welcome | Central Memorial High School - Calgary Board of Education

welcome | Central Memorial High School - Calgary Board of Education

welcome | Central Memorial High School - Calgary Board of Education


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Success @<strong>Central</strong>SUCCESS @ CENTRALThe formula for success in high school is relatively easy. Students who are most successfulfollow these guidelines:nnnnnAttendance: They attend school daily and arrive in class on time.Homework and Assignments: They complete all homework and hand in all assignments.Study Time: They schedule time to review material regularly-reading over notes,reviewing the textbook etc.Involvement: They get involved in at least one extra curricular activity at school.Focus: they limit part-time job hours because they realize that school is their priority.SUCCESS SERVICESWe are focused on student success @ <strong>Central</strong>. The following services are available to all<strong>Central</strong> students.Guidance and CounsellingExperienced counsellors are available to work with students and parents on education,career and/or personal concerns. Feel free to phone the Guidance Department to askquestions or to book an appointment with a counsellor.Resource RoomThe Resource Room <strong>of</strong>fers programs and support for students who need strategies toimprove their learning. Students who may benefit include:nnnStudents who have an IPPStudents for whom English is a second languageStudents who need a small, structured environmentTEST CENTREThe Test Centre supports teachers and students by <strong>of</strong>fering a supervised environmentfor students who have missed longer tests or examinations and can provide learningaccommodations for students on IPPs. The Test Centre is operated by teachers andcoordinated by the Resource Team.The Test Centre begins in mid-September and operates Monday to Thursday until 4:00pm.Career CentreThe Career Centre is located in the library and is open daily. It is a resource and researchcentre focusing on career planning. With the help <strong>of</strong> a Career Practitioner, students canaccess the information they need to make appropriate education and career choices.The Career Centre <strong>of</strong>fers the following services:Individual/Group AppointmentsCareer PlanningAssessment ToolsJob Preparation Workshops14

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