Summer 2009 - Sacred Heart Cathedral School

Summer 2009 - Sacred Heart Cathedral School

Summer 2009 - Sacred Heart Cathedral School


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<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> <strong>Cathedral</strong> <strong>School</strong>Lend A Hand Fund UpdateIn the midst of the difficult economictimes that our country is facing, ourCatholic schools became concerned aboutthe number of families that experienced adramatic change in household finances. Formost of us, we do not have to look very farto find a family member, friend, or neighborwho has lost a job because of the decliningeconomy. Because of growing concern thatour Catholic families may have to choosebetween Catholic school education andother family needs, the Knoxville arearegion organized a drive entitled the Lenda Hand Fund. Area Pastors and Principalsjoined efforts to collect contributions thatcould be distributed to those families thathave had a change in circumstance sincethe beginning of the year and may benefitfrom tuition assistance. It was collectedin offertory baskets or by the school andgiven to the Knoxville Regional Catholic<strong>School</strong> Operating Fund so that it couldbe equitably distributed among Catholicstudents in any of the regional schools,<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> <strong>Cathedral</strong>, St. Joseph <strong>School</strong>,St. John Neumann, and Knoxville CatholicHigh <strong>School</strong>.The effort was extremely successfuland raised more than $95,000. Fundswere contributed from parishioners ofthe following parishes: <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong><strong>Cathedral</strong>, St. Albert the Great, HolyGhost, Immaculate Conception, All Saints,Our Lady of Fatima, and St. Joseph inNorris. In addition, the Principals fromSHCS, St. Joseph, St. John Neumann,and Knoxville Catholic High schoolsencouraged donations through theirrespective communities. On behalf of all ofthe Principals and Pastors, we would like tothank all of you that may have contributedto this fund. <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> <strong>Cathedral</strong>parish and <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> <strong>Cathedral</strong> <strong>School</strong>combined raised $37,036. KCHS had thenext highest contributions with $29,239,followed by All Saints with $11,015.Families in <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> <strong>Cathedral</strong> <strong>School</strong>benefited by this effort by receivingapproximately $29,000 in tuition assistance.If anyone would like to continue todonate to the Knoxville Regional <strong>School</strong>sOperation Fund for tuition assistance,please contact the <strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> BusinessOffice at 558-4101.First Holy Communion<strong>Sacred</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> <strong>Cathedral</strong> <strong>School</strong> second graders made their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 1st. Teachers Ms.Fran Herrick, Mrs. Kristin Peters, and Mrs. Monica Chrysandreas, along with Religious Education Director Brigid Johnsonprepared the 53 Communicants throughout the year. In addition to Father Al Humbrecht, Deacon Jim Lawson, and DeaconJoe Stackhouse, pictured below are:Nicole Arnone, Brooke Bellinghausesn, RileyBelt, Noelle Beswick, Alec Bindner, DavidBush, Hutton Butler, Audrey Champelli, CaitlinChristiansen, CeCe Coakley, Olivia Cunningham,Andrew Della-Rodolfa, ChristianDempster, Dakota Dickinson, Alex DiFelice,Rencey Dunlap, Will Dupree, Bridget Greer,Beny Guerrero, Sean Halstead, Sydnee Hansraj,Hannah Heckler, Emma Kochanowski,Lainie Lacey, Alex Lensgraf, Hansel Lin, IsaiasLuna, Yareli Mata, Emmanuel Mata, JustinMaynard, Daniel Maynard, Chloe Merry, MaxMizerski, Valerie Monarrez, Lucy Moore,Jordan Natour, Jasmine Osuna, Natalie Perry,Michael Ray, Trey Ridenour, Lydia Simerlein,Hannah Sorenson, Hannah Southall, JustinStackhouse, Christopher Torres, Grace Trzeciak,Paul Velas, Zoe Velas, Saymo Velazquez,Michael Wells, Ashleigh Williams, TommyWilliams, Maggie Zibas.Photo courtesy of Dan Barile PhotographyPage 8

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