scouts-l ---------- cold weather camping & klondike derbys - Clipart

scouts-l ---------- cold weather camping & klondike derbys - Clipart

scouts-l ---------- cold weather camping & klondike derbys - Clipart


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neighboring council). The patrol has to work together.Some of our "traditional" stations also require teamwork - shelter building,some of the first aid problems, cooking lunch (this is a judged and timedevent). Last year we had the <strong>scouts</strong> tie a large rope to a tree with a clovehitch. They weren't allowed to stand within 5 feet of the tree while doingso. We got some very inventive solutions to the problem.I don't know how well the Challenge Course will work - our derby isn't until2/3, but I'll post a follow-up afterwards. Hope this helps.Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 21:24:02 -0500From: "George R. Davis" Subject: Re: KLONDIKE DERBY EVENTSTo: Multiple recipients of list SCOUTS-L We are trying something new this year (for us). We will have our"traditional" course for the Webelos and younger <strong>scouts</strong>, with individualstations for first aid, fire building, etc., and will use pre-built KlondikeDerby Sleds. There is also a designated required equipment list.We are also going to have a "Challenge Course" for the older <strong>scouts</strong>. The<strong>scouts</strong> are being told to come prepared for a 4 hour backcountry winterorienteering meet, during which they will have to solve one or more problemsusing scout skills. The only required equipment is a stamp pad (we are usingalphabet rubber stamps for the orienteering checkpoints), lunch (their choicebut it must be appropriate for the conditions), and a fuel or hobo stove ifthey intend to heat anything (there are fire restrictions in the county parkwhere we are holding the event). The remainder of their equipment is up tothem - but they have to carry it. The first stop will be inspection - makesure everyone is properly clothed and that they have suitable equipment inaddition to the above minimums. This will be scored, and they will have tojustify anything else they are bringing, or why they aren't bringingsomething the staff thinks is necessary. With assistance of the Park Ranger,we have gotten some orienteering maps of the park which were developed by thelocal orienteering club. The <strong>scouts</strong> will be given a course to follow.At a designated point in the course, each patrol will be interrupted to joinin a search activity - a scenario with a bus accident has been drawn up.Each patrol will be given a second map with their designated search areashown - and they have to get to it, search and then provide first aid to thevictim. This assumes that they know where they are, and how to get to thesearch area. The search "victim" will be a dummy (stuffed pants, shirt and

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