Looking for a home.indd - Westminster City Council

Looking for a home.indd - Westminster City Council

Looking for a home.indd - Westminster City Council

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EMERGENCY AND SHORT TERM ACCOMMODATIONEMERGENCY AND SHORT TERM ACCOMMODATIONnone of the previous options are available orsuitable <strong>for</strong> you, it may still be possible to findsomewhere to stay if only temporarily.We can put you in touch with hostels, refugesand B&Bs providing accommodation <strong>for</strong> peoplewith an urgent need of housing and support.Some provide supported accommodation orcater <strong>for</strong> specific groups of people, such as thosewho are sleeping rough, women fleeing domesticviolence and young people.We have links to many organisations and willdo our best to ensure you have a roof over yourhead.Although not a long term solution, suchaccommodation could give you shelter until yousecure a <strong>home</strong>.28 29

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