Garage Waste (PDF-3169 kb) - Mayo County Council

Garage Waste (PDF-3169 kb) - Mayo County Council

Garage Waste (PDF-3169 kb) - Mayo County Council


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Smart <strong>Garage</strong> Brochure:Layout 1 27/10/2010 21:06 Page 19Hazardous wastes and how you must manage them!WASTE - MANAGEMENTThis Section goes through the main hazardous wastes that might come from yourgarage and how you must manage them according to laws. More detailed informationis available in the <strong>Garage</strong> Sector Best Practice Guidance Notes document available atwww.epa.ie.hazardouS maTerial MUST D0! Some TipS!WASTE OILIS AHAZARDOUSWASTE!oil filtersalways store waste oil in asuitable drum or metalstorage tanks.Never burn waste oil in a(waste) oil burner - it is illegaland may pose a risk to you andyour employees health.ensure that your waste oil isonly removed by a permittedwaste collector and you alwaysobtain a written record fromthem.keep your oil removal recordsfor at least years.These must be stored separatelyand handled as a hazardouswaste.You must get a properly filledin C1 form when these areremoved.One of the best things formanaging waste oil is anair powered waste oil drainer.These get as muchof the oil out as possible,remove it quicker, reduce spillsalmost completely and as theyare on wheels they are easy tomanoeuvre around yourgarage.keep yourwaste oil tanksor drums in acontained or“bunded” area.This should be awater tight area tocatch spills or leaks.These can be built or you can get simpleunits.Usually these are stored in 0L wheeliebins that your waste contractor will supply.Make sure you drain as much oil aspossible from the used filters.oily solid wastes -like rags, saw dustor air filtersOily solid waste should neverbe thrown into the regularrubbish. They should bestored separately in a drumand treated as a hazardouswaste.You must get a properly filledin C1 form when these areremoved.Currently much of these materials endup in the general rubbish. This is oneof the main areas where garages mayget into legal problems for bad wastemanagement. These can catch fireeasily so treat with care.1

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