17 - Indiana Association for Community Economic Development

17 - Indiana Association for Community Economic Development

17 - Indiana Association for Community Economic Development


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May include:• Setting short- and long-range goals• <strong>Development</strong> of spending and saving plans• Tracking income and expenses• How to read a credit report• In<strong>for</strong>mation on credit reporting agencies• Strategies <strong>for</strong> building or rebuilding credit2. Selecting a Home (1.5 - 3 hours)Goal: Client decides what kind of home they need, want, and can af<strong>for</strong>d, and beginsto explore options.May include:• Research and evaluation of neighborhoods they are interested in• Advantages and disadvantages of different types of housing• Creation of “wish lists”—needs vs. wants• Choosing a realtor• Understanding MLS lists• House-hunting resources• Comparison shopping and record-keeping• In<strong>for</strong>mation about fair housing practices• Universal design and accessibility options• Environmental disclosures• Negotiating the purchase• Submitting the offer10Goal: Client knows what to watch <strong>for</strong> in an inspection.May include:• Different types of inspections• Difference between inspection and appraisal• Why an inspection is important• Finding an inspector• Checklist of inspection items• Understanding the home inspection report• Environmental issues to investigate<strong>Indiana</strong>’s Homeownership Education & Counseling System (HomeEc) Report — XXVI

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