FY 2011 - Horizons for Homeless Children

FY 2011 - Horizons for Homeless Children

FY 2011 - Horizons for Homeless Children


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The mission of <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>is to improve the lives of homeless children and theirfamilies. We provide homeless children in Massachusettswith the nurturing, stimulation and opportunities <strong>for</strong> earlyeducation and play that all children need to learn andgrow in healthy ways. To improve the lives of the childrenwe serve over the long term, we connect their parentswith the tools they need to achieve social and economicself-sufficiency. We provide leadership in advocating <strong>for</strong>homeless children and their families through leveragingand sharing our expertise with others and advocating withpolicy makers and the public.insideDear Friend 1New Initiatives = New Hope <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> 2A Shelter, A Playspace, A Difference, A Future 4Playspace Programs Locations 5Expanding <strong>Horizons</strong> on a National Scale 6Fiscal Year <strong>2011</strong> Supporters 8Statements of Financial Position 22Statements of Activities 23Staff of <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> 24

Dear Friend,Your support of <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> (HHC) this past year enabled us tostrengthen our existing programs and launch innovative elements of our strategic plan.Each week, over 1,500 volunteers across Massachusetts played with children in Playspacesbuilt by HHC within family shelters. Dedicated teachers at our three Community <strong>Children</strong>’sCenters provided first-class child care to homeless children living in Boston.We designed our strategic plan to deepen and extend the positive impact of HHC’s programson the children and families we serve. This year, thanks to you, we implemented our FamilyPartnerships Program, in which our family advocates continue to work with children andtheir parents as they transition from homelessness to housing. Our Evaluation and InnovationProgram is developing evidence-based best practices and critical data to betterevaluate and assess our work. We are confident that the data will confirm what we knowintuitively from the smiles on the faces of the children we serve—that HHC is helping themgrow socially, emotionally and intellectually, despite the trauma of homelessness.We treasure your generosity. It motivates us to think creatively and to work hard each dayto honor the trust you have shown in our ef<strong>for</strong>ts to break the cycle of homelessness. Thisis indeed hard work—<strong>for</strong> the children, their parents, our staff and volunteers. However,we are making a difference, and our new programs will increase the likelihood that thechildren we serve will be ready—and eager—to succeed in school. That is an opportunitythat every child deserves.Please visit us this year at one of the Community <strong>Children</strong>’s Centers or Playspaces. We areexcited to be able to show you that your investment is paying a healthy dividend! In themeantime—on behalf of HHC’s staff, board and the children and families we support —thank you, and enjoy a happy and healthy new year.Warm regards,Åsa FanelliPresident and CEOMatt EpsteinBoard Chair<strong>2011</strong> Annual Report1

New Initiatives = New Hope<strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>For families facing homelessness, it isn’t just about finding a home.Families struggling to find permanent housing are <strong>for</strong>ced to cope with complicationssuch as a lack of adequate education, diminishing job options and the need <strong>for</strong> highqualitychildcare. For over 20 years, <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> (HHC) has providedcomprehensive support <strong>for</strong> homeless parents, high quality early education <strong>for</strong> theirchildren and opportunities <strong>for</strong> homeless families to break the cycle of homelessness.Every day, HHC helps homeless children and families expandtheir horizons so that they can achieve success in the future.And every day, we refine our statewide programs and servicesto ensure that this goal is met. This year, the EdgerleyFamily Community <strong>Children</strong>’s Center (CCC) in Roxburywas awarded accreditation by the National Association <strong>for</strong>the Education of Young <strong>Children</strong> (NAEYC). All three of ourCCCs have now earned NAEYC accreditation, a distinctiongranted to only 15% of preschools in the US. Together,the three CCCs prepare 175 young minds each week <strong>for</strong>academic achievement in kindergarten and beyond.This year saw the implementation of two new initiativesdesigned to extend HHC’s impact on the families andchildren we serve. Through the Family PartnershipsProgram, continued support is offered to families whohave moved from shelter to housing outside the CCCs’catchment area, facilitating access to early educationprograms, connecting families to community resourcesand conducting regular home visits to ensure the sustainedsuccess of newly-stabilized families.In tandem with Family Partnerships, the new Evaluationand Innovation Program allows HHC to systematically,longitudinally and efficiently evaluate our programming.The data collected in<strong>for</strong>ms us on our progress and allowsus to enrich our programming and help guide serviceproviders across the country on how to best help thisvulnerable population. The process of evaluation continuesafter families find permanent housing, in an ef<strong>for</strong>t tomeasure the long term impacts of HHC programs. HHC isparticularly interested in monitoring the progress of familiesas they work towards social and economic self-sufficiencyand in the continued growth and development of theirchildren as they enter the public school system. The anticipatedoutcome here is that our children are ready to learnand thrive in school as a result of their enrollment at HHC.During <strong>FY</strong>11+ 270 children were served in the three CCCs+ 47 families secured permanent housing+ 22 more parents enrolled in school/college+ 18 more parents found employment2 <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>

HHC’s Åsa Fanelli with Dr. Sherri Killins, Commissioner of the MA Dept. of EarlyEducation and Care and Shannon Rudisill, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary andInter-Departmental Liaison <strong>for</strong> Early Childhood Development, Administration <strong>for</strong><strong>Children</strong> and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesExpanding <strong>Horizons</strong>on a National ScaleAt <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> (HHC), we believe that servinghomeless children and families requires more than offering criticalsupport services. It means advocating <strong>for</strong> this population, while sharingour knowledge and dedication on the issue of child and family homelessness.We understand systemic change takes concerted ef<strong>for</strong>t, andYvette Sanchez Fuentes,Director of the Office of Head Startwe seek to educate others throughout the nation who are learning toserve young homeless children as well.This focus has established HHC as a thought leader onthe challenges affecting homeless children and families andhas gained the attention of lawmakers and authorities onhomelessness across the nation.To continue to establish ourselves at a national level, thisyear HHC hosted our 6th Young <strong>Children</strong> Without HomesNational Conference in Washington, DC. Service providersfrom across the country gathered to hear the latest researchand best practices on how to best support homeless childrenand families.As part of the two-day conference, HHC followed knowledgewith action by hosting an Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill.Participants urged elected officials to support initiativesthat impact homeless children and families. Fully coordinatedby HHC, including a comprehensive advocacy training, ourfirst ever Capitol Hill Advocacy Day allowed conference participantsto speak directly to lawmakers about the policiesand regulations that affect the at-risk populations they serve.Connecting with lawmakers and talks of further budget cutsincited a “healthy indignation” in these fledgling advocates,and many expressed a desire to continue their ef<strong>for</strong>ts postconference.Said HHC’s Åsa Fanelli: “When the attendees aretelling me, ‘I know now I can write an email, or pick up thephone and call my legislator,’ that’s the ripple-effect we’relooking <strong>for</strong>. That’s how change is made.”Our own Policy and Advocacy team have made inroads withfederal as well as Massachusetts lawmakers, speaking to themon the issues that deeply affect homeless families and sharingtheir stories with the people who can institute change. Theseef<strong>for</strong>ts have been rewarded with an invitation to become amember of the Interagency Council on Housing and <strong>Homeless</strong>nessAdvisory Board, which grants HHC a seat at the tableon conversations surrounding family homelessness.As a nation, we’re struggling with record numbers of citizensexperiencing poverty and homelessness. As an agency, wehope to lead lawmakers and service providers in establishingthe policies and practices that will best serve the hundredsof thousands of homeless children and families in the US.Together, we can expand the horizons, and brighten thefutures, of American families experiencing homelessness.6 <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>

