nWire - Schedules and SOFA - Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

nWire - Schedules and SOFA - Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

nWire - Schedules and SOFA - Kelley Drye & Warren LLP


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13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 4 of 752) The presence of a contract or agreement on this Schedule G doesnot constitute an admission that such contract or agreement is an executorycontract or unexpired lease. The Debtors reserve all of their rights, claims <strong>and</strong>causes of action with respect to the contracts <strong>and</strong> agreements listed on thisSchedule G.3. Claims. The Debtors' <strong>Schedules</strong> list creditors <strong>and</strong> set forth the Debtors' estimateof the claims of creditors as of March 28, 2013. The Debtors are in the process of reviewing <strong>and</strong>correcting both their accounts receivable <strong>and</strong> accounts payable ledgers such that the listing in thiscase may not be fully accurate. Accordingly, the actual unpaid claims of creditors may differfrom the amounts set forth in the <strong>Schedules</strong>.4. Employee Claims. The Bankruptcy Court entered a first day order grantingauthority to the Debtors to, among other things, pay prepetition <strong>and</strong> postpetition employeewages, salaries, benefits <strong>and</strong> other obligations to employees. The Debtors employedapproximately 50 individuals as of the filing of the chapter 11 cases. Accordingly, the Debtorsbelieve that any employee claims for prepetition amounts either have been satisfied or are in theprocess of being satisfied.5. Disputed, Contingent <strong>and</strong>/or Unliquidated Claims. <strong>Schedules</strong> D, E <strong>and</strong> F permitthe Debtors to designate a claim as disputed, contingent <strong>and</strong>/or unliquidated. A failure todesignate a claim on any of these schedules as disputed, contingent <strong>and</strong>/or unliquidated does notconstitute an admission that such claim is not subject to objection. The Debtors reserve the rightto dispute, or assert offsets or defenses to any claim reflected on these <strong>Schedules</strong> as to nature,amount, liability or status, or to otherwise subsequently designate any claim as disputed,contingent, or unliquidated. Further, the listing of a claim as undisputed is expressly subject toany preference liability for which any creditor is liable, <strong>and</strong> the Debtors reserve the right toobject to any scheduled amount for any creditor for any reason whatsoever, including 11 U.S.C.§ 502(d).6. Global Notes Control. In the event that the <strong>Schedules</strong> <strong>and</strong> Statements differ fromthe foregoing Global Notes, the Global Notes shall control.* * * END OF GLOBAL NOTES * * ** * * SCHEDULES AND STATEMENTS BEGIN ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE* * *9143951v.1 142851/00001

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 5 of 75B6 Summary (Form 6 - Summary) (12/07)United States Bankruptcy CourtWestern District of TexasIn re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s) Chapter 11SUMMARY OF SCHEDULESIndicate as to each schedule whether that schedule is attached <strong>and</strong> state the number of pages in each. Report the totals from <strong>Schedules</strong> A, B, D, E, F,I, <strong>and</strong> J in the boxes provided. Add the amounts from <strong>Schedules</strong> A <strong>and</strong> B to determine the total amount of the debtor's assets. Add the amounts of allclaims from <strong>Schedules</strong> D, E, <strong>and</strong> F to determine the total amount of the debtor's liabilities. Individual debtors also must complete the "StatisticalSummary of Certain Liabilities <strong>and</strong> Related Data" if they file a case under chapter 7,11, or 13.NAME OF SCHEDULEATTACHED(YES/NO)NO. OFSHEETS ASSETS LIABILITIES OTHERA - Real Property Yes 1 $0.00B - Personal Property Yes 4 $26,916,742.00C - Property Claimed as Exempt No 0D - Creditors Holding SecuredClaimsE - Creditors Holding UnsecuredPriority Claims(Total of Claims on Schedule E)F - Creditors Holding UnsecuredNonpriority ClaimsG - Executory Contracts <strong>and</strong>Unexpired LeasesYes 1 $10,531,673.68Yes 16 $582,233.68Yes 24 $7,981,510.07Yes 1H - Codebtors Yes 3I - Current Income of IndividualDebtor(s)J - Current Expenditures ofIndividual Debtor(s)No 0 $N/ANo 0 $N/ATOTAL 50 $26,916,742.00 $19,095,417.431

