Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls


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m E n nUMAST£RMr. C. 11.. W. fmlcit, a.JC.. "'.... (axoN). loot Uti hi' appoiul'mellt at Headmute. in Jonuary. <strong>1965</strong>. Pnoviou!oly be had held aDappoilltment u u AYiIlaOI Masler It Bhmdell'l Sc:aooI, Devon,&fte. ..... rty ~&bl yean .. I Headl\\Utr' in Tanpnyib. He fint_01 ... Id. I ... EUI Africa as Head-mutet or Mbeya &bool. "jllnior 00-«1 ..... 60 ..... 1 boudillllClIool for Euror-a pupils, <strong>and</strong>"IS IlIbHqllClltlJ appointed tbe finl Hradma_\er of SI. Midlacl',<strong>and</strong> SI. OeorJe" School, a DeWtecondary OHdllCalionaJ boardilllIdtool r ... t Oft. SOD Eu .... peant.Wore lOin' .... IIO Africa. M •. f ... IIldl 'NU Second Mutc,<strong>and</strong> _io. Cbtmillt)' Maltcr at Wo,klOp Colltae, whtre be ......• 110 the CIIrccn Mlltc.-, <strong>and</strong> served for len yean u a HO_m.:lOI ....Mr. Franc!, i, married wilh IwO children, a boy <strong>and</strong> a sirl.SCHOOL NOTESWc are VCT)' .... tcrullo tbe _Dlhtn ... r!be French depan_Sfall" ment of <strong>Lord</strong> 0ieby's Scboo~ to Mi .. Dew <strong>and</strong> 10 Mr.Letri,... for comin, to our aid ia Ihe Winter Term. Ou.new Frmdl miller, Mr. R. L lo ..-cock, loll ..... (CAN,...I.), took upbit d~ ill JaD .... t)'. He bIo, rcoc:nliy U ...... I 11 Culrord. but_ of ..... upcricnce Iw beelI at WCllmi.a.stCl" So.:hool.We were tort)' thal Mt. Dea.y"1 .Iay witb M ..... oalt It ....porat)I : we thallk him ror ftlliq !be broadI \IIIul • new En,mhmutet could tau Ip lIi. IJ>POIla1mont. Mr. L R. V. l.ewill ill theCl"' Head or !be E .... isb DepanIlWrtI <strong>and</strong> midenl master inch& .... of tho IIOIIrdiD& House. Mr. Le ..;, i •• paduate ofClml>ridae.Dd ""me t ... us from ehtlt.nldm Onm ..... So.:IIooI.M r. Trend left us It the cnd of 1he Slimmer Term 10 lale •post It Winlrin&ham Boy.' Grammar So.:hool, Grimlby. Wethank M r. TrenJ for the Ihree yelln he 'penl wi th u. IDd, inpartlcular. mention mull be made or hi. "'orlt in connOClion wilhtIN Duke of Edioburab awanl a

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