Respondent OSC Companion Matter - Fixfamilycourtnow.org

Respondent OSC Companion Matter - Fixfamilycourtnow.org

Respondent OSC Companion Matter - Fixfamilycourtnow.org


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•••■MalrIt•MICIN ■ It..r..w.A.P.uguolimerwii.neRammaNATintalt■I■ e171!09/22/2010 15:58 6197493666 CSIDENT I TY PAGE 01/0100213PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: GINNY L. CALDWELLRESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: MICHAEL J. CALDWELLCASE NUMBER:ED 047912-EPK6 ET PROPERTY RESTRAINTa. I I I consent to the order requested.b. I I I do not consent to the order requested.c. I I I consent to the following order.7 I I PROPERTY CONTROLa. I I I consent to the order requested.b I I I do not consent to the order requested.c i I I consent to the following order:3 I x I OTHER RELIEFa. I I I consent to the order requested.b. 1_4 I I do not consent to the order requested.c. I X I I consent to the following order THAT NEIL RIBNER, PH.D., REMAIN AS THE COURT-APPOINTED EVALUATOR AND CASE MANAGER IN THIS CASE.9. 5;7 SUPPORTING INFORMATION[13 contained In the attached declaration,NOTE! To respond to a request for domestic violence restraining orders requested in the Request for Order (Domestic ViolencePrevention) (form DV-100) you must use the Answer to Temporary Restraining Order (Domestic Violence Prevention) (formDV-120).I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.Date:MICHAEL CALDWELLrypE OR PRINTFL-320 (Rev .1*Auaiy 1 20031(SIGNATURE Of DECLARANT)SIGNATURE BY FAXRESPONSIVE DECLARATION TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSEOR NOTICE OF MOTION

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