}bk1{ScheduleB-PersonalProperty}bk{13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 7 of 75B6B (Official Form 6B) (12/07)In re<strong>nWire</strong>, LLCDebtor,Case No. 13-10576Except as directed below, list all personal property of the debtor of whatever kind. If the debtor has no property in one or more of the categories, placean "x" in the appropriate position in the column labeled "None." If additional space is needed in any category, attach a separate sheet properly identifiedwith the case name, case number, <strong>and</strong> the number of the category. If the debtor is married, state whether husb<strong>and</strong>, wife, both, or the marital communityown the property by placing an "H," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint, or Community." If the debtor is an individual or a jointpetition is filed, state the amount of any exemptions claimed only in Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt.Do not list interests in executory contracts <strong>and</strong> unexpired leases on this schedule. List them in Schedule G - Executory Contracts <strong>and</strong>Unexpired Leases.If the property is being held for the debtor by someone else, state that person's name <strong>and</strong> address under "Description <strong>and</strong> Location of Property."If the property is being held for a minor child, simply state the child's initials <strong>and</strong> the name <strong>and</strong> address of the child's parent or guardian, such as"A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do not disclose the child's name. See, 11 U.S.C. §112 <strong>and</strong> Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(m).Type of Property1. Cash on h<strong>and</strong> XSCHEDULE B - PERSONAL PROPERTYNONEDescription <strong>and</strong> Location of PropertyHusb<strong>and</strong>,Wife,Joint, orCommunityCurrent Value ofDebtor's Interest in Property,without Deducting anySecured Claim or Exemption2. Checking, savings or other financialaccounts, certificates of deposit, orshares in banks, savings <strong>and</strong> loan,thrift, building <strong>and</strong> loan, <strong>and</strong>homestead associations, or creditunions, brokerage houses, orcooperatives.Account No.1881324204ComericaMoney Market Account No. 1881432106Comerica- 0.00- 0.003. Security deposits with publicutilities, telephone companies,l<strong>and</strong>lords, <strong>and</strong> others.4. Household goods <strong>and</strong> furnishings,including audio, video, <strong>and</strong>computer equipment.5. Books, pictures <strong>and</strong> other artobjects, antiques, stamp, coin,record, tape, compact disc, <strong>and</strong>other collections or collectibles.XXX6. Wearing apparel. X7. Furs <strong>and</strong> jewelry. X8. Firearms <strong>and</strong> sports, photographic,<strong>and</strong> other hobby equipment.9. Interests in insurance policies.Name insurance company of eachpolicy <strong>and</strong> itemize surrender orrefund value of each.10. Annuities. Itemize <strong>and</strong> name eachissuer.XXXSub-Total >(Total of this page)0.002continuation sheets attached to the Schedule of Personal PropertySoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 - CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 8 of 75B6B (Official Form 6B) (12/07) - Cont.In re<strong>nWire</strong>, LLCDebtor,Case No. 13-10576SCHEDULE B - PERSONAL PROPERTY(Continuation Sheet)Type of PropertyNONEDescription <strong>and</strong> Location of PropertyHusb<strong>and</strong>,Wife,Joint, orCommunityCurrent Value ofDebtor's Interest in Property,without Deducting anySecured Claim or Exemption11. Interests in an education IRA asdefined in 26 U.S.C. § 530(b)(1) orunder a qualified State tuition planas defined in 26 U.S.C. § 529(b)(1).Give particulars. (File separately therecord(s) of any such interest(s).11 U.S.C. § 521(c).)X12. Interests in IRA, ERISA, Keogh, orother pension or profit sharingplans. Give particulars.X13. Stock <strong>and</strong> interests in incorporated<strong>and</strong> unincorporated businesses.Itemize.X14. Interests in partnerships or jointventures. Itemize.X15. Government <strong>and</strong> corporate bonds<strong>and</strong> other negotiable <strong>and</strong>nonnegotiable instruments.X16. Accounts receivable. Trade receivables for all Debtors - 12,178,056.0017. Alimony, maintenance, support, <strong>and</strong>property settlements to which thedebtor is or may be entitled. Giveparticulars.18. Other liquidated debts owed to debtorincluding tax refunds. Give particulars.XX19. Equitable or future interests, lifeestates, <strong>and</strong> rights or powersexercisable for the benefit of thedebtor other than those listed inSchedule A - Real Property.20. Contingent <strong>and</strong> noncontingentinterests in estate of a decedent,death benefit plan, life insurancepolicy, or trust.21. Other contingent <strong>and</strong> unliquidatedclaims of every nature, includingtax refunds, counterclaims of thedebtor, <strong>and</strong> rights to setoff claims.Give estimated value of each.XXXSub-Total >(Total of this page)12,178,056.00Sheet 1 of 2 continuation sheets attachedto the Schedule of Personal PropertySoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 - CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 9 of 75B6B (Official Form 6B) (12/07) - Cont.In re<strong>nWire</strong>, LLCDebtor,Case No. 13-10576SCHEDULE B - PERSONAL PROPERTY(Continuation Sheet)Type of PropertyNONEDescription <strong>and</strong> Location of PropertyHusb<strong>and</strong>,Wife,Joint, orCommunityCurrent Value ofDebtor's Interest in Property,without Deducting anySecured Claim or Exemption22. Patents, copyrights, <strong>and</strong> otherintellectual property. Giveparticulars.X23. Licenses, franchises, <strong>and</strong> othergeneral intangibles. Giveparticulars.X24. Customer lists or other compilationscontaining personally identifiableinformation (as defined in 11 U.S.C.§ 101(41A)) provided to the debtorby individuals in connection withobtaining a product or service fromthe debtor primarily for personal,family, or household purposes.X25. Automobiles, trucks, trailers, <strong>and</strong>other vehicles <strong>and</strong> accessories.X26. Boats, motors, <strong>and</strong> accessories. X27. Aircraft <strong>and</strong> accessories. X28. Office equipment, furnishings, <strong>and</strong>supplies.Equipment <strong>and</strong> furnishings for all Debtors (bookvalue)- 14,738,686.0029. Machinery, fixtures, equipment, <strong>and</strong>supplies used in business.X30. Inventory. X31. Animals. X32. Crops - growing or harvested. Giveparticulars.33. Farming equipment <strong>and</strong>implements.XX34. Farm supplies, chemicals, <strong>and</strong> feed. X35. Other personal property of any kindnot already listed. Itemize.XSheet 2 of 2 continuation sheets attachedto the Schedule of Personal PropertySoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 - CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comSub-Total > 14,738,686.00(Total of this page)Total > 26,916,742.00(Report also on Summary of <strong>Schedules</strong>)Best Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 11 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10)In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMSA complete list of claims entitled to priority, listed separately by type of priority, is to be set forth on the sheets provided. Only holders ofunsecured claims entitled to priority should be listed in this schedule. In the boxes provided on the attached sheets, state the name, mailing address,including zip code, <strong>and</strong> last four digits of the account number, if any, of all entities holding priority claims against the debtor or the property of thedebtor, as of the date of the filing of the petition. Use a separate continuation sheet for each type of priority <strong>and</strong> label each with the type of priority.The complete account number of any account the debtor has with the creditor is useful to the trustee <strong>and</strong> the creditor <strong>and</strong> may be provided ifthe debtor chooses to do so. If a minor child is a creditor, state the child's initials <strong>and</strong> the name <strong>and</strong> address of the child's parent or guardian, such as"A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do not disclose the child's name. See, 11 U.S.C. §112 <strong>and</strong> Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(m).If any entity other than a spouse in a joint case may be jointly liable on a claim, place an "X" in the column labeled "Codebtor," include theentity on the appropriate schedule of creditors, <strong>and</strong> complete Schedule H-Codebtors. If a joint petition is filed, state whether the husb<strong>and</strong>, wife, bothof them, or the marital community may be liable on each claim by placing an "H," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint, orCommunity." If the claim is contingent, place an "X" in the column labeled "Contingent." If the claim is unliquidated, place an "X" in the columnlabeled "Unliquidated." If the claim is disputed, place an "X" in the column labeled "Disputed." (You may need to place an "X" in more than one ofthese three columns.)Report the total of claims listed on each sheet in the box labeled "Subtotals" on each sheet. Report the total of all claims listed on thisSchedule E in the box labeled "Total" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Report this total also on the Summary of <strong>Schedules</strong>.Report the total of amounts entitled to priority listed on each sheet in the box labeled "Subtotals" on each sheet. Report the total of allamounts entitled to priority listed on this Schedule E in the box labeled "Totals" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Individual debtors withprimarily consumer debts report this total also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities <strong>and</strong> Related Data.Report the total of amounts not entitled to priority listed on each sheet in the box labeled "Subtotals" on each sheet. Report the total of allamounts not entitled to priority listed on this Schedule E in the box labeled "Totals" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Individual debtorswith primarily consumer debts report this total also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities <strong>and</strong> Related Data.Check this box if debtor has no creditors holding unsecured priority claims to report on this Schedule E.TYPES OF PRIORITY CLAIMS (Check the appropriate box(es) below if claims in that category are listed on the attached sheets)Domestic Support ObligationsClaims for domestic support that are owed to or recoverable by a spouse, former spouse, or child of the debtor, or the parent, legal guardian, orresponsible relative of such a child, or a governmental unit to whom such a domestic support claim has been assigned to the extent provided in 11U.S.C. § 507(a)(1).Extensions of credit in an involuntary caseClaims arising in the ordinary course of the debtor's business or financial affairs after the commencement of the case but before the earlier of theappointment of a trustee or the order for relief. 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(3).Wages, salaries, <strong>and</strong> commissionsWages, salaries, <strong>and</strong> commissions, including vacation, severance, <strong>and</strong> sick leave pay owing to employees <strong>and</strong> commissions owing to qualifyingindependent sales representatives up to $11,725* per person earned within 180 days immediately preceding the filing of the original petition, or thecessation of business, whichever occurred first, to the extent provided in 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(4).Contributions to employee benefit plansMoney owed to employee benefit plans for services rendered within 180 days immediately preceding the filing of the original petition, or thecessation of business, whichever occurred first, to the extent provided in 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(5).* Amount subject to adjustment on 4/01/13, <strong>and</strong> every three years thereafter with respect to cases commenced on or after the date of adjustment.Sheet 1 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 12 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Certain farmers <strong>and</strong> fishermenClaims of certain farmers <strong>and</strong> fishermen, up to 5,775* per farmer or fisherman, against the debtor, as provided in 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(6).Deposits by individualsClaims of individuals up to $2,600* for deposits for the purchase, lease, or rental of property or services for personal, family, or household use,that were not delivered or provided. 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(7).Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other Debts Owed to Governmental UnitsTaxes, customs duties, <strong>and</strong> penalties owing to federal, state, <strong>and</strong> local governmental units as set forth in 11 U.S.C. §507(a)(8).Commitments to Maintain the Capital of an Insured Depository InstitutionClaims based on commitments to the FDIC, RTC, Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, Comptroller of the Currency, or Board ofGovernors of the Federal Reserve System, or their predecessors or successors, to maintain the capital of an insured depository institution. 11 U.S.C.§ 507(a)(9).Claims for Death or Personal Injury While Debtor Was IntoxicatedClaims for death or personal injury resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle or vessel while the debtor was intoxicated from usingalcohol, a drug, or another substance. 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(10).* Amounts are subject to adjustment on 4/01/13, <strong>and</strong> every three years thereafter with respect to cases commenced on or after the date ofadjustment.Sheet 2 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 13 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Account No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)BLAINE GILLES3479 REGENT DRPALATINE, IL 60067Account No.GARY EGGER3823 EPPERSON TRAILAUSTIN, TX 78732Account No.PHILLIP WROBLEWSKI117 MESA VISTA DRLEANDER, TX 78641CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCNANANADATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMWagesWagesWagesCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDWages, salaries, <strong>and</strong> commissionsType of PriorityAMOUNTOF CLAIM$10,000.00$6,000.00$4,000.00Subtotals:(Totals of this page) 20,000.00AMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY10,000.006,000.004,000.0020,000.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00$0.00$0.000.00Sheet 3 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 14 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITYALABAMA DEPT. OF REVENUEBUSINESS PRIVILEGE TAX UNITP.O. BOX 3274310MONTGOMERY, AL 36132-7431Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00ALAMEDA COUNTY PROPERTYTAXDONALD R. WHITE TREASURER1221 OAK STREETOAKLAND, CA 94612-4285Account No.NATaxesUnknown4,350.33$0.00ALDINE ISD- TAX OFFICE14909 ALDINE- WESTFIELD RDHOUSTON, TX 77032-3027Account No.NATaxes$4,350.330.00$0.00ARKANSAS SECRETARY OFSTATECORPORATIONS DIVISIONSTATE CAPITOLLITTLE ROCK, AR 72201-1094Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00BEXAR COUNTY PROPERTYTAXSYLVIA S. ROMO-C.P.A.BEXAR COUNTY TAXASSESSOR-COLLSAN ANTONIO, TX 78283-3950Account No.NANATaxesUnknown$129,059.09 129,059.09$0.00Sheet 4 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 15 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00CITY AND COUNTY OF SANFRANCISCOSAN FRANCISCO TAXCOLLECTOR400 VAN NESS AVENUE CITYHALL,SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-4696Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00CITY OF AUSTIN124 WEST 8TH STREETSUITE 140AUSTIN, TX 78701Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00CITY OF BELLEVUEPO BOX 34372SEATTLE, WA 98124-1372Account No.NATaxesUnknown99,917.37$0.00CITY OF HOUSTONPO BOX 1562HUSTON, TX 77251-1562Account No.NATaxes$99,917.3725,000.00$0.00CITY OF LOS ANGELESOFFICE OF FINANCEFILE 558060LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-5806Account No.NANATaxes$25,000.00Unknown 0.00$0.00Sheet 5 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 16 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00CITY OF PHOENIXP. O. BOX 29690PHOENIX, AZ 85038-9690Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00CITY OF SEATTLEDEPT. OF FINANCEP.O. BOX 342140SEATTLE, WA 98124-4214Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00CITY OF SPOKANEDEPT. OF FINANCEP.O. BOX 342140SEATTLE, WA 98124-4214Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00CITY OF STOCKTONP. O. BOX 2590OMAHA, NE 68103-2590Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00CITY OF STOCKTON OWNERSTORM DRAINP.O. BOX 2590OMAHA, NE 68103-2590Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00CITY OF STOCKTON POLICEDEPARTMENTCITY OF STOCKTON22 EAST MARKET STPERMIT40666STOCKTON, CA 95202Account No.Sheet 6 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comNANATaxesUnknownUnknown 0.00$0.00Best Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 17 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00DALLAS COUNTY TAX OFFICEJOHN R. AMES, CTATAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTORPO BOX 139066DALLAS, TX 75313-9066Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00DELAWARE SECRETARY OFSTATE820 N. FRENCH STREET, 5THFLOORWilmington, DE 19801Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00DEPARTMENT OF LABOR &INDUSTRIESP. O. BOX 44000OLYMPIA, WA 98504-4000Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00DEPARTMENT OF REVENUEP.O. BOX 23075JACKSON, MS 39225-3075Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00FLORIDA DEPT. OF REVENUE5050 W. TENNESSEE STREETTALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0135Account No.NANATaxesUnknownUnknown 0.00$0.00Sheet 7 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 18 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OFREVENUEPROCESSING CENTERPO BOX 740317ATLANTA, GA 30374-0317Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00HAWAII STATE TAXCOLLECTORP. O. BOX 1530HONOLULU, HI 96806-1530Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICESPECIAL PROCEDURED STAFF- INSOLVENCYP.O. BOX 7346Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OFREVENUENATaxesFrankfort, KY 40602Account No.Unknown0.00$0.00LOS ANGELES COUNTY TAXCOLLECTORP.O. BOX 540880LOS ANGELES, CA 09005-4088Account No.NANATaxesUnknownUnknown 0.00$0.00Sheet 8 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 19 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00MISSISSIPPI OFFICE OFREVENUEP.O. BOX 23050JACKSON, MS 39225-3050Account No.NATaxesUnknown5,720.75$0.00NELDA WELLS SPEARS, TAXCOLLECTORP. O. BOX 970AUSTIN, TX 78767-0970Account No.NATaxes$5,720.750.00$0.00NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OFLABORDIVISION OF EMPLOYERACCOUNTSPO BOX 059TRENTON, NJ 08625-0059Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00NEW JERSEY DIVISIONDIVISION OF EMPLOYERACCOUNTSPO BOX 059TRENTON, NJ 08625-0059Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00NEW MEXICO STATE PUBLICREGULATION COMMIP.O. BOX 1269SANTE FE, NE 87504-1269Account No.NANATaxesUnknownUnknown 0.00$0.00Sheet 9 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 20 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00NEW YORK STATEDEPARTMENT OF TAXATION ANP. O. BOX 5110KINGSTON, NY 12402-5110Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00NORTH CAROLINA DEPT OFCOMMERCE/UTILITIE301 N. WILINGTON STRALEIGH, NC 27601Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCEPO BOX 5040KINGSTON, NY 12402-5040Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00NYC DEPT. OF FINANCENYC DEPT. OF FINANCEPO BOX 51100KINGSTON, NY 12402-5110Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00OREGON DEPARTMENT OFREVENUEP.O. BOX 14790SALEM, OR 97309-0470Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00OREGON PUBLIC UTILITYCOMM.PREVENTION SERVICESP.O. Box 2148Salem, OR 97308-2148Account No.Sheet 10 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comNANATaxesUnknownUnknown 0.00$0.00Best Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 21 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENTOFSTATE CORPORATIONSBUREAUP. O. BOX 87220HARRISBURG, PA 17105-8722Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00SACRAMENTO COUNTY TAXCOLLECTORP.O. BOX 508SACRAMENTO, CA 95812-0508Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY TAXCOLLECTORP. O. BOX 7425SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120-7425Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY TAXCOLLECTORP.O. BOX 2169STOCKTON, CA 95201-2169Account No.NATaxesUnknown295,308.00$0.00STATE COMPTROLLER OFPUBLIC ACCOUNTSREVENUE ACCOUNTINGDIVISION - BANKRUPTCYP.O. BOX 13528AUSTIN, TX 78711Account No.NANATaxes$295,308.00Unknown 0.00$0.00Sheet 11 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 22 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY2,878.14AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00STATE OF NEVADAPO BOX 52685PHOENIX, AZ 85072-2685Account No.NATaxes$2,878.140.00$0.00STATE OF RHODE ISLANDDIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIESA89 JEFFERSON BOULEVARDWARWICK, RI 02888Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00TEXAS COMPTROLLER OFPUBLIC ACCOUNTSFRANCHISE TAX SECTIONP.O. BOX 1493480AUSTIN, TX 78714-9348Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00TEXAS EMPLOYMENTCOMMISSIONTEC BUILDING - BANKRUPTCY101 EAST 15TH STREETAUSTIN, TX 78778Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00TEXAS PW 911 EMERGENCYSERVICE FEEFRANCHISE TAX SECTIONP.O. BOX 1493480AUSTIN, TX 78714-9348Account No.NANATaxesUnknownUnknown 0.00$0.00Sheet 12 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 23 of75B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Taxes <strong>and</strong> Certain Other DebtsOwed to Governmental UnitsType of PriorityAccount No.CREDITOR'S NAME,AND MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See Instructions above.)CODEBTORHusb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityHWJCDATE CLAIM WAS INCURREDAND CONSIDERATION FORCLAIMCONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNTOF CLAIMAMOUNT NOTENTITLED TOPRIORITY, IF ANY0.00AMOUNTENTITLED TOPRIORITY$0.00TEXAS TL SALES AND USE TAXFRANCHISE TAX SECTIONP.O. BOX 1493480AUSTIN, TX 78714-9348Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00TEXAS UNIVERSAL SERVICEFUNDDEPARTMENT 1033P.O. BOX 1210330DALLAS, TX 75312-1033Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION210 N. 1950 W.SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84134-0180Account No.NATaxesUnknown0.00$0.00VA DEPT OF TAX 21250 S. CAPITAL OF TEXASHWYBLDG 2, SUITE 235WEST LAKE HILLS, TX 78746NATaxesUnknown562,233.68Subtotals:(Totals of this page) 562,233.68Total:(Use only on last page of the completedSchedule E. Report also on the Summaryof <strong>Schedules</strong>.) 582,233.68Totals:582,233.68(Use only on last page of the completedSchedule E. If applicable, report also onthe Statistical Summary of CertainLiabilities <strong>and</strong> Related Data.$ 13 of 13 total sheets in Schedule ofCreditors Holding Unsecured Priority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2010 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 24 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07)In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMSState the name, mailing address, including zip code, <strong>and</strong> last four digits of any account number of all entities holding unsecured claimswithout priority against the debtor, as of the date of filing of the petition. The complete account number of any account the debtor has with thecreditor is useful to the trustee <strong>and</strong> the creditor <strong>and</strong> may be provided if the debtor chooses to do so. If a minor child is a creditor, state the child'sinitials <strong>and</strong> the name <strong>and</strong> address of the child's parent or guardian, such as "A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do not disclose the child'sname. See 11 U.S.C. §112 <strong>and</strong> Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(m). Do not include claims listed in <strong>Schedules</strong> D <strong>and</strong> E. If all creditors will not fit on thispage, use the continuation sheet provided.If any entity other than a spouse in a joint case may be jointly liable on a claim, place an "X" in the column labeled "Codebtor," include theentity on the appropriate schedule of creditors, <strong>and</strong> complete Schedule H - Codebtors. If a joint petition is filed, state whether the husb<strong>and</strong>, wife, bothof them, or the marital community may be liable on each claim by placing an "H," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint, orCommunity."If the claim is contingent, place an "X" in the column labeled "Contingent." If the claim is unliquidated, place an "X" in the column labeled"Unliquidated." If the claim is disputed, place an "X" in the column labeled "Disputed." (You may need to place an "X" in more than one of thesethree columns).Report the total of all claims listed on this schedule in the box labeled "Total" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Report this totalalso on the Summary of <strong>Schedules</strong> <strong>and</strong>, if the debtor is an individual with primarily consumer debts, report this total also on the Statistical Summaryof Certain Liabilities <strong>and</strong> Related Data.Check this box if debtor has no creditors holding secured claims to report on this Schedule F.Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIM360NETWORKS (USA) INC.130 N. MAIN ST.3RD FLOORBUTTE, MT 59701ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt32,829.268MS-CSF CORPORATION285 DAVIDSON AVENUE1ST FLR., SUITE 103SOMERSET, NJ 08873ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt4,820.00ABOVENETP.O. BOX 79006CITY OF INDUSTRY, CA 91716-9006NATrade debt24,165.00Sheet 1 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.com 39512 Best Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 25 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMACCESS COST ENGINEERINGSYSTEMS, LLCPO BOX 614OFALLON, MO 63366ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt22,749.45ADP, INCPO BOX 125131851 NORTH RESIER DREL PASO, TX 79912ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt4,163.46ALPHEUS COMMUNICATIONATTN: SVP - CONTRACTADMINISTRATION1301 FANNIN, 20TH FLOORHOUSTON, TX 77002ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt192,316.00AMC TELECOM LLC1782 CLOVERMEADOW DRIVEVIENNA, VI 22182ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt19,817.29AMERICA ONLINEP.O. BOX 1450MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55485-8702ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt486,832.01ANGEL TELECOMBLEGISTRASS 11ACH-6340 BAARSWITZERLANDNATrade debt1,420.85Sheet 2 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 26 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMARBINET - PEX460 HERNDON PARKWAYSUITE 1500HERNDON, VA 20170ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt109,000.00ARENT FOX <strong>LLP</strong>1050 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W.WASHINGTON, DC 20036-5339ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt180,000.00AT&T - SOUTH WESTERN BE<strong>LLP</strong>.O. BOX 78224PHOENIX, AZ 85062-8224ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt2,892.24BANDWIDTH.COM, INC.75 REMITTANCE DRIVE,SUITE 6647CHICAGO, IL 60675ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt184,600.00BAY ALARM COMPANY FIREMONITORING60 BERRY DRIVEPACHECO, CA 94553-5601ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt9,162.99BELL CANADA-COGSMANAGEMENT110 O'CONNOR ST, FL 12OTTAWA, ONTARIO K1P1H1CANADANATrade debt83,743.30Sheet 3 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 27 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMBILLING CONCEPTSATTN: PEGGY GAITAN7411 JOHN SMITH DRIVE, SUITE200SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229-4898ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt0.00BLAINE GILLES3479 REGENT DR.Palatine, IL 60067ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt10,000.00BOXER F2 LPPO BOX 4737HOUSTON, TX 77210-4737ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt15,624.22BPP TELECOM10191 W. SAMPLE RD SUITE216DCORAL SPRINGS, FL 33065ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt1,225.88BROADBANDONE3500 NW BOCA RATON BLVDSUITE 901BOCA RATON, FL 33431ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt4,367.00BROWN & SNELL, P.L.L.C.818 W. 10TH STREETAUSTIN, TX 78701NATrade debt7,085.00Sheet 4 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 28 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMCA-MISSION STREET LIMITEDPARTNERSHIPJONES LANG LASALLEAMERICAS AS AGENT39481 TREASURY CENTERCHICAGO, IL 60694-9400ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt73,389.21CABS AGENT LLCPO BOX 29024AUSTIN, TX 78755-6024ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt22,273.44CALAVERAS TELEPHONECOMPANYATTN: YVONNE SMYTHE - CIC794/P.O. BOX 370COPPEROPOLIS, CA 95228ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt190.05CALIFORNIA HIGH COST FUND-B505 VAN NESS AVENUESAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt9,318.35CALIFORNIA TELECONNECTFUND505 VAN NESS AVENUESAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102NATrade debt2,076.70Sheet 5 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 29 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMCALIFORNIA WATER SERVICECOMPANY FIRE PRP.O. BOX 940001SAN JOSE, CA 95194-0001ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt95.90CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICECOMPANY SEWERPO BOX 940001SAN JOSE, CA 95194-0001ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt1,748.05CARR ELECTRIC3750 WILCOX ROADSTOCKTON, CA 95215ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt740.00CCI-800 BRAZOS, LPC/O CAPITAL COMMERCIALINVESTMENTS, INC.ATTN: KEN CROUSE720 BRAZOS, SUITE 900AUSTIN, TX 78701ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt17,383.69CENTRAL PARKING SYSTEMCARRIER ACCESS BILLING A/R320 INTERSTATE NORTH PKWYSE,SATLANTA, GA 30339NATrade debt210.00Sheet 6 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 30 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMCENTURYLINKPO BOX 2961PHOENIX, AZ 85062-2961ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt392,775.00CHARLES R. SIMPSON6900 MEADOW CREEKNORTH RICHLAND HILLS, TX76180ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt16,667.00CHUBB FIRE & SECURITY, INCP.O. BOX 749757LOS ANGELES, CA 90074-9757ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt16,682.90COGENT COMMUNICATIONSPO BOX 791087BALTIMORE, MD 21279-1087ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt326,886.00COMP-UTILITY CORPORATION7720 WALDON DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 78750ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt0.00COMPASS GLOBAL7720 WALDON DRIVEAUSTIN, TX 78750NATrade debt471.23Sheet 7 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 31 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMCOMPUTERTEL900 17TH STREET NWSUITE 4000WASHINGTON, DC 20006-2507ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt462.91CONNECTTO COMMUNICATIONS,INC.555 RIVERDALE DRIVEGLENDALE, CA 91201ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt64.42CORESITE SERVICES, INCATTENTION: A/R DEPARTMENTPO BOX 74338CLEVELAND, OH 44194-4338ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt26,171.86CORESITE SERVICES, INC.PO BOX 74338ATTENTION: A/R DEPARTMENTCLEVELAND, OH 44194-4338ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt28,609.00COX COMMUNICATIONSATTN: COX ACCESS BILLINGP. O. BOX 1053390ATLANTA, GA 30348-5339ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt402,570.00CRS/CDFP. O. BOX 45140SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145-0140NATrade debt0.00Sheet 8 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 32 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMDATA ACCESS SOLUTIONS INC.9005 LESLIE STREETUNIT 2100RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO L4B1G7CANADAACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt166.91DEE TELECOM HOLDINGS HKLTD.1601-1603 KINWICK CENTRE32 HOLLYWOOD ROAD,CENTRALHONG KONGCHINAACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt12.69DELL BUSINESS CREDITPAYMENT PROCESSING CENTERPO BOX 5275CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-5275ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt2,944.66DP AIR CORPORATION5673 W. LAS POSITAS BLVD.SUITE 2100PLEASANTON, CA 94588ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt26,617.15DUN AND BRADSTREETP. O. BOX 75434CHICAGO, IL 60675-5434NATrade debt9,166.75Sheet 9 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 33 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMELECTRIC LIGHTWAVEPO BOX 2966MILWAUKEE, WI 53201ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt24,215.00ENDSTREAM COMMUNICATIONS,LLCP.O. BOX 3085HICKSVILLE, NE 11802-3085ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt8,984.09EQUINIX SERVICES, INCPO BOX 930199ATLANTA, GA 31193-0199ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt34,326.00ERNST & YOUNGPNC BANK3712 SOLUTIONS CENTERCHICAGO, IL 60677-3007ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt6,500.00FEDERAL EXPRESSPO BOX 7221PASADENA, CA 91109-7321ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt2,014.37FPL FIBERNET LLCTJ412-01-0-RATTN: FISCAL SERVICES2540 SHUMARD OAKBOULEVARDTALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0850NATrade debt119,221.00Sheet 10 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 34 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMFRONTIERP.O. BOX 92713ROCHESTER, NY 14692ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt330,234.00GENBAND, INC.P.O. BOX 731188DALLAS, TX 75373-1188ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt266,000.00GLOBAL NAPSC/O CARL F. JENKINS, RECEIVERCBIZ/TOFIAS500 BOULSTON STREET, 4THFLOORBOSTON, MA 02116ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt85,000.00GLOBAL TELECOM &TECHNOLOGY8 PENN CENTER WEST -SUITE 101PITTSBURG, PA 15276ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt2,929.00GRANDE COMMUNICATIONSNETWORKDEPT 1204PO BOX 121204DALLAS, TX 75312-1204NATrade debt200,000.00Sheet 11 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 35 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMGUARDIANP.O. BOX 677458DALLAS, TX 75267-7458ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt7,074.16H. DALE LANGLEY, JR.610 WEST LYNNAUSTIN, TX 78703ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt1,562.79HINES REIT ONE WILSHIRE, L.P.DEPT 34124P.O. BOX 390000SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94139ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt190,199.24HUNTINGTON TELECOM CORP11 LAKE PLACEHUNTINGTON, NY 11743ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt951.63IDT DOMESTIC TELECOM520 BROAD STREET5TH FLOORNEWARK, NJ 07102ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt7,007.15INTERSTATE TRS FUNDPO BOX 360090PITTSBURGH, PA 15251-6090NATrade debt2,398.25Sheet 12 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 36 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMINTERSTATE TRS FUND 808317PO BOX 360090PITTSBURGH, PA 15251-6090ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt0.00INTERSTATE TRS FUND 813044PO BOX 360090PITTSBURGH, PA 15251-6090ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt0.00INTERSTATE TRS FUNDCONTRIBUTIONPO BOX 62634BALTIMORE, MD 21264-2631ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt0.00IPFS CORPORATION45 EAST RIVER PARK PLACEWEST SUITE 3080FRESNO, CA 93720ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt25,187.10JOHN R. AMES DALLAS COUNTYPO BOX 139066DALLAS, TX 75313ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt2,462.55JONES LANG LASALLE311 W MONROECHICAGO, IL 60690NATrade debt39,054.50Sheet 13 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 37 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMKDDI GLOBAL, LLCTURNPIKE PLAZA, SUITE 104197 ROUTE 18 SOUTHEAST BRUNSWICK, NJ 08816ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt1,228.56KPMG, <strong>LLP</strong>DEPT. 0564P. O. BOX 1200010DALLAS, TX 75312-0564ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt40,000.00LA ARCATA DEVELOPMENTLIMITEDATTN: ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLEC/O NAI RECO PARTNERS1826 N. LOOP 1604 W, #250SAN ANTONIO, TX 78248ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt225,000.00LEVEL 3DEPARTMENT # 182DENVER, CO 80291-0182ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt9,638.32LEVINRP.O. BOX 910182DENVER, CO 80291-0182NATrade debt4,685.00Sheet 14 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 38 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMLEXICO TELECOM LTD.PO BOX 3321DRAKE CHAMBERSROAD TOWN, TORTOLABRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDSACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt44.30MACIAS ,GINI & O'CONNELL, <strong>LLP</strong>3000 S. STREET, SUITE 300SACRAMENTO, CA 95816ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt35,000.00MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS, LLCRIVER PLACE CORPORATEPARK 2P. O. BOX 82554GOLETA, CA 93118-2554ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt33,110.00MTS ALLSTREAMP.O. BOX 3500STATION MAINWINNIPEG, MB R3C 0B7CANADA, MBACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt5,228.13NAVIGATA COMMUNICATIONSC/O VH1030PO BOX 9520 STATIONTERMINALVAN COUVER, BC, V6B 4G3CANADANATrade debt16,971.06Sheet 15 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 39 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMNORTH AMERICAN NUMBERINGPLANc/o Welch BillingP.O. Box 223231Pittsburgh, PA 15251-2231ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt0.00NOVA TEL11550 IH-10 WESTSUITE 1100SAN ANTONIO, TX 78230ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt185.32ONECOMMUNICATIONS/EARTHLINK5 WALL STREETBURLINGTON, MA 01803ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt553,389.00OPTIVON, INC.PO BOX 11881SAN JUAN, 00922-1881PUERTO RICOACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt30.32PAC BE<strong>LLP</strong>.O. BOX 166490ATLANTA, GA 30321-0649ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt182,666.61PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRICP. O. BOX 997300SACRAMENTO, CA 95899-7300NATrade debt26,055.63Sheet 16 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 40 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMPACIFIC TELCOMMUNICATIONSCOUNCILPO BOX 5895ENGLEWOOD, NJ 07631-5895ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debtX1,200.00PICS TELECOM CORPORATION1920 LYELL AVENUEROCHESTER, NY 14606ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt14,715.29PILOT COMMUNICATIONSP. O. BOX 77766STOCKTON, CA 95267-1066ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt109,706.48PMB HELIN DONOVAN, <strong>LLP</strong>5918 WEST COURTYARD DRSUITE 105AUSTIN, TX 78730ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt11,700.00PROSTAR SERVICES, INC.PO BOX 110209CARROLLTON, TX 75011-0209ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt1,738.05RACKSPACE HOSTINGPO BOX 730759DALLAS, TX 75373-0759NATrade debt14,642.72Sheet 17 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 41 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMRIVERROCK SYSTEMS, LTD.14881 QUORUM DRIVESUITE 2200DALLAS, TX 75254ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt37,485.00ROCKWELL MANAGEMENT1770 ST JAMES LIMITEDPARTNERSP.O. BOX 6705020DALLAS, TX 75267-0502ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt69,149.77RSG INC2463 CENTERGATE DRIVESUITE #2030MIRAMAR, FL 33025ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt58.66SALES TAX ASSOCIATES, INC.4301 W. WILLIAM CANNON DR.STE B-1500AUSTIN, TX 78749ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt18,251.83SAMSARA1250 S CAPITAL OF TEXASHIGHWAYBLDG 2-235WEST LAKE HILLS, TX 78746NATrade debt255,460.80Sheet 18 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 42 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMSPRINT CE<strong>LLP</strong>.O. BOX 4181CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-4181ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt7,580.60STEVE HUBBARD / RBC202 US Route One, Suite 206FALMOUTH, ME 04105ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt799,052.00SUREWESTPO BOX 30697LOS ANGELES, CA 90030-0697ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt3,698.00SWITCHP. O. BOX 400850LAS VEGAS, NV 89140ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt18,367.88TARGUS INFORMATIONCORPORATIONPO BOX 9134UNIONDALE, NY 11555-9134ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt5,047.62TAYLOR STREET VENTURESC/O CROSS & COMPANY2013 BROADWAYSAN ANTONIO, TX 78215NATrade debt3,747.37Sheet 19 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 43 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMTECH MACHINDRA (AMERICAS)2140 LAKE PARK BLVD SUITE300RICHARDSON, TX 75080-2294ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debtX3,872.00TELEPACIFIC COMMUNICATIONSCABS DEPARTMENTPO BOX 364300LAS VEGAS, NV 89133-6430ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt41,874.00TELESENSECABS DEPARTMENTPO BOX 364300LAS VEGAS, NV 89133-6430ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt418,182.04TELUS CORPORATION215 SLATER STREETOTTAWA, ONTARIOCANADAACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt194,927.42THEODORE J. LEE3104 EDLOE, SUITE 204ATTORNEY AT LAWHOUSTON, TX 77027ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt47,221.00TIME WARNER CABLEPO BOX 660097DALLAS, TX 75266-0097NATrade debt453.41Sheet 20 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 44 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMTOAST.NET4841 MONROE STREET, SUITE307TOLEDO, OH 43623-5320ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt700.00TOBIN LAW GROUP1100 MAR WEST STREET, SUITEDTIBURON, CA 94920ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt22,572.75TOTAL CARRIER SOLUTIONS5401 S. FM1626SUITE 170-474KYLE, TX 78640ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt1,639.00UNIVERSAL LIFELINETELEPHONE SERVICESP. O. BOX 45130SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94145-0130ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt0.00UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADM.COMPANYPO BOX 105056ATLANTA, GA 30348-5056NATrade debtX6,803.77Sheet 21 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 45 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMUNIVERSAL SERVICEADMINISTRATIVE COMPANYPO BOX 105056ATLANTA, GA 30348-5056ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debtX2,452.96UNIVERSAL SERVICEADMINISTRATIVE COMPANYPO BOX 105056ATLANTA, GA 30348-5056ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debtX284,420.92VARINET5489 BYRNE RD.SUITE 171BURNABY, BCACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt3,241.01VOIPSHOPTELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.1 YONGE ST., SUITE 1801TORONTO, ONTARIO M5E1W7CANADAACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt134.44WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS <strong>LLP</strong>1200 EIGHTEENTH STREET, NWWASHINGTON, DC 20036ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt86,231.00WINDSTREAM2 NORTH MAIN STREETGREENVILLE, SC 29601NATrade debt15,356.31Sheet 22 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 46 of75B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont.In re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No 13-10576Debtor(s)SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS(Continuation Sheet)Husb<strong>and</strong>, Wife, Joint , or CommunityCREDITOR'S NAME,MAILING ADDRESSINCLUDING ZIP CODE,AND ACCOUNT NUMBER(See instructions above.)ACCOUNT NO.CODEBTORHWJCDATE CLAIM WASINCURRED ANDCONSIDERATION FORCLAIM.IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TOSETOFF, SO STATE.CONTINGENTUNLIQUIDATEDDISPUTEDAMOUNT OFCLAIMWINDSTREAMCOMMUNICATIONSATTENTION: CABSC/O BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.P.O.ST. LOUIS, MO 63160-0549ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt25,286.71XCONNECT2515 WARREN AVENUESUITE 3000CHEYENNE, WY 82002ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt2,822.40XO COMMUNICATIONS, INC.9201 N CENTRAL EXPRESSWAYDALLAS, TX 75231-5916ACCOUNT NO.NATrade debt96,727.96ZEUS WIRELESS, LLC10044 WOODLAND VILLAGEDRIVEAUSTIN, TX 78750-2235NATrade debtTotal(Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F.)(Report also on Summary of <strong>Schedules</strong> <strong>and</strong>, if applicable, onthe StatisticalSummary of Certain Liabilities <strong>and</strong> Related Data.)91,928.007,981,510.07Sheet 23 of 23 total sheets in Schedule of CreditorsHolding Unsecured Nonpriority ClaimsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2009 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

