Cyrano Cover.indd - Stratford Festival
Cyrano Cover.indd - Stratford Festival
Cyrano Cover.indd - Stratford Festival
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<strong>Festival</strong> TheatreMAy 29 To NovEMBER 1Opens june 19Support for the 2009 seasonof the <strong>Festival</strong> Theatre isgenerously provided byLaura Dinner andRichard Rooney<strong>Cyrano</strong>de Bergeracby Edmond RostandTranslated and adaptedby Anthony BurgessProduction SponsorProduction supportgenerously provided byJohn andBarbara Schubert
EnjOy OngOing PrEFErrEd ACCESSTO EnTErTAinmEnT wiThFrOnT OF ThE LinE ® by AmEriCAn ExPrESSAmerican Express® Cardmembers can go to theFront Of The Line for tickets* to some of thehottest events before the general sponsor of the<strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>Sign up for free Front Of The Line Entertainment e-Updates †*Purchase must be charged in full to an American Express Card. Subject to availability and to event and ticketing agent terms, conditions and fees.®: Used under license from American Express. Copyright ©: Amex Bank of Canada, 2009. †The information you provide will only be used for purposesof providing Front Of The Line e-updates.
A Cosmos of CreativityShakespeare lies at the centre of our dramaticuniverse. Here at <strong>Stratford</strong>, we celebrate him inour theatres by honouring his text and by placingit in the context of the work of his predecessors,contemporaries and successors, so we can betterunderstand his breathtaking achievement. In doingso, we range freely through the best and mostenduring works of the dramatic canon.This season, you can explore the diversity ofShakespeare’s genius in three such very differentplays as Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream andJulius Caesar. You also have a rare opportunityto compare his work to that of his friend andrival Ben Jonson, whose Bartholomew Fair is abrilliant satire of life in London, Shakespeare’sadopted city, or with that of Jean Racine,whose Phèdre is searing drama from a differentdramatic tradition. Both these plays aremasterpieces in their own right – and to seethem performed is to discover how radicalare the differences between the world’sgreatest playwright and his nearest peers.Shakespeare’s unprecedentedexploration of the human comedy pavedthe way for such subsequent dramatistsas Anton Chekhov, Edmond Rostand andOscar Wilde, whose work also features on ourstages this season. His influence reveals itselfeven in our two musicals, one of which sharesits ancestry with The Comedy of Errors while theother draws directly on Romeo and Juliet.Our own writers here in Canada owe no less toShakespeare and the extraordinary creative fermentof his age. George F. Walker’s Canadian classicZastrozzi uses the Jacobean revenge tragedy as itspoint of departure, while Sunil Kuruvilla’s Rice Boy,newly revised for our production, is rooted, likesome of Shakespeare’s greatest plays, in the tensionsbetween parents and children. So too is MorrisPanych’s The Trespassers, a brand-new play thatreceives its world première here this season.We are delighted to welcome you to this, our57th season. We hope you will enjoy exploring withus the astonishingly varied dramatic universe thatShakespeare helped to create and that will alwayshonour him as its centre.Antoni CimolinoGeneral DirectorDe s M c A n u ffArtistic DirectorWe dedicate our 2009 seasonto the memory ofRichard MonetteArtistic Director of this <strong>Festival</strong>from 1994 to 2007.1
A Triumph Out ofIts Time by Donald CarrierBelow | Colm Feore (<strong>Cyrano</strong> de BergeraC) in rehearsalFacing Page, From toP | Colm Feore and mike shara (Christian de neuvillette);direCtor donna Feore; (From leFt) donna Feore, Colm Feore, mike shara andamanda lisman (roxane)Following Page, From toP | memBers oF the Company; Colm Feore rehearsing aFight; mike shara and amanda lismanphotography By sCott Wishart/BeaCon heraldWhen <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac opened on December 28,1897, at the Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin, starringthe great French actor Benoît Constant Coquelin inthe title role, few were prepared for the profoundemotions the play roused. After more than threedozen curtain calls, the enraptured audience refusedto leave the theatre; somehow, the play had tappedinto a long dormant hunger for beauty, romanticismand the highest of ideals. While the social and artisticclimate in France seemed hardly conducive to thesuccess of so anachronistic a work, it became acritical and popular sensation – the high water markin the neo-Romantic movement that flourished sobriefly during la Belle Époque.The play is often mistaken for one written duringthe time in which the action takes place: the mid-17th century. Despite its accuracy at evoking theperiod and its superficial adherence to the era’swriting style via its elaborate rhymed alexandrinecouplets, Rostand’s play rejects the Aristotelianunities of time, place and action that werefundamental to the principles of classical Frenchdrama. Consequently, if <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac hadbeen presented two centuries earlier, it would havebeen condemned as “defective” by the AcadémieFrançaise, founded by the ubiquitous CardinalRichelieu, whose fingers seemed to be in everypolitical, religious and cultural pie of the era.Indeed, the Cardinal’s presence looms largely inthe play itself, suggesting artistic oppression andcultural hegemony; he even makes an offstagecameo appearance as an audience member in2
the opening scene, which tellingly takes place ina theatre. This cleverly allows Rostand to thumbhis nose at the theatrical status quo of 1640 byportraying Richelieu as a literary scavenger, whosesurrogate offers his services as a “collaborator” to<strong>Cyrano</strong>, in order to strengthen the Cardinal’s ownreputation as un homme de lettres.Rostand’s triumph was all the more unexpected asthe theatrical landscape of late 19th-century Francewas dominated by comédies de boulevard as wellas the two dramatic products of the Industrial Age:Naturalism and Symbolism.Naturalism, with its focus on “thesis plays,” regardedthe stage as a trenchant vehicle to engendersocial reform, anticipating the agitprop theatre ofthe 20th century. The issues dramatized by wellmeaningplaywrights included political and legalcorruption, the subjugation of women, the misuseof science, and sexual mores. While Naturalism wasinitially hailed for presenting individuals rather thantypes, the art of the dramatist ultimately becamesecondary to the message; plays became polemicsrather than engaging pieces of theatre.The period also gave rise to the Symbolistmovement, typified by the work of the Belgianplaywright Maurice Maeterlinck. A reactionagainst Naturalism’s sometimes heavy-handedattempts at social reform, Symbolism examined thehuman condition through works that were highlymetaphorical and suggestive.It therefore seemed unlikely that a publicfascinated with technology and the moderne(a trend that would reach its apogee at theExposition Universelle in Paris in 1900) wouldembrace a play featuring an all-but-forgotten figurefrom the 17th century.A writer, soldier, philosopher and raconteur,the real <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac was born into adistinguished Parisian family and raised in northernFrance. Although he certainly served alongsideGascons, he was not a Gascon himself, a fact Rostandneatly ignores. The playwright also invents the lovetriangle involving Roxane, <strong>Cyrano</strong> and the handsomebut verbally challenged Christian. Even the nose thatdefines the fictional <strong>Cyrano</strong>’s sense of self was, inreality, described as large but hardly freakish. Whenhis half-truths and anachronisms were pointed out,Rostand claimed that a poet was not a historian andstated that he had the artistic right to be “inexact onpurpose.” This part-fictitious, larger-than-life character3
4allowed Rostand to celebrate the beauty andsentiment that had fallen so far out of fashion sincethe advent of Romanticism’s first surge in the firsthalf of the 19th century.Led by Victor Hugo, Romanticism was a reactionagainst Classicism, which resisted the naturalgrowth and evolution of language and soughtto maintain the strict rules of drama establishedin the 17th century. “There are neither rules normodels,” Hugo famously wrote in the introductionto his play Cromwell in 1827. He rejected theseparation of comedy and tragedy into twodistinct categories and most famously statedthat reality in art was best displayed throughjuxtaposition – the meeting of what he calledthe “grotesque and the sublime.” In essence,Romanticism sought to replace elitist theatre,whose raison d’être was the amusement of thearistocracy, with a more inclusive populist theatre.By 1850, however, the Romantic movement intheatre was all but over, a victim of the rise of amiddle class who did not identify with flowery playsthat appeared overwrought and excessive. Althoughthe comic tradition had been weakened through theblending of genres, the public would turn insteadto more escapist theatrical offerings typified by theworks of Eugène Scribe.The late 19th century was an unparalleled time forthe upper classes in France: an age of peace, cheaplabour, technological advances and prosperity. As areaction against an increasingly mechanized world,the neo-Romantics looked to an idealized pastfor their inspiration, championing the themes ofvirtue, beauty, selfless death and perfect love. Themovement was expressed most significantly in thevisual arts, but soon it had a spokesperson in thetheatre with the young Rostand. Although his firsttwo plays, Les Romanesques (which would becomethe basis for the long-running off-Broadway showThe Fantasticks) and La Princesse Lointaine (starringSarah Bernhardt), were moderate succès d’éstime,they showed little of the “grotesque and the sublime”that would be displayed in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac.It’s significant to note that <strong>Cyrano</strong> was writtenduring the period of l’affaire Dreyfus, which haddriven a deep divide into French society. The arrestand imprisonment of Alfred Dreyfus, a FrenchJewish army officer, on trumped-up charges ofpassing military secrets to German intelligenceproved a watershed moment in contemporary
French history. In the land of revolution andrepublicanism, this conflict would be a litmus testfor those who truly believed in equality, and calledinto question the anti-Semitism that was entrenchedin French bureaucracy and government. AlthoughRostand was initially reluctant to involve himselfin the controversial case, he nonetheless countedhimself a Dreyfussard, supporting an individual’sright for justice within a monolithic and imperfectstate. Indeed, one can argue that <strong>Cyrano</strong> sharesmetaphorical elements with the affaire, presenting aprotagonist who fights for love and happiness withina society that ostracizes him.Rostand did not fear the controversy that hadgreeted the original Romantics seventy years before;he worried that his play might be simply ignoredor deemed irrelevant and vieux jeu. Days beforethe première, Rostand had lost confidence in thematerial, and apologized to the great Coquelinfor involving the actor in this certain theatricalcatastrophe. Within months, however, Rostand was amajor celebrity; the public looked to him as a leaderwho would recapture France’s status as a nation ofculture and civility. The play had become all thingsto all people: a romance, a jingoistic adventure, acomedy, a highbrow entertainment and a culturalcall to arms.However, neo-Romanticism did not spark themass movement in the arts that its supportershad hoped for, and proved to be short-lived.Although it would reappear in various forms,the great rush of the 20th century would proveincompatible with neo-Romanticism’s idealismand sentiment. Rostand himself would nevermatch the popularity and acclaim of <strong>Cyrano</strong>,writing only two more plays before his death in1918, a victim of the great influenza epidemic. Yethis legacy and dream have not faded: <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac, a play that was not of its time on so manylevels, remains a work whose power to amaze,inspire and move has proved to be timeless.Donald Carrier is the assistant director of thisproduction of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac.Edmond Rostand – playwrightEdmond Eugène AlexisRostand was born inMarseille, France, in 1868.The son of a well-knownjournalist, he studied lawand was called to the bar,but never practised. Instead,he turned his talents towriting. In 1890, at the ofage 22, he published avolume of poems.His first play, premièring in 1894 at the Comédie-Française, was Les Romanesques, a satire on thetheme of young love. Its great success (the play laterinspired the long-running musical The Fantasticks)made Rostand the darling of the French theatreworld – in particular of the celebrated actressSarah Bernhardt, for whom he subsequently wroteseveral plays. His most popular and enduring work,however, remains <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac, written forthe French comedian Benoît Constant Coquelin. Itspremière, on December 28, 1897, was greeted withimmense popular and critical acclaim; the play wasimmediately translated into several languages andwithin a year had been mounted all over Europe andthe United States.Although he never again matched the triumphof <strong>Cyrano</strong>, Rostand enjoyed another success in 1900with L’Aiglon, a play about Napoleon’s son. In 1901 hewas elected to the Académie Française, the youngestmember ever to receive that honour.Unable to live in Paris because of his precarioushealth, Rostand built a château in the Pyrenees,where he lived with his wife, Rosemonde Gérard(also a poet). His health worsened in his later years,and he died in 1918 at the age of 49, leaving severalworks unfinished.Anthony Burgess – translator and adapterNovelist, biographer, linguist, essayist and composerAnthony Burgess was born in England on February25, 1917. The author of more than 50 works of fictionand non-fiction, he is perhaps best known for hisdystopian novel A Clockwork Orange, which directorStanley Kubrick turned into a controversial 1971 film.He died of lung cancer on November 22, 1993.5
Ideas and InsightsArcelorMittal applauds the artists, artisans and staff behind everyoutstanding experience at the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>.A Uniquely Beautiful RomanceDespite the action, the comedy and the epic scale ofthe piece, <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac is above all a romance,and that is something that attracted me to this play.I feel that now is the ideal time for a play like this,which sparks the imagination and transports usto a more heroic age. The language has a uniquebeauty, and it has been a pleasure for all involved toembrace the spoken word with relish.The idea of the outsider is something thatresonates with artists, who by nature are often apartfrom the community at large. <strong>Cyrano</strong>, because of hisown emotional and physical characteristics, is set apart;we feel his pain while marvelling at his wit and daring.What interests me about Rostand as a playwrightis that he wasn’t interested in following the trends ofhis time but listened instead to his own artistic pulse.Writing in 1897, he didn’t shy away from creating anepic romance about the 17th century, thus flying inthe face of the genres that were popular in his time.He embraced sentiment, romance and emotion withhumour and skill, while at the same time honouringthe writing traditions of the past.It has been a great asset to have the originalFrench version at our fingertips during the planningand rehearsal stages. It has been fascinating to seethat Rostand, the poet, is at times more economicaland prosaic than Anthony Burgess, the translator.However, Burgess has been able to capture thebeauty of the original French in a way that fewhave been able to do in the past. This production isunique, as far as I know, in that we’ve kept severalpassages in French, thus allowing our audiences tohear Rostand in his original voice.Donna FeoreDirectorCOSTUME SKETCHES BY SANTO LOQUASTO6