The Campaign <strong>for</strong>Young <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>An estimated 1.6 million children are homeless in the United States each night. Halfof them are under the age of six, a time of unprecedented human development. Theyneed healthy opportunities to learn and to grow—to crawl, to toddle and to build ahealthy foundation <strong>for</strong> lifelong success. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, opportunities <strong>for</strong> learning arehard to come by when children are homeless.This year, HHC launched The Campaign <strong>for</strong> Young <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>, an ef<strong>for</strong>tdevoted to the principle that all children deserve a fair chance to take their beststep <strong>for</strong>ward even when their families are on precarious footing. HHC is engagingadvocates at every level and in doing so, we can ensure that homelessness doesnot stand in the way of any child’s early development. Take the pledge today!Visit www.horizons<strong>for</strong>homelesschildren.org.During <strong>FY</strong>11+ HHC held the 6th Young <strong>Children</strong> Without Homes NationalConference in Washington, DC; featured speakers includedYvette Sanchez Fuentes, Director of the Office of Head Start+ HHC was invited to be a member of the Interagency Councilon Housing and <strong>Homeless</strong>ness Advisory Board in MA+ HHC presented at the Region IV Head Start Conference inAtlanta, GA, the VA Early Education Conference in Richmond,VA and the Smart Start Conference in Greensville, NC, toname a few+ HHC provided onsite training and technical assistance <strong>for</strong>the Supportive Housing program in Chicago, ILRepresentatives from 29 states, including Alaska and Hawaii, as well as<strong>2011</strong> Annual Reportrepresentatives from Canada were in attendance at the 6th Young <strong>Children</strong>Without Homes National Conference7

fiscal year <strong>2011</strong>Supporters<strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> is grateful <strong>for</strong> the support of the many individuals,corporations, foundations and community groups whose generosity and steadfastsupport help to improve the lives of young homeless children and their families.The following list recognizes donors whose cumulative contributions during <strong>FY</strong><strong>2011</strong>(7/1/10 – 6/30/11) reached $100 or more.$100,000 and UpINDIVIDUALSJosh* and Anita BekensteinJonathan* and Jeannie LavineSandy* and Paul EdgerleyAnne C. Kubik andMichael A. KrupkaCORPORATIONSMFS Investment ManagementWal-Mart Foundation$50,000-$99,999INDIVIDUALSBob* and Michelle AtchinsonStephanie and John ConnaughtonMichael* and Barbara EisensonAnne Lovett and Stephen WoodsumLaura* and Geoff RehnertDaniel E. RothenbergMaurice* and Luly SamuelsMarc and Robin WolpowAnonymous (1)CORPORATIONSBain Capital <strong>Children</strong>’s CharityBank of America CharitableFoundationThe Baupost GroupThe Boston Celtics ShamrockFoundationBright <strong>Horizons</strong> Family SolutionsColdwell Banker ResidentialBrokerage CaresLiberty MutualFOUNDATIONSRowland Foundation, Inc.ORGANIZATIONSUnited Way of Massachusetts Bayand Merrimack Valley$25,000-$49,999INDIVIDUALSRoger Brown* and Linda Mason*Edward and Allyson DeNobleWilliam and Jacalyn EganJordan and Julie HitchJonathon and Joanna JacobsonJack and Beth MeyerChris* and Susie MitchellPeter Riehl and Allison HorneTracy and Michael* RobergeBarbara and Edward ShapiroEllie Svenson* and Mark KlempnerMartha and Anthony VorlicekPeter* and Jessica WalterSusan Whitehead*Linda Wisnewski andWilliam CollatosAnonymous (1)CORPORATIONSJPMorgan Chase FoundationP&G GilletteFOUNDATIONSDoe Family FoundationThe Foundation To Be Named LaterLinde Family FoundationThe Ludcke FoundationAnonymous (1)$10,000-$24,999INDIVIDUALSJane Brock-WilsonMary and Paul CiampaDick and Ann Marie ConnollyRobert and Joan CreminThe Colella/Deninger FamilyDeborah and Timothy DigginsRebecca and Michael DuseauMark* and Janet EdwardsMatt Epstein* and Deborah HiattSusanna and Timothy EstellaDiane and Neil ExterCorinne* and Tim FergusonAndrew and Ana Hebra FlasterBeth and Lawrence GreenbergChrista and Jeffrey HawkinsChip* and Donna HazardAndrew and Cindy JanowerRoger and Dawn KafkerWilliam KaiserStephen and Jill KarpMary Beth and Adam KirschSeth A. and Beth S. KlarmanTristin and Martin MannionLaurel and Zachary MartinMichele May and David WaltMike and Karen MilesMichele and David MittelmanGregory and Tracey MorzanoJanet and James NahirnyKate* and Ford O’NeilTim and Lynne PalmerAudrey Epstein Reny* andSteven RenyLaurie and Scott SchoenChristine Scordato and Ben PalmereJohn and Cathy SommersPaula and Mark SpeersLaurie and Peter ThomsenJohn and Jane TisdaleJeff and Penny VinikBrenda Campbell-Warner andScott WarnerAnonymous (8)CORPORATIONSThe Abbey GroupAdage Capital Management, L.P.Altra Industrial MotionBain Capital, LLCBarclays CapitalCharlesbank Capital Partners, LLCComcast SportsNet and NECNCredit SuisseGoldman SachsNutter, McClennen and Fish LLPPartners HealthCare SystemRiemer & Braunstein LLPStaples Foundation <strong>for</strong> LearningState StreetStop & ShopTurner Construction CompanyUnited Technologies CorporationWhole Foods-HinghamWilliams-Sonoma/Pottery Barn/Pottery Barn Kids8 <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>

David AdamczykAndrew and Tosh AdamsHoward Adler and Jodie FreemanAleka AkrivellisChristine and James AlbanLuke AlbrechtAllison AleyRichard Alfred and Lynn GoldsmithBrianne AllenElaine AllenMark AllenSusan AllenHelen and William AllisonLynnette and Roger AlmeidaThe Alperin FamilyAnn AmesLea and Charles AndersonLee AngJames AntonelliRobyn AntonucciWaqar and Salma AnwarLawrence AppelLucy Aptekar and Gerry LeaderJuan Arias and Becky JohnsonBunny AronsonKevin and Laura ArsenaultGina AsheChristine AtchinsonRichard BabbJean and William BachovchinMichelle BadashAlfred BadgerSarah BakerElizabeth and Edward BaldwinMary BaldwinLisa and Brant BallantyneRuth BandRahoul BanerjeaLarry BarbarasSibylle J. BarlowLisa BarnesKate* and Steve BarrandBeth BarrettMaeve and Ned BartlettRobert BasowDiane BedellYvette and Michael BeemanJeffrey and Sarah BeirBobbi-Jo BellPaula W. BelshawColleen BergerMcKey and James BerkmanMarjorie BernsteinJanet Marie BessetteJennifer and Kyle BettyDavid BillingsCatherine BirdPatrice E. BirenbergJeremy BlancheMollye BlockWilliam BoeschAnn BolandLinda BorglundCyrus BorzooyehRobert BouchardJanice Bourque andPrakashchandra PatelBetsey Brew BoydEdith and Lincoln BoydenJeffrey and Kristin BradachMarsha and Alan BramowitzCarl M. Brauer andNancy J. SchieffelinMiranda BreadMoira BreenAndrew BrennanElizabeth BrennanSheila Brennan and Kim KrezwickSally BrewsterCharlie BridgeKenneth BringGirard and Lauren BrisboisDiane and Paul BrissetteMike and Kathy BrockAllison BromleyAshley H. BrooksJeff BrooksPaul BrophyKenneth BrownNorman and Eva BrownSusan BrownKate and Sharon BruckmanMarjolein BrugmanThe BrundagesJulia and Ross BrunerDavid and Dana BudkaAllen and Barbara BuglionePhil BurkeCatherine Burns and FamilyNeil and Gilda BurnsPatricia BurnsKaren ButzEugene and Shirley BuzderewiczEddie ByrneKevin CabanaNed and Elizabeth CabotBrian CadoganCharlene CallahanEgan CammackAurora CammarataDemetria CampbellFrank and Deanna CannataCharles CantaveErica CaplanJennifer CarpenterMatthew CarpenterTimothy CarpenterKatharine CarterAnne CaseyErin CaskieFritz Casselman and Susan AshbrookMary CassessoHenry and Julia CavootoGreg CedroneJamie ChamberlainMiceal ChamberlainSarah Champlin-ScharffJohn ChanaudChristopher and Martha ChappellCarlota ChartierJocelyn ChemelNancy ChenetteGrace ChengChih-Yung ChienJanet ChienDonald ChildsCollette and Court ChiltonFehmida ChiptyDeb ChlebekOmmer ChohanSuzanne ChurchLuisa Cinquetti and Kevin HarrisMichael CintoloMark CiprianoKim ClancyDouglas ClarkeKaren ClausingKaren CloughertyKevin CloutierTony CobuzziD. Mitchell CoddingtonAmy and Paul CohenNadia and Edwin CohenSara CohnPatricia and Peter ColbyMorgan ColeBill ColemanDebra and Jeffrey ColemanEllen CollinsEllen Comer<strong>for</strong>dEllen Concannon and Reza KhorshidiCaroline and Peter ConlinAlison ConnorsMargery ConnorsMaurice ConteRobert ConwaySherrill and Robert CookCarolyn CorayerMary CorbettGavin and Tara CorcoranDebbie and Joe CorradoJay CorriganPeter and Maxine CoryColleen CoteNancy CoyleCarole CoynePatricia CraneLinda CravensAmy Craw<strong>for</strong>dJennifer and Brett CreaneBarry and Patricia CringanBruce and Cynthia CringanDouglas and Susan CringanMary CringanThomas and Carol CringanJeremy CrockerElizabeth G. Crowley, Esq.Marianna CrowleyNancy and Francis CrowleyRobert CuccioClaudia Pelosi and Peter CuddyLisa M. CukierTheresa CummingsDeirdre CunnaneKay and Harold CunninghamJoan and Ronald CurhanMaureen and David CurranRavenel and Elizabeth CurrySusanne CurtoLenora CushingSarah DaileyJennifer DaloisioColleen DalyPat D’Amore and Ira HermanDavid and Arden D’AmoursLaura DandreaErik DaneshKevin DauryNancy and Ronald DavidsGordon DavidsonSusan Davies and Richard TalkovElizabeth DavisPaul C. DavisSaadon DavisKathleen De LucaShannon DebinHolly and Priscilla DeckerEugene DelFaveroDavid DelmoreGeraldine DenterleinAshley DentonKathryn DentonRobin DeutschMargot Dexter and Palmer SwansonJonathan Di PaoloJohn DiBelloPeter DiCarloRobert and Denise DiCensoBob DieterEileen and Chuck DillonElizabeth DillsSusan DiPintoPeter DlugoschDennis and Kristen DohertyWilliam DohertyJoanne DomeniconiSharon DonahueCaroline DonelanMargaret DoniganEileen DonohueLibby DoubiletConor DowleyMichael and Marie DowleyNora DowleyMolly DownerJessica DoylePaul DoyleRichard and Kate DoyleTom and Ellen DraperRobert DugganMichael and Phyllis DuhiggGregory DulgarianC. J. EatonAmina EdwardsNancy EisensteinJoshua and Judy ElkinSrephen and Lisa Emsbo-MattinglyJennifer EngleApril Evans<strong>2011</strong> Annual Report13