}bk1{ScheduleG-ExecutoryContracts<strong>and</strong>UnexpiredLeases}bk{13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 47 of75B6G (Official Form 6G) (12/07)In re<strong>nWire</strong>, LLCDebtor,Case No. 13-10576SCHEDULE G - EXECUTORY CONTRACTS AND UNEXPIRED LEASESDescribe all executory contracts of any nature <strong>and</strong> all unexpired leases of real or personal property. Include any timeshare interests. State natureof debtor's interest in contract, i.e., "Purchaser", "Agent", etc. State whether debtor is the lessor or lessee of a lease. Provide the names <strong>and</strong>complete mailing addresses of all other parties to each lease or contract described. If a minor child is a party to one of the leases or contracts,state the child's initials <strong>and</strong> the name <strong>and</strong> address of the child's parent or guardian, such as "A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do notdisclose the child's name. See, 11 U.S.C. §112 <strong>and</strong> Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(m).Check this box if debtor has no executory contracts or unexpired leases.Name <strong>and</strong> Mailing Address, Including Zip Code,of Other Parties to Lease or ContractSee attachmentDescription of Contract or Lease <strong>and</strong> Nature of Debtor's Interest.State whether lease is for nonresidential real property.State contract number of any government contract.0continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Executory Contracts <strong>and</strong> Unexpired LeasesSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 - CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