The Cast<strong>Cyrano</strong> de BergeracColm FeoreRoxaneAmanda LismanChristian de Neuvillette Mike SharaComte de GuicheJohn VickeryLe BretWayne BestRagueneauSteve RossAlso appearing, in alphabetical order:Citizen, Poet,Capucin, CadetOliver BeckerPrécieuse, Lise, NunBarbara FultonDuenna, Mother Marguerite Karen GlaveLignière, First OfficerDouglas E. HughesBellerose, Renaudot,BertrandouRoy LewisVicomte de Valvert,Poet, CadetPaul NolanMontfleury,Carbon de Castel-Jaloux Robert PersichiniSecond Marquis, Cadet Geoffrey PounsettCuigy, Spanish Captain Stephen RussellFirst Marquis, CadetAndrew ShaverUnderstudiesWayne Best (<strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac standby),Brandon Espinoza (Bellerose), Martha Farrell (Roxane,Lise), Barbara Fulton (Duenna, Mother Marguerite, SisterMarthe), Stephen Gartner (Christian de Neuvillette),Graeme Goodhall (Citizen’s Son, Brissaille),Douglas E. Hughes (Capucin, Renaudot, Bertrandou),Mike Jackson (Second Marquis), Roy Lewis (Montfleury,Carbon de Castel-Jaloux), Jacques Monfiston (First Marquis),Jennifer Mote (Sister Claire, Food Seller, Flower Seller),Paul Nolan (Le Bret), Robert Persichini (Ragueneau),Geoffrey Pounsett (Citizen), Eric S. Robertson (Cuigy),Stephen Russell (Comte de Guiche), Marco AntonioSantiago (Jodelet), Geoff Scovell (Vicomte de Valvert,d’Artagnan), Andrew Shaver (Lignière)There will be one interval of 15 minutes.Produced by special arrangement with Artellus Ltd.on behalf of the Estate of Anthony Burgess.Copyright the Estate of Anthony Burgess.Actor, Cook, CadetCitizen’s son, Cook, CadetPickpocket, Poet, CadetFlunky, Poet, CadetFood Seller, Servant,Sister ClaireCavalryman, Jodelet,Poet, CadetActor, CadetActor, CadetFlower Seller, Cook,Servant, Nund’Artagnan, Poet, CadetPrécieuse, Cook, NunGlutton, Musketeer, CadetBrissaille, CadetPrécieuse,Sister MartheFlunky, Cook, CadetActress, Servant, NunBoy, Page, Young CadetPage, Young CadetSwingsMatt AlfanoJosh AssorAndrew CaoGraeme GoodhallMartha FarrellStephen GartnerNicko GiannakosKyle GolembaJosie MarascoJacques MonfistonJennifer MoteJoe PerezEric S. RobertsonAndrea RungeMarco AntonioSantiagoGenny SermoniaThomas FeoreMatt McCabeMike JacksonGeoff Scovell7
Artistic CreditsDirector donna FeoreDesignerLighting DesignerComposerFight DirectorSound DesignerAssistant DirectorAssistant Set DesignerAssistant Costume DesignerAssistant Lighting DesignersFight CaptainFrench Language ConsultantStage ManagerAssistant Stage ManagersApprentice Stage ManagerProduction AssistantProduction Stage Managersanto loquastoalan Brodieleslie ardenJohn steadtodd Charltondonald Carriersean mulcahyalix dolgoygareth Crew,siobhan sleathWayne BestFrançoise griséBona duncanmeghan Callan,renate hansonkristopher Webersuzanne leandromargaret palmerProduction CreditsResponsibilities backstage during the performance accomplished by:Stage Carpenter dave mcdonaldAlternateles macleanMaster Electricianmick mcdonaldProperty Masterted derryHead of Soundmichael duncanAlternatescott matthewsCrewsteve gregg,Walter sugden,gerald van sickleWardrobe Mistress gail homerham –robertsonWardrobe AttendantsWigs and Makeup Show HeadWigs and Makeup CrewChildren’s SupervisorsAcknowledgementsmargie Bell Bruer,heather diamond,tracy houston-mcintyre,kim Jeffries,annette lenze,sherri neeb, luci pottledave kerrlinda langenegger,stanley WickensJennifer schamehorn,Judith WilliamsSpecial effects by mark Fine, Airmagic Special Effects.Special thanks to norman Cruz, MD, <strong>Stratford</strong>;Jennifer anderson, MD, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto;Brian hands, MD, FRCS (C), medical voice consultant; voxCura voice care specialists, Toronto; simon mcBride, MClSc,MD, London Health Sciences Centre – Vocal Function Clinic,London, Ont.; John yoo, MD, London Sciences Centre,London, Ont. Pianos tuned and maintained bydon stephenson.Music CreditsOrchestraleslie arden, Conductor/Keyboards; alec Catherwood,Viola; Ben Bolt-martin, Cello; ian harper, Flute/Recorder;tony nickels, Oboe; holly shephard,Trumpet; kate stone,Horn; peter hysen, Trombone; dale anne Brendon,PercussionMusic PreparationFanfare MusiciansJohn montgomerydale anne Brendon,peter hysen, mary Jay,holly shephard(Fanfare Leader),kate stoneThe Birmingham Conservatory for Classical TheatreFrom Artistic Director Des McAnuff and General Director Antoni CimolinoTwenty-seven members of the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>’s 2009 company have come out of ourprofessional training program, now known as the Birmingham Conservatory for Classical Theatre.Founded in 1998, the Conservatory has helped to launch the careers of some of our leading youngactors, many of whom we have had the great pleasure of directing. Providing opportunities for youngCanadian artists is part of our mission at the <strong>Festival</strong>, and we hope you will find it as satisfying aswe do to watch their growth as they share the stage with some of the finest actors in the world.Now under the leadership of Martha Henry, the Conservatory is made possible by the support of theBirmingham family, the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> Endowment Foundation and the Departmentof Canadian Heritage. We thank them for helping us to nurture and support these talented artists inour 2009 company:Quincy armorer 08timothy askew 99dalal Badr 07/08sean Baek 05skye Brandon 08dan Chameroy 03laura Condlln 04Jon de leon 07/08Jesse aaron dwyre 07/08martha Farrell 04stephen gartner 01Jonathan goad 99alana hawley 07/08dion Johnstone 03ian lake 07/08keira loughran 05gordon s. miller 02trent pardy 07/08Jennifer paterson 08gareth potter 03Christopher prentice 08suzanne roberts smith 08andré sills 05stacie steadman 07matt steinberg 08sara topham 00sophia Walker 058
ProductionDirector of ProductionProduction AdministratorTechnical DirectorTechnical Director – Scenic ConstructionAssistant Technical DirectorTechnical Management AssistantAdministrative AssistantResident Sound DesignerSet Design CoordinatorCostume Design CoordinatorDirector of MusicMusic AdministratorElectronics TechnologistTransportationPropertiesHead of Properties<strong>Festival</strong> Properties SupervisorAssisted byProperties ApprenticeScenic ArtHead Scenic ArtistAssistant Head Scenic ArtistAssisted byScenic CarpentryHead CarpenterLead HandAssisted byWardrobeWardrobe ManagerAssistant Wardrobe ManagersWardrobe BuyerAssistant Wardrobe BuyerCuttersdouglas lemckeCheryl Bendersimon marsdenandrew mesterndavid Campbellmichael BesworthCindy Jordanpeter mcBoyledouglas paraschukalix dolgoyrick Foxmarilyn dallmanChris Wheelertony Flevill, ian a. Fraser,michael taylor, James thistledona hrablukJennifer macdonaldBeverly may adam, eric Ball,angela Bester,lucas Commerford,ken dubblestyne, tracy Fulton,Carolyn horley,michelle Jamieson, shirley lee,Brian mcleod, dylan mundy,stewart robertson,heather ruthig,lorraine senécalmichael shearsChristopher kleindaniel mcmanussylvie Boulanger,kevin kemp, John leberg,amparo patterson,lisa summers, laurie tomé,Blair yeomansneil r. Cheneydavid Bedfordsimon aldridge, Jeffery Baici,mark Card, John Currie,gary geiger, nick glenn,paul gorman, Jeff hughes,gilbert lesperance,John muxlow, mark smith,geoff taylor, Cliff tipping,Joseph tracey, Byron Williamsanne mooreelizabeth Copeman,Bradley dalcourtmichelle ashbourneCourtney dunnkim Crossley, terri dans,melanie Farrar-Jackson,margaret lamb, Carol a. miller,evan stillwaterJunior CutterFirst HandsSewersBijoux/DecorationAssisted byBoots and ShoesAssisted byCostume PaintingDyeingAssisted byMillineryAssisted byWardrobe ApprenticeWarehouse SupervisorWarehouse AssistantAdditional costumes byWigs and MakeupWigs and Makeup ManagerHead of Wigs and MakeupConstruction CrewWigs and Makeup ApprenticeAdditional Wigs byanna Baineslaurie krempien-hall,gina schellenbergsusy arnold, denise Bott,dolores Brodhagen,sara Brzozowski,emma meghan Chapman,Jeff Chief, Joanna Conway,lisa di Quinzio, lindsay Forde,sharon gashgarian,Jennifer gilbert, Jenn goodger,June gunn, ilana harendorf,patricia hawkins-russell,Courtenay hindemit,monique hodder,marian hughes,shona humphrey,pamela hutton,C. arlene innes,olga m. kouzmina,debbie kschesinski,deborah s. lount,mary-lou mason,vicky mcCulloch, amy mciver,lori mcmahon,patricia mcnally,karen merriam,emma pawluk,monica podvezko,georgina schinkel,kathryn a. sherwin,patricia taylor,allison underwood,hazel Whitehead,silvia Widmer, lisa Wright,Christine yundt, JoanneZegers, lois Zurellsusan allerston-richardstami macdonald, kathi posliffmark Fetterkaren Beames, sarah Cook,michael karn, Connie puetzlisa hugheslinda pinhaysylvia minarcinkatarzyna Chopcianisabel Bloor, thea C. Crawford,helen FlowerFrieda Wattmadonna deckervalerie lariviereBee <strong>Festival</strong> hats and Bonnets,martino nguyen designsClayton shieldsgerald altenburgteddi Barrett, erica Croft-Fraser,Jessica elsbrie,lena Festoso-richardlorna henderson, dave kerr,linda langenegger,angela moncur,Barb newbery, alana scheel,Julie scott, nancy Warren,stanley Wickenstracy FrayneChristine vaughanFunding for artisan apprenticeships is provided by the William H. Somerville Theatre Artisan Apprenticeship Fund, funded by the J.P. Bickell Foundation, and Robert and Jacqueline Sperandio.A member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres, the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> engages, under the terms of the Canadian Theatre Agreement, professional artists whoare members of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association. Stage crew, scenic carpenters, drivers, wigs and makeup attendants and facilities staff are members of Local 357 of the InternationalAlliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). Wardrobe attendants are members of IATSE Local 924. Scenic artists are members of IATSE Local 828. The <strong>Festival</strong> acknowledges with thanksthe co-operation of the <strong>Stratford</strong> Musicians’ Association, Local 418 of the American Federation of Musicians.9
The Companymatt alfano – actorSecond season: Action in West Side Story and appears in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac. <strong>Stratford</strong> credits: Tashtego in Moby Dick and swing in TheMusic Man. Matt has been dancing since he was three years old,studying all styles of dance. In his spare time he likes to work onhis own choreography and enjoys playing music with his buddies.Other credits include Rain (Helix Dance Project); We Will Rock You (Mirvish); Anneof Green Gables and Canada Rocks (Charlottetown); The Threepenny Opera and TheBoy Friend (DIWC); and La Ronde and The Rimers of Eldritch (CCPA). He performedas a dancer for Jean Ann Ryan productions on Norwegian Cruise Lines. Matt ishonoured to be part of this amazing season at the <strong>Festival</strong>. Much love and thanksto all his friends and family.leslie arden – composer<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Composer for <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Leslie Arden hashad a varied background as a writer, composer, lyricist, performerand director. She’s written over a dozen musicals, including thecritically acclaimed and multi-award-winning The House of MartinGuerre and the Chalmers Award-winning The Happy Prince. Leslie’smusical adaptation of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing was produced byChicago’s American Musical Theatre Project in August 2006, and this musical waschosen to be showcased by the National Alliance of Musical Theater in New YorkCity later that same year. Leslie wrote the music for Canadian Stage’s productionsof The Beard of Avon and It’s a Wonderful Life (in which she was also a performer).Currently, Leslie is writing a new musical for the Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for YoungPeople, and also a contemporary musical adaptation of Moll Flanders.Wayne Best – actor14th season: Seyward in Macbeth and Le Bret in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac.Previously at the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>: the Duke ofCornwall (King Lear), Bob Ewell (To Kill a Mockingbird), Don John(Much Ado About Nothing), Horatio (Hamlet), Caliban (The Tempest),Astrov (Uncle Vanya), Maurice (In the Ring), Macduff (Macbeth),Gratiano (The Merchant of Venice), Leontes (The Winter’s Tale), Teddy Lloyd (ThePrime of Miss Jean Brodie), Ben (Good Mother), Fluellen (Henry V), Victor (PrivateLives), Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet), Grumio (The Taming of the Shrew), Enobarbus(Antony and Cleopatra) and Escalus (Romeo and Juliet). Other credits includeCaptain Keller in The Miracle Worker and Jacob in Of the Fields, Lately (TheatreCalgary), Carl in Heaven (CanStage), Abbott in Inexpressible Island (NecessaryAngel), Quinn in The Affections of May (TNB), Johnny Regan in Balconville and Philin The Motor Trade (Theatre Aquarius), Brutus in Julius Caesar and Antonio in TheTempest (NAC) and Billy in The Collected Works of Billy The Kid (Saidye BronfmanCentre).alan Brodie – lighting designerThird season: Lighting designer of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Mr. Brodiemade his <strong>Stratford</strong> debut in 2007 with Oklahoma! and returnedin 2008 to create the lighting for Moby Dick and Palmer Park. Hislighting (Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Award, Jessie RichardsonAward and Dora Award nomination) for the acclaimed CanStageproduction of The Overcoat has been seen worldwide, as well as in numerouscities across Canada. Recent credits include Sunday in the Park with George andBorn Yesterday (Shaw <strong>Festival</strong>); The Constant Wife (Arts Club); Miss Julie: FreedomSummer and Frost/Nixon (Playhouse/Canadian Stage); and A Christmas Carol(Soulpepper). Mr. Brodie resides in Vancouver with his wife, Michele. He holds aBFA from the University of British Columbia and is a member of the AssociatedDesigners of Canada. ( assor – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Baby John in West Side Story and Citizen’s Son in<strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Joshis very excited to be making his first appearance on the <strong>Stratford</strong>Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> stage. Previous theatre credits includePeter Pan, Beauty and the Beast (Rainbow Stage); Vision (CircuitDance Company); War of the Worlds (MTYP); The Empty Dress (Winnipeg DanceProject); and Arte Poetica (Edge PAC) in Hollywood, CA. Film credits include Desire(Buffalo Gal), Another Day (Alliance Atlantis) and Make it Happen (The MayhemProject). When not performing on stage, Josh works as a dance instructor andchoreographer. He would like to give thanks to his family for all their love andsupport.meghan Callan – assistant stage managerNinth season: Assistant stage manager of West Side Story and<strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Previously for