Richard and Susan LynchRobin Lynch Nardone andJohn NardoneBenjamin LyonsDon MacKenzieKevin MacLaughlanPeter MacMurrayJane and Robert MahoneySarah MalcolmRichard and Ruth MalinowskiMichelle MandellDavid and Caroline Kerri MangioneMary-Ann ManningJean S. ManthorneJoseph ManziJoan MarascoKathleen MarchiBenjamin MarinoDenise MarksShari MarquisMichelle and Kirke MarshEvelyne Martial and Paul AlexanderGail MartinNicholas MartinelliDarlene MasseryChristine Materia andStephen IacovinoRay MathieuElizabeth MayersWilliam McArdleJoanne McBrideEllen McCahonAlexandra and Joseph McCallGretchen McCareyBeth and Dennis McCarthyWilliam M. McCauley FamilyBarbara McDonaldJanis and Joseph McDonoughKathleen M. McDonoughFrank McDougaldJean McGearyDavid and Kathryn McGrailPam McIntyreDavid and Sharon McKayKatie McKayMichele A. McMahonHugh McNallyRoberta McNultyKathleen McQuigganGail Meehan and Paula RooneyBrooke and Eric MeltzerFelice Mendell and Marc CooperMarvin and Margaret MenzinEdmund and Louise MerrillMadeline MeryashMichael MessinaJessica MeunierMark and Marcia MichelsonPeter Michelson and Lisa WoodJessica MicocciVera and Milorad MihaicMichelle MillerWells MillerDeborah and David MinoriCelina MirandaBipin and Megan MistrySteven and Denise MoffatKevin P. MohanDouglas and Robin MoleuxBarbara and Thomas MoloneyZenobia MoochhalaChris MooreJohn and Carmella MooreMichael MoraisThomas MoranShirley MorettiTricia MoriartyMargaret and Thomas MorrisonMary Lou and Donald MorrissetteKathryn MossTheresa MoynahanDebbie MoynihanSusan and Kevin MullaneyCraig MullenChristine MurphyRobert MurphySean MurphyJane MuseJames L. NagerAllyce NajimyElizabeth and William NearDiane NeisonKirk and Diane NeisonSuzy and John NelsonIrwin NesoffSusan and Francis NewtonAnne NicholasKatie and Craig NicholsonPam S. NightingaleMike NilandSharifah Niles-LaneJennifer NissenbergKristi and John NooneRebecca Nordhaus and William CurryAmanda NorthropMargaret and Richard NovakJohn NugentDiana and Anthony NygrenGayle NyreTheresa M. O’Brien andJeffrey B. GraingerKathleen O’DonnellIfeanyichukwu OkekeTerrence OlsenSusan OndrickElaine O’Reilly and Ron BenhamFran and Robert O’ReillyRoslyn and Stuart OrkinSusan O’SheaDavid OttElizabeth OwensKimberly PachecoSusan PackardAudrey PaekMary and George PagliaCupp PaluzziMargo PapaliaKaren PappasTracy PappasLindsey and F. Robert ParkerMichael ParticaThalia PascalidesAsiya PashaAnne-Mari PasterRobert and Melissa PayneMarie PaytonThomas and Ellen PayzantRobert PearceJim and Valerie PeckAlice and Thomas PeischJeffrey PengSkip PerhamPatricia and R. PerkinsRoberta PerlmutterSondra PeskoePaul PetrocelliMichael PevarnikDick and Sue PewKate PhelpsMaureen Phillips and Douglas HorstKathleen and James PietrovitoDavid and Susanna PlaceRebecca Plaut MautnerGenevieve PluhowskiCoco and Matt PlumRichard and Anita PollakLynn and Lewis PollockDavid PoltackSean PooleJan PorellBrad<strong>for</strong>d and Michelle PorterBarbara Posnick and Carl MikkelsenJeffrey and Jennifer PotterChrista PrescottElizabeth PrescottPeter PrinciGregory and Julie PrisamentPeter ProdromouJeri and Charlie QueenanMary QuinlanDonna QuirkKatie RaeLinda RamsdenRasmus and Ulla RasmussonAmelie RatliffJohn ReardonMichael ReardonCam ReeseJeffrey ReganJohn ReillyJuliet Lovejoy ReillyMariah ReissBarbara and John RenterghemLynn and Alan RetikJohn and Elizabeth ReynoldsRachel and Paul RiccardellaStephen RichMichael and Regina RichardJoseph RioffJudy RiolaE. Brooks and Margaret H. RobbinsJune Roberts and Richard SempleAmy RobertsonLynette RobinsonPeter and Lisa RoblinNaena RodriguezNicole RosaLynn RosenbergMiriam RosenblattDenise and Scot RosenblumCynthia and Eugene RosenfeldRobert Rosenfield andMarjorie HalperinCarol Rosenstock andDennis DoughtyJames and Bobbie RosiniJack E. RossinSteven and Ellen RothAlan and Debora RottenbergMarie RowleyRoy RudolphAnne and Rudy RugglesTerence RushfirthJohn and Catherine RussellMark RussellJames and Evelyn RyanKaren and Jeffrey RyanPeter and Colleen RyanSheila RyderSusan Ryerson and Robert SternWiesia SadowskiDaniel SalhanyLiz SalkJessica SanfilippoCarl and Judy SapersCindy and Les SavageDeirdre and Steven SavareseJoanne SavoieDennis Scannell and Jane KamenskyLaura and H. David ScarbroJohn and Susan SchaubAmy ScheinChristine SchenaJohn and Laurie SchneiderPeter SchofieldAnna SchwartzLynn SchweikartAlexandra Schweitzer - PALBen ScottoRachel Segall and Tony HurleyDavid Seibert and Maureen McDonaldNancy and Peter SeigalLeah SemanderesAlan and Karen ShawCatharine SheehanMeryl SheridenThomas SherwoodSungLim ShinKaren ShineRobert and Sherry ShulmanPeter and Norine ShultsJolie SiegelStephen SimmonsPatty and Richard SimonJames SimonsKathleen SmithPatricia Smith<strong>2011</strong> Annual Report15

