Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls


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peales! value". He relt Ihat Ihe prncnt wuthc mmt Ihrillil\j:per­IOd in which 10 bo: asaociatcd in ally waywilh cdUCIIlion <strong>and</strong> bo:~tbose connected .. ilh local proble!ll5 001 10 allow educationaldebates to become a maller of pari)' politics; they ... ~'c far 100impClnant. Replying. our Chairman of Commil1~ Mr. S • .I.1.0'. (46-49) pledged : "Whal.,"cr the fUlure of Fostcr's Schoolwe are right behind you. There is a very good governing bodyIookin, aOer Ihe School <strong>and</strong> lhey can be usured oflhe fuU IU pp ... !of the A~ociaton which also extends a sincere wckome 10 our 001"Hcadmaitu ."Tl>e Dinner was a very .""ccur ... 1 function indced <strong>and</strong> il wasonly 10 be regretted that wimry conditio"" prevented the attend_aooe of some rnorco dIStan t m.m"'rs who bad fully intended 10 bewith us.A furlhtr reminder: ~ <strong>1965</strong> .u-al DUo.c, ... ill be onW"'~.Y, 19th Dece .........NEWS FROM FA R AND NEARAbrntuI.- Wc ...."., ,·cry pleuod indeed 10 bear again fromW. 11. (Bill) 0_ (23-32) who wrote recen tly from Panama. Weoongnllulate him on hi< aPPlII4 (27- 32). Ji ..Gl'ftII (27- 33) <strong>and</strong> Juk Ham.1ia (26-3J) "'hom he congratulal.. on lilill lurning OUI for lhe <strong>Old</strong> Boys' cricket match. A.he IS oflen laid in Suva Harbour or New Zeal<strong>and</strong> or Australianports he wou ld ""elcome any 5elmcn O.F.'s - <strong>and</strong> we have quitea numbtr no,,', ",hQ oould pay him 3 call. From MontrealJ .... C. h". (52_59) reports that be i. nDW a Roll' RoyceTeehnical Reprellentalive attached to Air Canada dealing ",ilh theDverlutul <strong>and</strong> "'pair of the "Tyne" engine poweriog Vanguardu",raft <strong>and</strong> reporting on Lhe effects of opcr.tion on these engines.His nanoec <strong>and</strong> be. enthusiastic d:icN, ha~ been to the LaurcntianMountains IInd slso the Adirondacb in New York State <strong>and</strong> bavealso visi ted Atlantic City, New York", "Illadpoo]". Quebec <strong>and</strong>"

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