the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare<strong>Festival</strong>, Meghan was assistant stage manager of Oliver!, FallenAngels, Into the Woods, Guys and Dolls, The Swanne: PrincessCharlotte (The Acts of Venus), My Fair Lady, Twelfth Night, The Soundof Music, Hamlet, Fiddler on the Roof and more. She has enjoyed working acrossCanada in stage management for the Shaw <strong>Festival</strong>, the Atlantic Theatre <strong>Festival</strong>,Theatre New Brunswick, the National Arts Centre, the Citadel Theatre, the GlobeTheatre and the Lighthouse <strong>Festival</strong> Theatre, among others. She has a bachelorof fine arts degree from York University and loves living in her hometownof <strong>Stratford</strong> with her husband, Peter, and their wonderful daughters, Ella andBeatrice.oliver Becker – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Menteith in Macbeth, Citizen in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergeracand Bernardo in Zastrozzi. Oliver Becker most recently appearedin Theatre Aquarius’s Woman in White. Other recent creditsinclude George F. Walker’s Beyond Mozambique (Factory Theatre),Wild Mouth (Tarragon) and The Pillowman (Birdland Theatre).Oliver starred in Frozen (Citadel Theatre), Better Living and Escape From Happiness(Factory Theatre) and A Whistle In The Dark (Company Theatre, Toronto). He hasappeared in Hamlet, The Bear and La Ronde (Soulpepper); Sideman and Soldier’sHeart (Tarragon); Cherry Docs and Macbeth (Grand Theatre); The Diary of AnneFrank (MTC); The Cripple Of Inishmaan (Centaur Theatre); The Weir and The BeautyQueen of Leenane (CanStage); The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum (Factory Theatre); andPlayboy of the Western World (Shaw <strong>Festival</strong>). Oliver is a series regular in The Line(TMN) and recently wrapped his third season of Rent a Goalie (Showcase). OtherTV: Angela’s Eyes (Lifetime), Queer as Folk, Street Time, Odyssey 5 (Showtime), SalemWitch Trials (CBS) and Chasing Cain (CBC).andrew Cao – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Bernardo in West Side Story and Pickpocket in<strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Andrew Cao is incredibly grateful for theopportunity to play one of his favourite roles here at the <strong>Stratford</strong>Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>. He is fortunate to have been involved inWest Side Story in a number of different roles: Chino (PittsburghCLO); Bernardo (West Virginia Public); and Indio and Tony understudy (50thanniversary tour with The Atlanta Theater of the Stars). Other credits includeTommy Keeler in Annie Get Your Gun (Pittsburgh CLO); Romeo in Romeo and Julietand Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey); andPaul in Kiss Me Kate (Orlando Shakespeare Theater). “Thank you to my wonderfulagents Kevin Thompson and Judy Boals at Judy Boals, Inc., my blissfullydysfunctional family, and especially to my wife, Sophie, for all her support. “10
donald Carrier – assistant directorNinth season: Assistant director of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Last at the<strong>Festival</strong> in 2006 when he played Sir Andrew Aguecheek (TwelfthNight) and Sicinius (Coriolanus). <strong>Stratford</strong> credits include Orlando(As You Like It), Bassanio (The Merchant of Venice), Lucio (Measurefor Measure), John Worthing (The Importance of Being Earnest)and Charles Surface (The School for Scandal). Most recently: Noises Off (ClevelandPlayhouse/Jupiter Theatre), Twelfth Night (Resurgence Theatre), Shining City(Studio Theatre, Washington, D.C.), Lincolnesque (Cleveland Playhouse) andRichard III (Shakespeare Theatre, Washington, D.C.) Also two seasons at Shaw<strong>Festival</strong>, MTC, NAC, Neptune Theatre, Centaur Theatre, Chicago ShakespeareTheatre, Intiman Theatre and Huntington Theatre. Directing credits includeTwelfth Night, Les Belles-Soeurs, Habeas Corpus, The Love Stories (Jessie nomination)and associate director for Ha’penny Bridge (workshop). Television credits includeGuns, The Time Traveler’s Wife, Earth: Final Conflict and Traders. Don’s musical,Evangeline, written with Anaya Farrell, was presented at the Studio in 2003.todd Charlton – sound designer12th season: Sound designer of Macbeth, Three Sisters, <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Mr. Charlton has beendesigning sound for over 20 years. He counts himself lucky to haveworked with so many talented, generous and inspiring people.Last year you may have heard his work on Romeo and Juliet, PalmerPark, Hamlet and The Taming of the Shrew. <strong>Stratford</strong> highlights include Of Mice andMen, Ghosts, The Swanne (all three parts) and Elizabeth Rex. Recent work includesScorched (Tarragon), Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me (Adeona Productions) andIntimate Apparel (Obsidian). He is the resident sound designer at the Blyth <strong>Festival</strong>,Eric Coates’s success story just down the road. Todd also teaches at and designsfor Sheridan College, where he has done West Side Story, Gypsy, Company andseveral other Broadway hits. He has been nominated for four Dora Mavor MooreAwards, is a member of the Associated Designers of Canada and lives happily in<strong>Stratford</strong> with his wife, Melissa, and his three boys, Harper, Jack and Devlin.Brandon espinoza – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Riff in West Side Story and understudy in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac. Broadway: Gypsy (Dir. Sam Mendes), Big, Les Misérables,Will Rogers Follies. Off-Broadway: Anton Dudley’s Substitution(The Playwrights Realm), Lucy Thurber’s Scarcity (Atlantic TheaterCompany), Tea and Sympathy (The Keen Company), CaptainsCourageous (Manhattan Theater Club; Drama League Honoree/Nominee).Other: Not Waving (NY Summer Play <strong>Festival</strong> ‘07), Saved! (Playwrights HorizonsWorkshop), Myth (Eugene O’Neill <strong>Festival</strong>) and College: The Musical (NYMF). Film:Went to Coney Island on a Mission from God… Be Back By Five (screenplay: JonCryer). “Special thanks to my parents, Jeff, Elizabeth, friends and Abrams Artists fortheir support. Thanks to Gary and Sergio for the opportunity. For Grandma andGrandpa Wolff.”martha Farrell – actorSixth season: Sister Claire in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac and understudy inThe Importance of Being Earnest. A graduate of Sheridan CollegeMusic Theatre Performance Program (2001), the BirminghamConservatory for Classical Theatre (2005) and Happily Married(2008), Martha returns to the <strong>Festival</strong>, grateful to be part of thiswonderful company. A Maritimer born and raised, she now makes her home in<strong>Stratford</strong> with her husband, Gordon. “Love to my family that keeps growing.”gareth Crew – assistant lighting designerFifth season: Assistant lighting designer of Macbeth, West SideStory, <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 2009marks Gareth’s fifth season at the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>,and his first at the <strong>Festival</strong> Theatre. He previously worked at theAvon Theatre, assisting designers Kevin Fraser, Michael J. Whitfieldand Robert Thomson. Gareth has also designed lighting for shows across Ontario;his favourite design credits include original lighting designer for Evil Dead: TheMusical (Beyond Chutleigh/Duelling Egoes), Jonathan Munro’s Variations on aNervous Breakdown (Talk is Free Theatre), Desdemona: A Play About a Handkerchief(Portrait Productions) and the Canadian première of Jerry Springer: The Opera (HartHouse Theatre), which will be remounted this fall. Gareth is a graduate of RyersonTheatre School.Bona duncan – stage managerNinth season: Stage manager of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac and Zastrozzi.Previously at the <strong>Festival</strong>, Bona was the production stage managerat the Avon Theatre, stage manager of All’s Well That Ends Well,Fanny Kemble, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Electra, The ScarletPimpernel, The Merchant of Venice and Hamlet and assistantstage manager of The Taming of the Shrew, Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night andAs You Like It. Before coming to <strong>Stratford</strong>, Bona was resident stage manager atCanStage in Toronto for four seasons. She has also stage-managed at Soulpepper,The Grand Theatre, the National Arts Centre, the Piggery Theatre, the ManitobaTheatre Centre, the Banff Centre for the Arts, the Citadel Theatre, the TarragonTheatre and the Centaur Theatre. She is a graduate of the technical productionsection of the National Theatre School of Canada and holds a BA from Bishop’sUniversity. Bona lives in <strong>Stratford</strong> with her husband, Dan, and their daughter,Georgia.Colm Feore – actor16th season: Macbeth in Macbeth and <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac in<strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Colm Feore’s previous <strong>Stratford</strong> credits includeCoriolanus, Fagin, Hamlet, Romeo, Richard III, Iago, Petruchio andHenry Higgins (My Fair Lady). In 2005 he played Cassius oppositeDenzel Washington in Julius Caesar on Broadway, and receivedthe St. Clair Bayfield Award. Film credits include Clint Eastwood’s Changeling, BonCop, Bad Cop (Genie nomination), The Perfect Son (Genie nomination), Chicago,The Chronicles of Riddick, The Red Violin (Jutra Award), The Exorcism of Emily Rose,Paycheck, The Sum of All Fears, Thirty-Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (Genienomination), The Caveman’s Valentine, City of Angels and Face/Off and theupcoming The Trotsky. For television, Colm can currently be seen as Henry Tayloron 24 and the upcoming The Listener. Other credits include Trudeau (Gemini andMonte Carlo Television <strong>Festival</strong> awards), The West Wing, Boston Public, Nuremburg,The Day Reagan was Shot, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon, And Starring Pancho Villa asHimself, Slings and Arrows and Julius Caesar in ABC’s mini-series Empire.thomas Feore – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Page/Young Cadet in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Thomasis excited to be at the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> in his firsttheatre production. He enjoys playing guitar and piano, bothclassical as well as jazz. He also enjoys playing tennis, volleyballand snowboarding. He has attended the Ontario EducationLeadership Centre as well as Camp Olympia and Camp Celtic. This past fallThomas was one of four students selected by his school to attend the 2008National “Me to We” conference in Toronto, which promotes social awareness. Heis thrilled to watch and learn from all the great actors at the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare<strong>Festival</strong> this year, but most importantly he is really looking forward to being ableto eat real food on stage at every show!11
donna Feore – director17th season: Director of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Ms Feore’s<strong>Stratford</strong> credits include Oklahoma! and Oliver! (director andchoreographer); A Midsummer Night’s Dream, My Fair Lady, Gigi,Gypsy, The Boy Friend, HMS Pinafore and The Pirates of Penzance(associate director); and Don Juan, Pericles, The ThreepennyOpera, The Three Musketeers and Alice Through the Looking Glass (choreographer).Other directing credits include It’s a Wonderful Life (Canadian Stage), Lecture onthe Weather and A Soldier’s Tale (Detroit Symphony Orchestra), Mozart: A Life inLetters (Toronto Symphony Orchestra) and Annie Get Your Gun (Massey Hall).She choreographed the Canadian Opera Company’s Oedipus Rex (Dora Award)and Siegfried. Film and television credits include Getting Along Famously (CBC);the opera films Romeo and Juliette and Don Giovanni Unmasked; the televisionmovies Eloise, Stormy Weather and Martin and Lewis; and the films Mean Girls andBeautiful Girl. Upcoming this fall, she will direct Tom Stoppard’s Rock ’n’ Roll for theCanadian Stage Company.Barbara Fulton – actor15th season: Lise in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac and the Maid in TheImportance of Being Earnest. Since 1991 Barbara has played variousroles at the <strong>Festival</strong>, including Queen Elizabeth in The Taming ofthe Shrew, Fatima in Pentecost, Mrs. Sowerberry in Oliver!, Jack’sMother in Into the Woods, Mrs. Keller in The Miracle Worker, SisterHelena in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Queen Anne in The Three Musketeersand Fruma-Sarah in Fiddler on the Roof. Barbara has hosted and performed manyconcerts for the <strong>Festival</strong>’s Night Music series in the Paul D. Fleck Marquee. Shebegins this season’s series with songs from the Broadway musical repertoire,accompanied by pianist Alan Laing. Her CD of jazz standards is available in theTheatre Store.karen glave – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: First Sister in Macbeth and Duenna/MotherMarguerite in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Karen is pleased to be a part ofthe <strong>Festival</strong> this season. As a proud graduate of George BrownTheatre School, her first professional job was Twelfth Night(CanStage, Dream in High Park). Other theatre credits includeThe Lady Smith (Theatre Passe Muraille), New World (Tarragon), The Winter’s Tale(Shakespeare in the Rough) and Steel Magnolias (Theatre Aquarius). Karen alsohas enjoyed numerous TV and film experiences including The Day After Tomorrow,Don McKellar’s Last Night, Da Kink in My Hair, The Hades Factor, Soul Food and Guiltby Association. Karen was also a member of the President’s Class at the BritishAmerican Drama Academy in Oxford, England, 2001, studying with John Barton,Fiona Shaw and David Leveaux. Karen is extremely grateful for the love andsupport of her family.kyle golemba – actorSecond season: A-Rab in West Side Story and appears in <strong>Cyrano</strong>de Bergerac. Kyle is thrilled to be returning for this excitingseason! After closing Fuente Ovejuna and The Music Man last year,Kyle performed in Ross Petty’s Cinderella at the Elgin; assistantdirected Brigadoon at Sheridan College; produced As We Dream, acabaret in support of the LGBT Youthline; wrote a one-act play for his alma mater,Regina’s DIWC Young People’s Theatre; and spent some quality time with familyand friends. Career highlights (so far!) include Anne of Green Gables (Gilbert), TheSound of Music (Rolf ), White Christmas (ensemble), Anne and Gilbert (Roy) and thefilm Hairspray (Record Hop Dancer). Kyle also has a cabaret series at the GladstoneHotel with performer/musician Adam White, for which he received a GuthrieAward last fall. He would like to thank you sincerely for supporting live theatreand also send his love to his family, friends and D. www.kylegolemba.comstephen gartner – actorSixth season: Jodelet in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac and understudy in TheImportance of Being Earnest. Stephen is honoured to be back atthe <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>. Selected credits for the <strong>Festival</strong>:King Lear, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Cymbeline, Timon of Athens and DonJuan. For the Grand Theatre: Macbeth and George Bailey in It’s aWonderful Life. Toronto credits include Wallace Shawn’s A Thought in Three Parts(Groundwater Prod.) and an appearance in the Canadian Opera Company’s Fromthe House of the Dead. Film and TV: Blythe & Virginia (Shaftesbury Prod.), TheIncredible Hulk, Marvel Inc. and Abroad (CBC movie/pilot).graeme goodhall – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Snowboy in West Side Story and appears in <strong>Cyrano</strong>de Bergerac. Graeme is positively delighted to be performing in<strong>Stratford</strong>’s 2009 season. Fresh from his second time around withBeauty and the Beast in Niagara Falls, Graeme is glad to be keepingit cool in both West Side Story and <strong>Cyrano</strong>. You may have caughthim on the small screen among the top 50 contestants on So You Think You CanDance Canada, as well as in numerous commercials, music videos and moviessuch as The Music Man. He owes most of his training to teachers Allain and DawnLupien of the Canadian Dance Company, and would like to thank his family for alltheir love and support.nicko giannakos – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Luis in West Side Story and appears in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac. Born in Montreal, Nicko studied at the Academy of LesGrand Ballets Canadiens. After a couple of years in the ballet, hemade the switch to musical theatre, performing in many stageproductions in Quebec as well as on French television. Sinceleaving Montreal to perform in the world première of The Lord of the Rings inToronto, Nicko has performed across the country in such shows as Fiddler on theRoof (MTC) in which he played the Fiddler himself and Victor Victoria at Calgary’sStage West Theatre. Internationally, Nicko joined the cast of Dalida for a onemonthstay in Beirut, Lebanon, as well as performing for three months at RockBottom, a popular venue in Dubai’s Regent Palace Hotel. Nicko is pleased todebut at the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> and would like to thank his family andfriends for being so great!renate hanson – assistant stage manager10th season: Assistant stage manager of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergeracand Zastrozzi. At the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>, Renate wasassistant stage manager of The Trojan Women, Love’s Labour’s Lost,King Lear, A Delicate Balance, Coriolanus, Don Juan, As You Like It, TheLark, Timon of Athens, King John, Troilus and Cressida, Antony andCleopatra, Henry VI: Revenge in France, The Two Noble Kinsmen, The Lunatic, the Loverand the Poet, The Trials of Ezra Pound, Good Mother, Elizabeth Rex, Medea and TitusAndronicus. Credits include assistant stage manager of A Streetcar Named Desireand Cabaret (Grand Theatre), My Fair Lady (Manitoba Theatre Centre), Evita (MTC/Theatre Calgary) and Faust (Manitoba Opera). She was stage manager of Closerand Scrooge (Neptune Theatre) and Ethan Claymore (MTC/Richmond GatewayTheatre).12
douglas e. hughes – actorSecond season: Lignière in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac and appears inMacbeth. Doug is pleased to be returning to <strong>Stratford</strong> after 21years. He was last here in 1988, when he appeared in King Lear,Twelfth Night, Oedipus and The Critic. He has worked in theatresacross the country, including 13 seasons as a member of theacting ensemble at the Shaw <strong>Festival</strong>, where he played such roles as La Hire inSaint Joan, Carmichael in Floyd Collins and Kulygin in Three Sisters. He was seenmost recently in CanStage’s production of It’s a Wonderful Life. Last summer heplayed Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady at Huron Country Playhouse, and last springhe received a Dora award nomination for his work as Alfie Byrne in Acting UpStage’s production of A Man of No Importance. Doug is also an accomplishedplaywright, having penned three plays with his writing partner, Marcia Kash:Who’s Under Where?, A Party to Murder and Too Many Cooks.santo loquasto – designerSixth season: Designer of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Santo Loquasto,designer for theatre, film, dance and opera, has won three TonyAwards and has been nominated 14 times. He has collaboratedwith Woody Allen on 24 films, including costume design for Zeligand production design for Radio Days and Bullets Over Broadway,for which he received Academy Award nominations. Recent stage designs areInherit the Wind, 110 in the Shade, Uncle Vanya, A Man for All Seasons and Waiting forGodot. He received the Merritt Award for Excellence in Design and Collaborationin 2002, was inducted into the Theatre Hall of Fame in 2004, received thePennsylvania Governor’s Award for the Arts in 2006 and the Robert L.B. TobinAward for Lifetime Achievement in 2007.mike Jackson – actorSecond season: Swing in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Mike appeared onBroadway in Chicago as well as the U.S. tours of both Chicagoand Susan Stroman’s Contact. He has appeared in Man of LaMancha and Cats (Drayton Entertainment). Other theatre creditsinclude Seussical, Oklahoma!, Joseph… (Theatre Aquarius), Grease(Stage West), West Side Story, Pippin, Swingstep (U.S. and Canada), Kiss Me, Kate,The Shooting of Dan McGrew, the Japanese tour of Anne of Green Gables and theGerman productions of both Cats and Starlight Express. TV/film credits includeMissing, Mariah Carey’s Glitter, Me and My Shadows… The Judy Garland Story,Gilmore Girls (pilot), Queer as Folk, Once Upon a Mattress and The Producers. He wasthe assistant choreographer of last season’s Cabaret and recently choreographedThe Producers and Little Shop of Horrors (Stage West) and Kiss of the Spider Woman(TIFT) as well as appearing as a choreographer on Triple Sensation. “Love to MK.”Josie marasco – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Anybodys in West Side Story and Flower Sellerin <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Josie is honoured and overjoyed to be amember of the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> this season. As adancer, singer and actor, favourite credits include Anne of GreenGables, Canada Rocks and Something Wonderful (Charlottetown<strong>Festival</strong>), Chicago (Neptune Theatre) and extensive work as a featured performerin festivals throughout North America and Europe. A graduate of RAPA (TripleTheatre Award), Josie’s work as a stuntwoman was most recently seen on CTV’sFlashpoint. In addition, Josie is a dance instructor as well as a certified BikramYoga instructor. Josie lives in the Toronto Beach with her dear husband, Thom.roy lewis – actorEighth season: Old Man in Macbeth and Bellerose/Renaudot/Bertrandou in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. <strong>Stratford</strong> credits includeMontague in Romeo and Juliet, Achillas in Caesar and Cleopatra,Reverend Sykes in To Kill a Mockingbird and Cyclops in The Odyssey.He was recently seen as Baron Van Swieten in Amadeus. Hecontinues to work across the country as an actor and is pleased to be workingat the <strong>Festival</strong> again. He has worked at the Shaw <strong>Festival</strong> and the NationalArts Centre. He is a founding member of the Obsidian Theatre Company andShakespeare in the Rough. Acting roles of note include the Stage Manager in OurTown, Prospero in The Tempest, Posthumus in Cymbeline, Lysander in A MidsummerNight’s Dream, Lightbourne in Edward II, Norfolk in A Man for All Seasons and Mr.Visconti in Travels with My Aunt. Directing credits include Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet,The Tempest, Cymbeline and Waiting for Godot.matthew mcCabe – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Page/Young Cadet in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac.Matthew is extremely excited about being a part of the <strong>Stratford</strong>Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> this season. He has enjoyed theatre withvarious programs around <strong>Stratford</strong> including “Acting Out” and“Playmakers!”, as well as participating in school plays such as Oliver!Matthew plays basketball and volleyball and is a grade eight student at NorthEasthope Public School. He would like to thank his teachers, family and friends fortheir continued support.amanda lisman – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Second Sister in Macbeth, Roxane in <strong>Cyrano</strong>de Bergerac and Julia in Zastrozzi. Amanda was born and raisedin Victoria, B.C., where she received her BA in anthropology atthe University of Victoria. She obtained her BFA in acting at theUniversity of Alberta in 2007. Amanda was a participant in theinaugural Banff/Citadel Professional Theatre Program. Selected credits: ElizabethBennet in Pride and Prejudice (Citadel Theatre); The Cherry Orchard, Crimes ofthe Heart, King Lear (Studio Theatre); Unity 1918, [sic], Lieutenant Nun (TheatreSKAM); Dancing at Lughnasa, Steel Magnolias, Rebecca (Victoria Theatre Guild);Silverwing (Kaleidoscope Theatre); and sketch comedy performances with AtomicVaudeville. Amanda thanks Janet, Alex and Jack for their love and support.Jacques monfiston – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Indio in West Side Story and d’Artagnan in <strong>Cyrano</strong>de Bergerac. Jacques originates from Ottawa but currently lives inToronto. Credits include Big Band Beat, Encore (Tokyo Disney), Cats(Neptune Theatre), My Fair Lady (TIP) and Helix Dance Project (LindaGarneau). Jacques has done numerous industrials, commercialsand corporate events, including work for the Bell Mobility Celebrity Gala, RadioShack and Coca-Cola. He can be seen in the movie Repo, starring Paris Hilton.Jacques was the Canadian judge at the National Tap Dance and ShowdanceChampionships in Germany. He was part of the gold-winning Dance WorldChampion Team in 2001 and 2002, choreographed by Matthew Clark. Jacques hastravelled the world to conduct workshops and do choreography and has learnedto expand his mind to stretch his limits to the max. “Thank you to my family andfriends for their love and support.” www.jacquesmonfiston.com13
Jennifer mote – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Velma in West Side Story and appears in <strong>Cyrano</strong>de Bergerac. Jennifer is honoured and thrilled to be a part ofthe <strong>Festival</strong>. She has performed in various shows for The HelixDance Project, That Dance Show (Charlottetown, PEI), touredinternationally as dance captain for Celebrity cruise lines andperformed in numerous industrials across Canada. Recently she has been seenin commercials for The Source and Naked Grape wine. Her film and televisioncredits include So You Think You Can Dance Canada top 40, The Best Years, Repo!The Genetic Opera, Degrassi and more. As well, she has danced for artists suchas Akon, Kardinal, Dragonette, Suzie McNeil, Kreesha Turner and New Kids onthe Block. Jennifer would like to thank her family and friends for their love andsupport.Joe perez – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Pepe in West Side Story and Glutton in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac. Joe is very grateful to be making his debut in West SideStory with the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> this 2009 season.Originally from Chicago, Illinois, Joe has had the pleasure ofperforming in a number of professional musicals in Canada: AFunny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (Drayton <strong>Festival</strong>); Evita (NeptuneTheatre); and The Rocky Horror Show (Stage West Mississauga). U.S. credits includeSophisticated Ladies (Paul Robeson Theatre) and Little Shop of Horrors (MemorialTheatre). Joe has had the opportunity to work as a soloist and pas de deuxpartner for the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular featuring the Radio CityRockettes, across North America for five seasons. He also has various televisionand national tour credits that have taken him from Los Angeles to Alaska andJapan. Joe credits his talents and all opportunities to God and is ever grateful forthe gift of performance.sean mulcahy – assistant designerSixth season: Assistant set designer of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Seanis pleased to be back for his sixth consecutive season as part ofthe <strong>Festival</strong> design team. Recent design credits include set andcostume designer for Sexy Laundry (Sudbury Theatre Centre) andThere Is a Land of Pure Delight (Live Bait Theatre), and set designerfor The Chronicles of Narnia (Theatre New Brunswick). Other credits include setdesign for Heatwave, The Melville Boys and The Attic, The Pearls and Three FineGirls (Sudbury Theatre Centre); Forever Plaid (Theatre New Brunswick); and TheMystery of Edwin Drood and The Crucible (the Randolph Academy); and set andcostume designer for Here on the Flight Path (Prairie Theatre Exchange) andRelatively Harmless and Quit (Live Bait Theatre). Sean holds a BFA in design fromYork University and is a member of the Associated Designers of Canada. Awardsinclude both a Tom Patterson and a Guthrie.paul nolan – actorThird season: Tony in West Side Story and Vicomte de Valvertin <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. For <strong>Stratford</strong>: Bobby in Cabaret, Slim inOklahoma! and an appearance in King Lear. Other roles: Beastin Beauty and the Beast (Persephone), Jesus in Jesus ChristSuperstar (Stage West Calgary), Curly in Oklahoma! (TheatreAquarius), Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar (Sunshine <strong>Festival</strong>), Henry in JasperStation (Lighthouse <strong>Festival</strong>), Danny in Grease (Stage West Mississauga), Billin Kiss Me, Kate (Sunshine <strong>Festival</strong>), Huck in Big River (Drayton Entertainment),Young Hercules in Hercules (Disney), Lucentio in Romancin’ the One I Love (WinterGarden Theatre), Rafe in Carol Bolt’s One Night Stand (London, England) andSky understudy in Mamma Mia! (Mirvish). Paul was proud to play Bobby inCompany, a fundraiser on <strong>Stratford</strong>’s Avon Theatre stage in 2008, produced by thePerforming Arts Lodge, directed by Bruce Dow.robert persichini – actorSeventh season: Lane in The Importance of Being Earnest andMontfleury/Carbon de Castel-Jaloux in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac.Selected <strong>Stratford</strong> credits: Fuente Ovejuna, Much Ado AboutNothing, Timon of Athens, The Cherry Orchard, The Taming ofthe Shrew, Night of the Iguana and Macbeth. Most recently:Jitters (MTC); Hamlet; Necessary Angel’s Half Life (Citadel; Centaur; MelbourneInternational <strong>Festival</strong> of the Arts; Tron Theatre, Glasgow; Perth Theatre, Scotland).Selected theatre: CanStage (Amadeus, The Stone Angel, Communicating Doors,The Weir, Blue Dragons, Arcadia, A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Tarragon (Lion inthe Streets, Counter Service, Impromptu on Nuns’ Island), Manitoba Theatre Centre(Lonesome West) and Shaw <strong>Festival</strong> (Lulu, Point Valaine, Drums in the Night).Productions for Soulpepper, Factory Theatre, Theatre Passe Muraille, GrandTheatre, da da kamera, LKTYP and Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra. One-manshows: Alan Bennett’s A Chip in the Sugar, Tennessee Williams’s Love Affair AfterDeath, adapted and directed by Lindsey Robinson for Actor’s Union (co-founder).geoffrey pounsett – actorSecond season: Second Marquis in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac andunderstudy in The Importance of Being Earnest. For <strong>Stratford</strong>:Charlie Bentham, Juno and the Paycock; Sampson, Romeo andJuliet; Chorus, Oedipus Rex. Geoffrey is pleased to be returningto the <strong>Festival</strong> after 11 years spent working across Canada as anactor and director. Recent acting credits include Alias Godot (Tarragon); Who’sAfraid of Virginia Woolf? (Neptune); Fire (Charlottetown <strong>Festival</strong>, Theatre Calgary –Betty nomination); The Miser (Sudbury