}bk1{ScheduleH-Codebtors}bk{13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 48 of75B6H (Official Form 6H) (12/07)In re<strong>nWire</strong>, LLCDebtor,Case No. 13-10576Provide the information requested concerning any person or entity, other than a spouse in a joint case, that is also liable on any debts listedby debtor in the schedules of creditors. Include all guarantors <strong>and</strong> co-signers. If the debtor resides or resided in a community property state,commonwealth, or territory (including Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington, orWisconsin) within the eight year period immediately preceding the commencement of the case, identify the name of the debtor's spouse <strong>and</strong> ofany former spouse who resides or resided with the debtor in the community property state, commonwealth, or territory. Include all names usedby the nondebtor spouse during the eight years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. If a minor child is a codebtor or a creditor,state the child's initials <strong>and</strong> the name <strong>and</strong> address of the child's parent or guardian, such as "A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do notdisclose the child's name. See, 11 U.S.C. §112 <strong>and</strong> Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(m).Check this box if debtor has no codebtors.NAME AND ADDRESS OF CODEBTORSCHEDULE H - CODEBTORSNAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITORInstallnet, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Pac-West Telecomm, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Pac-West Telecommm of Virginia, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Peering Partners Communications, LLC6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Peering Partners Communications, LLC6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Peering Partners Communications, LLC6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730PWT of New York, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730PWT Services, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Tex-Link Communications, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 943012continuation sheets attached to Schedule of CodebtorsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 - CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 49 of75In re<strong>nWire</strong>, LLCDebtor,Case No. 13-10576SCHEDULE H - CODEBTORS(Continuation Sheet)NAME AND ADDRESS OF CODEBTORNAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITORU.S. Net Solutions, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Enhanced Services, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Enhanced Services, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Enhanced Services, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Holdings, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suire 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Holdings, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suire 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Holdings, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suire 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Services, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Services, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Services, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301Sheet 1 of 2 continuation sheets attached to the Schedule of CodebtorsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 - CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 50 of75In re<strong>nWire</strong>, LLCDebtor,Case No. 13-10576SCHEDULE H - CODEBTORS(Continuation Sheet)NAME AND ADDRESS OF CODEBTORNAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITORUPH Holdings, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suire 200Austin, TX 78730UPH Holdings, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suire 200Austin, TX 78730UPH Holdings, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suire 200Austin, TX 78730HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301HERCULES TECHNOLOGY II, LP400 HAMILTON AVENUE, SUITE 310PALO ALTO, CA 94301Sheet 2 of 2 continuation sheets attached to the Schedule of CodebtorsSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 - CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 51 of75B6 Declaration (Official Form 6 - Declaration). (12/07)United States Bankruptcy CourtWestern District of TexasIn re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s) Chapter 11DECLARATION CONCERNING DEBTOR'S SCHEDULESDECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY ON BEHALF OF CORPORATION OR PARTNERSHIPI, the President of the corporation named as debtor in this case, declare under penalty of perjury that I haveread the foregoing summary <strong>and</strong> schedules, consisting of 51 sheets, <strong>and</strong> that they are true <strong>and</strong> correct to thebest of my knowledge, information, <strong>and</strong> belief.Date April 18, 2013 Signature /s/ J. Michael HollowayJ. Michael HollowayPresidentPenalty for making a false statement or concealing property: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years or both.18 U.S.C. §§ 152 <strong>and</strong> 3571.Software Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 52 of75<strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Attachment to Schedule GVendor ContractCustomer Contact Information Description of ServicesAT&TSouthwestern Bell Telephone Company, dba SBCTexasContract ManagementAttn. Notices Manager311 South Akard9th FloorDallas, TX 75202-5398Wholesale Agreement dated 8/25/2005

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 53 of75<strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Attachment to Schedule GCustomer ContractsCustomer Contact Information Description of Services1stel 205 E. Henderson ,Cleburne, TX 76031US Domestic <strong>and</strong> International, TollFree Origination5Linx Enterprises, Inc 275 Kenneth Drive Rochester, NY 14623 TerminationAcademic Planet = APL PO Box 5328, Katy, TX 77491-5328 Managed Modem Service -Per PortAccella = ACC 5100 N. O’Connor Blvd. Ste # 600, Irving, Texas 75039 Exclusive TerminationAdvance Global Communication, Inc 2651 N.Harwood, Ste 370 Dallas, TX 75201 Toll-Free OriginationAirb<strong>and</strong> Communincations, Inc 14800 L<strong>and</strong>mark, Ste 500 Dallas, TX 75254 Toll-Free OriginationArtisan Communications 12400 Highway 71 West, Ste 350-407 Austin, TX 78738Asia Pacific Network, Inc = ASA 901 Main Street, Ste 2600, Dallas, TX 75202 Flat Rated Local OriginationBirch Telecom, Inc 4885 Riverside Drive, Ste 304 Macon, GA 31210 TerminationBlazevoip, Inc 401 E. 34th Street, Ste #N27J New York, NY 10016 TerminationBlitz Telecom Services, LLC = BTZ 913 Snow Hill Road, Ste B, Salisbury, MD 21804 Session Base Local OriginationsBlue Casa Communication, Inc. 10 East Yanonali Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101Broadvox Communications, Inc. = BDV 75 Erieview Plaza, Ste 400, Clevel<strong>and</strong>, OH 44114Voip Termination Usage Per Minute,Measured Local OriginationCentramedia,Inc = CDA 112 East Frances, Pampa, TX 79065 Managed Modem Service - Per HourCertain Communications Corporation 15225 Dickens Street, Ste 18 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403Clear Voip Calling 2922 South Roosevelt Tempe, AZ 85282 TerminationColor BroadB<strong>and</strong>, Inc 10601 Calle Lee, Ste 170 Los Angeles, CA 90720 TerminationCommunications Distributors Inc 4501 Magnolia Cove, Ste 204 Kingswood, TX 77345Comtel Telcom Assets LP DBA ExcelTelcom = CTL (Vartec)433 East Las Colinas Blvd, Ste 1300, Irving, TX 75039-5508Voip Termination Usage Per Minute,US Domestic Termination, MeasuredLocal OriginationData Foundry, Inc 1044 Liberty Park Drive Austin, TX 78746 Termination <strong>and</strong> OriginationDigerati Networks, Inc 8600 Wurzback, Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78240Digital IP Voice, Inc 4550 W Oakey Blvd Suite#111 Las Vegas, NV 89102

Customer Contact Information Description of ServicesDollar Phone = DRP 232 Broadway , Brooklyn, NY 11211 Flat Rated Local OriginationDouble Horn Communications 1802 West 6th Street Austin, TX 78703 OriginationEarthlink / People PC 1375 Peachtree Street, Level A Atlanta GA 30309eNet Solutions, LLC PO Box 99 Commerce, TX 75429First Media Group13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 54 of75530 Kipling Avenue Toronto, ON M8Z 5E3Fulltel, Inc 201 Robert S. Kerr Ave, Ste 210 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Toll-Free OriginationGlobal Crossing 225 Kenneth Drive Rochester, NY 14623 TerminationGlobal Pops, Inc = GLP/GPS 8 Penn Center West, Ste 101, Pittsburg, PA 15276Flat Rated Local Origination ,Managed Modem Service -Global Rocks Networks, Inc 121 Varick Street, Ste 201 New York, NY 10013Global Telelinks, Inc 242 Culver Street, Ste 200 Lawrenceville, GA 30045Global Touch Telecom, Inc = GLM (X-Cast)1801 Avenue of the Star, Ste 1220, Los Angeles, CA 90067Voip Termination Usage PerMinute,Flat Rated Local Origination,Measured Local OriginationGVEC.Net, Inc PO Box 525 Gonzales, TX 78629 OriginationHawk Voip, LLC = HWK13900 South Jog Road #203, Ste 147, Delray Beach, FL33446Toll Free Origination Service,NationalDirectory Assistance,VoipTermination Usage PerMinute,International Termination,FlatRated Local OriginationHosted IP Solutions 3800 East 42nd Street, Ste 330 Odessa, TX 79762Ikano Communication , Inc =IKC 420 E. South Temple, Ste 550, Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Managed Modem Service - Per HourIntelacom, Inc 501Route 208 Monroe NY 10950Intelemedia Communications, Inc = IEA 1255 Wst 15th Street, Ste 700, Plano, TX 75075Voip Termination Usage Per Minute,Flat Rated Local OriginationIntermetro = IRM 2685 Park Center Drive, Bldg A, Simi Valley, CA 93065 Flat Rated Local OriginationIP Retail, Inc 102 NE 2nd Street, Ste 381 Boca Raton, Fl 35432 TerminationIPASS, Inc = IPS 3800 Bridge Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 Managed Modem Service - Per HourLevel 3 Communication Inc 12150 Monument Drive, Ste 700 Fairfax, VA 22033 TerminationLocus Telecommunications, Inc 111 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 Origination

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 55 of75Customer Contact Information Description of ServicesLunex Telecom, Inc = LXT 3100 Five Forks Trickum Road, Ste 301, Lilburn, GA 30047U.S. Domestic Termination, FlatRated Local OriginationMegaPin, Inc 4050 Mission Blvd Montclair, CA 91763 OriginationMeriplex, Inc 10111 Richmond Ave, Ste 500 Houston, TX 77042 Origination, TerminationNational Communications Technologies(NCT Inc)7614 Deer Way Indianapolis, IN 46236 TerminationNetwork Billing System, LLC 155 Willowbrook Blvd, Ste 200 Wayne NJ 07470New Voice Telecom, Inc 205 South 10th Street, Ste 702 McAllen, TX 78501 TerminationNSN- Wireless, L.P. PO Box 1259 Mountain Home, AR 72654Ntegrated Consulting 1320 Greenway Drive, Ste 575 Irving, TX 75038NTS Communications, Inc 5307 W Loop 289 Lubbock, TX 79414-1610Nuvox Communications, Inc 301 North Main Street, Ste 5000 Greenville, SC 29601OSC dba Excell Services 3864 Courtney Street, Ste 411 Bethlehem, PA 18017Powernet Global Communications = PNG 100 Commercial Drive, Fairfield, OH 45014 Managed Modem Service - Per HourPrismnet 11500 Metric Blvd, Ste 280 Austin, TX 78758Quik Internet Of Midl<strong>and</strong>-Odessa 415 West Wall, Ste 1130 Midl<strong>and</strong>, TX 79701Qwest Communication Corporation =QWS12150 Monument Drive, Fairfax, VA 22033 U.S. Domestic TerminationRIVA.Net, Inc Box 9 (RR1) Riva, MD 21140RNK Communications, Inc = RKC 333Elm Street, Ste 310, Dedham, MA 02026 Flat Rated Local OriginationSmoothstone IP Communications Corp200 Smoothstone Center, 401 South Fourth Street Louisville,KY 40202Softswitch Communications, Inc = SFT Dedham, MA 02026, Dedham, MA 02026Two-Way Local Origination , Toll FreeOriginationSubrigo Inc. = SBR 570 East la Cadena, Bldg 1, Ste E, Riverside, CA 92507 Flat Rated Local OriginationTechnet/Intertech Internet Service Prov 515 Page Street Halletsville, TX 77964Tel West Network Services Corperation PO Box 81551 Austin, TX 78708-1551Teldelnort Communications = TDL PO Box 690, Edinberg, TX 78540ICB U.S. Domestic Termination,VoipTermination Usage PerMinute,International Termination ,TollFree Origination,Flat Rated LocalOrigination,Measured LocalOrigination

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 56 of75Customer Contact Information Description of ServicesTeligence, Inc = TLG 1685 H Street, PMB 615, Blaine, WA 98230 Session Based Local OriginationTelterm 2633 McKinney Avenue, Ste 130 Dallas, TX 75204Unified Communications Corperation 300 Cornerstone Drive, Ste 305 Williston, VT 05495-4012United Online, Inc = UTD 21301 Burbank Blvd, Woodl<strong>and</strong> Hills, CA 91367 Managed Modem Service - Per HourUS LEC Acquisition Co = USQ6801Morrison Boulevard, Morrocroft III, Charlotte, NC 28211National Directory Assistance (NDA),Flat Rated Local OriginationVelocity Networks 5155 Rosecrans Ave, Ste 300 Hawthore, CA 90250Velocity Networks = VTY 5155 Rosecrans Ave, Ste 300, Hawthore, CA 90250 Flat Rated Local OriginationVergent Communications, LLC PO Box 1731 Forney, TX 75126Vertex Telecom, Inc 615 South Gr<strong>and</strong> Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90017VISP, Inc = VSP 301 N.E. 6th Street , Grants Pass, OR 97526 Managed Modem Service - Per HourVoice Pulse, Inc = VPS1095 Cranbury South River Road, Ste 16, James Burg, NJ08831-3411Voip Termination Usage Per Minute,Flat Rated Local Origination, USDomestic TerminationVoice4Net, Inc 2516 Sir Percival Lewisville, TX 75056VoIP Corporation = VPC 1800 Pembrook Drive, Ste 300, Orl<strong>and</strong>o, FL 32810 Voip Termination Usage Per MinuteVoIP Tel, LP By VoIp Tech, LLC = VPE725 Don Mills Road., Ste 2206, Toronto, ON M3C 1S6CanadaVonage Network Inc 23 Main Street Holmdel, NJ 07733VooDooVox, Inc 220 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036Voxbone South AmericaBlvde De La Cambre 33 Brussels, Belgium, AB-SouthAmerica 1000Westel, Inc 8303 N Mo Pac Expy # 400C Austin, TX 78759Worldcall Internet, Inc1250 South Capital of Texas Highway, Bldg 2, Ste 235Austin, TX 78746Youghiogheny Communications-TexasLLC2819 North West Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78230Flat Rated Local Origination

