Section 1.5 – Solve Quadratic Equations - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Section 1.5 – Solve Quadratic Equations - McGraw-Hill Ryerson

Section 1.5 – Solve Quadratic Equations - McGraw-Hill Ryerson


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19. Chapter Problem Andrea has been askedto determine when (if ever) the volume,V, in hundreds of shares, of a company’sstock, which can be modelled by thefunction V(x) 5 250x 5x 2 , after beinglisted on the stock exchange for x weeks,will reacha) 275 000 shares in a weekb) 400 000 shares in a weekWhat answer should Andrea give?20. Small changesto a quadraticRepresentingequation can havelarge effects on theConnectingsolutions. Illustratethis statement bysolving each quadratic equation.a) x 2 50x 624 5 0b) x 2 50x 625 5 0c) x 2 50x 626 5 0Achievement CheckReasoning and ProvingProblem SolvingCommunicatingSelecting ToolsReflecting21. A diver followed a path defined byh(t) 5 4.9t 2 3t 10 in her dive, wheret is the time, in seconds, and h representsher height above the water, in metres.a) At what height did the diver start herdive?b) For how long was the diver in the air?c) The 4.9 in front of the t 2 term isconstant because it relates to theacceleration due to gravity on Earth. Ifthe diver always starts her dives fromthe same height, what other value in thequadratic expression will never change?d) What is the only value in the quadraticexpression that can change? Suggest away in which this value can change.e) If the value in part d) changed to 6, howmuch longer would the diver be in theair?C Extend22. Complete the square on the expressionax 2 bx c 5 0 to show how thequadratic formula is obtained.23. A cubic block of concrete shrinks as itdries. The volume of the dried block is30.3 cm 3 less than the original volume,while the length of each edge hasdecreased by 0.1 cm. Determine the edgelength and volume of the concrete blockbefore it dried.24. In the diagram, the square has side lengthsof 6 m. The square is divided into three righttriangles and one isosceles triangle. Theareas of the three right triangles are equal.a) Find the value of x.b) Find the area of the acute isoscelestriangle.x6 m6 m25. Math Contest If f (x) 5 2x 2 13x c andf (c)5 16, then one possible value for c isA 2 B 2 C 4 D 826. Math Contest The functionf (x) 5 3x 2 9x 3 has x-interceptsp and q. The value of p pq q is___A 2B 3 5​ 13 ​C 0xD 427. Math Contest The squares MNOP andIJKL overlap as shown. K is the centre ofMNOP. What is the area of quadrilateralKROQ in terms of the area of MNOP?MPKQNOJRLI<strong>1.5</strong> <strong>Solve</strong> <strong>Quadratic</strong> <strong>Equations</strong> • MHR 51

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