Theatre Centre); Much Ado About Nothing(Resurgence); Noises Off (Aquarius); Indian Ink (CanStage/NAC); and The LeisureSociety (Factory). Upcoming: If We Were Birds (Tarragon). Directing credits includeA Quiet Place (Single Threat – Dora nomination); The Swearing Jar (6AM Tango);Art is a Cupboard (The Sweat Company); Refuge (Rep 21); and The Seagull (SingleThreat). Geoffrey is one of the co-founders of The Room, and a graduate ofQueen’s University and George Brown Theatre School, where he also teaches.margaret palmer – production stage manager(<strong>Festival</strong> Theatre)26th season: Production stage manager of the <strong>Festival</strong> Theatre.An apprentice at Neptune Theatre (1966/67) and graduate ofthe National Theatre School (1971), Maggie returns as productionstage manager, a post she has held at both the Avon and <strong>Festival</strong>theatres for 17 seasons. <strong>Stratford</strong> credits include Will Power: A Conversation, HenryIV (parts 1 and 2), Iolanthe, The Imaginary Invalid, My Fair Lady (1988), A Man forAll Seasons (1986), Kiss Me, Kate, Guys and Dolls (1990), The Government Inspector,Coriolanus (1981), The Mikado (toured Canada and played at London’s Old Vic) andTwelfth Night (toured with King Lear across the U.S.). She spent several seasons atthe St. Lawrence Centre (Toronto Arts Productions), MTC and the Grand Theatre.Maggie stage-managed Eugene Onegin for Manitoba Opera, the first Dream inHigh Park and the first Dora Awards. She was publicity director for the NDWTCompany, worked for Fountainhead Theatre in London and toured Canada withthe Charlottetown <strong>Festival</strong>.eric s. robertson – actorSixth season: Diesel in West Side Story and Brissaille in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac. Eric started his career at <strong>Stratford</strong> in 1999’s West SideStory, and has his fingers crossed for 2019! Last season, he playedTommy Djilas in The Music Man and several characters in the worldpremière of Morris Panych’s Moby Dick. He was previously seenhere in The King and I (Simon of Legree), Fiddler on the Roof, Tartuffe, The ThreeMusketeers, My Fair Lady and The Threepenny Opera (Bob the Saw). Elsewhere heperformed in Twyla Tharp and Billy Joel’s Movin’ Out, both in the first nationaltour and on Broadway, Gateway Playhouse’s Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (LouieLamenteur) and Urban Cowboy (assistant choreographer), Theatre Aquarius’sJoseph… (Isaachar) and Peter Pan (Cecco), StageWest’s Footloose (Garvin) andDrayton Entertainment’s The Boy Friend (Marcel) and The Music Man (TommyDjilas). Love and thanks to Eileen, his family and friends, and especially his LittleArr, Lynda. For more info, check out www.ericsrobertson.com14
steve ross – actorSixth season: Ragueneau in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac and understudyin The Importance of Being Earnest. Previous <strong>Festival</strong> creditsinclude The Comedy of Errors, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Odyssey,Fiddler on the Roof, Patience, As You Like It, A Midsummer Night’sDream, Richard II, The School for Scandal, Man of La Mancha,Julius Caesar, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, Camelotand Coriolanus. Other credits include A New Brain (Acting Upstage); A Year withFrog and Toad (MTYP); One for the Pot, Forum (Drayton); The Producers (Neptune);Seussical, Sylvia (Aquarius); Hockey Mom, Hockey Dad (Showboat); Guys and Dolls(MTC/Citadel/TC); Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, West Side Story (Citadel); The Foursome, Forthe Pleasure of Seeing Her Again (New Stages);Three Sisters (ATF); Sideshow of theDamned (TDC); Indian Ink, A Little Night Music, Into the Woods (Canadian Stage);and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Theatre by the Bay). His film work includesDisney’s Ice Princess.geoff scovell – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Swing in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Mr. Scovell ishonoured and delighted to be making his <strong>Stratford</strong> debut in<strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. He has had the distinct pleasure of workingwith celebrated fight director John Stead for almost 10 years asan actor, fight director and stunt performer with credits on suchstages as Tarragon, Soulpepper, CanStage and the COC. He is also the recipientof the 2003 Paddy Crean award for excellence in stage combat. A graduate ofthe Ryerson Theatre School’s BFA program, Mr. Scovell’s unique career includesstage credits: Nith Wits, The Mikado, Cabaret, The Who’s Tommy, Romeo and Juliet,Suburban Motel and Into the Woods. Film and TV credits include Aaron Stone, TheDresden Files, Othello (CBC), The Mad, Heartstopper, The Last Sect and Good MorningTomorrow. Mr. Scovell wishes to thank Mr. John Stead and Mr. James Binkley for alltheir support and friendship.andrea runge – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Cecily Cardew in The Importance of Being Earnestand Sister Marthe in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Past theatre creditsinclude Frost/Nixon (Canadian Stage/Playhouse Theatre); BetweenFriends (Lighthouse <strong>Festival</strong> Theatre); Bluebeard (GromKat);Cloud 9, Loves and Hours, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress(Pennsylvania Centre Stage); Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth (Shakespeareon the Saskatchewan); A Man for All Seasons, Coronation Voyage (Globe TheatreRegina); and Much Ado About Nothing, Translations, Escape from Happiness (PennState University). Selected film and television credits: Corner Gas, Incredible StoryStudio, Sliced, The Risen and Try to Remember. Andrea is a 2007 graduate of thePennsylvania State University MFA acting program and a 2004 graduate of theUniversity of Regina BFA acting program.genny sermonia – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Francisca in West Side Story and appears in <strong>Cyrano</strong>de Bergerac. Genny is excited to make her <strong>Stratford</strong> debut and tofinally share the stage with her brother Julius. Favourite theatrecredits include Miss Saigon (Drayton Entertainment), Les FeuxFollets (Charlottetown <strong>Festival</strong> Young Company), Urinetown, TheBarbecue King, 110 In the Shade (Theatre Sheridan), as well as working very closelywith Mulan aboard Disney Cruise Line. Genny is a proud graduate of SheridanInstitute’s prestigious Music Theatre Performance Program. A huge thank yougoes out to Bruce and Jess for the miracles they’ve performed, her family forbeing there through every step of the way, and to those who never stoppedbelieving in her.stephen russell – actor27th season: Doc in West Side Story and Cuigy in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac. In 2007 Mr. Russell celebrated a quarter of a century withthe <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> playing Brabantio (Othello),Slim (Of Mice and Men) and Father Sergei Bojovic (Pentecost).Other <strong>Stratford</strong> credits include Sergeant Ortuño (Fuente Ovejuna),Cominius (Coriolanus), Mr. Brownlow (Oliver!), Chorus Leader (Oedipus Rex), Ernst(Cabaret), Cornwall (King Lear) at the Lincoln Center in New York and the title rolesin Julius Caesar, Richard II and Henry VI. He has appeared in theatres across Canada.Credits include James Tyrone in Long Day’s Journey Into Night and InspectorGoole in An Inspector Calls (MTC), Sherlock Holmes in The Hound of the Baskervilles(Theatre Aquarius) and Find Frank/Nicholas in the première of Nanking Winter(Factory Theatre). His most recent film project is the part of Pontius Pilate in TheGospel of John. He lives in <strong>Stratford</strong> with his wife, Astrid, and son and daughter,Andrew and Isabelle.mike shara – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Algernon Moncrieff in The Importance of BeingEarnest and Christian de Neuvillette in <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac.Elsewhere: 10 seasons at the Shaw <strong>Festival</strong> including Arms andthe Man, Picnic, The Heiress, Nothing Sacred, Rutherford and Son,You Can’t Take it With You, Hay Fever, Candida, Marsh Hay, Hobson’sChoice and You Never Can Tell. Other: Long Day’s Journey Into Night (MTC); TakeMe Out (Dora nomination), It’s a Wonderful Life (Canadian Stage); The AmorousAdventures of Anatol (Vancouver Playhouse); An Inspector Calls (Theatre Calgary);Richard III, Caesar and Cleopatra, A Man for All Seasons, The Cherry Orchard (Citadel);Our Town, Platonov, The Real Inspector Hound, Black Comedy, The Play’s the Thing,The Way of the World (Soulpepper); Skylight (NAC); Picasso at the Lapin Agile(Aquarius); and Mojo (Theatrefront). Film and television: Little Mosque on the Prairie(CBC), The Call (CBC), Queer as Folk (Showtime), Due South (CTV), The Gathering(Lifetime), Aldrich Ames: America Betrayed (HBO) and Show Me Yours (Showcase).marco antonio santiago – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Chino in West Side Story and appears in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac. Marco, a native of New York, is excited to visit Canada forthe first time. He recently played Bernardo in London’s West Endproduction of West Side Story. Other credits include Shane in TheWedding Singer (first national tour), Paul in A Chorus Line (CohoesMusic Hall) and Tommy K. in Annie Get Your Gun (Sharon Playhouse). He holdsa BFA and MFA in acting. He would like to thank Sergio, Gary and Josh for thisamazing challenge, and of course God for blessing him with His guidance andcare. He hopes that this production speaks to and touches you, leaving a lastingimpression.andrew shaver – actor<strong>Stratford</strong> debut: Donalbain in Macbeth, First Marquis in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac and Verezzi in Zastrozzi. Andrew has been a performerwith, and Canadian Artistic Director of, the Brooklyn/Montrealbasedcreation ensemble SaBooge Theatre since 2000. He is alsothe Artistic Director of SideMart Theatrical Grocery, the residentcompany of the Studio at the Segal Centre for Performing Arts in Montreal.SideMart is currently developing a musical adaptation of Derek McCormack’sThe Haunted Hillbilly with Juno-nominated songwriter Matthew Barber. Actinghighlights include Darren O’Donnell’s [boxhead] (director Chris Abraham), MarkDoherty’s Trad (director Bryan Quinn), Greg Kramer’s Isadora (director SarahStanley), Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus (director Alexandre Marine) and Ted Hughes’sadaptation of The Oresteia Trilogy (director Craig Walker). Film credits include I’mNot There, Zackary Samuel: Illusionist, Les Pieds dans le vide, Cruising Bar 2, The LastKiss and 300. He is a graduate of Queen’s University and École Jacques Lecoq.15
John stead – fight director19th season: Fight director of <strong>Cyrano</strong> de Bergerac. Mr. Stead hasfight-directed more than 100 <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>productions. Fight directing at other theatres includes the Shaw<strong>Festival</strong>, Soulpepper, CanStage, NAC, National Ballet, GuthrieTheater (Minneapolis), Shakespeare Theatre (Washington,D.C.), Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Lincoln Center Theater (New York) and theAhmason Theatre (Los Angeles). He co-ordinated action sequences for morethan 150 film and TV productions, including two years in South Africa as stuntco-ordinator on The Adventures of Sinbad and The Dresden Files. As a director:the series Earth: Final Conflict, Trackers and Mutant X, and the feature films GoodMorning Tomorrow, Troubled Waters and Weapon. Upcoming projects includestunt co-ordinating Aaron Stone for Disney and directing Freerunner. Mr. Steadis a master instructor with the Academy of Dramatic Combat, a member of theCanadian Society of Fight Directors and recipient of the Derek F. Mitchell ArtisticDirector’s Award.John vickery – actorSecond season: Ross in Macbeth, Comte de Guiche in <strong>Cyrano</strong> deBergerac and Victor in Zastrozzi. In 2008: Capulet (Romeo and Juliet),Holofernes (Love’s Labour’s Lost) and Lucius Septimius (Caesar andCleopatra). John originated the part of Scar in Broadway’s The LionKing and reprised the role for the L.A. run. Other Broadway: TheReal Thing, The Sisters Rosensweig, Macbeth, Eminent Domain and Ned and Jack. Herecently worked with Robert Wilson on The Black Rider and David Hare on StuffHappens. Roles across the U.S. include Laertes, Hamlet, Benedict, Dr. Caius, Gower,Pericles, Richard II, Bolingbroke, Richard III, Cassius, Brutus, Autolycus, Edgar,Edmund, Malcolm, Macbeth, Don Juan, Tartuffe, Alceste, Trofimov, Lopahin andDelio and Bosola (twice) in The Duchess of Malfi. Under Mr. McAnuff’s directionMr. Vickery has played Prince Hal, Romeo, Macbeth and Trigorin. Film: Murder byNumbers, Big Business, Dr. Giggles, Patriot Games, Shooting L.A., Rapid Fire and Outof Bounds. Recent TV: Without a Trace, NCIS, Frasier, NYPD Blue and all of Star Trek(except Voyager).The place for books, clothing,scripts, music and dramaticallydifferent stuff!TWO LOCATIONSVisit our location at the Discovery Centre,across from the <strong>Festival</strong> Theatre.Also downtown in the Avon Theatre lobby.kristopher Weber – apprentice stage managerThird season: Apprentice stage manager of Macbeth and <strong>Cyrano</strong>de Bergerac. Recent credits: apprentice stage manager of JerseyBoys (Dancap Productions); production assistant for Oklahoma!,King Lear, The Merchant of Venice, An Ideal Husband, The Tamingof the Shrew, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, All’s Well That Ends Well,Caesar and Cleopatra and Shakespeare’s Universe (<strong>Stratford</strong>). Kristopher’s creditsalso include apprentice stage manager of ’Twas and Could You Wait? (TheatreOrangeville), apprentice stage manager of Test Drive (Victoria Playhouse Petrolia),stage manager of Cabaret (New Yorker Theatre), stage manager of The Mercy Seat(Outside Edge/Alchemy Theatre), stage manager of Twelfth Night (Rogue andPeasant Theatre Company), stage manager of Legendales (Runway Bay, Jamaica)and stage manager of Unchained Melody – A Breast Cancer Fundraiser (Rosetown,Saskatchewan). Kristopher was the 2007 Guthrie Award winner for outstandingcontribution to the <strong>Festival</strong> by a young artist.All purchases support the activities of the<strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>.16