Peony Fhagen-Smith and David SmithRobin G. SmithChristine SmoragiewiczRhonda SnowTracy SoehleInes SpalvinsHilary and Samuel SpectorMeredith SpenceBenjamin SperaJudith SpielmanCheryl SpillaneAshley SpinoJordan and Paula SpivackMaureen StaleyStephanie StamatosNoël StaviridisJoanna StavropoulosKathleen and William SteinbergKaren SternMiriam SternGina and Daniel StewartRebecca StoneCharles StoreyCatharine SullivanJames and Mary SullivanJennifer SullivanPatricia SullivanRichard and Kathleen SullivanEvelyn SwaimPeter M. SwansonBessie Sze and Stephen SeilerKristin SziklasJack Szostak andTerri-Lynn McCormickSue TalmadgeKaren TardifJohn TavaresAnn TaylorHeidi TaylorJoan and Irwin TepperCynthia TerwilligerNancy and Jeff TeumerJill ThompsonRubin and Eric ThompsonAnne ThruelsenJohn and Christine TingJimmy and Katherine TingleLisa M. ToddJoan TomaceskiHien TranNancy TranJodi and Heyden TraubAnnie TruongKaterina TzouganatosJodie UrquhartChristine Van GorderJohn VancuraAlex and Heidi VanniAndrew VentoDavid and Maureen VentolaElizabeth VerneyKelli L. VieraFrank VigoritoCaroline and Jeffrey VitielloMr. and Mrs. Carlo von SchroeterNancy Von StackelbergStephanie VonderluftElizabeth W. VorenbergSonny VuClaire WadlingtonRoderick WagnerDonald C. and Karen P. WaiteKaren F. WalshNancy and Bruce WaltonDr. and Mrs. Stephen L. WashburnAlbin and Elinor WaskevichJane Markham WeinsteinEdward and Betty WeisbergerGail Weiss and Jeff StoneLynn WeissbergChristine and Richard WeitzelAlicia Welch and Peter ChienBarry WelchDebra WestSuzanne WestTom and Carolyn WetmoreEnid and Steven WetznerBarbara and Kenneth WexlerSara WhitworthJoanne WilcoxMarc C. WillemsDr. and Mrs. Lance WillseyJohn WilsonLara WilsonStephen WinterRandi WiseRheeta WiseAnna WolffJodi and Andrew WolkHenry H. WongMary Kay WoodCharles WoodardKellie WoodwardCarolyn WostratzkyHolly and Roger WynerDavid YangBarbara YatesKathleen YazbakDavid YoungersJudy YungAnne C. ZachosMarcia ZuckermanElizabeth ZuikAnonymous (122)CORPORATIONSBAE Systems EmployeeCommunity Fund IncBeaumont Rehabilitation andSkilled Nursing CenterBorderland Engineering, IncCapeway Photography LLCDaeva SalonDelaware North Companies Inc-BostonEnergy Investors FundsGap FoundationGive WaterGood Life ProductionsIrvyl Events & Services *IESKing of Kings CorporationKPMGMassachusetts ConventionCenter AuthorityNorthridge ConsultingEngineers, Inc.Putnam InvestmentsQuincy Mutual FireInsurance CompanyRoche Brothers Supermarkets, Inc.Russo Products, IncUnitedHealth GroupWhole Foods-AndoverWhole Foods-Charles River PlazaWhole Foods-DedhamFOUNDATIONSBlackey Family Foundation, IncMatthew Cream Memorial FundMelvin S. Cutler CharitableFoundationFuller Family FoundationGanguly Family FoundationSimon FamilyPhilanthropic FoundationORGANIZATIONSAmerican Legion Auxiliary Unit 132American Legion-Webster DudleyAuxiliary Unit 184Capuano <strong>for</strong> Congress CommitteeCommittee to Elect Sue TuckerFestival of Lights Star LightCharities, IncHolly Club of Wrentham, IncThe Rashi SchoolSisters of CharityTemple Sinai of Sharon MATERCWampanoag Road RunnersWestwood High SchoolWorld War II Veterans AssociationCommunity Partners<strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>values the relationships we havewith corporations, foundations andorganizations and would like torecognize the many partnershipswe have enjoyed in <strong>FY</strong><strong>2011</strong>.CORPORATIONSThe Abbey GroupAbcamAbrams CapitalAdage Capital Management, L.P.Aetna Foundation, Inc.Altra Industrial MotionAMB Property CorporationAmeriprise FinancialAnalog Devices, IncAnalytics Operations Engineering, IncAon CorporationBAE Systems EmployeeCommunity Fund IncBain Capital <strong>Children</strong>’s CharityBain Capital, LLCBank of AmericaCharitable FoundationBank of America Merrill LynchU.S. Trust, Bank of AmericaPrivate Wealth ManagementBarclays CapitalThe Baupost GroupBeacon Capital Partners, LLCBeaumont Rehabilitationand Skilled Nursing CenterBingham McCutchen LLPBlackbaudBlue Cross Blue Shieldof MassachusettsBNY MellonBorderland Engineering, IncThe Boston CelticsShamrock FoundationBoston Private Bank& Trust CompanyBoston Trust & InvestmentManagement CompanyThe Bostonian GroupBright <strong>Horizons</strong> Family SolutionsBroadview Networks Inc.Burns & Levinson LLPCamfour Inc. & EmployeesCapeway Photography LLCCare.comCaren & Company IncCastanea PartnersCharles River Laboratories, Inc.Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLCChobee Hoy Associates R.E., IncCitizens BankColdwell Banker ResidentialBrokerage CaresComcast SportsNet and NECNThe Comcast FoundationCommission JunctionCommodore BuildersCornerstone Research16 <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>

Credit SuisseD & A RealtyDaeva SalonDanversbank Charitable FoundationDassault Systemes Solidworks CorpDelaware North Companies Inc-BostonDeloitteDelta Dental of MassachusettsDigitasDyad Systems, LLCEastdil Secured LLCEastern Bank Charitable FoundationEaton VanceEdwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLPElephant WalkEMC CorporationEnergy Investors FundsEquity Industrial PartnersErnst & YoungFairway IndependentMortgage CorporationThe Fallon Company LLCGeorge C. Ferullo, Jr, CPA, PCFHO Partners LLCFirst Citizens Federal Credit UnionFish & Richardson P.C.Gap FoundationGatti & AssociatesGE FoundationGiltCityGive WaterGoldman SachsGood Life ProductionsGoodwin Procter LLPGoogleGoulston & StorrsGreater Boston Associationof RealtorsGreenpark Mortgage CorporationHandlin, Garrahan, Zachos& AssociatesHarvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.Hasbro <strong>Children</strong>’s FundHasbro, Inc.HDR, Inc.Herrick, Feinstein LLPHeyman Associates Inc.Hill HollidayHoughton Mifflin HarcourtPublishing CompanyHuntsman Gay Global CapitalIllinois Tool Works IncInsight Per<strong>for</strong>mance, Inc.International Ceramic EngineeringIpswitch, Inc.Irvyl Events & Services *IESJohn Hancock Financial ServicesJohnson ControlsJPMorgan ChaseKensington Capital HoldingsKenyon & Kenyon LLPKing of Kings CorporationKing Spruce CompanyKohl’s Department StoresKPMGLiberty MutualLifePlansM.S. Walker, Inc.Massachusetts ConventionCenter AuthorityMAXIMUS FoundationMcGladreyThe Medtronic FoundationMercerMerchant WarehouseMerrimack Valley HospitalMFS Investment ManagementMicrosoft CorporationMillennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyNeedham BankNew England Legal SearchNokia Initiative <strong>for</strong>Charitable EmployeesNorthern TrustNorthridge Consulting Engineers, Inc.Northwestern MutualFinancial NetworkNovartisNutter, McClennen and Fish LLPP&G GillettePartners HealthCare SystemPayden & RygelPioneer InvestmentsPiper Jaffray & Co.PNC FoundationPre-School PlaymatesPrimary Design IncProgress Software CorporationProskauerPutnam InvestmentsQuincy MutualFire Insurance CompanyLaw Offices of Richard F. Ready PCReebok International Ltd.The Reebok FoundationRiemer & Braunstein LLPRMR Advisors, Inc.Roche Brothers Supermarkets, Inc.Rockland TrustRopes & Gray LLPRusso Products, IncSalem Five Charitable FoundationThe Savings Bank Life InsuranceCompany of MassachusettsSeegel, Lipshutz & Wilchins, P.C.Seyfarth Shaw LLPSharing Hope In NegativeEnvironments LLCShefsky & FroelichCharitable FoundationSperry Product Innovation, Inc.Staples Foundation <strong>for</strong> LearningState StreetStop & ShopSunstein Kann Murphy & Timbers LLPTeaching Strategies, Inc.Team EpiphanyTechnology Management CorpThe TJX Foundation Inc.TPG Companies, IncTraining Path LLCTriCore Solutions, LLCTurner Construction CompanyUnited Natural Foods, IncUnited Technologies CorporationUnitedHealth GroupWal-Mart FoundationWells Fargo CommunitySupport ProgramsWells Fargo FoundationWestfield BankWhole Foods-AndoverWhole Foods-Charles River PlazaWhole Foods-DedhamWhole Foods-HinghamWilliams-Sonoma/Pottery Barn/Pottery Barn KidsYahoo IncAnonymous (3)FOUNDATIONSAnthony-Arthur Foundation, IncThe Atlantic PhilanthropiesBaker Root Family FoundationJ.M.R. Barker FoundationBlackey Family Foundation, IncThe Bridgehaven FoundationCedar Tree FoundationThe Clements FoundationThe Cooper Leeser Family FundMatthew Cream Memorial FundMelvin S. CutlerCharitable FoundationFred Harris Daniels Foundation, Inc.The Irene E. & George A. DavisFoundationMarion L. DecrowMemorial FoundationDemoulas FoundationDennis Family FoundationDies Family FoundationDoe Family FoundationJudith S. Donath Family FoundationThe Durant Family FoundationEndowment <strong>for</strong> <strong>Children</strong> in CrisisThe Foundation To Be Named LaterFuller Family FoundationGanguly Family FoundationElsie Lee Garthwaite FoundationGreater Worcester CommunityFoundationHighland Street FoundationRoy A. Hunt FoundationLend A Hand SocietyLinde Family FoundationLucy FoundationThe Ludcke FoundationLuke Vincent Powers Foundation, IncThe McGroddy Family FoundationMorris M. Rand Memorial FoundationOXL FoundationPalmer Walker FoundationPoduska Family FoundationIrving & Charlotte Rabb FundMorris M. RandMemorial Foundation, Inc.David E. Retik and Christopher D.Mello FoundationRowland Foundation, Inc.The Savage Family FoundationSheehan Family FoundationSimon Family PhilanthropicFoundationSmiling Kids, Inc.The Svrluga FoundationAnonymous (2)ORGANIZATIONSAmerican Airlines PoliticalAction CommitteeAmerican LegionAuxiliary DepartmentAmerican Legion Auxiliary Unit 132American Legion Department ofMassachusetts Inc.American Legion-Webster DudleyAuxiliary Unit 184Association of Corporate Counsel-Northeast ChapterBeacon Hill Business AssociationBritish School of BostonCapuano <strong>for</strong> Congress CommitteeCars4Charities<strong>Children</strong>’s Room Staff at theReading Public LibraryCommittee to Elect Sue TuckerFestival of Lights Star LightCharities, IncFirst Parish Church of Stow & ActonHarvard UniversityHolly Club of Wrentham, IncKiwanis Foundation of WorcesterLedgeways Charitable TrustMassachusetts Instituteof TechnologyMinyan ShaleymNeighborhood Associationof the Back BayNetwork HealthOld South Church in BostonOur Lady of the Lake ParishPeck Full Service Community SchoolPilgrim ChurchThe Rashi SchoolSisters of CharityThe Six of UsSt. Peter’s Lutheran ChurchSuffolk UniversityTemple Isaiah SisterhoodTemple Sinai of Sharon MATERCUnited Way of Massachusetts Bayand Merrimack ValleyWampanoag Road RunnersWest Parish Church of AndoverWeston Community<strong>Children</strong>’s AssociationWestwood High SchoolWorld War II Veterans AssociationAnonymous (2)\<strong>2011</strong> Annual Report17

Benefits andExternal EventsSpecial thanks to the followingsupporters who held an externalevent on behalf of <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong><strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> in <strong>FY</strong><strong>2011</strong> andhelped raise awareness and/orfunds as a result.4 the BenefitBethany’s Best “Sunflower” DesignTee-Shirt SalesBoston College Freshmen Bake SaleBritish School of Boston VariousStudent FundraisersBroadway Favorites <strong>for</strong>Charity ConcertCaren & Company Inc. 10% DayCelticCare Employee HolidayDonation DriveColdwell Banker ResidentialBrokerage Cares 2010 Spirit ofHome Awards CelebrationCommunity Basketball FundraiserCrawl in BostonDLA Piper LLP Denim DaysIrvyl Events and Services *IESEaster Egg HuntThe Elephant Walk BenefitRestaurant ProjectErnst & Young Denim DaysHoliday Dance at Emerson CollegeHot Stove Cool Music,The FoundationTo Be Named LaterJPMorgan Chase <strong>2011</strong> CorporateChallenge BostonMercer Book FairMerrimack Valley Hospital FallInto Health, Fashion, and FunCommunity FairNeighborhood Association of theBack Bay Friends & NeighborsWine TastingOutsource Group Denim DaysPearson Education Charity Fest 2010Peck Full Service Community SchoolBasketball TournamentPre-School Playmates GalaFundraisersPrivate Equity CFO AssociationGolf TournamentRashi School DriveSharing Hope in NegativeEnvironments (SHINE) BenefitSuffolk University Socks ProgramTaste of Beacon HillTreat Cupcake Bar “Treat OthersWell” JuneTV Diner Platinum Plate Gala, NewEngland Cable NewsVentola Family Haunted BackyardWeston Community <strong>Children</strong>’sAssociation Annual FallCelebrationWhole Foods 5% DayZervas Elementary School Class of<strong>2011</strong> Social Action ProjectTribute GiftsThank you to everyone who madea donation during <strong>FY</strong><strong>2011</strong> in honorof the following people:Finnias Abrams-MorrisseyAileron Therapeutics IncBarbara and Ted AlfondAmy H. Anderson’s 40th BirthdayKent Anderson <strong>for</strong> ChristmasAlisha Atlas-CorbettMeghan and Caitlin BallBenno Becker’s 1st BirthdayAnne BennettHilary BillingsMegan BillingsMarie BlomIndia Blythe’s BirthdayRenee BolzSarah Bo’s 7th BirthdayPat BraddockClaudia BraunsteinPhil BuchananJohn CampbellMolly CampbellHeather CapesThe Cappucci FamilyPaul Caron and Joan on theirMezzanotte/Christmas togetherFiona and Eamon CaseyCEC StaffSusan ChienRebecca ChurchJoe and Caroline CintoloNancy CohenBrian Coleman, Leslie Grundy andCaitlin Murphy (Team Epiphany)Madeleine Coleman’s Bat MitzvahThe Corbitt FamilyGeorge F. CroninCrunch Brand Communications Inc.William K. CurryBridge Hirsch D’AngeloSally DavenportSusan Davis’s BirthdayLisa DelimaThe DeSorgher FamilyJoseph Devlin-BillingsNicole DiCensoRonald DuBoisMark* and Janet EdwardsKim EnglerAndrea EpsteinPat EvansJackie and Kate FiasconaroLeah Fine and CraigPeterson’s WeddingAllison, Dan and Finley ForseterJoanie FreidmanFriends and Colleagues of AdamVillone Creative ServicesPhyllis Frost on ChristmasClara GarciaMatthew GardnerNancy A. GardnerLeela and Samiya GargMarcos Giannaros’ ChristeningGina Mae’s 1st BirthdayCarly Gordenstein’s 13th BirthdayKelley GossettUna and Bill HarringtonBill HaysSue HeilmanEmily Herrin’s 13th BirthdayDiane Hessan*Crosby and Quinn HyzeriLLbury IncElizabeth Isenstein’s CollegeGraduationVictoria Isenstein’s High SchoolGraduationAviva Brooke Jacobs’ BirthAftab Kazmi’s 3 Year AnniversarySusan D. Kelleher’s BirthdayZuri Kilson-KuchticMolli KingMark KlempnerColleen Kwedor at ChristmasL-3 Communications Securityand Detection SystemsCindy LaddChristopher Hamann LarnerErinn LarsenLauren LarsonJonathan S. Lavine’s* BirthdaySimon LevyLiberty Mutual Northeast LiabilityClaims Management TeamSusan and Ron LibertyElla Rose Lindauer-Cohen’s birthThe Teachers and Staff at the LittleCorner School HouseLote GroupLaura Mangan and Joe ContiAnn Marie and Dick ConnollyErin MarshallSandro and Kelly MartignettiLorie McGinnisDr. and Mrs. Frank McGovernVanessa McGunnigleJude McIntireTheresa M. McLaughlinMcLean Ambulatory Services StaffMcLean Intake StaffAnne Messier <strong>for</strong> Mother’s DayJ. Scott MillKatie MillerScott MillerThe Moore FamilyChase MurrayJean Nichols’ BirthdayBill NovicksOpen Media BostonLauren Paiva <strong>for</strong> hosting a partywith Gold Party New EnglandPartners HealthCare SystemPaying it ForwardFirst Parish Bed<strong>for</strong>dSuzanne PetersonMay C. Pian-SmithKatie PiperMarion Pollock’s retirementNicole Mary Potter as part of herChristmas GivingWendy and Michael PriceMason Principe’s 1st BirthdayKelsey Quigley andMitchell Hunter’s WeddingRosemarie RaduazzoLila Ratter’s BirthdayLillian May Gerber ReasenbergRebecca and Robbie Redelmeier’sBat and Bar MitzvahsBambi RodriguezSue Rush<strong>for</strong>dGrady Savage’s BirthdayRalph and Debra SbrognaMegan SchneiderKenneth ScottRachel Scott andAaron Wasserman’s WeddingAlexandre and Emily ShineYvonne SimkinsSisters of CharityMelissa SkeffingtonSusan Smith and Ruth AssettaSophie SarlyThe Sperring FamilyThe Staff of Rockwell/Lasell College– Kathleen Rudnicki, KathyLucey, Rachell Ross, SandyHirwitz, Antonietta Civette,Cindy Duffy, Nancy Cohenand Pat CantinThe Staff at Rogers-Pierce<strong>Children</strong>’s CenterCaroline StaudtAbigail Marie Stigler’s 2nd birthdayEmma Stiller’s 9th BirthdayJackson Stocks and FamilyAshley SuteraBen Svenson and Lauren Ferrone’sWeddingThe Christopher Taylor FamilyPaul Thompson and his twoPartners, Clare and Marylou18 <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>