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 57 of75B7 (Official Form 7) (12/12)United States Bankruptcy CourtWestern District of TexasIn re <strong>nWire</strong>, LLC Case No. 13-10576Debtor(s) Chapter 11STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRSThis statement is to be completed by every debtor. Spouses filing a joint petition may file a single statement on which the information forboth spouses is combined. If the case is filed under chapter 12 or chapter 13, a married debtor must furnish information for both spouses whether ornot a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed. An individual debtor engaged in business as a soleproprietor, partner, family farmer, or self-employed professional, should provide the information requested on this statement concerning all suchactivities as well as the individual's personal affairs. To indicate payments, transfers <strong>and</strong> the like to minor children, state the child's initials <strong>and</strong> thename <strong>and</strong> address of the child's parent or guardian, such as "A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do not disclose the child's name. See, 11U.S.C. § 112; Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(m).Questions 1 - 18 are to be completed by all debtors. Debtors that are or have been in business, as defined below, also must completeQuestions 19 - 25. If the answer to an applicable question is "None," mark the box labeled "None." If additional space is needed for the answerto any question, use <strong>and</strong> attach a separate sheet properly identified with the case name, case number (if known), <strong>and</strong> the number of the question.DEFINITIONS"In business." A debtor is "in business" for the purpose of this form if the debtor is a corporation or partnership. An individual debtor is "inbusiness" for the purpose of this form if the debtor is or has been, within six years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case, any ofthe following: an officer, director, managing executive, or owner of 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities of a corporation; a partner,other than a limited partner, of a partnership; a sole proprietor or self-employed full-time or part-time. An individual debtor also may be "in business"for the purpose of this form if the debtor engages in a trade, business, or other activity, other than as an employee, to supplement income from thedebtor's primary employment."Insider." The term "insider" includes but is not limited to: relatives of the debtor; general partners of the debtor <strong>and</strong> their relatives;corporations of which the debtor is an officer, director, or person in control; officers, directors, <strong>and</strong> any persons in control of a corporate debtor <strong>and</strong>their relatives; affiliates of the debtor <strong>and</strong> insiders of such affiliates; <strong>and</strong> any managing agent of the debtor. 11 U.S.C. § 101(2), (31).1. Income from employment or operation of businessNoneState the gross amount of income the debtor has received from employment, trade, or profession, or from operation of the debtor'sbusiness, including part-time activities either as an employee or in independent trade or business, from the beginning of this calendaryear to the date this case was commenced. State also the gross amounts received during the two years immediately preceding thiscalendar year. (A debtor that maintains, or has maintained, financial records on the basis of a fiscal rather than a calendar year mayreport fiscal year income. Identify the beginning <strong>and</strong> ending dates of the debtor's fiscal year.) If a joint petition is filed, state income foreach spouse separately. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must state income of both spouses whether or not a jointpetition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)AMOUNTSOURCE$4,939,389.00 2013 YTD: Business Income for all Debtors$39,658,809.00 2012: Business Income for all Debtors$25,185,627.00 2011: Business Income for all Debtors2. Income other than from employment or operation of businessNoneState the amount of income received by the debtor other than from employment, trade, profession, or operation of the debtor's businessduring the two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. Give particulars. If a joint petition is filed, state income foreach spouse separately. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must state income for each spouse whether or not a jointpetition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)AMOUNTSOURCESoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 58 of75B 7 (12/12) 23. Payments to creditorsNoneComplete a. or b., as appropriate, <strong>and</strong> c.a. Individual or joint debtor(s) with primarily consumer debts: List all payments on loans, installment purchases of goods or services,<strong>and</strong> other debts to any creditor made within 90 days immediately preceding the commencement of this case unless the aggregate valueof all property that constitutes or is affected by such transfer is less than $600. Indicate with an asterisk (*) any payments that were madeto a creditor on account of a domestic support obligation or as part of an alternative repayment schedule under a plan by an approvednonprofit budgeting <strong>and</strong> credit counseling agency. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments byeither or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)NAME AND ADDRESSOF CREDITORDATES OFPAYMENTSAMOUNT PAIDAMOUNT STILLOWINGNone b. Debtor whose debts are not primarily consumer debts: List each payment or other transfer to any creditor made within 90 daysimmediately preceding the commencement of the case unless the aggregate value of all property that constitutes or is affected by suchtransfer is less than $5,850 * . If the debtor is an individual, indicate with an asterisk (*) any payments that were made to a creditor onaccount of a domestic support obligation or as part of an alternative repayment schedule under a plan by an approved nonprofitbudgeting <strong>and</strong> credit counseling agency. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments <strong>and</strong> othertransfers by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is notfiled.)NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITORSee attachmentDATES OFPAYMENTS/TRANSFERSAMOUNTPAID ORVALUE OFTRANSFERSAMOUNT STILLOWINGNone c. All debtors: List all payments made within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case to or for the benefit ofcreditors who are or were insiders. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments by either or bothspouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR ANDRELATIONSHIP TO DEBTOR DATE OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAIDAMOUNT STILLOWINGGary Egger3823 Epperson TrailAustin, TX 78732Former CFO3/27/12 - 3/27/13 -- Wages -$135,986.401/13/12 - 3/4/13 --Reimbursement ofbusiness expenses -$180,477.09 $6,000.00J. Michael Holloway6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730President, DirectorDavid Flanary6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Director - UPH Holdings, Inc.Sam Shiffman6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Vice President$44,490.693/27/12 - 3/27/13 -- Wages -$169,983.123/9/12 - 3/25/13 --Reimbursement ofbusiness expenses -$32,297.603/27/12 - 3/27/13 -- Wages -$144,228.1610/17/12 & 11/27/12 --Reimbursement ofbusiness expenses -$28,311.453/27/12 - 3/27/13 -- Wages -$144,228.008/31/12 - 3/4/13 --Reimbursement ofbusiness expenses -$34,191.52$202,280.72 $0.00$172,539.61 $0.00$178,419.52 $0.00* Amount subject to adjustment on 4/01/13, <strong>and</strong> every three years thereafter with respect to cases commenced on or after the date of adjustment.Software Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 59 of75B 7 (12/12) 34. Suits <strong>and</strong> administrative proceedings, executions, garnishments <strong>and</strong> attachmentsNonea. List all suits <strong>and</strong> administrative proceedings to which the debtor is or was a party within one year immediately preceding the filing ofthis bankruptcy case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning either or both spouseswhether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)CAPTION OF SUITAND CASE NUMBERNATURE OFPROCEEDINGCOURT OR AGENCYAND LOCATIONSTATUS ORDISPOSITIONNoneb. Describe all property that has been attached, garnished or seized under any legal or equitable process within one year immediatelypreceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerningproperty of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is notfiled.)NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON FOR WHOSEBENEFIT PROPERTY WAS SEIZED5. Repossessions, foreclosures <strong>and</strong> returnsDATE OF SEIZUREDESCRIPTION AND VALUE OFPROPERTYNoneList all property that has been repossessed by a creditor, sold at a foreclosure sale, transferred through a deed in lieu of foreclosure orreturned to the seller, within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12or chapter 13 must include information concerning property of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless thespouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)NAME AND ADDRESS OFCREDITOR OR SELLER6. Assignments <strong>and</strong> receivershipsDATE OF REPOSSESSION,FORECLOSURE SALE,TRANSFER OR RETURNDESCRIPTION AND VALUE OFPROPERTYNonea. Describe any assignment of property for the benefit of creditors made within 120 days immediately preceding the commencement ofthis case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include any assignment by either or both spouses whether or not ajoint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)NAME AND ADDRESS OF ASSIGNEEDATE OFASSIGNMENTTERMS OF ASSIGNMENT OR SETTLEMENTNoneb. List all property which has been in the h<strong>and</strong>s of a custodian, receiver, or court-appointed official within one year immediatelypreceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerningproperty of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is notfiled.)NAME AND ADDRESSOF CUSTODIANNAME AND LOCATIONOF COURTCASE TITLE & NUMBERDATE OFORDERDESCRIPTION AND VALUE OFPROPERTY7. GiftsNoneList all gifts or charitable contributions made within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case except ordinary<strong>and</strong> usual gifts to family members aggregating less than $200 in value per individual family member <strong>and</strong> charitable contributionsaggregating less than $100 per recipient. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include gifts or contributions byeither or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)NAME AND ADDRESS OFPERSON OR ORGANIZATIONRELATIONSHIP TODEBTOR, IF ANYDATE OF GIFTDESCRIPTION ANDVALUE OF GIFTSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 60 of75B 7 (12/12) 48. LossesNoneList all losses from fire, theft, other casualty or gambling within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case orsince the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include losses by either or bothspouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)DESCRIPTION AND VALUEOF PROPERTYDESCRIPTION OF CIRCUMSTANCES AND, IFLOSS WAS COVERED IN WHOLE OR IN PARTBY INSURANCE, GIVE PARTICULARSDATE OF LOSS9. Payments related to debt counseling or bankruptcyNoneList all payments made or property transferred by or on behalf of the debtor to any persons, including attorneys, for consultationconcerning debt consolidation, relief under the bankruptcy law or preparation of the petition in bankruptcy within one year immediatelypreceding the commencement of this case.NAME AND ADDRESSOF PAYEEJackson Walker L.L.P.100 Congress Ave., Suite 1100Austin, TX 78701Tamarack Associates, Inc.1441 Knghtsbridge DriveBlue Bell, PA 19422DATE OF PAYMENT,NAME OF PAYOR IF OTHERTHAN DEBTOR3/21/2013 -- $ 50,000.003/27/2013 -- $150,000.003/20/2013 -- $10,000.003/22/2013 -- $ 7,227.963/27/2013 -- $15,623.05AMOUNT OF MONEYOR DESCRIPTION AND VALUEOF PROPERTY$200,000.00$32,851.0110. Other transfersNonea. List all other property, other than property transferred in the ordinary course of the business or financial affairs of the debtor,transferred either absolutely or as security within two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtorsfiling under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include transfers by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless thespouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)NAME AND ADDRESS OF TRANSFEREE,RELATIONSHIP TO DEBTORHercules Technology II, LP400 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 310Palo Alto, CA 94301LenderDESCRIBE PROPERTY TRANSFERREDDATEAND VALUE RECEIVED4/13/2011 Security interest in receivables, equipment,fixtures, general intangibles, inventory,investment property, deposit accounts, cash,goods, other tangible <strong>and</strong> intangible personalpropertyValue: $11,594,175.68Software Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 61 of75B 7 (12/12) 5NAME AND ADDRESS OF TRANSFEREE,RELATIONSHIP TO DEBTORDATEDESCRIBE PROPERTY TRANSFERREDAND VALUE RECEIVEDMerger transaction November 30, 2012 Pursuant to a Reorganization Agreement datedAugust 30, 2011 that closed on November 30,2012, by <strong>and</strong> among UniPoint Holdings, Inc.,UPH Holdings, Inc. UPH Acquisition Sub Inc.,Pac-West Acquisition Company, LLC, <strong>and</strong> Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., the capital stock of Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. was exchanged for, <strong>and</strong>converted into common stock of UPH Holdings,Inc. The former shareholders in Pac-WestAcquisition Company, LLC, the parent companyof Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., obtained 29.45percent ownership interest in UPH Holdings Inc.Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. merged into UPHAcquisition Sub Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiaryof UPH Holdings Inc., with Pac-West Telecomm,Inc. as the surviving entity (<strong>and</strong> thus a directsubsidiary of UPH Holdings, Inc.). Pac-WestTelecomm, Inc.’s wholly-owned subsidiariesPac-West Telecom of Virginia, Inc. <strong>and</strong> Tex-LinkCommunications, Inc. continue to operate aswholly-owned subsidiaries of Pac-WestTelecomm, Inc.Noneb. List all property transferred by the debtor within ten years immediately preceding the commencement of this case to a self-settledtrust or similar device of which the debtor is a beneficiary.NAME OF TRUST OR OTHERDEVICE11. Closed financial accountsDATE(S) OFTRANSFER(S)AMOUNT OF MONEY OR DESCRIPTION ANDVALUE OF PROPERTY OR DEBTOR'S INTERESTIN PROPERTYNoneList all financial accounts <strong>and</strong> instruments held in the name of the debtor or for the benefit of the debtor which were closed, sold, orotherwise transferred within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. Include checking, savings, or otherfinancial accounts, certificates of deposit, or other instruments; shares <strong>and</strong> share accounts held in banks, credit unions, pension funds,cooperatives, associations, brokerage houses <strong>and</strong> other financial institutions. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 mustinclude information concerning accounts or instruments held by or for either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed,unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSTITUTION12. Safe deposit boxesTYPE OF ACCOUNT, LAST FOURDIGITS OF ACCOUNT NUMBER,AND AMOUNT OF FINAL BALANCEAMOUNT AND DATE OF SALEOR CLOSINGNoneList each safe deposit or other box or depository in which the debtor has or had securities, cash, or other valuables within one yearimmediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include boxes ordepositories of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is notfiled.)NAME AND ADDRESS OF BANKOR OTHER DEPOSITORYNAMES AND ADDRESSESOF THOSE WITH ACCESSTO BOX OR DEPOSITORYDESCRIPTIONOF CONTENTSDATE OF TRANSFER ORSURRENDER, IF ANY13. SetoffsNoneList all setoffs made by any creditor, including a bank, against a debt or deposit of the debtor within 90 days preceding thecommencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning either or bothspouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated <strong>and</strong> a joint petition is not filed.)Software Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 62 of75B 7 (12/12) 6NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR DATE OF SETOFF AMOUNT OF SETOFF14. Property held for another personNoneList all property owned by another person that the debtor holds or controls.NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER DESCRIPTION AND VALUE OF PROPERTY LOCATION OF PROPERTY15. Prior address of debtorNoneIf the debtor has moved within three years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, list all premises which the debtoroccupied during that period <strong>and</strong> vacated prior to the commencement of this case. If a joint petition is filed, report also any separateaddress of either spouse.ADDRESS NAME USED DATES OF OCCUPANCY16. Spouses <strong>and</strong> Former SpousesNoneIf the debtor resides or resided in a community property state, commonwealth, or territory (including Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho,Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington, or Wisconsin) within eight years immediately preceding thecommencement of the case, identify the name of the debtor’s spouse <strong>and</strong> of any former spouse who resides or resided with the debtor inthe community property state.NAME17. Environmental Information.For the purpose of this question, the following definitions apply:"Environmental Law" means any federal, state, or local statute or regulation regulating pollution, contamination, releases of hazardousor toxic substances, wastes or material into the air, l<strong>and</strong>, soil, surface water, groundwater, or other medium, including, but not limited to,statutes or regulations regulating the cleanup of these substances, wastes, or material."Site" means any location, facility, or property as defined under any Environmental Law, whether or not presently or formerlyowned or operated by the debtor, including, but not limited to, disposal sites."Hazardous Material" means anything defined as a hazardous waste, hazardous substance, toxic substance, hazardous material,pollutant, or contaminant or similar term under an Environmental LawNonea. List the name <strong>and</strong> address of every site for which the debtor has received notice in writing by a governmental unit that it may be liableor potentially liable under or in violation of an Environmental Law. Indicate the governmental unit, the date of the notice, <strong>and</strong>, if known,the Environmental Law:SITE NAME AND ADDRESSNAME AND ADDRESS OFGOVERNMENTAL UNITDATE OFNOTICEENVIRONMENTALLAWNoneb. List the name <strong>and</strong> address of every site for which the debtor provided notice to a governmental unit of a release of HazardousMaterial. Indicate the governmental unit to which the notice was sent <strong>and</strong> the date of the notice.SITE NAME AND ADDRESSNAME AND ADDRESS OFGOVERNMENTAL UNITDATE OFNOTICEENVIRONMENTALLAWNonec. List all judicial or administrative proceedings, including settlements or orders, under any Environmental Law with respect to whichthe debtor is or was a party. Indicate the name <strong>and</strong> address of the governmental unit that is or was a party to the proceeding, <strong>and</strong> thedocket number.NAME AND ADDRESS OFGOVERNMENTAL UNIT DOCKET NUMBER STATUS OR DISPOSITIONSoftware Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 63 of75B 7 (12/12) 718 . Nature, location <strong>and</strong> name of businessNonea. If the debtor is an individual, list the names, addresses, taxpayer identification numbers, nature of the businesses, <strong>and</strong> beginning <strong>and</strong>ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was an officer, director, partner, or managing executive of a corporation, partner in apartnership, sole proprietor, or was self-employed in a trade, profession, or other activity either full- or part-time within six yearsimmediately preceding the commencement of this case, or in which the debtor owned 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securitieswithin six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case.If the debtor is a partnership, list the names, addresses, taxpayer identification numbers, nature of the businesses, <strong>and</strong> beginning <strong>and</strong>ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was a partner or owned 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities, within sixyears immediately preceding the commencement of this case.If the debtor is a corporation, list the names, addresses, taxpayer identification numbers, nature of the businesses, <strong>and</strong> beginning <strong>and</strong>ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was a partner or owned 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities within sixyears immediately preceding the commencement of this case.NAMELAST FOUR DIGITS OFSOCIAL-SECURITY OROTHER INDIVIDUALTAXPAYER-I.D. NO.(ITIN)/ COMPLETE EIN ADDRESS NATURE OF BUSINESSBEGINNING ANDENDING DATESNone b. Identify any business listed in response to subdivision a., above, that is "single asset real estate" as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101.NAMEADDRESSThe following questions are to be completed by every debtor that is a corporation or partnership <strong>and</strong> by any individual debtor who is or hasbeen, within six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, any of the following: an officer, director, managing executive, orowner of more than 5 percent of the voting or equity securities of a corporation; a partner, other than a limited partner, of a partnership, a soleproprietor, or self-employed in a trade, profession, or other activity, either full- or part-time.(An individual or joint debtor should complete this portion of the statement only if the debtor is or has been in business, as defined above, withinsix years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. A debtor who has not been in business within those six years should go directly tothe signature page.)19. Books, records <strong>and</strong> financial statementsNonea. List all bookkeepers <strong>and</strong> accountants who within two years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case kept orsupervised the keeping of books of account <strong>and</strong> records of the debtor.NAME AND ADDRESSDATES SERVICES RENDEREDNoneb. List all firms or individuals who within the two years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case have audited the booksof account <strong>and</strong> records, or prepared a financial statement of the debtor.NAME ADDRESS DATES SERVICES RENDEREDPMB Helin Donovan 5918 West Courtyard Drive, Suite 500May 31, 2011Austin, TX 78730Nonec. List all firms or individuals who at the time of the commencement of this case were in possession of the books of account <strong>and</strong> recordsof the debtor. If any of the books of account <strong>and</strong> records are not available, explain.NAMEDebtor keeps books internallyADDRESSNoned. List all financial institutions, creditors <strong>and</strong> other parties, including mercantile <strong>and</strong> trade agencies, to whom a financial statement wasissued by the debtor within two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case.Software Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 64 of75B 7 (12/12) 8NAME AND ADDRESSHercules Technology II, L.P.31 St. James Avenue, S 790Boston, MA 02116DATE ISSUEDMonthly20. InventoriesNonea. List the dates of the last two inventories taken of your property, the name of the person who supervised the taking of each inventory,<strong>and</strong> the dollar amount <strong>and</strong> basis of each inventory.DATE OF INVENTORYINVENTORY SUPERVISORDOLLAR AMOUNT OF INVENTORY(Specify cost, market or other basis)Noneb. List the name <strong>and</strong> address of the person having possession of the records of each of the two inventories reported in a., above.DATE OF INVENTORYNAME AND ADDRESSES OF CUSTODIAN OF INVENTORYRECORDS21 . Current Partners, Officers, Directors <strong>and</strong> ShareholdersNonea. If the debtor is a partnership, list the nature <strong>and</strong> percentage of partnership interest of each member of the partnership.NAME AND ADDRESS NATURE OF INTEREST PERCENTAGE OF INTERESTNoneb. If the debtor is a corporation, list all officers <strong>and</strong> directors of the corporation, <strong>and</strong> each stockholder who directly or indirectly owns,controls, or holds 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities of the corporation.NAME AND ADDRESSJ. Michael Holloway6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730UniPoint Holdings, Inc.6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730NATURE AND PERCENTAGETITLEOF STOCK OWNERSHIPPresident, DirectorNoneShareholder 100%22 . Former partners, officers, directors <strong>and</strong> shareholdersNonea. If the debtor is a partnership, list each member who withdrew from the partnership within one year immediately preceding thecommencement of this case.NAME ADDRESS DATE OF WITHDRAWALNoneb. If the debtor is a corporation, list all officers, or directors whose relationship with the corporation terminated within one yearimmediately preceding the commencement of this case.NAME AND ADDRESS TITLE DATE OF TERMINATIONGary Egger3823 Epperson TrailAustin, TX 78732CFO March 27, 2013Software Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 65 of75B 7 (12/12) 923 . Withdrawals from a partnership or distributions by a corporationNoneIf the debtor is a partnership or corporation, list all withdrawals or distributions credited or given to an insider, including compensationin any form, bonuses, loans, stock redemptions, options exercised <strong>and</strong> any other perquisite during one year immediately preceding thecommencement of this case.NAME & ADDRESSOF RECIPIENT,RELATIONSHIP TO DEBTORJ. Michael Holloway6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730President, DirectorDavid Flanary6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Sam Shiffman6500 River Place Blvd.Building II, Suite 200Austin, TX 78730Vice PresidentGary Egger3823 Epperson TrailAustin, TX 78732Former CFODATE AND PURPOSEOF WITHDRAWAL3/27/12 - 3/27/13 -- Wages - $169,983.123/9/12 - 3/25/13 -- Reimbursement ofbusiness expenses - $32,297.603/27/12 - 3/27/13 -- Wages - $144,228.1610/17/12 & 11/27/12 -- Reimbursement ofbusiness expenses - $28,311.453/27/12 - 3/27/13 -- Wages - $144,228.008/31/12 - 3/4/13 -- Reimbursement ofbusiness expenses - $34,191.523/27/12 - 3/27/13 -- Wages - $1/13/12 - 3/4/13 -- Reimbursement ofbusiness expenses - $44,490.69AMOUNT OF MONEYOR DESCRIPTION ANDVALUE OF PROPERTY$202,280.72$172,539.61$178,419.52$180,477.0924. Tax Consolidation Group.NoneIf the debtor is a corporation, list the name <strong>and</strong> federal taxpayer identification number of the parent corporation of any consolidatedgroup for tax purposes of which the debtor has been a member at any time within six years immediately preceding the commencementof the case.NAME OF PARENT CORPORATIONTAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN)UPH Holdings, Inc. 45-114403825. Pension Funds.NoneIf the debtor is not an individual, list the name <strong>and</strong> federal taxpayer-identification number of any pension fund to which the debtor, as anemployer, has been responsible for contributing at any time within six years immediately preceding the commencement of the case.NAME OF PENSION FUNDTAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN)* * * * * *Software Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 66 of75B 7 (12/12) 10DECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY ON BEHALF OF CORPORATION OR PARTNERSHIPI declare under penalty of perjury that I have read the answers contained in the foregoing statement of financial affairs <strong>and</strong> any attachments thereto<strong>and</strong> that they are true <strong>and</strong> correct to the best of my knowledge, information <strong>and</strong> belief.Date April 18, 2013 Signature /s/ J. Michael HollowayJ. Michael HollowayPresident[An individual signing on behalf of a partnership or corporation must indicate position or relationship to debtor.]Penalty for making a false statement: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152 <strong>and</strong> 3571Software Copyright (c) 1996-2013 CCH INCORPORATED - www.bestcase.comBest Case Bankruptcy