A Salute to Our DonorsWe extend heartfelt thanks to the individuals, corporations and foundations listed on the following pages.As you sit in the theatre, we hope you take great pride and satisfaction in knowing your generosity has playeda significant role in creating what you will experience on the stage today. Thank you.Tribute GiftsGifts were made between March 1, 2008, andJanuary 31, 2009.In Honour of Bruce DowIn Honour of Ron FineIn Honour of Elizabeth GaffneyIn Honour of Judy & Ernie GinslerIn Honour of Joanna GlassIn Honour of Rev. & Mrs. Robert LelandIn Honour of Arlene LewisIn Honour of Peter & Noreen LittleIn Honour of Mary Lee MyersIn Honour of Mr. & Mrs. Victor F. PtasznikIn Honour of Valerie PinderIn Honour of Richard PolkIn Honour of Sam PolkIn Honour of Janice Price & Ian FindlayIn Honour of Richard RooneyIn Honour of Carolyn SchiffIn Honour of Carolyn Schiff & Noah MillmanIn Honour of Barbara SchubertIn Honour of Diane WalkerIn Honour of Margaret Wilson & Allen SillIn Memory of Madelyn DeaneIn Memory of Joseph DecharioIn Memory of Thomas K. DoolittleIn Memory of William EvansIn Memory of June Travis FriedlobIn Memory of Sara GardinerIn Memory of Nuala GoldbergIn Memory of Karen P. HayIn Memory of Nadine HerzIn Memory of Alix HessIn Memory of Frank Joseph Jr.In Memory of Betty KumchyIn Memory of Naomi E. LohrIn Memory of William J. McCordicIn Memory of Richard MonetteIn Memory of Pearle Grace MooreIn Memory of Jennifer NaibergIn Memory of Shellie NixonIn Memory of Helen McMaster PaulinIn Memory of Robert J. PottersIn Memory of Thomas A. RoweIn Memory of Beverlie Conant SloaneIn Memory of Evan SorberIn Memory of Jim StoneIn Memory of Judith TellerIn Memory of James Douglas WoodBequests andEstate GiftsNovember 2007 to January 31, 2009We are grateful to the following individualswho thoughtfully made provision for the<strong>Festival</strong> in their wills and estate plans.The Estate of Frances AgnewThe Estate of Dr. Thomas A. BrownThe Estate of Fergus BrownThe Estate of Mona Louise CampbellThe Estate of Norman J. CornackThe Estate of Mary-Jane D. GivensThe Estate of Alix Martha HessThe Estate of Ada Elizabeth HillThe Estate of Thomas Arthur JonesThe Estate of Page J. KarlingThe Estate of Richard LoweThe Estate of Dr. George W. SgalitzerThe Estate of Mrs. Helen E. SinclairThe Estate of Eva Margaret SittonThe Estate of Helen StaceyThe Estate of Nancy G. SteenThe Estate of Susan Gail SybersmaThe Estate of Jean Elizabeth Wilson2009Performance HostsDouble Performance HostAylmer ExpressComtran Inc.Equitable Life of CanadaFranklin Templeton InstitutionalGeorge Weston Ltd.Performance HostFamme & Co. LLP Chartered AccountantsThe FSA GroupPower Corporation of CanadaPratt & Whitney Canada Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPProcorSteed Standard Transport LimitedThe Woodbridge Company LimitedFor All TimeEndowmentCommitments were made to the <strong>Stratford</strong>Shakespearean <strong>Festival</strong> EndowmentFoundation between November 1, 2007, andJanuary 31, 2009.$250,000 or moreRobert & Jacqueline Sperandio$100,000 – $249,999Karon C. Bales & Charles E. Beall Family FundAndy & Helen SprietThe Summertime Fund$50,000 – $99,999The Loris & Theodore Birnkrant FundWilfrid P. GregoryDr. Diane M. Soubly & Courtney Massie$25,000 – $49,999John & Arlene LewisRiki Turofsky & Charles Petersen$10,000 – $24,999Birnkrant Great Grandchildren’s FundJulia & Robert FosterMurray Frum & Nancy LockhartMargaret D. KingMarg MisenerThe Philip & Berthe Morton Foundation$1,000 – $9,999Richard & Mona AlonzoCanada Council for the Arts - Vida Peene FundBarbara GarlandHarvey Firestone Jr. FoundationTim & Alexandra MacDonaldDoris McCarthyKayla & Richard PechterPhillips, Hager & North InvestmentManagement Ltd.Douglas D. RochePeter & Carol WaltersAnn K. WarrenAnonymous (1)17
Annual SupportReflects gifts made beforeJanuary 31, 2009$250,000 or moreThe Birmingham FamilyRichard Rooney & Laura Dinner$100,000 – $249,999Caitlin Adamson& Richard Costley-WhiteBluma Appel Community TrustMark Appel,in memory of Bram & Bluma AppelDes McAnuffKelly Meighen$50,000 – $99,999Jarka HradeckyBarbara & John SchubertJohn H. Whiteside$25,000 – $49,999Karon C. Bales & Charles E. BeallHans & Susan BrenninkmeyerSylvia D. ChrominskaMargaret & Jim FleckDr. Dennis & Mrs. Dorothea HackerBeth L. Kronfeld & Matthew D. MeansThe Brian Linehan CharitableFoundationDrs. M. L. Myers & W. P. HaymanRobert Summers-GillAlice & Tim ThorntonOphelia Tong & Mike LazaridisThe Prospero SocietyMany generous supporters of the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>have provided a future bequest or gift through a will, lifeinsurance policy, trust arrangement, charitable gift annuity orthe beneficiary designation on an RRSP/RRIF or IRA/401 (K). Wegratefully acknowledge these individuals as members of TheProspero Society for planned giving donors and thank them fortheir vision in making a lifelong commitment to the <strong>Festival</strong>’scontinuing success.If you have remembered the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> inyour will or your estate plans, or you would like informationon how to do so, please contact the planned giving managerat 1.800.561.1233 ext. 5640, or e-mail a difference with your planned gift today!Eleanor AbraWilliam W. AitchisonMeredith AlstonCarla AndersonEdward & JaneAndersonCallie ArcherEllen E. AtkinsonRenee BadertscherDrs. Andrew & CorneliaBainesLaurence R. & BarbaraK. BakerDon & Lillian BauderDiana M. BeachamLarry T. BeareMargret A. BeekelJoanne BerriganHelen L. BeukerElizabeth C. BognerBob BoltzJerry & Carol BrownK. Joanne BrownMr. & The Late Mrs.Philip BrownStephen BrownMichael & Lynn BurshtinRita & Ted ButtonDr. Daniel & MarshelleCaccamiseChristine R. CampitelleThomas A. CasterBetty & FrancoCatanzaritiGuy & Alison ChadseyMolly Copus ChristieMary F. ChristnerLacey & Bill CollinsLinda Anne & AllanCosmanAnn & David CramMary C. CrichtonDennis CusackMargaret J. DavisDrs. Helen R. & PatrickH. DeeseMary Ann DeMattia& Robert H. GorlinDiana B. DorkenPatti DoyleDr. James H. DunnAudrey & Don DurstMarshall & Judi EgelnickThe late Dr. John C. &Mary F. ElderJ. David EllisLa & Philip EngelMichael Esztelecky &Cynthia RowdenBarbara EvansDaniel Evans & RosaMunozLois FarberRobert FeeneyJames L. FiegehenSherri FillinghamDouglas L. FlandersGail Fricker & BlairYeomansTed & Sheila GaleJames & Jayne GallBarbara GarlandDr. & Mrs. Walter C.Gates Jr.Heather V. GibsonAlexander Gluskin &Shauna SexsmithHerbert & DorothyGraebnerBarbara & CharlesGrahamM. L. Sam GrantRonald GustafsonDr. Don & Mary JaneGutoskiDr. Dennis E. & DorotheaHackerPhyllis M. HaleCarol & Roger HaverfieldEllen L. HawmanDr. Robert & Mrs. DianaHeardBarbara HeggieGrace HeggieSandra J. HeggieDr. & Mrs. J. DanielHeilmanJay Helms & TerryO`LoughlinMiss Rosanne HeroldAndrea & Dr. EdwardHerzigRobert A. HetheringtonLauri & Jean HiivalaMartha J. HinesJoan & Ron HolmesLori Ann HorleyDr. Sharon HorlickDavid & Marci HorowitzArchie & Jean HunterAnne M. HurleyWayne & Leslie IngramMarion IsherwoodGlenn & Joan JohnsonKerry & HeatherJohnsonDouglas & Mary KahnEleanor KaneMartin KatzKimberly KelleyKip Kelley & FamilyT. M. KellyMax KenneyMarjory & James W.KilgourMerl & John KoeglerJane Fryman LairdMarilyn R. LaughlinJohn & Ruth LawsonDr. Richard W. LeeRev. Robert K. & Mrs.Emily LelandJanet & Ellsworth LevineLinda M. LevineMaury & LeslieLiebermanJanet & Richard LintAnn & David LoveJohn T. LucasEarl K. & Theresa A.LundyHartland & EveMacDougallPolly K. A. MacFarlaneMichele A. Machowicz &Thomas J. BecvarPeter D. MackeyThomas A. MacWilliamCheryl Elisabeth MannyMel Marsh & Rick RutanMr. & Mrs. W. RonaldMcCallumDr. Ross & Fran McElroyDr. Murlene E. McKinnonSylvia M. McPheeWilliam A. MeiersHon. Michael A.Meighen &Kelly MeighenBob MeinschenkKevin & Tania MeldrumPennie A. MeyersAlan C. MiddletonEleanor MillerKathleen MinorMarg MisenerJoan MoellerMark Monette &Judy F. LaneMr. & Mrs. Franklin H.Moore, Jr.F. Daniel MoreauCatherine & Paul MotzRichard C. MulockMrs. Marion I. MurrayGeoff & Marion NeighJeffrey & Peggy NortonCarole Ann O’Connell &Mark BoyleTom & Susan O’NeillPatricia OsbornHarold PankracElizabeth PappsCurtis L. & Jody A.PassafumeBetty & Don PaxsonRichard & Sandra PearseDoug & Marilyn PeltierTodd R. PepperCatherine PerkinSandra & Jim PitbladoRobin B. PitcherLaura PogsonCheryl & William PovallaWallace & Diane PretzerHeather & John T. A.ProctorRaymond P. QuinlanWilliam & IsabelleRadockMira RatkajDouglas S. & Marcia J.RectorAnn K. ReynoldsWayne & Wendy RiderMargaret A. RigginLes RingerDr. Forrest & PatriciaRiordan IIIRandall B. Ripley & GraceA. FranklinPeter S. RobertsLisa & Paul RohrbaughRichard Rooney & LauraDinnerLillian RothLarry J. SantonDr. & Mrs. Peter W.SchilkeW. SchramElizabeth Ann ScottMr. Dale W. SmithDoug & Maggie SmithTerrence L. SmithRachel Smith-SpencerMs Teddi SmoklerSperandio FamilyFoundationBarry & Sharlyn StareDennis & Rhea StefflerJayne StewartWilliam R. StewartGlen & SandraStrawsburgKerry StuckeyRobert Summers-GillDanielle & David SusserRandal & Nancy SuttonMerilyn & Jim ThompsonDolly TigerBill & Mary TodtMarie & Peter Van DerGulikJane & Robert Van derKraanNancy Johnson VazzanoDr. Nancy J. VivianRenata WalkerSusan H. WarrenDeana & Lyman WelchDr. Clarke Dewey Wells *Andy Werner & BarbHoyle-WernerLeslie Clare WhitfieldViolet L. WilsonJohn Wirtz IVMary & Max WisgerhofDuncan & Claudia WoodDonald & Jan WoodleyDeirdre WrightBernice & Peter ZieglerRoger & Carol ZinneckerAnonymous (37)*deceased(as of April 2009)18
Annual Donors (Reflects gifts made before January 31, 2009)Annual donations of$20,000 to $24,999Ethel HarrisJ. Hans KlugeM. E. H. FoundationAnonymousArtistic Director’s CircleMembersClaire & Daniel BernsteinBruce BirminghamMary Ann DeMattia &Robert H. GorlinMiles Gilburne & Nina ZoltParnassus Foundation,courtesy of Jane &Raphael BernsteinSandra & Jim PitbladoRaymond P. QuinlanRichard Rooney & LauraDinnerS. Schulich FoundationRobert & JacquelineSperandioAnnual donations of$12,500 to $19,999Margaret E. CockshuttJoan & Clifford HatchFoundationAndy & Helen SprietPlaywright’s CircleEmerald StageMembersAntoni Cimolino & BrigitWilsonThe Thor E. & Nicole EatonCharitable FoundationAveril Farlow & BlainCaverlyJim HarkinsJohanna Metcalf & RobertReidCathy & John PhillipsAnonymousAnnual donations of$5,500 to $12,499Jennifer BirminghamJim DoakDr. Emma PlattorPlaywright’s CircleDiamond StageMembersPeter & Jocelyn AllenRichard & Mona AlonzoFamily FundJill ArmstrongMichael Barnstijn &Louise MacCallumNani & Austin BeutelLoris G. BirnkrantLeland & LaRita BorenM. Joan Chalmers, C.C.,O. Ont.Patricia ConnellMrs. Eve CorkDrs. Carl Cucco & MarilynCuccoDr. Jeanne DeinumThe Fraser ElliottFoundationJames & Pati EricsonGeorge FierhellerMr. & Mrs. William ClayFordMr. & Mrs. James R. FugitteJohn & Judith GrantThomas P. & Christine M.GriesaMrs. Albert HannaDr. Jules & Josephine HarrisNona Macdonald HeaslipPatricia A. HeftlerRichard M. IveyDr. Frederic L. R. JackmanMargaret D. KingHartman & Brenda KrugJames Leech & DeborahBarrettHarlan L. Lewis & Doris F.WittenburgJohn LindTom & Rosemary LoganLawrence & MargaretMarslandMr. & Mrs. E. J. McCarthyDon & Marion McDougallKelly & Michael MeighenDelia M. MoogFrank & Nancy MooreMs Louise Morwick &Mr. Lynn MillerThe Mosaic Foundation(of Rita & Peter Heydon)Noel MowatDorothy F. Novotny-BrandenburgJonathan F. OrserNancy K. OwensCecil & Linda RorabeckRose Family Fund at theToronto CommunityFoundationEsther & Sam SarickMarilyn & Wes ScottMichael, Jennifer, Kira &Juliet SteinNargis & ShaukatTarmohamedChip & Barbara VallisDiane Walker & Rob BellThe Westaway CharitableFoundationCatherine & David WilkesJoan & Jack WingMary Winton GreenJulian Wise & NanditaJunnarkarMax & Mary WisgerhofWarner & Maggie WoodleyGeorge M. Zeltzer FamilyAnonymous (2)Annual donations of$2,750 to $5,499Arlene & John LewisJohn MoganCatherine & Paul MotzMartie & Bob SachsShakespeare SchoolBursary, in honour ofDavid James ElliottPlaywright’s CircleGold Stage MembersG. John AdamsonMr. & Mrs. William F. AiglerLaurence & Susan AllenHolly & Bert AlthaverJoan & Peter AndrewsFamily FoundationBob & Judy AstleyJames M. & Jean T.BabcockMarjorie BaillieRobert & Mona BandeenColin Baxter & Ruth HarrisDiana M. BeachamM. Ross BearElin & Barry BeckerCarole BelcherMrs. Lynn BeyakElaine BillingsThe Birks FamilyFoundationAnnette & RickBirminghamStephanie & Fred BishopAnn & Neal BlackmarrBob BoltzWalter M. & Lisa BalfourBowenTerry Boyle & Jim LawlorEdward W. Brice Jr.Elaine L. BrickmanMr. & Mrs. James R.Bridgeland, Jr.Brown’s ShoesDr. Craig & Mrs. ElizabethCampbellEllen & Brian CarrDan & Penny CarruthersWalter Carsen, O.C.Alison & Guy ChadseyDr. C. C. ChanceyEarl & Claude CherniakDr. John & Mrs. YvonneChiuDavid Chivas & Ron RiceJoe & Jean ChorosteckiChris & Pam ClarkGeorge & Edna ClemansMarcia Mary CookDr. Frederick CoopMurray & Katherine CorlettCathy & Paul CottonBarbara Crook & DanGreenbergMr. & Mrs. Robert J.DanielsMr. & Mrs. L. F. DargaH. John Davidson &Cathay WestonGlenn & Joan DavisChrysanne Di MarcoMarilynn Scott DoscherDouglas & Mary DymentNancy & William EdmundsDr. Dan Eickmeier &Ms Laura Inglis-EickmeierChristine A. EiermanLa & Phil EngelElsie & Eric EtchenElizabeth A. EvansRon Farmer & KathrynStanleyArthur & ShirleyFergenson<strong>Festival</strong> City Dairy Inc.Elaine Fieldman & MarkSimsHarvey S. Firestone Jr.FoundationVirginia FitzgeraldRobert W. FoxGina Fredette & AllanMurrayMurray Frum & NancyLockhartAlda & John FutheyJohn & Therese GardnerHeather V. GibsonDr. Alexander Gluskin &Ms Shauna SexsmithMr. & Mrs. WilliamGoldsteinDr. Thomas Gray & LindaMacDonaldStanley I. GriffinRon GustafsonDr. & Mrs. Ted HaganDan Hagler FamilyPhyllis M. HaleSheila Hannon & GarryRuttanDr. Beverley HarrisRichard HarschDr. Doris HausserCharlotte & Ian HectorMr. & Mrs. Gunter F.HermanRobert D. Hicks & SuzanneL. BurkeRonald Hikel & TriciaO’MalleyMary E. Hofstetter &R. David RiggsBernard H. HolickyMichael Homer & AnnHébertDr. Ronald & CarolHorowitzThe K. M. HunterCharitable FoundationDick & Lou HurckesPatricia L. & Thomas H.Jeffs II FundNorman JewisonDr. Donald & ChristinaJollyDouglas & Mary KahnMartin KatzPatrick & Barbara KeenanKip KelleyThe Kendis Family Trust -Hilary & Robert KendisAnn & Ross KennedyKeystone Alley Café - Patty& Sheldon RussellRita & Rudy KoehlerAnthony La Marca &Thomas DolanJane Fryman LairdPaul & Anne LakeAllen & Marion LambertFundSally E. LaneGeorge W. LangeThe Lawrason FoundationDesta F. LeavineDr. Renee S. LercheGary Levene & DeborahEisenbergJanet & Ellsworth LevineArlene & John LewisThe Linden-Fraser FamilyMr. & Mrs. James LorimerSue & Larry LuckEve & HartlandMacDougallJames & ConnieMacDougallWayne & Jo MageeDr. Mario & Mrs. BarbMaliziaDr. Aaron MalkinElaine & Mervyn ManningDr. Marilyn MarshallMarcia Matsui & RogerCottonNancy & John McFadyenGloria & James McSherryDr. Wayne MelchiorA. James Memmott &Cynthia SchmittKathleen MinorJoan E. MoellerGeorge & Melanie MosesEd & Judie NarensM. D. NaylorJohn & Amy O’HaraToni, Cecelia & ElenaOliveriTom & Susan O’NeillTom & Connie OrrOuellette FamilyFoundationSunny & Nini PalMichael Parkin & RobinBadeDr. David Parratt & Dr.Janis MacNaughtonDr. & Mrs. Francis C. PasleyGordon & RobertaPassmoreJean Scales PatakyBetty & Don PaxsonDr. & Mrs. William B.PearsonErica Peresman & DavidJaffeGuenter PetricekPolk Family CharitableFundJohn & Jackie PorterPeggy & Vic PtasznikSteve & Carolyn RaeM. Rosie Rees & GeneServilloElizabeth RenfrewJamie & Kate RichardsonGordon & Jean RiedlingerMargaret A. RigginRandall B. Ripley & GraceA. FranklinDouglas D. RocheMartie & Bob SachsDr. Hershel & DorothySandbergLarry J. SantonMargaret Sarkela & JohnCurtisMarion & VictoriaSaundersonCarolyn Schiff & NoahMillmanTony & the late Celia Scott-FisherWinifred ShantzKenneth G. ShelleySandor & Mary ShoichetGloria & Steve SmithRachel Smith-SpencerSteve & Jane SnyderDr. Robert & Roberta SokolMr. & Mrs. FrederickSpauldingAndy & Helen SprietSharon & Joel SteinJeff StollerRoger & Molly StottsMr. & Mrs. August SunnenDrs. David & SusanTamblynArthur Paul TarasukNancy & George TaylorJean & Bill Teron, O.C.Philip TerranovaJerome & DianeTrojanowskiThe George & MaryTurnbull Foundation atthe Toronto CommunityFdnThe William & NancyTurner FoundationJane & Robert Van derKraanJames van Raalte &Natasha PatemanDr. John & Dr. Marika vanSchalkwykAnn Kirk WarrenSusan A. WeberPeter & Kathleen WegeMary L. WermuthJames & Margaret WhitbyJames D. WitmerDrs. Krystyna Wojakowski& Bruce MurrayJan & Don WoodleyDavid Wright & MichaelRockwellC. Jen, W. J. WyattMr. & Mrs. William H.YoungDavid Zussman &Sheridan ScottAnonymous (9)Annual donations of$1,250 to $2,749Shakespeare SchoolBursary, in honour ofWilliam HuttPlaywright’s CircleSilver Stage MembersThe Aaron FamilyEleanor M. AbraNicola Adair & DavidHowardFrances AdamMrs. Mary Lou AdgateClive & Barbara AllenDon & Nancy AllenGeorge & Jean AlpervitzCharles & Mary AndersonDavid D. AndersonSusan Ansara & MarcMageauDeborah L. Anthony, Ph D.Dalia & Jurgis AnysasCaroline ArcherMarc Armstrong & LynnLogieRobin & Karen ArmstrongSherry ArnoldC. Atkin-PhillipsDona & Cass AtkinsonMargaret AtwoodMargaret E. AuerCharles L. Babcock &Nancy HamiltonDavid Bach & Jill LattaRobert Badun & EileenGilleseJohn & Claudine BaileyJames C. BaillieDr. James & Dr. Halina BainAndrew & Cornelia BainesRichard & Victoria BaksDr. Hal & Mrs. DonnaBaldwinRichard J. BalfourBallantyne on thePark B&BFrank & Grace BalnarHeidi & Jim BalsillieSarah & Jason BandeyKim BardwellDavid & Helga BarenbergNoreen BarrettLee & Floy BarthelJohn Bates & Emily BatesLillian & Don BauderAnne Baumann & LeorMarguliesPam M. Baxter &Gordon T. Law19