The Thonis FamilyGreta TinayDiane and Braeden TonelliBekah TuchPenka VlahovaKatie VociDave and Sue WaleckaAlexandra WallensteinElizabeth Weisse’s 12th BirthdaySusan Whitehead*John and Mary WilkinsonJanet Wol<strong>for</strong>dWomen Who Lunch Greater BostonMarie R. WrightAnnabelle Yost’s birthHelen and Herman ZintMemorial GiftsThank you to everyone who madegifts during <strong>FY</strong><strong>2011</strong> in memory ofthe following people:Jody Ac<strong>for</strong>dSyed Akhtar Pasha andZahid MahmoodCharles AlperMarie ArcieriPatricia BillingsNancy BrownWilliam Carter, Jr.Caroline CentoDavid ChaseIn memory of Menna Chauhan’smotherAlbert L. D’Amours, Jr.Leonard Di GiorgioDiane DiSantoArthur and Harriet DymJohn J. EganFred FeinbergGary S. FujiwaraAlan GoldsteinHarry GruenbergShri Gopalbhai GujarEva GulmiGrammy HaighDorothy HansonNancy HigginsCharles Hayden JamisonRichard V. LawsonWilliam LeonardRose McCartneyClara PegnatoLeola Potash - Beloved Wife, Motherand GrandmotherLionel PoultonEvelyn C. PowellChristopher RodriguesMarie SaichRobert SamuelsIn memory of Rachel Silverman’sGrandmotherHoward ZinnMatching Gift and/orEmployee DeductionProgramsWe are grateful to the followingcorporations and their employees<strong>for</strong> their dedication to <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong><strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> through theirparticipation in Matching Gift orEmployee Deduction programs.Abrams CapitalAdage Capital Management, L.P.AetnaAmerican Airlines PoliticalAction CommitteeAmerican ExpressAmeriprise FinancialAnalytics OperationsEngineering, IncThe Atlantic PhilanthropiesBAE SystemsBank of AmericaBingham McCutchen LLPBNY MellonBoston Trust & InvestmentManagement CompanyCamfour Inc.Citizens BankCity of BostonColumbia Management GroupEastern Massachusetts CombinedFederal CampaignEaton VanceErnst & YoungGapGE FoundationGlobal ImpactGoogleThe Greater Kansas CityCommunity FoundationHarvard UniversityHoughton Mifflin HarcourtPublishing CompanyIBM CorporationIllinois Tool Works IncJohn Hancock Financial ServicesJohnson & JohnsonJohnson & Johnson Familyof CompaniesKPMGLiberty MutualMassachusetts Instituteof TechnologyMFS Investment ManagementMicrosoft CorporationMillennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyMotorolaNokiaNorthern TrustOld Mutual Asset ManagementPitney BowesPfizerPNCPutnam InvestmentsQuincy Mutual FireInsurance CompanyState StreetStrem Chemicals Inc.TERCUnited Way of Massachusetts Bayand Merrimack ValleyUnited Way of Greater New HavenUnited Ways of New EnglandUnitedHealth GroupVerizonWells FargoYahoo! Inc.Anonymous (2)<strong>2011</strong> Run <strong>for</strong><strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>Boston Marathon TeamThank you to the followingindividuals who participatedin the 115th BAA Boston Marathonon behalf of <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong><strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>.Mark BegorMaura BuglioneJanet ChienRobert CreminRyan DebinMichael DowleyAmina EdwardsMark Edwards*Rachel King5k TrailblazersSpecial thanks to the followingindividuals who ran in and raisedfunds at the 2nd Annual Route<strong>for</strong> Kids 5K hosted by the <strong>Horizons</strong><strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong> YoungProfessionals Group.Lisa BallantyneAngela BergerThiara BorgesMelanie BorglundSusana ChanMeredith CookElizabeth G. Crowley, Esq.Corey DahlstedtRyan DebinDew DropsApril DiMartinoLauren DowleyMichael DowleyKathy GoodDonna HallAmanda HeldErin JoyceColleen KeenanMark KohlerRinny KongKelly L’EcuyerChithasone LuangoudomDarcy LynchCaroline McKayTravis MorganClifton NewtonHanh NgoLan NguyenAlicia PflaumerHanh PhanSuzanne RochaKate ShieblerNalyne SokCatherine TranDiana WoodIn-Kind DonorsThe following individuals,corporations, foundations andorganizations have supported<strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>through donations of goods and/or services that make significantcontributions to the strength ofour programs.A.M. DePrisco WellesleyAddgeneADP Financial ServicesChioma AgunwambaAmerican LegionAuxiliary DepartmentAmerican Legion Auxiliary Unit #373American Legion Auxiliary Unit #405American Legion-Webster DudleyAuxiliary Unit 184Robin and Philippe AmouyalAnalog Devices, IncArcadia Solutions<strong>2011</strong> Annual Report19