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 67 of75Attachment to 3b.Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date Amount360NETWORKS (USA) I 1515 K STREET SUITE 1000 SACRAMENTO CA 95814 2/19/2013 21,228.28ABOVENET P.O. BOX 79006 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-9006 2/8/2013 8,055.00ACCESS COST ENGINEE P.O. BOX 79006 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-9006 1/24/2013 3,500.00ACCESS COST ENGINEE P.O. BOX 79006 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-9006 1/31/2013 3,500.00ACCESS COST ENGINEE P.O. BOX 79006 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-9006 2/19/2013 3,500.00ACCESS COST ENGINEE P.O. BOX 79006 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-9006 2/19/2013 3,500.00ACCESS COST ENGINEE P.O. BOX 79006 CITY OF INDUSTRY CA 91716-9006 3/6/2013 3,500.00ADP 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/27/2013 42,673.25ADP 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/27/2013 90,070.66ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 12/28/2012 49,885.25ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 12/31/2012 32.00ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 12/31/2012 17,960.87ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/2/2013 9,956.61ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/4/2013 3,334.40ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/15/2013 45,818.85ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/16/2013 32.00ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/16/2013 22,881.40ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/17/2013 8,649.21ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/29/2013 49,199.39ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/31/2013 32.00ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 1/31/2013 23,160.91ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/1/2013 3,335.03ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/1/2013 8,713.80ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/12/2013 3,335.03ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/14/2013 46,964.24ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/15/2013 32.00ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/15/2013 21,327.92ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/19/2013 9,000.77ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/27/2013 45,859.87ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/28/2013 23,543.30ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 2/28/2013 32.00ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/1/2013 8,683.88ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/1/2013 46,964.24ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/7/2013 469.00ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/7/2013 554.75ADP- PAYROLL 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/8/2013 3,335.03ADP PAYROLL DEPOSIT CUSTODIAL ACCT 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/14/2013 92,159.65

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 68 of75Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date AmountADP PAYROLL DEPOSIT CUSTODIAL ACCT 1601 RIO GRANDE SUITE 443 AUSTIN TX 78701 3/14/2013 37,760.30ADP, INC PO BOX 12513 1851 NORTH RESIER DR EL PASO TX 79912 1/22/2013 111.51ADP, INC PO BOX 12513 1851 NORTH RESIER DR EL PASO TX 79912 1/25/2013 261.08ADP, INC PO BOX 12513 1851 NORTH RESIER DR EL PASO TX 79912 1/28/2013 546.00ADP, INC PO BOX 12513 1851 NORTH RESIER DR EL PASO TX 79912 3/1/2013 261.08AETNA PO BOX 88860 CHICAGO IL 60695-1860 1/18/2013 23,346.60AETNA PO BOX 88860 CHICAGO IL 60695-1860 1/22/2013 574.24AETNA PO BOX 88860 CHICAGO IL 60695-1860 1/25/2013 22,801.40AETNA PO BOX 88860 CHICAGO IL 60695-1860 1/25/2013 579.94AETNA PO BOX 88860 CHICAGO IL 60695-1860 3/4/2013 29,748.00AETNA PO BOX 88860 CHICAGO IL 60695-1860 3/4/2013 571.96ALPHEUS COMMUNICATIONS. LP 1301 FAMNIN, 20TH FLOOR ATTN: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT HOUSTON TX 77002 1/30/2013 54,327.19ALPHEUS COMMUNICATIONS. LP 1301 FAMNIN, 20TH FLOOR ATTN: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT HOUSTON TX 77002 2/15/2013 54,327.19ALPHEUS COMMUNICATIONS. LP 1301 FAMNIN, 20TH FLOOR ATTN: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT HOUSTON TX 77002 3/6/2013 79,543.25ALPHEUS COMMUNICATIONS. LP 1301 FAMNIN, 20TH FLOOR ATTN: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT HOUSTON TX 77002 3/19/2013 39,771.50ARENT FOX <strong>LLP</strong> 1050 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON DC 20036-5339 1/22/2013 20,000.00ARENT FOX <strong>LLP</strong> 1050 CONNECTICUT AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON DC 20036-5339 2/19/2013 20,000.00AT&T 901 MARQUETTE AVE 8TH FLOOR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 1/8/2013 15,265.56AT&T 901 MARQUETTE AVE 8TH FLOOR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 1/8/2013 84,252.78AT&T 901 MARQUETTE AVE 8TH FLOOR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 1/8/2013 6.12AT&T 901 MARQUETTE AVE 8TH FLOOR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 1/8/2013 55.65AT&T 901 MARQUETTE AVE 8TH FLOOR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 1/8/2013 0.83AT&T 901 MARQUETTE AVE 8TH FLOOR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 1/8/2013 419.06AT&T 901 MARQUETTE AVE 8TH FLOOR MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 2/21/2013 25,000.00AVID TELECOM 10503 METRIC DRIVE DALLAS TX 75243-5514 2/4/2013 0.00AVID TELECOM 10503 METRIC DRIVE DALLAS TX 75243-5514 2/4/2013 0.00BANDWIDTH.COM 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE 61600 CHICAGO IL 60675-6160 2/6/2013 32,833.67BANDWIDTH.COM 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE 61600 CHICAGO IL 60675-6160 2/8/2013 8,472.20BANDWIDTH.COM 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE 61600 CHICAGO IL 60675-6160 2/27/2013 8,472.20BANDWIDTH.COM 75 REMITTANCE DRIVE SUITE 61600 CHICAGO IL 60675-6160 2/28/2013 32,919.06BAY ALARM COMPANY B 4522 MCCLEESTER DRIVE SPRING TX 77373 12/28/2012 1,046.98BAY ALARM COMPANY F P.O. BOX 7137 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94120-7137 12/28/2012 2,701.59BAY ALARM COMPANY F P.O. BOX 7137 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94120-7137 12/28/2012 710.88BAY ALARM COMPANY F P.O. BOX 7137 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94120-7137 12/28/2012 2,989.44BLAINE GILLES 3479 REGENT DR PALATINE IL 60067 1/2/2013 10,000.00BLAINE GILLES 3479 REGENT DR PALATINE IL 60067 1/31/2013 10,000.00BLAINE GILLES 3479 REGENT DR PALATINE IL 60067 2/15/2013 10,000.00BLAINE GILLES 3479 REGENT DR PALATINE IL 60067 2/28/2013 10,000.00BLAINE GILLES 3479 REGENT DR PALATINE IL 60067 3/4/2013 430.00