Annual DonorsBishop John & Mrs. JoanBaycroftLarry BeareDiane & John BeattieClaire & MichaelBeckermannDr. Thomas H. BeechyMr. & Mrs. Douglas BellMr. & Mrs. Avie BennettJohn & Heather BennettBreen BentleyMichael & Sherle BergerMichael Bernstein &Nandini DasguptaRahul & Ritu BhardwajJennifer BirminghamJeffrey R. BlackDrs. Sean & Kirsten BlaineJim & Lorna BlairMarilyn BlatnikoffLee & Paul BlizmanDr. Christine BlochRobert & Judith BlowesRuth BoltRuth-Ann BoosMarshall Borden &Lee Meriwether BordenDan Borengasser & SallyMcCluskeyDr. George & SandraBoucherGeorge & ChristineBoyntonSergio BozikovicBetty BradshawBradshaws - Jeremy &Carrie WrefordWilliam R. BrashearDr. Deborah Bray Preston& Dr. Daryl K. HeasleyMr. & Mrs. Peter BrazolotBrimstone HoldingsDr. Donald & JudithBrisbinThe late Dr. Daniel V.BrislaneBill & Anne BrockDoug & Mary Lou BrockElizabeth & ReubenBromsteinBarry & Alison BrownBeverly A. BrownJim & Vija BrownMargaret & Derek BrownMr. & the late Mrs. PhilipC. BrownDale & Cheryl Brubacher-CressmanJosh & Beth BrunerDr. Astrid Brunner & thelate Mr. Aschi HabluetzelJames Robert BrunoBrian BucknallSue BucknerBill & Marjorie BuhlmanCorrine Burley & GeorgeR. DonaldPaul Butler & ChristopherBlackPeter & Mary CalamaiMiss Beatrice L. CalendinoRobert & Claire CameronKathy & Bernie CampbellByron & Maxine CanvasserJohn CarrickHarriet & Jeff CarterM. J. CastleVernon CaswellDr. Susan ChalomMargaret ChambersWilliam ChapmanPaul ChappellLouis Charpentier &Robert WakefieldKaren Lynn CheahEdna & Bernard ChestneyErnie & Joan ChilcottOlia & BohdunChodoriwskyStan & Elin ChristiansonMolly C. ChristieDoug & Terry ClarkMargaret E. CockshuttDr. & Mrs. RobertColcleughVivienne & CharlesCollinsonDr. Lee Combrinck-GrahamMrs. Judith ConnerDrs. Diana & Charlie CookSue Cooper-TwissMurray & Katherine CorlettDr. Lesley S. CorrinGene CortwrightLinda Anne & AllanCosmanTyson & Amanda CoughlinDorothy CourtnageDr. Lynn CoveneyRuth & Stewart CoxfordHarold CrawfordFran & Keith CullitonJohn & Laurie CurrieCarole CurtisMary Dagenais & TomElsdonLindsay Dale-HarrisCarl M. DareAl & Sue DavidsonB. H. Davidson, M.D.Elizabeth & Ted DavidsonThe Davies CharitableFoundationJean & Stan DaviesMichael & Honor dePencierDr. Donald De SulisBarry Deathe & SusanBrownDrs. Raisa & Charles DeberSandra Ragland DemsonGene & Charlene DenzelDennis DesRosiersMrs. A. E. DiamondJohn & Shirley DicksonJohn DiebelChuck & MargaretDingmanMrs. Elisabeth DingmanPatricia Dinsdale TurnerGail Dobbs & BarrySilvermanMike & Jean DomicoDiana B. DorkenBradley DouglasBryce & Nicki DouglasTerry & Becky DouglasDiana R. DrouillardMichael J. DrouillardSydney DuderCarol Duncan & GeorgeOleskeBarbara & GrahamDunsmoreJohn & Patricia DybleMike & Leslie DyonJanet Ecker & DerekNelsonJune H. EdwardsDr. Janice ElderIlse G. ElliottGayle Elstone, inmemory of June &Bernie RobinsonJoyce & Philip EpsteinMeredith & Albert ErnstBarbara EvansMrs. Iben EvansJohn & Gay EvansShirley Mae EvansHoward & Donna FammeDavid & Susan FayLou & Merle FazziniMurray & Barbara FeldmanGeorge & Roberta FerkinsKarl & Sara FiegenschuhGeoffrey & Kathleen FiegerElizabeth FinlayJohn B. Finlay & MaryAnne SilverthornMichael & Judith FirestoneDolores FlanaganDonald & Cathy FogelPatricia ForbesDr. & Mrs. Robert C. ForneyCraig FosterJulia & Robert FosterBob FoulkesJudith & Christopher FoxPhilip Fox IIDon & Ruth FranksMr. & Mrs. Cameron FraserAnna Marie FredianiThe Reverend Dr. Brian D.FreelandPatricia J. & MartinFreemanNuala Freund & BobVerdunGloria FriedmanKenneth & Judith FullerR. Donald FullertonJames C. FunkRichard Furnstahl & TeresaStankiewiczMiss Dianne FurrySusan & Henry GabrielsAnita Gaffney & KevinMisenerMrs. Oliver GaffneyJoan & Les GarvieRev. Edward P. GatfieldAnne L. GautreauMark & Belinda GeigerGreg George & JohnMountainJames & Florence GibsonMr. Robert Gibson &Mr. Hope GibsonChristine L. GillDr. Michael & Mrs.Charlotte GillettLucie GingrasMin GivensM. A. GloverJoseph & KathleenGodwinDr. David Goldbloom &Dr. Nancy EpsteinJames & Eva GoodNathaniel Good & JamesHammontreeClara & Harvey GordonDr. Peter B. GormanSarah & John GoslingDr. David H. GouldLynn & Robert GouldPeter Gould & RobinPotterEleanor GowBarbara & Charles GrahamBirgitte & RonaldGranofskyBarbara & Millard GrauerSherrill L. GrayDavid & Diane GreerMichael G. GreyRudyard GriffithsJames & Brenda GruseckiMilo R. GuistiJames GutmannDr. Don & Mary JaneGutoskiDr. Joan HackettSybil HagermanRoland Haines & JoanSmartCliff & Carolyn HaleyDavid C. HallJack & Nancy HallamDr. Patricia J. HamesCraig & Nelson HammondE. David HankJohn HanlyKaren N. HansonMary Jane HardingGeorge & Erika HardyRev. Nancy E. HardyDena & Felda HardymonBob HarrisDr. William E. Harris &Dr. Gretchen L. H. HarrisRonald Hart & FranziskaHartDr. Charles F. HartleyStanley & Beverly HarttJohn & Amanda HattonCarol & Roger HaverfieldDr. & Mrs. Gordon H.HawksPatricia Hays ForsytheSally HeadleyMrs. Mildred HedrickDr. & Mrs. J. DanielHeilmanThe Hon. & Mrs. Paul T.HellyerOrzie HendersonTheodore & Judy HendryFrederick & Vallie HenryGlynis A. HenryGregory & Margene HenryGloria HeppnerMichael HermistonRosanne HeroldAnn & Glen HerringSonny & Marlene HershPaul HessRob & Janet HiemstraMary & DavidHigginbothamRev. James M. HigginsBarbarie HillMr. & Mrs. E. Cayley HillJim & Tracey HillDonald & Jean HillisMarti Hines & Cindy MartzNorma & Jim HiscockMary & Don HislopPatti & Peter HnatiwAmy Hoffman HaimannJean M. HollandGordon L. HollanderJoan & Ron HolmesMrs. Barbara ElaineHomiczPenelope Hommel &James BergmanJudith Horner &Hammond BentallRichard & Susan HornerAllan & Carolyn HorwichChris & Jean HoustonSusan A. HowardJohn & Karen HuestonJudith HullJill HumphriesMr. & Mrs. W. B. G.HumphriesEarl L. HunsakerBarry & Janess HuntArchie & Jean HunterPatricia G. HurdMartha & Tom HydeWilma HysenJohn InciuraJoan F. IvoryAlex, Shirley & JulieJacksonBrenda JacksonBonnie & Tom JacksonJoe & Cindy JacobsMax JacobsThe Jaquith FamilyFoundationNora (Nonie) JefferyShirley & Ted JeffreyJan & Bill JentesDavid & Kathleen JeromeLen & Brenda JewittDonald K. JohnsonColleen JohnstonExceptional People, Exceptional Care!We have an immediate need for...RNs & PharmacistsPlease apply to:Human Resources, Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance 46 General Hospital Drive, <strong>Stratford</strong>, ON N5A 2Y6e-mail: tel: (519) 272-8210 ext. 2733 fax: (519) 271-1177For more career opportunities within the Alliance, please visit: www.hpha.ca20
Annual DonorsDr. & Mrs. Greg JohnstonElizabeth A. JonesDr. George H. JonesMarsha & Harvey JosephGrace & Jacob JutziLorraine KaakeJonny KalischMark Kamstra & LisaKramerRobert & Linda KatzGershen Kaufman & LevRaphaelMarla R. KayeJoel Keenleyside & PaulaDonahueBeverly Rose KeidanJulia & Donald KeimKimberly KelleyBarry & Gillian KennedyRuth KerbelMiriam KerndtMarjory & Jim KilgourThe late Mr. & Mrs. JohnV. KillerDonald W. KilpatrickJim & Diane KingJohn & Marge KnebelLois Knepflar & DavidCramtonMerl & John KoeglerDr. Haruo Konishi &Janet PhillippsGary & Mary MargaretKoreenLinda KurdydykAlexandra LaCombeRichard M. LaGrandeur &Brett T. SomersAngelo & RosalindaLambertyStephen LandersLee & Susan LaneJoanne LangMrs. Lorna R. LanyonFrancesca LaPlante-SosnowskyBetty LarkworthyLarLyn Fund, CommunityFdn. of the LowcountryDolores & Paul LavinsBonnie L. LawrenceRuth & John LawsonRichard LaydenLynda E. LeafDonald LeeReverend & Mrs. R. K.LelandDr. Barbara LentJoyce & Frank LesterDr. & Mrs. David LewisGeorge & Leanne LewisWilfred & Anne LewittStan & Helen LiberaRob LightfootDavid & CharmaineLindsaySandy Linver & BuddyKornmanMichael Charles LittAnthony & Betsy LittleRob & Asti LivingstonDr. Robert & Mrs. ShariLockhartDr. & Mrs. Konstantin R.LoewigDr. Jeffrey Loo &Diane KautzJohn & Marion LottDean & Gwen LouisAlan & Barbara LowJohn T. LucasPatricia LumsdenDr. Robert G. LutonJane M. LynchSandra & Jack LynchJames MacCallum &Carole LindsayAbby & MalcolmMacdonaldJ. Joseph MacDonaldTim & AlexandraMacDonaldVicki MacDonaldMr. & Mrs. WilliamMacDonaldMichele A. Machowicz &Thomas J. BecvarDr. Angus & JaniceMaciverBill MacKenzie & AlanWestbrookMacLeods Scottish ShopJanice & SwaminathanMadhuDrs. Harris & PhoebeMainsterTed & Nancy MaitlandSharon & Ken MalvernMelissa Manly & BarryAvrichPeter & Beverley MarangerJoanne MarchisTerry & Marilyn MarklevitzGary & Sandra MartinLloyd & Delphine MartinNeil & Judy MathesonJaneen & Ernie McAdamHelen McArthurMcCann Construction IncW. Kenneth McCarterJames & Mary McCartneyDr. Frances McCordicJane McCrudenBruce M. McDonaldNancy & Doug McDonaldStephen McDonald &Tracey BaileyVern & Nora McDonaldF. G. Ted & Elda McDowellDr. Ross & Mrs. FranMcElroyDr. Joan C. McEwanGeorge & Anne McFadyenJoan & Don McGeachyAnne McGuireGraeme & CharlotteMcIntoshJackie & Keith McKayMichael & ErnestineMcKennaJean & the late AngusMcKenzie Family Fund,a fund within LondonCommunity FndJoyce & Darcy McKeoughKathryn McKieDr. Murlene E. McKinnonDr. Martin & DeborahMcKneallyFred & Kate McLeanHoward & Janet McLeanJean Anne McLeod &David StonesJohn D. & Esther McNeilLeanne McPhie & StephenTatrallyayJulie & the lateTed MedlandMary M. MedykDr. Don Melady & RowleyMossopDr. Tina MeleThe Mersol FamilyMr. & Mrs. Eugene MillerValerie & Jim MilostanMark Minden & MaryElliottFlorence Minz & GordonKirkeDiane & Chester MisenerJohn MoganPatricia Monger & RalphPudritzDr. & Mrs. William S. MonkDeirdre & Dennis MooreDorothy MooreRichard & Jami MooreRoger D. MooreThomas MooreKen & Evelyn MooreheadWillie & Cheryl MosesMr. & Mrs. I. MotherwellMargaret MotzPaul & Catherine MotzDavid & Lenora MountainMrs. R. E. MountainMichael & MargaretMuellerBruce & Corinne MurrayKenneth G. & MarilynMurrayPeter & Karin MussenDr. Roger & Dr. Chris NashDeborah A. NathanWayne & Dot NellesJohn Nelson & CarolOldenburgWilliam NesbittRichard & BarbaraNicholsonMr. & Mrs. John NighMargaret NishIan V. B. NordheimerRonald NorthrupApril Oakes & Kevin TurnerJames F. Oates & AdamGrymkowskiChristine & MichaelO’BeirnRichard O’Brien & SusanKrauss WhitbourneThomas & Ellen O’FlahertyToshi OikawaThe Old PruneA. lu & E. OlianaJ. & S. OndercinCorinne OpiteckMrs. Mary Elizabeth & Mr.Gary Alan OppenhuisDaniel R. OrtizPatricia OsbornOxford Sand & GravelLimitedClare & Mary PaceThomas W. & Susan F.PalmerDr. Carmine & Mary AnnPalmieriDavid & Karen PacostElizabeth PappsMatt & Jenny ParrGraham & Janette ParsonsJanice & Wayne ParsonsRon & Nancy PatrickThe Pauls FoundationHilary PearsonRichard & Kayla PechterChristie Peck & Buck BakerDr. Ermelinda PelausaJoshua PenderBruni PenzhornMary Ann PeppardLillian & Rae PerigoeCatherine A. PerkinArlene Perly RaeCharles PetersM. J. Petersen BurfieldAnna & Wayne PinneyRobin B. PitcherRamond H. PladsenDiane PlotekDr. & Mrs. Peter J. PolidoriRon & Elaine PondMaria Angelique PoulosCheryl & William PovallaDavid Prosser & BarbaraDunn-ProsserPSC Public SectorCorporationMac QuantzMelanie QuantzGary & Merle QuartDonna QuerengesserQuintilian FamilyCecil & Robert RabinovitchDavid & Kathryn RaeCarol & Morton RappSally & Larry RaynerDoug & the late BonnieRebergDonald H. Regan &Elizabeth R. AxelsonRobert & Jean ReidArline & Allan ReinDr. & Mrs. S. ReinhartPeter & Susan RestlerGrant L. ReuberAnn K. ReynoldsRhéo Thompson CandiesLtd.DONOTGOPaul Rice & Karin DahlLynn K. Richardson & JayE. BrantTom & Susan RicheyMrs. Sheelagh RigginJ. Timothy RitchiePeter RobertsDale Robinette & WilliamNeishDon & Joan RobinsonJohn M. RobinsonMichael RobinsonP. Joanna RoblinJudith & David RoseM. Jean RosePatricia RoseLisa Rosenkrantz &Michael WalshDr. Bill & Dr. RuthRosenthalKenneth RotenbergSandra & Joseph RotmanDoris E. RowanAlan Rowe & BryanBlenkinChristopher & Kate RowleyProf. Alan Miles Ruben &Judge Betty Willis RubenDr. & Mrs. Allan RubinJerry & Iris RudniskyBrad S. Rutledge & CaryEinbergerDr. Victoria & Paul RybickiLorraine & Richard RzepkaEllen & William SachsDavid & Pauline SackinDr. Philip & Mrs. ElizabethB. SamuelsWilliam & MeredithSaundersonJerome Sawchyn &Marianna SchroederFrank J. SchauerteWalter & Nancy SchieferCarol & Lionel SchipperDr. Anne SchneiderDrs. Brynah & CliveSchneider-FriedmanMonica ScholzPaul G. SchreiberThe Schrueder FamilyDavid & Martha SchubertShirley & HazenSchumacherDenis Schuthe & LynneDubeauBrian & Brenda ScottCairine & Glenn ScottHelen & John ScottThomas & Maryellen ScottChristine, Richard,Elizabeth & Victoria SeipEdger C. Seitz lllJustin ShaltzMrs. Joan D. ShawJennifer & Phil ShilsonDr. Cathy J. SiebertMr. & Mrs. Bruce K.SiewerthElizabeth V. SiftonDr. Elizabeth L. SimmonsFather Earl F. SimoneDavid & Diana SimpsonDr. Linda Sinnaeve &Andrew WillburgerRobert & Bunny SkellyLIMITED NEW YORK ENGAGEMENTNOVEMBER 19 - JANUARY 10Geraint Wyn DaviesGENTLEBy Leon PownallTHE CLURMAN THEATER • 412 WEST 42ND STREET, or call 212-279-4200Photo: John Quilty Creative: STEAM21
