scouts-l ---------- cold weather camping & klondike derbys - Clipart

scouts-l ---------- cold weather camping & klondike derbys - Clipart

scouts-l ---------- cold weather camping & klondike derbys - Clipart


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according to the "standard of care" under which you aretrained/experienced without negligent acts or omissions, you are givenimmunity from litigation should the person you assisted choose to filesuit against you.Although anyone may file a lawsuit against you for nearly any reason, theprobability of the suit being successful is negligible if you have actedin "good faith, and in a reasonable and prudent manner" to assist someoneto the "best of your training and ability." On the other hand, if you area Scout leader,(or volunteer firefighter, volunteer ambulancetechnician, or Scout camp staff member et al, whether you get paid or not),and if you are acting in an "official capacity" at the time,you still have a "duty to act" and (unless your state laws are writtendifferently than most) are NOT protected by "good Samaritan laws."The good news, however, is that there are virtually NO successfullawsuits against anyone in these categories who provide careappropriately according to the "standard of care" under which they havebeen trained.In point of fact, far more successful lawsuits have been filed againstthose persons who knowingly withheld care of a victim, without alegitimate reason. You are much better off trying to do something youare trained and/or qualified to do to the best of your knowledge andability. Conversely if you try to do something you are not qualified todo, you may also be at risk, so just maintain your efforts to the"standard of care" that you have been trained in..no more and no less.The legal system is very understanding of those who make a good faitheffort even if unsuccesful.Conversely it is very unforgiving of those who fail to act without goodcause, or of those who act recklessly and negligently.I would especially say AMEN to the post saying that hypothermia islargely preventable!. It is important to remember that little folks(i.e. young Scouts/children) are far more susceptible to hypothermiathan older Scouts or adults. There have been cases in which leaders havedismissed or ignored initial complaints of being "<strong>cold</strong>" or chilled byScouts as "whining." In fact, some of those cases resulted in Scoutssuffering mild hypothermia, and had action not been quickly taken, couldhave been tragic. Simple precautions such as not wearing cotton clothingfor any reason, and using adequate synthetic underwear and outergarments, as well as proper hydration and nutrition go a long way it

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