Trust Me - Radcliffe Chambers

Trust Me - Radcliffe Chambers

Trust Me - Radcliffe Chambers


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TRUSTS AND EQUITABLE RELIEF… if a statutory limitation provision,properly interpreted, applies to theclaim under consideration, equity willapply it in obedience to the statute, asindeed it must. However, even if thelimitation period does not apply becausethe claim is for an exclusively equitableremedy, the court will nonetheless applyit by analogy if the remedy in equity is‘correspondent to the remedy at law’.In other words, where the suit in equitycorresponds with an action at law acourt of equity adopts the statutoryrule as its own rule of procedure. (PerMoore-Bick LJ [at para 38])This question of correspondence hasbeen examined in a number of othermodern cases. In particular, in Coulthardv Disco Mix Club Ltd [1999] the claimantsought to rely on s36 in order to defeat alimitation defence by claiming damagesfor alleged breaches of fiduciary dutyin respect of under-accounting but itwas held that no distinction so far aslimitation was concerned could be madebetween an action for damages for fraudat common law and its counterpart inequity on the same facts.This decision was applied in Ciade Seguros Imperio v Heath (REBX)Ltd [1999] where common lawclaims for breaches of contract andduty were held to be based on preciselythe same factual allegations as aconcurrent claim for dishonest breachof fiduciary duty even though thelatter also involved an allegation ofintention.The distinct trend is to take afairly generous approach to applyingthe limitation act by analogy but,nonetheless, the Court of Appeal inthe P&O case decided that nostatutory limitation period appliesto a claim for specific performance(see Majumdar The Burden of HistoryNew Law Journal (2007) vol 157 no7285 Pages 1136-1137).Breaches of trust – s21Where the breach of fiduciaryduty also constitutes a breach oftrust then s21 (Time limit for actionsin respect of trust property) isIn Coulthard v Disco Mix Club it was held that nodistinction so far as limitation was concerned couldbe made between an action for damages for fraudat common law and its counterpart in equity on thesame facts.engaged. Section 38 of the Actprovides that the words ‘trust’ and‘trustee’ have the same meaning asunder the <strong>Trust</strong>ee Act 1925. Theytherefore include implied andconstructive trust(ee)s.In Paragon Finance plc v DB Thakerar& Co [1999], CA Millett LJ identifiedtwo types of ‘constructive’ trustee (andtherefore trust):September/October 2010The Commercial Litigation Journal 19CLJ33 p18-21 Majumdar.indd 19 30/09/2010 17:25:53

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