Armstrong Elementary SchoolArmy Barracks, BostonathenahealthBakey’s RestaurantBalance BarLisa and Brant BallantyneBarbershop LoungeBarnes & Noble PeabodyRose BarrettKathleen BassBe Our GuestBeacon Hill Athletic ClubBell Tower DevelopmentBelmont Day SchoolGisela BengtssonBerklee College of MusicBingham McCutchen LLPBiogen IdecBloomingdale’sBlue GingerBoroughs JCCBose CorporationBoston BalletThe Boston Celtics ShamrockFoundationBoston Help DeskBoston Public LibraryBoston Red SoxBoston ScientificBoston UniversityBoston Youth SymphonyBourne United Methodist ChurchRaffi BoyadjianEthan BracketClaudia and Ron BraunsteinThe Briar GroupBright <strong>Horizons</strong> - FoxboroBritish School of BostonBroadview Networks Inc.Bruce Wells Scholars Upward BoundSarah BuaBurns & Levinson LLPButterfield & RobinsonCabot Creamery CooperativeCandlewick PressHeather CapesThe Capital Grille Chestnut HillCaps For KidsCarolyn CarletonCBS4 BostonCentral SquareCongregational ChurchMichael and Mary CeroneChampion Exposition ServicesChapman Construction / DesignCharlestown High School<strong>Children</strong>’s House of Owl’s Head<strong>Children</strong>’s Museum of EastonChoi & Shine ArchitectsChrist Congregational ChurchCity YearClassic VacationsClearChannel OutdoorClio RestaurantThe Colella/Deninger FamilyColumbus Hospitality GroupCombined Jewish PhilanthropiesComcast SportsNet and NECNCommunispace CorporationConcord Public SchoolsConcord-Carlisle Regional High SchoolBrooke CorderCrabtree & EvelynCrazy 8Creative Movement & Arts Center, Inc.Alice CrowleyElizabeth G. Crowley, Esq.Crown Coffee ServiceDanielle ShaveetDanversbankDaviosRyan and Jennifer DebinDeloitteDennis K. Burke Inc.Department of Early Educationand CareChristopher Devany andJean Ann SchulteDiscovery MuseumsDonahue & AssociatesEDC Educational ServicesEliot Wright Workroom, IncAmanda EllsworthElmwood Christian PreschoolEpiphany SchoolErnst & YoungExcel OrthopedicsShirley Fan-Chan and Jon ChanÅsa Fanelli and Rufus WardJeff and Loren FeingoldFire OpalFirst Republic BankFlynn & WirkusThe Foundation To Be Named LaterJulia FrayerFuller-Ariniello FamilyBridgett GarballeyMaureen GarballeyGaslightSonchu and Stefan GavellGentle Giant Moving CompanyTerri GigliottiChris GillisGiltCityThe Goddard SchoolGolda Meir HouseGoodman Research GroupGoulston & StorrsMyra GrandJessica GrayMarla Greenfield andJames GreenfieldGrettacoleGymboree-AuburnGymboree-Chestnut HillGymboree-Emerald SquareGymboree Outlet-WatertownRichard and Johanna HarrisonHasbro, Inc.Health DialogJudie and Scott HiltonHolyoke Health CenterHope and Com<strong>for</strong>tHotel CommonwealthSteve HubbardHugh HanleyICF Internationalil CasaleInternational Order of Rainbow GirlsIsland Creek Oyster BarJack Morton WorldwideJanie and JackJohn Hancock Financial NetworkJennifer and Derek JohnsonJules PlaceTheresa and Jon KaskeyHeather and Joseph KelleyKenzie KidsKeurig, IncSurbhi KonkarLa Campania RestaurantChristine Lawrence andAdam EricksonLearning ExpressLeeny and TamaraCindy LewisThe Liberty HotelLiberty Mutual GroupLowell Housing AuthorityMarathon SportsMelanie MarcusMassachusetts Instituteof TechnologyMassachusetts State PoliceMassGeneral <strong>for</strong> <strong>Children</strong>Max Ultimate FoodsChesley McLarenTodd McKieMeadowbrook School of Weston, Inc.Sue MeagherMeditechClair MeehanMeetings Professionals International- New EnglandMetro Meeting CentersMFS Investment ManagementMiddleboro LibraryGabriela Motyckova andLance MeisterM.S. Walker, Inc.Mt. Holyoke CollegeAngela MurphyMy Grandma’s Coffee CakesNew England World InternationalBarbara J. NewmanNewton Montessori SchoolNewton South High SchoolNorthborough ChiropracticNorthwestern MutualFinancial NetworkMichelle NoverPriscilla OsbornePackard DesignPauline PaglioccaMichael Pantano and Tara MartinLeslee ParkerLori ParrasChristina PimentelPine Village PreschoolPini SwissaPottery BarnMarjorie PricemanSteven and Adrienne PrincipeProject Linus of Greater BostonJanet QuigleyThe Rashi SchoolBetsy RaymondRaytheonLaura* and Geoff RehnertPeter ReynoldsCeline RiardChandra RibeiroJudith and Brian RipkaRISO, Inc.Maureen RobinsonRoche Brothers Supermarkets, Inc.Izzy RossRoycroft DesignRSA MediaAndrew SanclementeJulie SarlyKatie ScarpelliChris SchlesingerJohn and Laurie SchneiderSeaport HotelSecond CongregationalChurch of CohassetGolnaz ShapurianShare Literacy ProgramSharing Hope In NegativeEnvironments LLCShawmut PrintingGloria ShepardsonJulie SheridanJodie SiegelSean and Libby SilviaSisters in Stitches Joined by the ClothVincent SmithCiara SmythOlivia Sommers, Kelly Morinand Lexi MillsSouth Shore ConservatoryJacquie SpectorSt. Bernadette SchoolSt. Ignatius Church20 <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>

Staples, Inc.Steven King, IncJane StewartStonyfield Farm, Inc.Suffolk UniversityLiz SullivanMary SullivanSwedArtTable ToppersTalbotsLisa and Steven TannenbaumNancy TavernaTemple Baptist ChurchTemple Sinai of Sharon MATenacre Country Day SchoolThomas Fallon PhotographyTotally WoodTraining Path LLCIvy TrappielTrianon Antiques, LLCNicolé TrudeauAlex TsepetisTucker’s Point Hotel & SpaTufts UniversityTourneauUltimate ParkingUMass AmherstUniGraphic, Inc.Unitarian UniversalistUrban MinistryNancy UrbanoVDC ResearchWal-Mart FoundationJodi WardJoe WeinbergCindy WeinbergerWest Bridgewater Baptist ChurchWesterbekeWeston Community<strong>Children</strong>’s AssociationWeymouth High SchoolSusan Whitehead*E. Hunterson Henrie andLeslie Wilcott-HenrieWilliams-Sonoma/Pottery Barn/Pottery Barn KidsWinston FlowersWood’s Hole OceanographicInstitution Exhibit CenterWrapped-Up in SportsCatherine and Richard WrightXV BeaconYoung Audiences of MassachusettsYWCA of Greater LawrenceAnonymous (11)6th Young <strong>Children</strong> WithoutHomes National ConferenceSponsorsWe appreciate the financial andin-kind support from our sponsorsin helping make our 6th Young<strong>Children</strong> Without Homes NationalConference such a success.Freeman (<strong>for</strong>merly ChampionExposition Services)Hasbro, Inc.MFS Investment ManagementTeaching Strategies, Inc.Government SupportThank you to the followinggovernment bodies <strong>for</strong> theirgenerous support during thepast fiscal year.Corporation <strong>for</strong> National andCommunity ServiceMassachusetts Department of EarlyEducation and CareOffice of the Governor of theCommonwealth of Massachusettsand the MassachusettsService AllianceU.S. Department of Agriculture,Food and Nutrition Service andMassachusetts Departmentof EducationU.S. Department of Health andHuman Services, Administration<strong>for</strong> <strong>Children</strong> and Families, Officeof Grants ManagementU.S. Department of Health andHuman Services, Administration<strong>for</strong> <strong>Children</strong> and Families, Officeof Head Start through ABCDHead StartIn the Classroom DonorsThank you to the following programpartners <strong>for</strong> their consistentcollaboration and support:Berklee College of MusicBoston Health Care <strong>for</strong> the<strong>Homeless</strong> ProgramHugh HanleyThe Home <strong>for</strong> Little WanderersJewish Family and<strong>Children</strong>’s ServicesJP MusicRaising a ReaderYoung Audience of MassachusettsAnonymous*Board member as of June 30, <strong>2011</strong>.Every ef<strong>for</strong>t has been made to ensure accuracy. We sincerely regret any errors or omissions.If an error has been made, please contact the Development Office at 617.553.5455.<strong>2011</strong> Annual Report21

Statements ofFinancial PositionJune 30, <strong>2011</strong> and 2010ASSETS <strong>2011</strong> 2010Cash $1,384,540 $1,628,087Investments 17,201,986 16,355,779Public Support Receivable 249,870 343,779Pledges Receivable, net 113,025 219,984Prepaid Expenses 109,638 154,668Property and Equipment, net 266,218 255,733Total Assets $19,325,277 $18,958,030Other Campaign Commitments — 735,000Total $19,325,277 $19,693,030LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETSAccounts Payable $260,573 $245,941Accrued Expenses 226,464 212,257Total Liabilities 487,037 458,198Net AssetsUnrestrictedOperating 3,585,254 3,014,188Property and Equipment 266,218 255,733Board Designated 14,958,723 14,957,616Total Unrestricted 18,810,195 18,227,537Temporarily Restricted 28,045 272,295Total Net Assets 18,838,240 18,499,832Total Liabilities & Net Assets $19,325,277 $18,958,030Other Temporarily Restricted Net Assets — 735,000Total $19,325,277 $19,693,030This financial in<strong>for</strong>mation is derived from audited financial statements.Copies of audited financial statements are available upon request.Other Campaign Commitments relates to documented Intentions from Donor-AdvisedFunds which cannot be recorded as pledges from an accounting perspective.22 <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>

Statements ofActivities<strong>for</strong> the years ended June 30, <strong>2011</strong> and 2010Unrestricted<strong>2011</strong> 2010TemporarilyRestricted Total UnrestrictedTemporarilyRestrictedREVENUESProgram RevenuesContracts, grants and vouchers $3,393,319 — $3,393,319 $2,743,443 — $2,743,443Donated revenue 168,230 — 168,230 177,196 — 177,196Training, conferences and other 74,399 — 74,399 38,595 — 38,595Total program revenues 3,635,948 — 3,635,948 2,959,234 — 2,959,234Fundraising RevenuesContributions 2,906,661 255,525 3,162,186 2,142,711 379,540 2,522,251Campaign contributions 550,000 — 550,000 922,950 — 922,950Special events, net of expenses 1,219,661 — 1,219,661 1,131,630 — 1,131,630Net assets released from restrictions 499,775 (499,775) — 1,216,456 (1,216,456) —Total fundraising revenues 5,176,097 (244,250) 4,931,847 5,413,747 (836,916) 4,576,831Investment Income 846,405 — 846,405 407,399 — 407,399Total Revenues 9,658,450 (244,250) 9,414,200 8,780,380 (836,916) 7,943,464TotalExpensesProgram ExpensesCommunity <strong>Children</strong>'s Centers 5,395,444 — 5,395,444 5,096,361 — 5,096,361Playspace Programs 1,389,619 — 1,389,619 1,324,402 — 1,324,402Training and Technical Assistance 305,353 — 305,353 107,788 — 107,788Policy and Advocacy 527,206 — 527,206 466,361 — 466,361Total Program Expenses 7,617,622 — 7,617,622 6,994,912 — 6,994,912Supporting Services ExpensesFundraising 1,094,553 — 1,094,553 1,022,233 — 1,022,233General and Administrative 363,617 — 363,617 301,701 — 301,701Total Supporting1,458,170 — 1,458,170 1,323,934 — 1,323,934Services ExpensesTotal Expenses 9,075,792 — 9,075,792 8,318,846 — 8,318,846Changes in net assets 582,658 (244,250) 338,408 461,534 (836,916) (375,382)Net Assets, beginning of year 18,227,537 272,295 18,499,832 17,766,003 1,109,211 18,875,214Net Assets, end of year $18,810,195 $28,045 $18,838,240 $18,227,537 $272,295 $18,499,832Other Campaign Contributions — — — — 735,000 735,000Total $18,810,195 $28,045 $18,838,240 $18,227,537 $1,007,295 $19,234,832<strong>2011</strong> Annual Report23