Annual DonorsJohn & Jill SkinnerGrant G. Skomski & MaryJane FlanaganPatrick & Jennifer SmaleJohn & Gayle SmallbridgeBob & Nancy SmithCarol SmithCharlie & Jane SmithMr. & Mrs. David R. SmithDoug & Cathy SmithDoug & Maggie SmithMontagu J. SmithNancy & Leonard SmithRobin A. Smith & WilliamF. BallamStephen & Jane SmithValerie M. SmithMr. & Mrs. DavidSnidermanStanley D. SolvickRenate & Richard SoulenCatherine & John SpencerPhilip SpencerChristine & Jim St.LawrenceSandy Stark & MichaelRowlandsGordon & Elaine SteedJames SteedJohn & Cindy SteepJudith StephansonCarol StephensonDr. Florence StevensRobert & DeirdreStevensonK. Elizabeth StewartJanet StewartJayne StewartThomas & Jeanne StockDoug & Joan StorreyMary StowellKerry StuckeyBarry Sullivan &Karen SprogisJeanne M. SullivanBruce & Isabel SullyMrs. Jennifer SurridgeDanielle & David SusserColin & Jane SutherlandDr. Fred M. SwaineSwan Motel - Colleen &Peter PolaDr. & Mrs. Lawrence SweetDenis & Kathleen SykoraMelinda Szilva & JeffreyFilaDuane & Sheila TarnackiChuck & Lynn TaylorKaren Aline SkidmoreTaylor & Philip H. DrainieTaylorMary Taylor & KevinJohnstonSam & Ellie TelzerJanet & Don TempletonBrent Thomas &Bernadette MorinLaurie & Herm ThomasAna & John ThompsonBertha & John ThompsonDave & Kim ThompsonMary-Anne & GordonThompsonSharon & Jim ThomsTerry ThomsGeorge Thomson & JudithBeamanCarl & Rosella ThorneDr. M. Lynne Thurling &Dr. John TreilhardThe Edith M. TimkenFamily FoundationBill & Mary TodtGail Tolley & MarkYakabuskiTorcor ManagementJames ToyDiana TremainMarjorie E. TriggVernon & Beryl TurnerRiki Turofsky & CharlesPetersenAndrew TurrisiBrady TwiggsLori L. & John R. TwomblyEsther Ullman & MorleyWitusDouglas & BeverlyValentineAllan Valgemae, M. D. &Robert HardingDr. & Mrs. John VallelyReverend Martin A. VallelyGary & MarieVanGraafeilandMary & Ron Van HorneJan Van StralenMr. & Mrs. John T.VanBrandeghenDr. & Mrs. A. A.vanWalravenIn Memory of Anne MarieVaritekRichard & Yvette VoegelinSylvia VogelAlan & Phyllis VogtHenry & Mary FrancesWagnerEleanor Waldie &M. Elizabeth ProwerDr. & Mrs. J. R. WalkerRick & Virginia WalkerRuth WallaceWilliam & Joyce WallaceAnne T. WalshLeo J. WalshMr. & Mrs. Jonathan T.WaltonJudy & Kevin WardJoan & Jean WarichaDoug WattersDouglas O. WaylandJohn WeatherallSuzan & Curry WeathersPeter Webb & Joan YorkThe late William & PatriciaWebbPat & Norman WebsterMrs. Mary WeingardenSuzanne & Bob WeissLyman & Deana WelchBarbara Welsh BerginWayne & Jeannine WestMrs. Margaret WestlakeKatie & Doug WheelerMr. & Mrs. R. J. WhiteMelanie WhiteheadMerschLeslie Clare WhitfieldDr. & Mrs. Mark WilkinsonBrian D. WilliamsJohn Williams & MaureenAtkinsonLarry & Maggie WilliamsonMarilyn L. WilliamsonSusan E. WillmotDr. J. Stuart Wilson & Mrs.Shirley J. Dickens-WilsonMalcolm & Eirwen WilsonFlorence, Judy & MiltonWinberg & Andy PollackJohn & Helga WiseRay Wise & Ted RobinsonLarry WismerDr. Bertha WolfLucille & Norton WolfFritz, Durhane, Hilary &Gabriel Wong-RiegerMr. & Mrs. Neil E. WoodJoseph Wooden & LindaGirardMary WoodsSeumas Woods &Kimberley McClureElizabeth B. & Walter P.Work Jr.Leslie & John D. WrightPaul C. Wright & Ute vonder HeydenDr. & Mrs. Clyde WuDr. & Mrs. Walter YaworskyWenda Yenson & KenHurdleCathy Yoshy & David LeasaCynthia Young & ChristianSarrazinPeter & Esther ZadeikRuth Zales & KennethGreenfieldEdwin ZavitzGeoff & Ellen ZeissWalter & Marie ZelaskoMrs. Isabelle ZiegelmanMr. & Mrs. George ZinnAnonymous (28)Annual donations of$900 to $1,249Sustainer MembersMr. & Mrs. Doug AckhurstMr. & Mrs. Stephen AdamsRobert & Susan AllairPeter & Doreen AndersonRobert C. AndersonLorna & William AndersonBrian Austin Jr. & MartinaCabajskyDr. David Bach & JudyHoenichDr. Ian & Mrs. Janet BaggsJohn BaileyStewart & Beth BaileyPeter Barbeito & BeverleyShugg BarbeitoJohn BarkerMary Anne Beamish &Philip TunleyKaren BeazleyMargret A. BeekelCharles BeerHarriet Berlin & JudithMillerWilliam & Ilene BirgeJoyce M. BlakeJoan M. BoltBarbara BoltonMonique BoulangerDonald & Mary BoydAndy & Leslie BrockwayDr. James Brown &Susan AnthonyEllen A. BrubakerJoyce & Larry BuschGeorge & MarthaButterfieldDr. John & DeborahButtonMichel A. CameronDr. & Mrs. CarrRenee CastagnolaJoanna ChestermanAustin & Gillian ChinnDavid & Valerie ChristieLynda L. CiaschiniJoan D. ClaytonRod & Mary CoatesHoward CohenBarbara & John ColemanRobert & Maureen CookPriscilla CostelloElizabeth CrawfordRobert P. Creed &Catherine HiltonMr. & Mrs. Bill CrothersJohn & Ruth CrowRonald & Heather DaviesFran DavisPatricia De HaanMichael & Christine DeSantisMargaret G. DeanRichard DeanLarry DemchukWilliam Dillane & RenaBedardH. W. Osmond & Dr. SheilaDoyleElizabeth DrakeGerald DunnDon & Audrey DurstEleanor EllinsRichard & Freda EnsignAnne Tobe Epstein & JoelI. BaradBarbara M. & Fred A. ErbJohn & Debbie ErbSteve & Jeannie EwingCapt. J. R. Farrell USN (Ret)& Mrs. G. FarrellIrene FastReginald & Mary JaneFaustJ.E. & Michele FordyceEdward & Lynne FrancisGeri & Tom FrederickBrenda Van Den Horn &David FrechetteJoanne & Bob FullerWilliam & Ruth GilkeyDora GilmourDr. & Mrs. David GlewDr. & Mrs. Ken GlickJ. D. & Susan GrahamRobert & Denise GrahamArt GriersonMini Grossman IanniJane HairLinda HaistMelinda HarmonRobert & Pam HartClifford HatchEllen L. HawmanLawrence & BeatriceHermanJane G. HillPerry & Mary HillCharles & Nadean HillaryGerry & Greta HofstraKenneth & Janet HookRaymond & LeonoraHopkinsSally & John HoylesDrs. John & JeanneJacobsonJohn Jacobson & CarolHargreavesGlenn & Joan JohnsonBrian & Katherine JonesMonique & Bernard KaneEugene KapaloskiT. M. KellyNancy Keppelman &Michael SmerzaIreyna & MichaelKimberleyDr. Harry J. KleimanDr. & Mrs. JochenKnackstedtLarry KoernerMr. & Mrs. Daniel KolbThomas & ChristineKujawaAnna LammerdingStephen Peter LeeCharlene Leonhardt &Robert MathiesonKen Lewis & Dr. JudyAxelrodMargerite LinklaterRichard & Lynne LiptrapCarmela & Gideon LoranSandra LoyerMr. & Mrs. AngusMacDermidRichard MacklerAnn MacLeishKay MacLeodDonald & CatherineMacOdrumMarti MaradenKen & Diane MarleyDavid & Susan MatterJoanne MazzoleniRichard & FlorenceMcBrienLorraine McClelandCarol Anne Muncaster &Brian McCurdyBasil McDonaldJean & Paul McGrathDonald McIntoshMrs. C. Anne McKenzieD. & G. McKillicanJean Anne McLeod &David StonesGiles Meikle & LaurieBarrettEleanor MillerBrian Miron & MonicaVegeljRuth MolzanEdmund & Mary MurphyNA Engineering AssociatesInc.Brenda O’ConnorJoe & Maria OdumoduRobert & Elizabeth OrrTerry OsterRuth OstrowerMrs. Ina Pakkert MigneronNeil & Sharon ParkinsonRenee & David PerlmutterB. A. PetepieceMichael PharoahJeanette B. PiesciukPaul Rainsberry &Margaret McCafferJoanne RaymondAnthony L. ReffellsRobert & Janice ReinhartBonnie & Kenny ResinskiMarc D. RigbyLloyd & Nancy RobertsonThe Honourable SydneyRobins & Gloria RobinsMurray & Sue RobinsonPhyllis Robinson & MorelyBrownDr. Doug RossRainer & Sharyn RothfussMr. & Mrs. D’Alton RuddPaul & Jan SabourinBarbara SackettFred & Dorothy SahlmannPhilippa SamworthAndy & Patti SantoloceDonald Savage & AnnKerbyMrs. Sheila J. A. SavageStephen & Kelly SavageThe Schaljo FamilyBonnie SchepersDr. N.W. ScratchAnnabel & William SellsGregory S. Sendi & KristinaM. HiattRichard & Janet ShantzWayne E. Shaw & MarilynL. PilkingtonDrs. Robert & CarolinShepherdJennifer & Phil ShilsonDr. & Mrs. Norman M.SimonTom & Jane SimpsonStanley SinclairDr. Kerry SinkowskiDoreen M.E. SmithVirginia Sory BrownJohn SouchereauCarolyn R. SpencerDr. & Mrs. Louis CharlesStaggMary Eleanor StartAndrew & MargaretStephensDouglas Stinson & JanetFellerWilliam & Janice StoverDr. & Mrs. John M.SturgessMr. & Mrs. Richard SutinGerald D. SuttonDr. David TaylorReid S. ThebaultBrent & Sherry ThompsonGary & Judy ThompsonMary & Kirk ThorntonRalph B. ToombsBettie & Mark TullisGregory UssCarol A. ValeValerie Van ReenenWilliam & Sarah VasseDrs. George & VeronicaVaughanShannon VenanceJim & Lorraine WalzJack H. WardSandra & Paul WarunJim & Trudy WatsonDr. Paul & Mrs. MarthaWeirRoger & Sharon WheelerHugh & Marilyn WhiteleyLois & Terry WichmanDr. Blossom Wigdor CMRon WilliamsLarry WillisMorris WilsonAnn WishartStan & Ros WitkinJoan & Ted WoodsGloria YffTerri & David ZanderMartha A. ZaritskyCarole Ann Bernie ZuckerAnonymous (7)22
<strong>Festival</strong> StaffGeneral DirectorAntoni CimolinoArtistic DirectorDes McAnuffCOACHESDirector of TheatreTrainingDavid LathamHead of Voice &CoachingJanine PearsonThe Head of Voice & Coaching positionat the <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> isgenerously endowed by David Greenand Mary Winton GreenHead of Voice EmeritaAnn SkinnerVoice, Text & DialectCoachesNancy BenjaminJane GooderhamSpeech-LanguagePathologist and VoiceCoachLori HolmesVoice & Text CoachNatsuko OhamaMovement CoachLeslie FrenchAlexander Technique& Movement CoachKelly McEvenueProfessionalDevelopmentProgram CoachPaul deJong24Guest CoachesFrank BachMonica GrayApprentice inPeriod DanceLawrence HaegertDIRECTORS’ OFFICEAssistant Artistic ADVANCEMENTDirectorDirector ofDean GabourieAdvancementDramaturgeRachel Smith-SpencerRobert BlackerAssociate Director ofDirector of theAdvancementBirminghamKim BardwellConservatory forMajor Gifts ManagerClassical TheatreCynthia YoungMartha HenryPlanned GivingSenior ArtisticManagerAssociateElizabeth BradleyKathryn McKieProducerPlaywright’s Circle &Jason MillerEvents ManagerChristine SeipConsulting ExecutiveProducerResearch ManagerJudith RichardsonShannon MacDonaldCasting DirectorSpecial EventsBeth RussellManagerMary-Ann ReidAssociate Director,Dramaturgy &CorporateNew PlaysSponsorshipKeira Loughran ManagersMartha BuchananAssistant Producer Kathy MileBonnie GreenCorporateCompany Manager SponsorshipRon NicholCoordinatorCorporate SecretarySusan Baker BidgoodJoy WishartProgramExecutive Assistant toAdministratorthe Artistic DirectorCathy KempElke BidnerADMINISTRATIONAssistant to theProducerAdministrativeSusan Lemenchick DirectorAnita GaffneyDirectors’ OfficeAssistantMediaMarion BurrMedia RelationsManagerAnn SwerdfagerFront LinesHouse Manager-<strong>Festival</strong> TheatreStephen BarberHouse Manager-Avon TheatreEldon GammonHouse Manager-TomPatterson TheatreKris BernardHouse Manager-Studio TheatreTBAMARKETING& AUDIENCEDEVELOPMENTDirector of Marketing& AudienceDevelopmentLisa MiddletonAssociate Directorof AudienceDevelopmentTrudy WatsonAdvertising &Promotions ManagerCarly DouglasBox Office ManagerJo-Anne HoodTidmanSchools SalesManager &Advertising ManagerHeather BurnsMembership ManagerCeairy FreeOutbound ManagerPaula MuncasterWalkerMembershipCoordinatorKelly SchultzAccommodationCoordinatorMaureenVankesterenSpecial OrdersCoordinatorColleen WhiteGroups & SchoolsAdministratorJane BexAudienceDevelopmentCore TeamDarlene HarrisonSarah NewtonKrystal ParkinsDebbie SteinackerChristine TeepleMembershipAdministratorDonna HydeAudienceDevelopmentRepresentativesKelly AitchesonGay AllisonSarah ArbogastMyrtle BakerAnna BurtonCindy BissellJason ColliverElysia CuckseyTracy CulpSusan DavisGeena DeWeerdCarolyn DingmanPaul DuncanMartin FieldingJane GaleAriana HibbertLori HicksYvonne HordChristine HughesJanice KastnerRon KempAaron KropfVictoria LewisKrista LotzAislinn McCauleyMeredith McCauleyMelinda MercerRuth Ann MillerGeri MorleyGraham MorleyCheryl MosesKathy PartridgeBarbara ReddenSusan ReidEliesha RichardsonSharron RudyRod RychliskiApril Dawn SararusBrenda StewartMelissa StrangwayJennifer SweedlerJen TempleHooi Ying TeohTamara WhittemoreCarolee WittmanAnne WilsonApplicationDevelopmentManagerJames WalkerBusiness SystemsAnalystSharon YatesSoftware DevelopersRick CrawfordYizhou JiangeBusiness SolutionsDevelopersSarah Luk HillPeter MoriartyReportingCoordinatorLeanne WhittakerReportingAdministratorMichele KeutschJunior ProgrammerBryan RichardsonMailing DistributionCoordinatorCorinne ThornhillDistribution CentreAssistantCandy NeumeisterTicket ProcessingAssistantChristine OlliffeReceptionistsCarol BrownJanet WilsonTheatre StoreRetail ManagerJennifer BakerInventory ControlCoordinatorCheryl GregorashukInventory ControlAssistantBrian DillCOMMUNICATIONSDirector of LiteraryServicesDavid ProsserCommunicationCoordinatorJoanne WallaceCustomer ServiceCoordinatorBev BaumanGraphicsGraphic Design &Print ProductionManagerAndy FosterSenior GraphicDesignerTed GlaszewskiGraphic DesignersKrista DodsonLindsay MolenhuisEDUCATION &ARCHIVESDirector of Education& ArchivesPat QuigleyArchivesArchives CoordinatorsEllen CharendoffChristine SchindlerEducationEducation CoordinatorsAndrea JacksonKatherine LaingEducation & EditorialCoordinatorShira GinslerTeaching ArtistEdward DaranyiFINANCE, FACILITIES,INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY &FOOD & BEVERAGEDirector of Finance,Facilities, InformationTechnology & Foodand BeverageDarryl HurasFinanceComptrollerCarla FowlerSenior AccountantDianne MattFinancial AnalystLeanne FlemmingAccountingAdministratorsJo-Anne JordanJoanne WrefordInformationTechnologyManager ofInformationTechnologyPaul MuncasterTelecom ManagerDerek AtkinsTechnical SupportAnalystMike WiraHelp Desk AssistantJessica KlumperFood & BeverageFood and BeverageManagerToni McLeanEvents CoordinatorAlly ParentChefHeather CollisLead Hand/Pastry ChefMichele VandervlietLine CookChoui EnglishCarol GrosbyCustomer ServiceRepresentatives-GreenroomLuke GreenStephanie MarriottVictoria NobleFacilitiesFacilities ManagerJeff HeggieAssistant FacilitiesManagerVal BieleckiHead of MaintenanceRon BrownCarpentersGary BradyRichard GraulChief EngineerJohn LuesinkShift EngineersRichard ArnoldAlan SpeedAl TurfordElectricianTony IacobellisSeasonal HeadGardenerAnita JacobsenMaintenance StaffRoy BrownDar Del ChiaroBlair HoldenThomas LemenchickMyrna LewisLarry ShurrieMike ThomasGord WilsonSeasonalMaintenanceRyan ClevelandHousekeepersRobert LeeMandy LundriganMarjorie LundriganCatherine DishmanStage Door GuardsJim MitchellJanice SchaeferFred SinkoPeter WhelanCasual Stage DoorGuardGary BidgoodHUMANRESOURCESDirector of HumanResourcesShelley StevensonHuman Resource &Volunteers ManagerNancy AltenburgCompanyAccommodationsAssistantShelley AssayagHealth & SafetyCoordinatorRobbin CheesmanPayroll ManagerHeather MarriottPayroll/AdministrativeAssistantSusan MavityPayroll CoordinatorKathy McKellarCompanyAccommodationsSupervisorRuth StevensMUSICDEPARTMENTDirector of MusicRick FoxMusic AdministratorMarilyn DallmanAdministrativeAssistantDon Sweete2009 <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare<strong>Festival</strong> Board of GovernorsFOUNDER: Tom PattersonOFFICERSChair: Richard Rooney, TorontoVice Chair: M. Lee Myers, LondonTreasurer: Rick Birmingham, ChathamSecretary: Joy Wishart, <strong>Stratford</strong>GOVERNORSBarry Avrich, TorontoDaniel S. Bernstein, Westport, CTElaine Nani Beutel, TorontoRahul Bhardwaj, TorontoJennifer Birmingham, <strong>Stratford</strong>Sylvia Chrominska, TorontoRichard Costley-White, TorontoJanet Ecker, AjaxJane Freeman, TorontoJames R. Fugitte, Elizabethtown, KYDavid Goldbloom, TorontoJonathan Goldbloom, MontrealRudyard Griffiths, TorontoJules Harris, <strong>Stratford</strong> and Tucson, AZMichael Homer, TorontoBeth Kronfeld, Chicago, ILGary Levene, KitchenerArlene Lewis, Grosse Pointe Farms, MITimothy E. MacDonald, <strong>Stratford</strong>Marcia Matsui, <strong>Stratford</strong>Graham T. Parsons, WaterlooHilary Pearson, MontrealArlene Perly Rae, TorontoSteve Rae, <strong>Stratford</strong>Andrew Spriet, LondonOphelia Tong, WaterlooChip Vallis, Toronto and <strong>Stratford</strong>Diane Walker, TorontoEx OFFICIOGeneral Director: Antoni CimolinoArtistic Director: Des McAnuffMayor of <strong>Stratford</strong>:His Worship Dan MathiesonPresident, <strong>Stratford</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>of America:Barbara Schubert, Cleveland Heights, OHPast Chair: Kelly MeighenAddress: c/o Corporate Secretary,<strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong>P.O. Box 520, <strong>Stratford</strong>, ON N5A 6V2Guest ServicesFor assistanceSee the house manager or any theatrestaff. We’re here to help.In case of emergencyTheatres and exits are equipped withemergency lighting. Our staff are trainedin evacuation procedures. You arerequested to follow their instructionsand remain calm. You will be directedto a meeting area, where you are toremain unless otherwise advised by staffor emergency personnel. If you discovera fire, you should activate the nearestfire alarm and, immediately followingevacuation, identify yourself to a staffmember and provide details.Cameras, cell phones and snacksPlease enjoy your snacks outside theauditorium and bring only bottled waterinside. Cameras are not permitted. Pleasedouble-check that your cell phone isturned off.First aidSee an usher or house manager.Automated external defibrillators (AED)are located in the lobbies and balconiesof the <strong>Festival</strong>, Avon, Tom Patterson andStudio theatres.In the interest of safetyPlease do not walk on the stage.For our patron and donor privacyprotection
09SeasonWe are honoured to acknowledge the following corporations and individualswho have made sponsorship commitments in the 2009 season:2009 Season PartnersSupport for the 2009 season of the <strong>Festival</strong> Theatre isgenerously provided byLaura Dinner andRichard RooneySupport for the 2009 season of the Avon Theatre isgenerously provided byThe Birmingham Family<strong>Festival</strong> TheatreMacbethWest Side Story<strong>Cyrano</strong> de BergeracA Midsummer Night’s DreamAvon TheatreThe Importanceof Being EarnestMajor Sponsor LevelJulius CaesarA Funny Thing Happenedon the Way to the ForumTom Patterson TheatreThree SistersSylvanacre Properties Ltd.Group of Hotels<strong>Festival</strong> InnThe Arden Park HotelThe River Garden InnBartholomew FairEver Yours, OscarPhèdreSponsor LevelStudio TheatreThe TrespassersRice BoyZastrozziIn-Kind SponsorsThe <strong>Stratford</strong> Shakespeare <strong>Festival</strong> gratefully acknowledgesthe generous support of these contributors to our success: