Respondent OSC Companion Matter - Fixfamilycourtnow.org

Respondent OSC Companion Matter - Fixfamilycourtnow.org

Respondent OSC Companion Matter - Fixfamilycourtnow.org


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INEMC1 7L:141ZOIIIII■11111•111 1111r4ILEWINIMMIZIME3 11.09/23/2010 13:19 6197493666 CSIDENTI TY PAGE 02/02PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: GINNY L. CALDWELLCASE NUMBER.RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: MICHAEL J. CALDWELL ED 047912-EPK6 I I PROPERTY RESTRAINTa I consent to the order requested.b I I I do not consent to the order requested.C. I I I consent to the following Order.7. I I PROPERTY CONTROLa. El I consent to the order requested.I do not consent to the order requested.c. I I I consent to the following order:8 L.JSJ OTHER RELIEFa. 0 I consent to the order requested.b. DO I do not consent to the order requested.c. EN I consent to the following order: COURT DENY PETITIONER'S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHERRESPONSE AND IMPOSE SANCTIONS AGAINST PETITIONER FOR FILING THISUNJUSTIFIED MOTION.9. I X 1 SUPPORTING INFORMATION11) contained in the attached declaration.NOTE: To respond to a request for domestic violence restraining orders requested in the Request for Order (Domestic ViolencePrevention) (form DV- 100) you must use the Answer to Temporary Restraining Order (Domestic Violence Prevention) (formDv-120).I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Date: Ct/3//MICHAEL CALDWELL(TYPE OR PRINT NAME)(S4ONAToRE Of DECLARANT)SIGNATURE BY FAXF L420 (Rev. Jemmy 1, 20031 RESPONSIVE DECLARATION TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE PaG•tot 2OR NOTICE OF MOTION

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