JAN - Bath Iron Works

JAN - Bath Iron Works

JAN - Bath Iron Works


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Performance December 2009SafetyRECORDABLE INJURIESCumulative Through December 20092015105013.1ImprovementTargetEnvironmentalYear to date (YTD) progress toward achievingour environmental performance goals underthe Maine DEP STEP UP and other environmentalprograms is displayed as follows:14ActualEqual to or better than YTD goalAbove YTD goal, improvedfrom prior yearAbove YTD goal, not improvedfrom prior yearBeginning this month, the Ethics Cornerwill be seen each month. As in the past,quarterly columns will address a longerissue and the between months, such as thisissue, will feature shorter remindersof pertinent ethics-related issues.Guardian Edge software has been installedon all BIW computer assets to protect companydata and assets. This software has theability to identify, track and report the followinginformation:• All media storage devices (CD/DVDsand USB Drives) viewed or used byemployees on BIW PC assets• All devices (MP3 player, iPod, iPhone,personal mobile phone, cameras)plugged into BIW PC assetsLOST-TIME INJURIESCumulative Through December 20091086420ImprovementTargetCumulative Through December 2009Solid WasteHazardous WasteEnergy CostsThe Ethics Corner ReminderGuardian Edge Safeguards4.43.7ActualCompany regulations prohibit the nonbusinessuse of these devices in conjunctionwith BIW assets. A link to BIW expectationsrelating to computer use, “ComputerUser Access Agreement” is located on theBIW Intranet/Ethics Department.Take some time to understand yourresponsibilities if you have been issueda company computer and/or laptop.Any questions should be directed to yoursupervisor or Industrial Security (x2280),or call the Ethics Office (x4216) for advice.BIW NEWSBIW NEWS is published monthly by theCommunications Department (D94) of<strong>Bath</strong> <strong>Iron</strong> <strong>Works</strong> and is produced internallyin the BIW Print Shop. Photos byMike Nutter unless otherwise noted.The primary objectives of BIW NEWSare to recognize the service, accomplishments,innovation and contributionsof our employees and to provide informationon matters that are of interest toour workforce.Comments and suggestions arewelcome and should be forwarded toDixie Stedman at Mail Stop 1210 orby e-mail at dixie.stedman@biw.com.Facility/ShiftInformation Call LineToll free information on facility status,work shift delays, and cancellations1-866-630-BATH(1-866-630-2284)Contract AwardDDG 1000 DETAIL DESIGNOn January 6, 2010, the Navy awardedBIW a $6.7M mod for additional systemsengineering and class logistics servicesassociated with the detail design andconstruction of the DDG 1000 ZumwaltClass destroyer. The contract wasoriginally awarded in February 2008and extends our period of performancethrough November 2010.BIW NEWS | January 2010 | 3

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