant_1961_3 - Knoxtos.org

Migrant_1961_3 - Knoxtos.org

Migrant_1961_3 - Knoxtos.org


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BIRbAITRACTING DEVICESBIRD - PlPDICU -- K)UMTAINSUIHCLOW8R SIU)Wrrl-S MixfD BIRD SEEDHrarmirdsttd Feedm ............................................................... $1.93~udpb~m Cfi ............................................................. ...$ 1 .MA FIQI Guide TO n a ~~rdr (P-I ...................................... $4.NI!BIRDS, A &Id. To Tha Mort Farnillor Blrb .............................. $1.00PCn OF ALL KINDS AND 800KS ON THIlR CAREiTROPICAL rlsn AND AQUARIUMSIJONES Pm SHOP2 LOCATIONS1811 21+ Avo., So,, Ndvllb (12) THI. - PLOM 13180Modl#l bmnn Sopphg k.kr, Ma-, Trr. PLom Wllbbt I-I116IINOCUURS ARE OUR BUSINESSQmde A Joponese from $59.50. Our expert#hma adopted 6 modek for cbfoeuaing, down to10 fwt!E,y,Ec-:.,-.*.;->;a.: .?*;;;$,h#< ., ,- I., '.: 5 - - , g:;,a*. -3is!s MimW Spdal modelm, 100% cwtd, from $29.50 to $39.50.W n g rcopm froan $54.50, with buibin tripod adapter 6mhouldct rcmp. 20* wide angle eyepisee, occeuoPlm, &.FREE SERVICE GUARANTEE on all instrumen*30 DAY TRIAL PERIOD.~d for wr cutobg, plus mprinta of bino~ulor articles we hmmwrithn for Auduboa Magazine - fme to Bid Ckb Membtn.Wrh urn obwt p rbinocubr probbms - wr onmn qwdoar.MIRAUL OPTICAL CO,, Iac.M V- 20, N. 7.PL dQriohrrta

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