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 69 of75Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date AmountBLAINE GILLES 3479 REGENT DR PALATINE IL 60067 3/25/2013 1,530.00BOXER PO BOX 906 COLUMBUS OH 43216-3606 3/26/2013 7,812.12BOXER F2 LP PO BOX 4737 HOUSTON TX 77210-4737 2/1/2013 7,812.11BOXER F2 LP PO BOX 4737 HOUSTON TX 77210-4737 2/20/2013 7,812.11BOXER F2 LP PO BOX 4737 HOUSTON TX 77210-4737 3/4/2013 15,624.22BRIAN DILL 9115 FRANKFORD LANE STOCKTON CA 95212 2/15/2013 2,062.36BRIEN C DILL 5531 SHOREHAVEN, CIRCLE LIVERMORE CA 94551 12/31/2012 2,128.65BRIEN C DILL 5531 SHOREHAVEN, CIRCLE LIVERMORE CA 94551 1/15/2013 2,083.95BRIEN C DILL 5531 SHOREHAVEN, CIRCLE LIVERMORE CA 94551 1/31/2013 2,083.94BRIEN C DILL 5531 SHOREHAVEN, CIRCLE LIVERMORE CA 94551 2/15/2013 0.00BRIEN C DILL 5531 SHOREHAVEN, CIRCLE LIVERMORE CA 94551 2/28/2013 2,062.35BRIEN C DILL 5531 SHOREHAVEN, CIRCLE LIVERMORE CA 94551 3/15/2013 2,062.37BROWN, ANDREW 1700 EAST 2ND STREET, SUITE 200 AUSTIN TX 78702 1/29/2013 8,253.44BROWN, ANDREW 1700 EAST 2ND STREET, SUITE 200 AUSTIN TX 78702 2/18/2013 2,513.68BROWN, ANDREW 1700 EAST 2ND STREET, SUITE 200 AUSTIN TX 78702 2/25/2013 3,782.10BROWN, ANDREW 1700 EAST 2ND STREET, SUITE 200 AUSTIN TX 78702 2/25/2013 1,217.61CALIFORNIA STATE BO PO BOX 942867 SACRAMENTO CA 94267-7081 2/8/2013 20,000.00CALIFORNIA WATER SE P.O. BOX 45254 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94145-0254 1/31/2013 1,108.65CALIFORNIA WATER SE P.O. BOX 45254 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94145-0254 1/31/2013 191.80CALIFORNIA WATER SE P.O. BOX 45254 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94145-0254 3/20/2013 1,748.05CALWATER WATERBILL PO BOX 940001 SAN JOSE CA 95194-0001 3/21/2013 1,748.05CC-800 BRAZOS LP (STREAM REALITY) CARRIER ACCESS BILLING A/R320 INTERSTATE NORTH PKWYATLANTAGASE,S30339-0000 3/27/2013 32,352.19CCI-800 BRAZOS, LPCARRIER ACCESS BILLING A/R320 INTERSTATE NORTH PKWYATLANTAGASE,S30339-0000 12/28/2012 18,180.77CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 1/18/2013 7,321.63CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 1/18/2013 40,633.98CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 1/31/2013 48,029.81CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 1/31/2013 14.13CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 1/31/2013 35.57CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 1/31/2013 13,157.79CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 1/31/2013 395.75CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 1/31/2013 35,943.05CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 3/5/2013 18,300.03CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 3/11/2013 0.00CENTURYLINK PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 3/11/2013 0.00CENTURYLINK (LOCAL PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 2/19/2013 167.01CENTURYLINK (LOCAL PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 2/19/2013 100.00CENTURYLINK (LOCAL PO BOX 2961 PHOENIX AZ 85062-2961 3/5/2013 85.59

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 70 of75Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date AmountCHRIS LOZA 309 REGATTA CT. APT. A LAKEWAY TX 78734 3/27/2013 4,528.37CHRISTINE DWYER 5467 ROCKWOOD CIRCLE STOCKTON CA 95219 1/31/2013 25.24CHRISTINE DWYER 5467 ROCKWOOD CIRCLE STOCKTON CA 95219 2/15/2013 2,357.37CHRISTINE DWYER 5467 ROCKWOOD CIRCLE STOCKTON CA 95219 2/21/2013 5,521.80CHRISTOPHER R LOZA 3077 ENGLISH OAK CIRCLE STOCKTON CA 95209 2/15/2013 2,078.40CIGNA HEALTHCARE CL P.O. BOX 749757 LOS ANGELES CA 90074-9757 1/23/2013 27,712.22CIGNA HEALTHCARE CL P.O. BOX 749757 LOS ANGELES CA 90074-9757 2/20/2013 27,712.22COGENT COMMUNICATIONS PO BOX 791087 BALTIMORE MD 21279-1087 2/1/2013 20,000.00COGENT COMMUNICATIONS PO BOX 791087 BALTIMORE MD 21279-1087 2/19/2013 20,000.00COGENT COMMUNICATIONS PO BOX 791087 BALTIMORE MD 21279-1087 3/5/2013 20,000.00COGENT COMMUNICATIONS PO BOX 791087 BALTIMORE MD 21279-1087 3/20/2013 10,000.00CORESITE 121 S. 17TH ST. MATOON IL 61938 3/25/2013 12,396.48CORESITE SERVICES, 121 S. 17TH ST. MATOON IL 61938 2/8/2013 10,583.45CORESITE SERVICES, 121 S. 17TH ST. MATOON IL 61938 2/25/2013 17,826.30CORESITE SERVICES, INC PO BOX 74338 ATTENTION: A/R DEPARTMENT CLEVELAND OH 44194-4338 1/25/2013 8,265.23CORESITE SERVICES, INC PO BOX 74338 ATTENTION: A/R DEPARTMENT CLEVELAND OH 44194-4338 2/8/2013 6,886.33DAVID FLANARY 10813 RANGE VIEW DR AUSTIN TX 78730 1/25/2013 4,650.00DAVID FLANARY 10813 RANGE VIEW DR AUSTIN TX 78730 2/28/2013 4,540.00ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE PO BOX 2966 MILWAUKEE WI 53201 2/5/2013 13,118.41ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE PO BOX 2966 MILWAUKEE WI 53201 2/22/2013 11,097.38EMPLOYEE ADVANCES 445 E SR 29 P.O. BOX 6290 ORANGEVILLE UT 84537 1/26/2013 6,140.00ENDSTREAM COMMUNICA 445 E SR 29 P.O. BOX 6290 ORANGEVILLE UT 84537 1/10/2013 5,000.00ENDSTREAM COMMUNICA 445 E SR 29 P.O. BOX 6290 ORANGEVILLE UT 84537 2/26/2013 5,000.00EQUINIX SERVICES, INC PO BOX 930199 ATLANTA GA 31193-0199 2/15/2013 57,045.46FPL FIBERNET TJ412-01-0-R ATTN: FISCAL SERVICES2540 SHU TALLAHASSEE FL32399-0850 3/22/2013 35,199.05FPL FIBERNET LLC./GRANDEGENERAL MAIL FACILITY MIAMI FLCOMMUNICATIONS33188 2/5/2013 23,810.00FROST BANK FOR ADP P.O. BOX 2951 PHOENIX AR 85062-2951 3/27/2013 43,091.87FROST BANK- UNIPOINT HOLDINGS P.O. BOX 2951 PHOENIX AR 85062-2951 3/26/2013 3,385.55GRANDE COMMUNICATIONS 8 PENN CENTER WEST - SUITE 101 PITTSBURG PA 15276 2/25/2013 50,000.00GUARDIAN P.O. BOX 677458 DALLAS TX 75267-7458 1/24/2013 4,346.24GUARDIAN P.O. BOX 677458 DALLAS TX 75267-7458 3/4/2013 4,992.80HINES REIT ONE WILSHIRE LP P. O. BOX 1530 HONOLULU HI 96806-1530 3/1/2013 61,226.72HINES REIT ONE WILSHIRE LP P. O. BOX 1530 HONOLULU HI 96806-1530 3/1/2013 47,549.81JAVIER RIDLEY 400 WASHINGTON SQ. LEANDER TX 78641 1/15/2013 3,250.00JAVIER RIDLEY 400 WASHINGTON SQ. LEANDER TX 78641 1/31/2013 4,450.00JAVIER RIDLEY 400 WASHINGTON SQ. LEANDER TX 78641 2/15/2013 4,400.00JAVIER RIDLEY 400 WASHINGTON SQ. LEANDER TX 78641 2/28/2013 3,550.00

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 71 of75Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date AmountJAVIER RIDLEY 400 WASHINGTON SQ. LEANDER TX 78641 3/15/2013 4,150.00JENNIFER A OLSON 802 YORK ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110 2/15/2013 3,260.11JENNIFER OLSON 802 YORK ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110 3/8/2013 7,288.23JENNIFER OLSON 802 YORK ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110 3/22/2013 500.00JENNIFER OLSON 802 YORK ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110 3/27/2013 1,500.00KAISER PERMANENTE FILE NUMBER 73030 P.O. BOX 600000 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94160-3030 1/30/2013 10,670.00KIHM M SCHROEDER 5217 KEENE COVE AUSTIN TX 78730 12/31/2012 5,700.00KIHM M SCHROEDER 5217 KEENE COVE AUSTIN TX 78730 1/16/2013 5,700.00KIHM M SCHROEDER 5217 KEENE COVE AUSTIN TX 78730 1/31/2013 5,700.00KIHM SCHROEDER 5217 KEENE COVE AUSTIN TX 78730 2/7/2013 3,990.00KIHM SCHROEDER 5217 KEENE COVE AUSTIN TX 78730 2/15/2013 5,700.00KIHM SCHROEDER 5217 KEENE COVE AUSTIN TX 78730 2/28/2013 5,700.00KIHM SCHROEDER 5217 KEENE COVE AUSTIN TX 78730 3/15/2013 5,700.00KIMBERLY KIEFER 1700 RUTHIE RUN CEDAR PARK TX 78613 3/4/2013 58.42LEVEL 3 DEPARTMENT # 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 2/1/2013 16,327.91LEVEL 3 / BROADWING PO BOX 952061 ST. LOUIS MO 63195-2061 2/1/2013 1,204.60LEVEL 3 / ICG COMMUNICATIONS LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80921-0182 2/1/2013 3,500.00LEVEL 3 / LOOKING GLASS LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 2/1/2013 937.50LEVEL 3 / PROGRESS TELECOM LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 2/1/2013 2,964.00LEVEL 3 / WILTEL LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 2/1/2013 54,238.57LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/11/2013 3,864.12LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/11/2013 12,618.42LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/18/2013 2,809.16LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/18/2013 3,964.22LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/31/2013 7,879.20LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/31/2013 16,362.58LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 2/4/2013 16,362.58LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 2/4/2013 7,879.20LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 3/5/2013 8,966.38LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATI LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC DEPARTMENT 182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 3/18/2013 3,355.88LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS / FOCAL PO BOX 952061 ST. LOUIS MO 63195-2061 2/1/2013 3,318.76LEVEL 3 ENHANCED SE P.O. BOX 910182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/11/2013 11,280.18LEVEL 3 ENHANCED SE P.O. BOX 910182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/18/2013 33,918.62LEVEL 3 ENHANCED SE P.O. BOX 910182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/31/2013 41,017.64LEVEL 3 ENHANCED SE P.O. BOX 910182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 1/31/2013 4,692.57LEVEL 3 ENHANCED SE P.O. BOX 910182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 2/4/2013 41,017.64LEVEL 3 ENHANCED SE P.O. BOX 910182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 2/4/2013 4,692.57LEVEL 3 ENHANCED SE P.O. BOX 910182 DENVER CO 80291-0182 3/18/2013 12,841.64MACIAS ,GINI & O'CO 1156 PESTANA AVE MANTECA CA 95336 1/18/2013 5,000.00

