FANWALL TECHNOLOGY™ - Vicon Equipment, Inc.

FANWALL TECHNOLOGY™ - Vicon Equipment, Inc.

FANWALL TECHNOLOGY™ - Vicon Equipment, Inc.

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<strong>FANWALL</strong> TECHNOLOGY Reengineering How You Move Air SM

A New Quieter Fan to Reduce Your Total Cost of OwnershipThe companies affiliated with the CES Group are someof the world’s leading custom-engineered airconditioning manufacturers, offering a full range ofproducts from ½ to 2,000+ tons and 200 to 400,000+cfm. Why settle for a packaged answer when the CESGroup can provide innovative, cost-effective, customengineeredsolutions for today’s most challenging HVACapplications?The CES Group, <strong>Inc</strong>., as a wholly-owned subsidiary ofNortek, <strong>Inc</strong>., is affiliated with the following companies:• CLEANPAK International, <strong>Inc</strong>. • Eaton-Williams Group,Ltd. • Governair Corporation • HUNTAIR, <strong>Inc</strong>. •Mammoth, <strong>Inc</strong>. • Mammoth China, Ltd. • Temtrol, <strong>Inc</strong>. •Venmar CES, <strong>Inc</strong>.• Ventrol Air Handling Systems, <strong>Inc</strong>. •WEBCO, <strong>Inc</strong>. Each company is a separate and distinctlegal entity.Understanding Your BusinessWe understand that air-handlers arecritical components in a building’s airconditioning system. And that the fantechnology selected for the air handlerplays an enormous role in the unitperformance: energy usage, sound level,reliability, and footprint. To advance theavailabletechnologies thataddress thesecritical performancefactors, the CESGroup invented<strong>FANWALL</strong>TECHNOLOGY TM .<strong>FANWALL</strong>TECHNOLOGYA <strong>FANWALL</strong> is ahighly engineeredarray of highefficiencyairfoilplenum fans.Instead of one ortwo large fans, nowthere is an array ofsmaller, quieter, and more energyefficientfans delivering the requiredairflow.Breaking up the airflow into a fan arrayallows designers to optimize fan-wheelgeometry and motor horsepower. Theresult is smaller fans and motors,running closer to their peak efficienciesand reducing energy costs.“Smaller fans andmotors operate closer totheir peak efficiencies,resulting in moreenergy-efficientoperation and reducedenergy costs.”Conventional air-handler fan section<strong>FANWALL</strong> TECHNOLOGY fan array

Free Up Valuable Real Estate with <strong>FANWALL</strong> TECHNOLOGY TMBenefits of<strong>FANWALL</strong> TECHNOLOGY• Small fan sections – a <strong>FANWALL</strong>array of any capacity or pressurerequires a maximum airway length of36 inches, compared to three or fourtimes that amount for traditional fansystems.• Greater flexibility in unitdimensions – designers canincorporate lower-profile units if thereare height restrictions.<strong>FANWALL</strong> TECHNOLOGY reduces the AHU footprint, saving valuable real estate• Higher efficiency and lowerconnected load – fans and motorsare sized for optimum efficiency,which often results in a lowerconnected electrical load and adownsizing of electrical service.• Reliability – redundancy of fancomponents adds to the unit’sreliability. If one fan fails, only thatportion of the airflow is lost, unlikesingle-fan systems in which the entireair handler goes offline. Moreover,the loss of airflow from one fan canbe offset by increasing the speed onthe remaining fans.Smaller fans running at higher speeds reduce sound levels and attenuation costs,and promote easier maintenance.• Lower sound levels at criticalfrequencies – <strong>FANWALL</strong>TECHNOLOGY is based on the use ofsmall, high-efficiency fans running athigher speeds than traditional fans.Unhoused fans operating at higherspeeds produce less low-frequencysound. You can reduce and/oreliminate expensive acousticalattenuation materials and devices as aresult.Red color denotes air turbulence in aconventional plenum fan, which leadsto higher sound levels and energyusage<strong>FANWALL</strong> TECHNOLOGY smaller fanscreate less turbulence downstream ofthe fan array, which lowers sound levelsand reduces cabinet space• Lower total cost – a <strong>FANWALL</strong> arrayrequires less cabinetry, less fan- andmotor-support framework, and nosophisticated spring-isolation system.Built-in Reliability Reduces Downtime

CES Group Understands Your BusinessCreating the right indoor environmentis a challenge we understand. That iswhy our approach in the industry is toprovide custom-engineered solutions tomeet your needs. You no longer haveto settle for a “catalog” solution—CES Group provides innovative, costeffectivesolutions for today’s mostchallenging HVAC applications.Let your CES Group representative showyou how <strong>FANWALL</strong> TECHNOLOGY TMmay be the best solution for your facilityneeds. CES Group’s factory-trainedrepresentatives have the expertise tohelp make your HVAC system a reliableand efficient part of your facility.Ask your CES Group representative about our full line of environmentalsolutions:• Regenerative desiccant-dehumidification systems• Energy-recovery ventilation with plate, wheel, and heat-pipe technologies• integrated Prefabricated <strong>Equipment</strong> Centers (iPEC SM )• Air-cooled, water-cooled, or evaporative-cooled condenser chillers• Chilled-water or DX cooling• Factory-packaged rooftop systems• Pre-piped chilled-water coils complete with pump and control package• Preengineered, factory-mounted DDC controls and generic protocol interfaces• Factory-installed refrigerant piping• Screw, scroll, and centrifugal compressor designs for tight capacity control• Housed, plenum, <strong>FANWALL</strong> TECHNOLOGY TM , vane axial, and prop fans• Gas-fired heating–—direct or indirect• Filters, sound attenuators, humidifiers• Boiler with pump packages with expansion tanks• Cleanroom systems—AHUs, ceiling grids, and laminar flow hoods and booths• Custom heating and cooling coils• …and much morewww.ces-group.comU.S. and Foreign Patents PendingCES Group has a policy of continuous product improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.©2006 CES GroupCESG-FWT-SB-1NOV 2006

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