DIPLOMARBEIT - ÖH Uni Wien - Universität Wien

DIPLOMARBEIT - ÖH Uni Wien - Universität Wien

DIPLOMARBEIT - ÖH Uni Wien - Universität Wien


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1.2. Research RelevanceThere is a great deal of evidence […] that societies that discriminate on the basis of gender paya price in more poverty, slower growth and a lower quality of life, while gender equalityenhances development (Momsen 2004: 9).This quote makes clear that women play a very important role in development work. Theirinvolvement is necessary for projects to be successful, for women to be empowered and forgender equality to be achieved. This thesis now focusses mainly on women in relation towater which is also a big issue in the development discourse. Women and men are differentlyaffected by water shortage and lack of sanitation, therefore a special perspective on women isnecessary in order to equally satisfy the different needs. In addition, women are the mainmanagers of water which was also acknowledged in the Dublin Principles. They wereformulated in 1992 at the International conference on Water and Environment andacknowledged as leading guidelines in water management. Besides advocating a participatoryapproach and acknowledging the economic value of water, one principle also emphasizes thecrucial part women play in provision and management of water (Ray/Boukerrou 2008). So inorder to enhance the water and sanitation situation and make it more effective and sustainable,gender inequalities have to be challenged through female participation and empowermentwhich is the objective of the WATSAN project that was analyzed for this thesis.The two subjects, women and water, are also very relevant in regard to the MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs) of the <strong>Uni</strong>ted Nations (UN) that were drafted in 2000. TheMDGs are the global commitment to human rights and dignity with the main goal of halvingpoverty until 2015. The third MDG pursues gender equality and empowerment of women.While this goal is central to achieving all the other MDGs it only includes the target of girls`education that is also MDG number two. The reduction of maternal mortality and theimprovement of reproductive health care are comprised in MDG number five. Other aims likewomen`s access to paid employment, women`s share of representative seats in publicdecision-making processes and the reduction of violence against women, which is also amassive barrier on the way of eliminating poverty, are still missing (UNIFEM 2008/09:117;122). The empowerment of women is a key element in environmental management andfor eradicating extreme poverty, hunger and diseases like HIV/Aids. Women need to be moreintegrated in poverty reduction strategies by national governments and international aidinstitutions. Otherwise, progress in achieving the MDGs is not possible (UNIFEM 2008/09:117).5

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