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 72 of75Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date AmountMACIAS ,GINI & O'CO 1156 PESTANA AVE MANTECA CA 95336 2/21/2013 5,000.00MATTHEW R BERGER 1917 TROY DR WALL NJ 07719 12/31/2012 1,080.00MATTHEW R BERGER 1917 TROY DR WALL NJ 07719 1/15/2013 960.00MATTHEW R BERGER 1917 TROY DR WALL NJ 07719 1/31/2013 1,440.00MATTHEW R BERGER 1917 TROY DR WALL NJ 07719 2/15/2013 1,320.00MATTHEW R BERGER 1917 TROY DR WALL NJ 07719 2/28/2013 960.00MATTHEW R BERGER 1917 TROY DR WALL NJ 07719 3/15/2013 1,320.00MAYHOOK LAW 1917 TROY DR WALL NJ 07719 3/26/2013 4,451.00MAYHOOK LAW, PLLC 34808 NE 14TH AVENUE LA CENTER WA 98629 1/29/2013 6,292.50MICHAEL L CURRY 19120 HAWK MTN RD WILDWOOD MO 63038 1/16/2013 4,000.00MICHAEL L CURRY 19120 HAWK MTN RD WILDWOOD MO 63038 1/31/2013 4,075.00MICHAEL L CURRY 19120 HAWK MTN RD WILDWOOD MO 63038 1/3/2013 4,075.00MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS 608 ROBIN ROAD LAKELAND FL 33803 3/22/2013 11,321.34MLIC ASSET HOLDINGS, LLC RIVER PLACE CORPORATE PARK 2 P. O. BOX 82554 GOLETA CA 93118-2554 2/22/2013 23,441.02NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 605 N. KAUFMAN SEAGOVILLE TX 75159 3/27/2013 4,940.68NATIONAL ACCOUNTS, INC. 605 N. KAUFMAN SEAGOVILLE TX 75159 2/4/2013 29,773.70NATIONAL ACCOUNTS, INC. 605 N. KAUFMAN SEAGOVILLE TX 75159 3/6/2013 15,424.37NEUSTAR P.O. BOX 403034 ATLANTA GA 30384 1/29/2013 817.92NEUSTAR P.O. BOX 403034 ATLANTA GA 30384 3/19/2013 800.00NEUSTAR, INC. BANK OF AMERICA P.O. BOX 4099150 ATLANTA GA 30384-9915 1/17/2013 19,823.15NEUSTAR, INC. BANK OF AMERICA P.O. BOX 4099150 ATLANTA GA 30384-9915 1/17/2013 7,814.95NEUSTAR, INC. BANK OF AMERICA P.O. BOX 4099150 ATLANTA GA 30384-9915 1/17/2013 0.00NFS LEASING, INC. 100 NORTH BISCAYNE BLVD 9TH FLOOR0 MIAMI FL 33132 1/2/2013 4,397.51NFS LEASING, INC. 100 NORTH BISCAYNE BLVD 9TH FLOOR0 MIAMI FL 33132 2/1/2013 4,397.51NFS LEASING, INC. 100 NORTH BISCAYNE BLVD 9TH FLOOR0 MIAMI FL 33132 3/1/2013 4,397.51NIXON PEABODY, <strong>LLP</strong> 100 SUMMER STREET BOSTON MA 02110-2131 3/5/2013 10,000.00NOVA MANAGEMENT, IN 3802 ROSECRANS STREET, SUITE 4 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 1/15/2013 4,291.28NOVA MANAGEMENT, IN 3802 ROSECRANS STREET, SUITE 4 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 1/31/2013 6,988.29NOVA MANAGEMENT, IN 3802 ROSECRANS STREET, SUITE 4 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 2/15/2013 2,649.16NOVA MANAGEMENT, IN 3802 ROSECRANS STREET, SUITE 4 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 2/28/2013 2,190.23NOVA MANAGEMENT, IN 3802 ROSECRANS STREET, SUITE 4 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 3/15/2013 2,607.83NOVA MANAGEMENT, IN 3802 ROSECRANS STREET, SUITE 4 SAN DIEGO CA 92110 12/31/2012 5,205.87ONE COMMUNICATIONS P.O. BOX 415721 BOSTON MA 02241-5721 2/19/2013 40,290.00ONE COMMUNICATIONS P.O. BOX 415721 BOSTON MA 02241-5721 2/19/2013 19,041.00ONE COMMUNICATIONS P.O. BOX 415721 BOSTON MA 02241-5721 2/26/2013 62,698.00ONE COMMUNICATIONS P.O. BOX 415721 BOSTON MA 02241-5721 3/6/2013 25,000.00ONE COMMUNICATIONS P.O. BOX 415721 BOSTON MA 02241-5721 3/6/2013 15,614.00ONE COMMUNICATIONS P.O. BOX 415721 BOSTON MA 02241-5721 3/22/2013 30,218.00ONVOY VOICE SERVICES P.O. BOX 415721 BOSTON MA 02241-5721 3/27/2013 10,864.40

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 73 of75Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date AmountPACIFIC GAS AND ELE P.O. BOX 71364 PHILADELPHIA PA 12/28/2012 27,654.02PACIFIC GAS AND ELE P.O. BOX 71364 PHILADELPHIA PA 12/31/2012 27,652.77PACIFIC GAS AND ELE P.O. BOX 71364 PHILADELPHIA PA 2/5/2013 11,384.25PACIFIC GAS AND ELE P.O. BOX 71364 PHILADELPHIA PA 2/6/2013 11,384.25PACIFIC GAS AND ELE P.O. BOX 71364 PHILADELPHIA PA 2/25/2013 3,793.32PHONETIME 1250 E HALLANDALE BEACH BLVD SUITE 703 HALLANDALE BEACH FLPHONETIME 1250 E HALLANDALE BEACH BLVD SUITE 703 HALLANDALE BEACH FL33009 2/6/2013 8,100.0533009 2/28/2013 4,049.20PHONETIME 1250 E HALLANDALE BEACH BLVD SUITE 703 HALLANDALE BEACH FL33009 3/20/2013 6,145.20PILOT COMMUNICATION 1920 LYELL AVENUE ROCHESTER NY 14606 2/8/2013 18,360.00QWEST 5101 INTERCHANGE WAY LOUISVILLE KY 40285-6184 1/31/2013 414.65QWEST 5101 INTERCHANGE WAY LOUISVILLE KY 40285-6184 2/19/2013 93.95QWEST 5101 INTERCHANGE WAY LOUISVILLE KY 40285-6184 3/25/2013 3,330.00QWEST / ONFIBER PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 2/5/2013 3,330.00QWEST / ONFIBER PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 2/26/2013 3,330.00QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 1/18/2013 44.39QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 1/31/2013 26,611.62QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 1/31/2013 13,101.47QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 1/31/2013 16,489.38QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 1/31/2013 18,310.62QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 1/31/2013 32.47QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 1/31/2013 17,832.30QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 2/19/2013 24,400.31QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 2/19/2013 7,006.93QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 2/19/2013 4,331.80QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 3/5/2013 35.08QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 3/5/2013 26,704.30QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 3/8/2013 20,429.90QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 3/8/2013 12,583.80QWEST COMMUNICATION PO BOX 671491 DALLAS TX 75267-1491 3/8/2013 13,189.30RACKSPACE HOSTING PO BOX 730759 DALLAS TX 75373-0759 1/24/2013 14,642.72RIVERROCK SYSTEMS, 148 WEST RIVER ST BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDENCE RI 42904 1/17/2013 12,000.00RIVERROCK SYSTEMS, 148 WEST RIVER ST BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDENCE RI 42904 1/23/2013 13,980.00RIVERROCK SYSTEMS, 148 WEST RIVER ST BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDENCE RI 42904 1/29/2013 12,990.00RIVERROCK SYSTEMS, 148 WEST RIVER ST BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDENCE RI 42904 2/5/2013 12,990.00RIVERROCK SYSTEMS, 148 WEST RIVER ST BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDENCE RI 42904 2/15/2013 12,990.00RIVERROCK SYSTEMS, 148 WEST RIVER ST BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDENCE RI 42904 2/20/2013 12,990.00

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 74 of75Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date AmountRIVERROCK SYSTEMS, 148 WEST RIVER ST BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDENCE RI 42904 2/27/2013 12,990.00RIVERROCK SYSTEMS, 148 WEST RIVER ST BUSINESS SERVICES PROVIDENCE RI 42904 3/20/2013 25,980.00ROBERT JACKSON, II 12362 BALLARSTEDT RD ELGIN TX 78621 1/15/2013 3,304.94ROBERT JACKSON, II 12362 BALLARSTEDT RD ELGIN TX 78621 1/31/2013 3,583.14ROBERT JACKSON, II 12362 BALLARSTEDT RD ELGIN TX 78621 2/15/2013 1,941.76ROBERT JACKSON, II 12362 BALLARSTEDT RD ELGIN TX 78621 2/28/2013 3,304.94ROBERT JACKSON, II 12362 BALLARSTEDT RD ELGIN TX 78621 3/15/2013 2,943.28ROCKWELL MANAGEMENT 1770 ST JAMES LIMITED PARTNERS P.O. BOX 6705020 DALLAS TXROCKWELL MANAGEMENT 1770 ST JAMES LIMITED PARTNERS P.O. BOX 6705020 DALLAS TX75267-0502 1/31/2013 15,000.0075267-0502 1/31/2013 19,985.22ROCKWELL MANAGEMENT 1770 ST JAMES LIMITED PARTNERS P.O. BOX 6705020 DALLAS TX75267-0502 2/20/2013 19,985.22SIDERA NETWORKS PO BOX 644444 PITTSBURGH PA 15264-4444 1/11/2013 6,635.29SIDERA NETWORKS PO BOX 644444 PITTSBURGH PA 15264-4444 1/11/2013 10,000.00SINGLEPIPE 75 REMITTANCE DR. SUITE 6613 CHICAGO IL 60675 12/28/2012 13,405.25SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 307 W SEVENTH ST SUITE 16000 FORT WORTH TX 76102 1/11/2013 10,853.34SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 307 W SEVENTH ST SUITE 16000 FORT WORTH TX 76102 1/17/2013 13,134.54SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 307 W SEVENTH ST SUITE 16000 FORT WORTH TX 76102 3/5/2013 14,892.00STATE COMPTROLLER PO BOX 149360 AUSTIN TX 78714-9360 1/22/2013 2,880.78STATE COMPTROLLER PO BOX 149360 AUSTIN TX 78714-9360 1/31/2013 7,032.00STATE COMPTROLLER PO BOX 149360 AUSTIN TX 78714-9360 2/19/2013 2,634.85STATE COMPTROLLER PO BOX 149360 AUSTIN TX 78714-9360 2/28/2013 7,032.00STATE COMPTROLLER PO BOX 149360 AUSTIN TX 78714-9360 3/19/2013 4,939.21STEVEN ANDRADE P. O. BOX 73199 CHICAGO IL 60673 1/15/2013 1,200.00STEVEN ANDRADE P. O. BOX 73199 CHICAGO IL 60673 1/31/2013 1,320.00STEVEN ANDRADE P. O. BOX 73199 CHICAGO IL 60673 2/15/2013 1,320.00STEVEN ANDRADE P. O. BOX 73199 CHICAGO IL 60673 2/28/2013 960.00STEVEN ANDRADE P. O. BOX 73199 CHICAGO IL 60673 3/15/2013 1,320.00STEVEN ANDRADE P. O. BOX 73199 CHICAGO IL 60673 12/31/2012 1,200.00TAMARACK ASSOCIATESBEXAR COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-P.O. BOX 8399500 SAN ANTONIO TXCOLL78283-3950 3/22/2013 7,227.96TAMARACK ASSOCIATESBEXAR COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-P.O. BOX 8399500 SAN ANTONIO TXCOLL78283-3950 3/27/2013 9,325.03TAMARACK ASSOCIATESBEXAR COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-P.O. BOX 8399500 SAN ANTONIO TXCOLL78283-3950 3/27/2013 6,298.02TAMARACK ASSOCIATES, INC. 1441 KNIGHTSBRIDGE DRIVE BLUE BELL PA 19422 3/20/2013 10,000.00TAYLOR STREET PO BOX 9134 UNIONDALE NY 11555-9134 3/27/2013 3,747.73TAYLOR STREET VENTU PO BOX 9134 UNIONDALE NY 11555-9134 1/31/2013 4,343.21

13-10576-tmd Doc#9 Filed 04/18/13 Entered 04/18/13 18:19:11 Main Document Pg 75 of75Name Address1 Address2 City State ZIP Date AmountTAYLOR STREET VENTU PO BOX 9134 UNIONDALE NY 11555-9134 3/6/2013 13,934.46TAYLOR STREET VENTU PO BOX 9134 UNIONDALE NY 11555-9134 3/20/2013 3,747.37TELEPACIFIC COMMUNI 2829 TOWNSGATE ROAD, SUITE 103 WESTLAKE VILLAGE CATELEPACIFIC COMMUNI 2829 TOWNSGATE ROAD, SUITE 103 WESTLAKE VILLAGE CATELEPACIFIC COMMUNI 2829 TOWNSGATE ROAD, SUITE 103 WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA91361 1/31/2013 26,982.0091361 3/12/2013 29,040.1791361 3/19/2013 7,289.23TEXAS COMPTROLLER CENTRAL SERVICES BUILDING 1711 SAN JACINTO BLVD, 3RD FL AUSTIN TX78701-1416 2/26/2013 50.00THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE GROUP PO BOX 660317 DALLAS TX 75266-0317 3/19/2013 512.50THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE GROUP PO BOX 660317 DALLAS TX 75266-0317 3/19/2013 8,444.50TOBIN LAW GROUP 1100 MAR WEST STREET, SUITE D TIBURON CA 94920 3/8/2013 20,000.00TOBIN LAW GROUP 1100 MAR WEST STREET, SUITE D TIBURON CA 94920 3/12/2013 20,000.00TRAVELERS INSURANCE 307 W. 7TH ST. SUITE 1600 FORT WORTH TX 76102 3/23/2013 12,794.00TRAVELERS INSURANCE 307 W. 7TH ST. SUITE 1600 FORT WORTH TX 76102 3/23/2013 14,980.00TW TELECOM CABS P.O. BOX 1725670 DENVER CO 80217-2567 2/20/2013 31,169.76U. S. TRUSTEE ATTN: BRIDGET BETCHER P.O. BOX 670 GAINESBORO TN 38562 12/31/2012 61,125.00U. S. TRUSTEE ATTN: BRIDGET BETCHER P.O. BOX 670 GAINESBORO TN 38562 1/31/2013 13,000.00US COLO LLC 601 WILSHIRE BLVD, STE 900 LOS ANGELES CA 90017 2/1/2013 8,960.00VOIP360 1356 GRAYNOLD AVE. GLENDALE CA 91202 3/26/2013 10,864.40VOIP360 1356 GRAYNOLD AVE. GLENDALE CA 91202 3/26/2013 -10,864.40WILTEL COMMUNICATIO 300 SOUTH 4TH STREET 11TH FLOOR LAS VEGAS NV 89101 1/18/2013 8,204.84WILTEL COMMUNICATIO 300 SOUTH 4TH STREET 11TH FLOOR LAS VEGAS NV 89101 3/5/2013 15,482.04WILTEL COMMUNICATIO 300 SOUTH 4TH STREET 11TH FLOOR LAS VEGAS NV 89101 3/18/2013 8,250.90XO COMMUNICATIONS, FILE 50550 LOS ANGELES CA 90074 12/28/2012 23,710.41

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