<strong>2011</strong> Staff as of 11.28.11<strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>űsa Fanelli, President and CEOAdministrationChristopher Wilbur, Chief Financial and Administration OfficerRichard Coiro, Director of AdministrationHerica Allen, Human Resources CoordinatorSteven Theer, In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology AdministratorChelsea Goldstein-Walsh, Executive AssistantAdvocacyKelley Gossett, Director of Policy and AdvocacyDevelopmentMeryl Sheriden, Chief Development OfficerSuzanne Reasenberg, Assistant Director of DevelopmentTracie DeGuglielmo, Director of Annual Giving and Special EventsColette O’Neill, Director of CommunicationsKatherine Carroll Day, Director of Corporate and Foundation RelationsAlisha Atlas-Corbett, Manager of Special Events and Donor RelationsKelli Slimp, Marketing and Communications CoordinatorScot Keay, Development CoordinatorKatie Corradini, Database CoordinatorTraining and Technical AssistanceStacy Dimino, Chief Education and Training OfficerEvaluation and Innovation ProgramNathan Hutto, Director of Evaluation and InnovationFamily Partnerships ProgramVilma Ferreira, Director of Family Partnerships ProgramTanycha Bonilla, Family Advocate Coordinator, RoxburyCheryl McLellan, Family Advocate Coordinator, DorchesterMelissa Cahl, Family Advocate, Jamaica PlainShelly-Ann Dewsbury, Family Advocate, RoxburyPaulette Gomes-Mendes, Family Advocate DorchesterMaria Lopes, Family Advocate, DorchesterLiana Popkin, Family Advocate, DorchesterSheila Restrepo, Family Advocate, Jamaica PlainLyneth Torres, Family Advocate, Jamaica PlainEmily Trahan, Family Advocate, RoxburyPlayspace ProgramsSarah Fujiwara, Chief Playspace Programs OfficerPlayspace Programs: Greater Boston RegionRobert Stewart, Playspace Programs Greater Boston DirectorJennifer Bond, Playspace Programs ManagerHannah Nersasian, Playspace Programs ManagerGolsa Mirhosseini, Playspace Programs ManagerMatthew Brown, Volunteer Recruitment and Training ManagerJennifer Wu, Playspace Programs CoordinatorPlayspace Programs: Central RegionDebra Vanderwerf, Playspace Programs Central Region DirectorCasey O’Toole, Playspace Programs CoordinatorPlayspace Programs: Northeast RegionAnjuli Ferreira-Fahlberg, Playspace ProgramsNortheast Region DirectorStephen Croke, Playspace Programs CoordinatorPlayspace Programs: Southeast RegionMeghan Schafer, Playspace Programs Southeast Region DirectorAnnie Dantowitz, Playspace Programs CoordinatorPlayspace Programs: Western RegionJoanna Carrington, Playspace Programs Western Region DirectorAshley Ditmer, Playspace Programs Coordinator24 <strong>Horizons</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Homeless</strong> <strong>Children</strong>

Community <strong>Children</strong>’s CentersAndrea Urbano, Director of Center Based ProgramsIvy Trappiel, Programs AssistantSchoen Family Community <strong>Children</strong>’s Center (Dorchester)Daryl-Ann Lewis, Center DirectorSherritta Rainey, Assistant DirectorInfant & Toddler TeachersMaria Carmona, Infant/Toddler Lead TeacherOra Lee Canada, Infant Lead TeacherFatima Gondres, Toddler Lead TeacherCharise Simmons, Toddler Lead TeacherNicole Matthews, Supervising Infant TeacherEmily BartlettBrenda CandelarioAnilda A. CardosoCarolina CarmonaLuz DeJesusDiego GuilarteDiana MarreroLisa MaysSara PierreLydia VazquezPreschool TeachersAmanda Cady, Preschool Lead TeacherVictoria Jordan-PainterElizabeth PhillipsMayra SanchezShirley Saunders-WilliamsDanielle Babcock, Floating TeacherSandy Merejo, Floating TeacherJacinth Morson, Floating TeacherTransportationJoanne Jones-Scott, Van DriverJacqueline Payne, Van DriverMichelle Randall, Van Monitor/Backup DriverPutnam InvestmentsCommunity <strong>Children</strong>’s Center (Jamaica Plain)Mary Torres, Center DirectorVilma Ortiz, Assistant DirectorInfant & Toddler TeachersKaroline Beaumont, Infant/Toddler Lead TeacherEzra Prevost, Toddler Lead TeacherDeslyn Scales, Infant Lead TeacherModesta FloresRuth MartinezNathalie MiretzkyAnnerys RodriguezLuz RodriguezPreschool TeachersJeanette Lynch, Preschool Lead TeacherAnne Mosley, Preschool Lead TeacherMaria Nuñez, Supervising Preschool TeacherAdriel BreaultDenia Caneddy CastroNicole LynaughArika Cohen, Floating TeacherEvelyn Espino, Floating TeacherLinda Forestale, Floating TeacherTransportationGreg Bien-Aime, Van DriverGloria Medina, Van DriverKendrick Subadar, Van Monitor / Back-up DriverEdgerley Family Community <strong>Children</strong>’s Center (Roxbury)Michelle Campbell, Center DirectorMegan Dunn, Assistant DirectorInfant & Toddler TeachersAnne Goehring, Infant Lead TeacherCathy Peña, Infant/Toddler Lead TeacherJayd Rodrigues, Toddler Lead TeacherIris Womack, Toddler Lead TeacherAnna BeaumontCarolin MarinezAnilda PintoSheika PritchardCynthia ReevesCarmen SerranoRachel StraussSteffi WrightPreschool TeachersTracy Doherty, Preschool Lead TeacherMelissa CurtinRachel ThamesDolores Castillo, Floating TeacherLisa Crowley, Floating TeacherKatie Cullinan, Floating Teacher

1705 Columbus AvenueRoxbury, MA 02119T 617.553.5455 | F 617.445.2124horizons<strong>for</strong>homelesschildren.orgFind us on Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn and YouTubeCopy by Kelli Slimp. Special thanks to Jennifer Roycroft Pires (Roycroft Design) <strong>for</strong>her generous donation of design services. Thanks also to Jacquie Spector, Julia Longand Tamela Kemp, whose photographs appear throughout this publication.board of DirectorsMatt Epstein, ChairChip Hazard, TreasurerBob Atchinson, SecretaryKate BarrandJosh BekensteinBill BridgenRoger Brown, FounderRyan DebinSandra EdgerleyMark EdwardsMichael Eisenson, FounderGlenn EnglerTim EstellaCorinne FergusonDyan GoodwinDiane HessanKatherine KlinglerJonathan LavineLinda Mason, FounderAaron MillerChris MitchellGreg MorzanoKate O’NeilAnn RealeLaura RehnertAudrey Epstein RenyMike RobergeMaurice SamuelsLucienne Sanchez, M.D.Janice SturchioEllie SvensonPeter WalterSusan WhiteheadHonorary BoardEllen Bassuk, M.D.T. Berry Brazelton, M.D.Barbara EhrenreichTheo EpsteinWycliffe GrousbeckMarian HeardArnold HiattHoward Hiatt, M.D.Loretta LaRocheSister Margaret LeonardPamela G. MannEli Newberger, M.D.Robert PagliaDiane PatrickJack Shonkoff, M.D.Francene Sussner-RodgersWilliam Julius Wilson, Ph.D.Barry Zuckerman, M.D.

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